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Everything posted by NetflixandChill

  1. I rolled my eyes so hard when Reagan was giving a pass to the other ladies for not being at her dress fitting because they have a job or are a mom, but then is mad at Tamika for not being there like Tamika isn't both a mom and working woman. Also, why should Tamika want to spend her and her brother's birthday party talking about Reagan's shotgun wedding, when Reagan has kept Tamika away from everything regarding her life thus far? Girl, miss me with that BS. I really wanted Rachel to say something to Reagan when she was trying to say that they're trying to support both Jeff and her, and then Reagan went and turned it into being all about how she was such a victim of Jeff's for years and he's not her problem anymore. Didn't sound to me for a single second like Rachel was ever going to try and indicate Jeff should be her problem. Also, if Jeff isn't her problem anymore, why has she spent this season talking about how they're still friends and all that? Girl wants to have her cake and eat it too. Again, she can miss me with that BS. I really hope that Jeff is able to get his life together and move onto some genuine happiness. The best way he could ever get back at his ex is to get his crap together and end up in a really happy place. Reagan is so stuck on herself that it would drive her crazy, and I'm so over her that I'd enjoy every moment of it.
  2. I was browsing Instagram after watching the show and seeing if I could figure out if there was fake stuff on the show, and it turns out that Chrishell was manipulated by the producers. They led her to believe that everyone already knew, which resulted in her making that toast. Also, Davina and Christine are so fake. Last I checked, they had their comments set to approved only. I'm guessing they were getting a bit of hate. However, Christine let a comment through of someone saying they were sick of Chrishell playing the poverty card, and Christine also replied to the comment. She didn't reply to the poverty part of the comment, but that just really cemented in my mind that she is absolutely vile and it wasn't producer manipulation that made her look bad.
  3. Well, Shawniece and Jephte both posted pictures from the baby shower and neither one of them are wearing rings anymore.
  4. A weird moment caught my attention this episode that I keep thinking about. When Conrad is going to the group in the bar, Joao and him jokingly dance and laugh together. For 2 people who seem to barely be able to say 1 decent word to each other, whether at work or not, that moment totally caught me off guard. They seemed like legit friends, or like they at least enjoyed each other's company. So now I'm wondering if they're playing up some feud for the cameras, cause that moment was seriously so random and against everything we've seen of them this season.
  5. Forgive me, as I'm sure this has been talked about by y'all, but I am late to the party. JILL HAS A NOSE RING?!!!
  6. I think Steve is an actor who is just there to cash a check and be done with it. I don't think he does it because he loves it or anything anymore. He just wants to make enough to retire, and I'm sure his retirement plan got pushed back a lot when he and his wife had the 3rd baby so many years after they'd had their 2nd. Kelly, though, I think genuinely enjoys it. She's done basically anything they've thrown at her and she can handle the hate a lot better than Steve ever could. Man, both Kelly and Becky have endured so much hatred from all sides of those fanbases. I wish they'd do a fan event together because I think it would be really interesting to hear what they have to say about all of that, but there's some really intense feelings from both of their fanbases, so I don't know how well that would go once they were all in the same room together. Do a Facebook live or something that's heavily moderated by someone. Come on, I want to see those two really let loose with the crap they've endured. On another note, I really want to see Sam and Curtis have more scenes together. I love that Drew has a friend, and a good friend, at that, not a Sonny friend. And I'd like to see Sam have some more scenes with him. I'd also like to see her have more scenes with Maxie. I can imagine Maxie could slap some sense into Sam about Jason. I also would be interested in seeing Monica have a scene with Sam about this whole thing. I'd be curious to hear her take on this all cause though she loves Jason and missed him, she really loves Drew, too.
  7. I think Kyle is like me when she's upset. I think she just wants to be alone and come down a bit, but Lisa just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing until Kyle has talked herself in circles enough for Lisa to then get mad and storm out. I get that it's a show and they need to bring the drama, but it just hits a nerve with me for someone to say over and over that they want to be left alone, but someone won't allow that.
