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Everything posted by NetflixandChill

  1. That was the part that sealed it to me. I realized that she kind of reacts how I do. I'm someone that once I hit my breaking point, that's just it. There's no talking reason or making things better. I will cut you out and be done, because my sanity cannot take it. I also do the same gasping for breath thing as I try not to cry, because even though I know it's what I had to do, it hurts and it sucks and it's not how I want it. That's what I got from Teresa during that. I think she wishes things were different, mainly with Rosie. I don't think she cares that much about if things were different with Kathy, but they had a moment where they showed her looking at Rosie, and you could see that it hurt her. She and Rosie were really close, and I think cutting Rosie out is what is hurting her the most, but she knows that it's basically both of them or nothing. And when she left, she just seemed so worn down and emotionally drained. That is not fake crying. That's the real gasping sound of when it's stuck in your throat and you're desperately trying to push it back down, because you know if you start, it's game over. That was one of the realest moments she's had on the show, I think, and it hurt to watch. Teresa is far from perfect, and really needs to get rational about some things, but I can't help but feel for her, because she's going through a lot. She spent a year away from her kids, is probably adjusting to issues I'm sure that have formed while she was gone, and is now home with a husband who is drinking himself into a stupor because he's about to go to prison for years and might not ever get to come home. And while that's going on, she's got her kids she's probably trying to keep in the dark about Joe being off the rails as much as she can, and keep them happy and just as okay as they can be with what's about to go on, and she's got her own reactions to it. She's about to lose her husband for years, and possibly have to face him getting deported, thus having to decide whether she's going to up and move her 4 kids to another continent. All while being the sole breadwinner, having a lot of her crap filmed for the world to see so she can pay the bills, and still try to keep her head on straight. Again, she's got some stuff she needs to work on and a lot of these things are of her own doing, but that's still heavy stuff that would leave the best of us in the fetal position in bed for the better part of each week. And yet her cousins, who claim to love her, are just piling on, clinging to her, telling her to let them in. I wouldn't have the sanity to work through my crap with them either.
  2. Forgive me if this has been talked about, haven't been able to read the whole thing, but Meghan picked the wrong flag to fly on her stance to not go see Vicki. She was newly pregnant. She should've been preaching that it was not good for a brand new pregnant woman to go to the hospital unless it was absolutely necessary. Why would a pregnant woman go hang out around a bunch of germs unless she had to?
  3. Sara Haines seriously thought actors have sex in sex scenes? How has she survived with this few brain cells?
  4. Call me crazy, but I don't think Billy Miller's Jason is THAT different. SBu's Jason had gotten more warm and loving before the death in 2012. He and Sam would laugh and goof off together. There would be jokes about their active sex life, comments even about Sam dressing up. BM's Jason does smile and laugh more now, but SBu's Jason had been slowly getting warmer over the years.
  5. I'm gonna share the biggest reason I think Bethenny and Shields had, at the very least, an emotional affair. She's way too intense about being accused of it. My dad happened to have an affair and marry the mistress. It's been nearly 20 years and she still is crazy touchy about all of it. We've all moved on and are fine with it all, no hard feelings for the affair. But she freaks out any time even the smallest comment is made alluding to the fact that she was once the mistress (it's not like any of us call her the mistress or make rude comments). The comments are seriously the most harmless basic crap that no one logically would take any offense to unless they felt they had something to prove. She'll be damn sure to pull you aside at a later date though to guilt trip the shit out of you for a comment you didn't think twice about, didn't think was bad or accusing or anything, and insist that we don't know the full story. We know the affair happened while my mom thought her husband was being faithful, but in her head it's all totally different. Basically, from my own experience, I'm calling a spade a spade and saying something shady went down before Shields' wife knew the marriage was over. You don't flip out to that degree unless you're trying to hide something. Maybe it was his daughter she called and the daughter really believes no affair happened, but stuff like that slips out over time. Comments start to be made that don't match the original timeline, and one day, the pieces just fall together. Or maybe she blames her mom for the failure of the marriage so she's dead certain that no affair went on. Who knows? All I know is, just because the daughter says an affair didn't happen, doesn't mean it didn't. It doesn't prove anything Bethenny thinks it does. Calling the wife though, that would've proven everything. If everything was on the up and up and she has known the wife since high school, surely she and the wife would still be cool, and okay to clear the air. Put her on speakerphone Bethenny, that's who I want to hear speak.
