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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Unfortunately plenty. I had fried chicken and (hipster) donuts at my wedding and I pretty much breastfeed wherever and whenever duty calls, so can't really snark on either of those fronts without being a hypocrite. Also, agree on the swaddling. I'd get no sleep without it. I was really secretly thrilled that neither of the dads came to watch Kail graduate from her 8-year bachelor's degree. I'm just glad because I'm sick of hearing about it! I totally get that especially with her background it was a huge accomplishment (and any degree obviously is) but girl was pulling C's and D's and took like a decade to finish and acting like she got a joint J.D./Ph.D. from Stanford while working full time. I'm sorry, I know that's mean but omg! Roxanne should just put her daughters in a tower, lock the door and be done with it. At least then Briana might stay not pregnant and the outcome of their romantic lives would otherwise be the same. Hate Luis too though. Goddamnit Leah. Practice the speech!!!!! For the love of God! Jenelle ignoring her son was too heartbreaking. Could barely watch. I can relate to the shots thing-- baby has her 8 week ones this Friday. My husband cried last time. I waited till we got home :(
  2. I have depression and PTSD (from rape) and consider myself mentally ill (I mean, they're in the DSM so to me that's what mentally ill means)...which means it's an illness no more or less serious than a physical one. I am probably worse off than some and better off than others. Some physical illnesses are a sinus infection and some are cancer but they are all illness. They all also require you to DO something about them, and if you don't ...well, they won't get any better. I also can't neglect my child or others because of it, and if I had more severe issues it would still not be my fault, but it would be if I kept bringing animals and children into the situation if I couldn't properly care for them. Same as if I was seriously physically ill and kept adopting animals and having babies to make myself feel better. It wouldn't be my fault that I was sick but it would surely be my fault that I was selfish enough to neglect innocent creatures. Cate doesn't grasp that or is too impulsive and enabled to care. Also her partner is the worst and very selfish himself, and they are codependent, which can't help. I don't fault Catelynn for being mentally ill if she is. I DO fault her for claiming every bit of her asshole-ness is "mental illness." No, you and Amber are awful because you are awful. Whatever illnesses you may have do not make you awful. That's on you. And the kids and animals you use to self-medicate don't deserve to be props, to be used and discarded whenever you get anxious or to try to fill some existential void.
  3. Oh, 100%. She's going to ride this train till the wheels fall off.
  4. The things she's willing to do are usually to please Tyler or to 'party,' (aka abuse substances in some form), like all the drinking she does on vacation, and she never seems anxiety or depression free to me. This is an unhealthy way to deal with depression, and selfish for Nova, but does happen. The biggest thing for me is that she clearly will not get help. I understand what it's like to struggle with mental health issues but EVERYONE on this show with mental illnesses or who claims to have one (Amber, Leah, Nathan, Tyler) has the means and resources to get help if they need it, and none of them do. I get that mental illness can make it hard to seek help, but they talk about it so endlessly that it seems like they are very aware they have issues, and that it affects others. At that point it's your responsibility to work on it, at least. She does the opposite.
  5. Porn is legal, though. Why would she need to have fronts to sell it? Why would she need to launder anything? Isn't that for criminal activity? I get it on the escort front, though personally I think a yogurt shop for children and a children's clothing shop would not be a realistic means of doing that. I always thought fronts for that kind of thing were likelier to be bars, hotels, 'modeling' businesses, etc.
  6. Huh. Maybe I just don't remember that. A lot has happened since then. They've all gotten much much worse except for Chelsea & arguably Farrah in some respects.
  7. To be fair, I didn't think Amber seemed all that bad at first either. Trashy and probably lazy, but not a Jenelle or anything. She and Gary both seemed pretty immature, sat around eating a ton and didn't get along well. They were just sort of "meh." Then it became clear that she was on drugs and got CRAY abusive and I remember being a little like, "wait, what?! I don't remember her temper being like *that* earlier." I don't know if the drugs changed her or if she was just trying her damnedest to seem marginally better at first or what. She started having those big screaming fits and I thought he should leave for sure, but I still didn't expect the level of physical violence.
  8. Those are gorgeous wedding photos! We had a backyard wedding too. I love them and they can be very nice. Especially when InTouch/Radar are not filming you scream ;) ;) ;)
  9. I don't think Leah and Corey would have stayed together forever had she not cheated. I'm sure he fancied himself in love with her because they were young and had children together and she was his first or one of his first 'everythings,' but they really barely knew each other as she got pregnant after three weeks and didn't get along for most of their marriage. I'm sure he now realizes he was never truly in love with Leah and has only experienced real, deep love with Miranda, who is much more suited to him. He was certainly more invested than Leah was at the time, but I bet now he knows how lucky he is with his wife. I felt for Miranda so much with the cheating--not only was she cheated on, but it was with someone she has to keep seeing or hearing about in some capacity for probably the rest of her life, and someone who is clearly lesser than her in every way.