  8. I agree with Kyle. If she had done this, Lisa would have dragged her over the coals for it for ages and ages.
  9. Rinna is so dang happy to not be the one in the middle of all of this. She's ready to pop some popcorn.
  10. How the heck can Dorit tell Teddi to bring it down? It's Dorit that is freaking out.
  11. OMG, Kyle was wasted out of her mind that night talking about Erika. Such a crappy move of Dorit to run back and tell Erika, because so many people talk more dramatically about things when they're wasted than what matches their actual feelings. No joke, I have literally sat in a KFC at 2 AM, wasted like no tomorrow with a friend, as we cried over cheese fries about something that so did not warrant that emotion. It's just crap of Dorit.
  12. I want Camille to be a housewife and for Teddi to come back. I feel like they could be great together. They both seem pretty laid back about the same things, and I could have some fun watching them, I think.
  13. OMG! The editors doing a full body pan of Dorit in the tracksuit filled with holes as she talked about being a designer and being what the magazine embodied! They must hate her over at Bravo. I see that shade you're throwing!
  14. Holy crap, that's the company I went through when I taught in South Korea. I must now dig through my Facebook, I have to know someone who knows him! Oh, and I can concur about being able to make good money over there. How is he broke when he did something like that? I was there for 1 year and saved nearly $10,000 and I was certainly doing my fair share of drinking and having a grand ol' time. In South Korea, for public school, you get a monthly salary, paid rent, they give you $1,300 for your flight there and flight back. You get one month's pay as a bonus when finishing your contract, and you get a pension. What the heck did he do with all that money?
  15. I get what the writers are trying to do by playing the flashbacks with Jason and Sam, but all they're doing is making me angry at how the pairing ultimately went and wanting her with Drew even more. Stop having Sam end her sentence after saying a lot has changed in 5 years. We know exactly what has changed...she doesn't want her husband and kids around the mob. She wanted Drew out when she thought he was Jason. That conversation needs to happen with Sam and Jason now that things changed for her, and she thought she could have kids with him and not expect him to change, but she changed, he didn't, and she won't do that to her kids. Just freaking let them have the conversation already! Also, if they want to play up the tension and have Jason and Sam kiss, give up the sentimental crap already. They need to actually have it out and fight, because there's a lot of unresolved pain going on for both of them. And ugh, this is just another reason I'm over Sam and Jason. Sam is my favorite and I'm just done with her being with someone who just sits around and pouts rather than fighting for what he wants unless it involves Sonny or Carly.
  16. That would be great for Jason if Steve actually wanted growth for Jason, but he's the one who's kept Jason stalled for decades. He doesn't want Jason out of the mob. Jason must always be the good guy. He doesn't want Jason to do the marriage and kids thing. There's basically nowhere to go cause Steve is really just there to make an easy paycheck.
  17. If he doesn't now yet, he'll probably just blink once, nod his head, and apologize for not being there to do the job for him.
  18. How is no one mentioning yet that the reason Jason Miller and Sam bought Derek Wells Media is because Sam was tired of the life? She wanted her kids away from it. Loving Jason Burton is all well and good, but one of her biggest priorities changed. And straight from Jason Burton's mouth, he would never leave the business. Also, why is it such a selling point in Carly's mind that Jason Burton would never fight for her because that's not his style? If Sam is passive and lets everything happen to her, Jason Burton is that times 10. I would like to see Sam choose Jason Miller, but OMG I'm so not looking forward to Burton's man pain. And I swear to god, if they bring back the freaking box of pain, I will scream...first with laughter, then with rage.
  19. Is that the first time anyone has ever called Sam's baby Lila since Sam said that's what she'd name her? I feel like after the baby died, no one ever said her name, just called her "Sam's baby". It's been over 10 years, and I swear, I think that's the first time anyone's used the name Lila.