  6. Forgive me if this has been mentioned but the other flag Luann should have been waving in that flag is Bethenny dating a friend's husband. Beth and Carole make digs about her not being a girl's girl and a slut and so on, but Bethenny has known this chick since high school and is now dating the woman's husband. Everyone is just skimming right on over that when Bethenny handed it over, wrapped in a bow.
  7. She did NOT just call the daughter! My screen had to be an alternative reality feed, right?! Who does that?! She is psycho!
  8. And the thing is, she clearly never thought she would be his HEA. If she ever thought she would, she wouldn't have lied about all she's lied about over the years. When she told Jason about Danny being Sam's, she said it was because she knew Jason and Sam would get back together if Danny was alive, and she didn't want them together. She lied about who Jason was because she knew Jason and Sam would get back together again and she wanted her chance. The only way she's ever been able to have her chance with Jason is through lies, and it kills her that he always goes back to Sam even though Sam's screwed up, too.
  9. Calling it now, Nina is going to steal Sam's baby, and Franco will be the one to save it and bring it back to Jasam, thus making everything "good".
  10. You and me both! I just want her to have one freaking baby she doesn't think is dead and gone! Just one! Let Nina steal someone else's baby. Take Dante and Lulu's, I'm sure they'll be pregnant any moment.
  11. And neither would she. It's a soap opera. No character would ever have a leg to stand on in court in the real world.
  12. Heck, Sonny would have even been a good idea considering she and he did technically have a child together, once upon a time. She's scared for her baby, and they do have that history. Or Michael would have been good, as they've built a nice little bond over the years. She has so many people she can actually talk to outside of her mom and sisters. There was no reason for it to be Liz. Come on now, show!
  13. Just watched the Liz and Sam scenes. Liz telling Sam not to keep secrets from Jason is the most laughable thing ever. And I don't think I'd be telling Liz it's kind of her to give me a ride. Knowing Liz's track record, at this point, with Jason, she's already figuring out how to get Sam out of the picture.
  14. Don't forget switching paternity results so Sam wouldn't know her baby was alive. That moral compass of hers is spot on! I seriously can't believe they had Sam tell Liz she was pregnant, like Liz wouldn't have been plotting to kidnap Sam and steal that baby if this had been a few months ago. Jason and Sam together is essentially her worst nightmare, and now Sam's having another baby with Jason. No way she's okay with that, but I'm sure the show will keep telling me she is...of course until the day she isn't. Cause that's GH, and that's just how they roll.
  15. And the problem is that he'll never understand why Livvie/Caleb worked. They worked cause the chemistry for KM/ME burns when they're both playing the "bad guys". That's when they play their best off of each other. Their chemistry is just so flat with KM playing the reformed bad girl and ME being whatever good guy they're writing him to be. The only way they'd be able to make it work would be able to take their characters full on dark, and I don't see that happening.
  16. I'm not saying anyone's entitled to the information, but other people are saying she should just own it and then she'd have that superiority over Kathryn, since she was owning it, and I was saying she's never going to do that.