  10. Wow, what a terrible name.
  11. Also, Ryan Dolph is Jade Dolph's (Gary Head's ex) brother. A couple years ago, Gary and Jenelle were dating/hooking up again, and he sent Jenelle and Jade the same Valentine's gift, which Jenelle found out from her "fans" after she posted it on social media. Gary was banging Jenelle and also going on and on about Jade being the love of his life. Eventually Jade realized he was a douche and left Gary for good, Gary and Jenelle broke it off. I think it was in between bouts of Courtland. Yet Jenelle still stayed friends with Ryan, Jade's brother, which pissed Jade off. I know, I know. I was finishing a grad program and going through a bad breakup and under a lot of stress, and I spent a lot of time following this whole debacle. It's embarrassing.
  12. The act of vaping is one thing (and whatever someone uses to quit smoking is awesome!), but there is for sure a frat boy, spoiled alpha-male/Jersey Shore-style "culture" around vaping now that is very much up Nathan's ally. I am sure that is what was being referred to. PS my parents used it to quit smoking as well and it worked for them :)
  13. After seeing the Being Nathan special, I really hope that 1) Doris gets custody and 2) she doesn't use it as a smokescreen to let Nathan do what he wants, like Adam's or Ryan's parents have seemed to do sometimes. She appears blind to her son's issues--a LITTLE like Barb, but Barb seems to have Jenelle's number much more--and I hope this is truly really only about Kaiser and not about Nathan. Kaiser deserves a real chance, not to just be used as a pawn between two abusive parents and their revolving doors of partners.
  14. I definitely don't personally think Leah is smart but Corey has never struck me as bright either. I don't know, though, if in that particular case it was him not understanding or just stubbornness about the disorder. Miranda seems pretty smart, so I think she's helped him along, hopefully. What always struck me about that was their inability to do basic research. You can pretty easily find all of this out with Dr. Google. Neither of them ever seemed to put "muscular dystrophy" into a search engine, which really doesn't seem very hard. Same thing with Leah's work and school issues. If she had wanted the college thing to pan out, you'd think she'd have typed "colleges within ten miles" to Google instead of signing up for school and then going, "ohhhh wait, it's an hour away and that's, like, hard" after a few weeks of classes. Or when Jeremy types his rants on Instagram and folks make fun of his spelling and grammar, you'd think he might...Google it and use spellcheck? I don't even need these people to read. Literally just use Google!!!
  15. Why do these people keep filming at all if they want to bitch afterward?! At least Babs doesn't do that. Babs has never said "oh they made me and Jenelle look bad, they showed us fighting, and not the calm lunch we had the other day."
  16. It was confusing, but they're two different lists. "One of those weeks" refers to housework, school events and meetings. "In need of" refers to relaxation, sleep, wine, maid, cook, friends, and all of the above.
  17. Javi has never been accused of having good taste.
  18. This is one "being" special that might not make me want to rip my eyeballs out.
  19. I'm in my bathrobe eating coffee cake over the counter after breastfeeding all night. You are all welcome for not having to see my current selfie. The overlay is just strange. If you want to take sexy photos, just take the damn photos! Don't overlay them with stuff about your kids and cleaning! It's so transparent and weird.
  20. This is why I don't feel bad for him and don't have much hope for him. He is cognizant enough to know he could get help. He does not want it. Also, most narcissists are charming at first.
  21. This. I think he'll be out of there when no cameras are around.
  22. Yes, that's her. http://radaronline.com/videos/jenelle-evans-ex-nathan-griffith-ex-girlfriend-abuse-claims-teen-mom-2-being-nathan/
  23. Right, that's the point of it being a disorder rather than situational--if you're only anxious when you have a reason to be, it's probably not a mental illness. Catelynn is pretty useless in a lot of ways but I believe she actually does have some kind of a mental illness. She shows a lot of signs of depression. She also had a fucked up childhood and then a lot of trauma with Carly (who, let's face it, she gave up for Tyler) that she's probably never actually dealt with because she's been glommed on to Tyler, doing everything to keep him, getting babies and animals to avoid dealing with her issues, and self-medicating with pot and food.
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