  20. I've somehow fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole because of the scenes today with Jason and Sam, and ugh, I'd forgotten how much I hated how Steve's Jason had to be coddled like a newborn baby. I had honestly forgotten how horrible the writing was with everyone falling all over themselves to tell Jason how it wasn't his fault that Danny "died". They seriously had to stick Sam in a hospital bed to listen to Liz go on and on about Jason being distraught over the whole thing, and Carly practically twisting herself into a pretzel to somehow blame Sam for the whole thing. I loved Jasam from the beginning, but man I hope she picks Jason Miller, because I at least won't have to suffer through listening to everyone absolve him of anything that hurts his feelings, everyone else be damned. Oh, and maybe she'll get to get away from Carly and Sonny and having to deal with all that BS all the time. Please, separate that whole quad. If Jason Burton has to be glued to Sonny and Carly, at least free Sam up from it.
  21. I guess we know why Griffin and Ava are getting all romantic now and he's leaving the priesthood...St Jaysus. Now that St Jaysus is back, can't have some actual man of God walking around for people to confess to.
  22. I don't believe Peggy ever spent a moment with her kids when they were babies if she got on her high horse about Aspen crying for 10 minutes. I don't even have kids, just nieces, and babies will cry for a myriad of reasons. One of my nieces basically cries herself to sleep. You have to hold her and bounce her and bounce her and bounce her, and she'll cry so hard the first few minutes, cause she just is in a phase where she sometimes can't really get to sleep on her own. So you bounce until your back and arms are killing you, and slowly the crying turns to little spurts, which then turns to her being asleep. In my opinion, you just can't criticize someone about their baby crying unless you really know the situation. All babies are different and go through different phases. And she so knew what she was doing by saying Megan's baby was crying for 10 minutes. If she wasn't trying to call out Megan, she would've kept it simple about she was going to her room, heard the baby crying, and was going back to tell her and then the laughing happened. In fact, I believe that was initially how it all went down, but when she saw the laughing, she thought Megan was laughing at her, and then got mad at Megan too and was going to try and call her out for being a bad parent cause she thought Megan had wronged her.
  23. Man, this whole SBJason, BMJason and Sam story has pulled me way back into GH. I've been a big Jasam fan since the beginning, but I really hope Sam picks BMJason, even if he's Drew. He treats her how SBJason always said he was going to treat Sam, but never actually did. He means it when he tells her that she is everything to him and that he won't leave her side. He's all about Sam and their family, and I really hope this leads to some growth for her outside of the Jasam pairing. I feel like them having Sam with mob Jason for so long just prevented growth from ever happening with her character. SBJason was never gonna let actual change happen to Jason, which meant they couldn't have her change without most likely pulling her from the pairing. Then they got BMJason, who seems a lot more flexible with the way his character goes. Dude clearly doesn't want to do the same thing for years on end, and that's SB's dream. Basically, please let this Sam fan get some actual growth and change for freaking once!!!
  24. I would have been jumping for joy if she had been in it. In fact, because I found the dancing so lacking, I'm starting Center Stage right now to get a fix. I do admit I'm a bit harsh on dancing movies. I used to dance, so I get really, really frustrated by lines that aren't clean, and movements that don't just really flow. It's one genre of movies I just cannot disconnect enough to let a lack of dancing ability slide. I enjoyed the movie, and was getting my cheesy movie fix from it during the moments that did not involve dancing. Well, dancing other than Sascha. I didn't pay too much attention when the niece danced, so I can't really talk about her dancing as I was more focused on parts involving the leads, cause I did like the romance part of it all, and I do think they had good chemistry. My heart would skip watching him dance, though. I'm still as giddy over him as I was when I first watched Center Stage. That movie was everything to me back in the day.
  25. I'm barely into A Nutcracker for Christmas and I'm already cringing at how bad the dancing is. They should've gone the Center Stage route and cast a professional dancer in Amy Acker's position.
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