  17. Here's the thing with Landon, she comes off fragile and oh so sweet, because that's how that proper little Southern girl is raised. If she slept with Thomas, she'll never admit it, because a proper little Southern girl would never admit to that publicly. She's never going to blatantly go after a guy, because a proper little Southern girl just won't do that. She also won't openly try to cause drama because a proper little Southern girl won't do that. I've known plenty of girls just like Landon growing up in the South, and I was raised to be just like her. We're raised to essentially manipulate things to have things and people come to us. You don't use your sexual prowess to go after men, that's not proper or becoming, and men don't want a woman who sleeps around. You play meek and damsel in distress and slowly reel him in, because men want to be needed. You don't openly cause conflict because that causes drama and men don't want a dramatic wife. I can read that girl from a mile away. She is as fake as the day is long. Just watch for that smirk in the scene where, Shep I think, takes her outside up to Kathryn and says just say hello and be nice. It's blink and you miss it, but it's there. She spent that evening trying to gaslight Kathryn, who happens to be an easy scapegoat cause she does drugs. Kathryn being a drug addict doesn't make Landon any less fake, though.
  18. Landon didn't fool me for one second during this finale. Kathryn, while she wasn't being very nice, Landon instigated everything that happened once Kathryn tried to talk to her. Kathryn was being decently civil, and then Landon dialed it up first. Kathryn went back inside and sat down with the girls to complain, but she wasn't trying to stir more up. Landon ran straight to Thomas and told him to get involved. Then when Kathryn kept trying to remove herself from it Landon just kept screaming and screaming for Thomas to tell her and that she'd done nothing, and had the audacity to tell Kathryn she was scared of her, after Landon had been the one screaming the whole time during that whole interaction. Then, Kathryn was removed from the situation AGAIN and they started trying to drag her back into it, with Landon standing in the middle of it all smirking. It was a blink and you miss it moment, but that smirk in that moment as whoever was telling Kathryn just to say hello and that everything was fine, shined a light so deep in her soul. She was trying to gaslight Kathryn just as much Thomas. Kathryn has her issues and it's easy to get people to probably brush off her claims and call her crazy, but I see Landon for just who she is. She's just as BSC as Kathryn, she's just undercover about it.
  19. The part today when they talked about sex on your wedding night revealed a lot about Paula's marriage, I believe. Sarah was talking about how she and her husband ate cake and the look on Paula's face and her tone as she asked "your husband was okay you didn't have sex on your wedding night?" I don't know about anyone else, but I felt like that kind of inadvertently revealed that her husband dictates when they have sex. And then she had to get in a dig that they were not eating cake in bed on their wedding night. For someone who claims to have a buffet at home, she sure does spend a lot of time trying to prove how great her sex life is. I did love Joy getting the dig in that Paula was a "technical virgin" though. I love that she's being held accountable for the crap she spews now. Joy seems so far done with her.
  20. This season has just left me gutted. I was starting to kind of be okay by the end and excited about the riot. I was gonna be okay if they went out focusing on Daya having to make the decision. Then, they had to have the shot of Poussey, planning her life in Amsterdam, then smiling into the camera and I was just done all over again. I sobbed on and off through the whole final episode. I'm anxious to see where next season goes. I'm happy that crap girlfriend from MCC is gonna be right in the middle of the riot, and I'm glad Judy didn't get out in time. I can't stand her phony ass, and hope she ends up getting some more time on her sentence when all is said and done. Also, I hope Daya shoots the guard. Yes, the other CO could say it was her, but if all the other inmates pass around the gun and no one says who did it, could she really be charged for it if only one person is saying who did it, especially after an inmate was just murdered? I can't believe how this season ended up and it's going to take me a long time to get over it. I love this show, but they have just gutted me. And whenever I get over it, when it comes time for the new season next year I'll remember she's gone and be upset all over again. Why, OITNB writers? Why?!
  21. I was so not prepared for this. I put on self-tanner a couple hours ago, and trying to sob into a tissue pressed under your lower lashes to not get your face wet is hard. I am gutted right now. I can't believe the show went there, but now it all feels so obvious that they were going there. Her being happy with Soso, planning life once they got out, feeling hopeful that she'd get a job, not being on board with the protest only to then be join in and die because of it. How does the show come back from this? She's probably one of the most popular characters on this show, if the most popular. I just, oh gosh, I'm heartbroken.
  22. She is taking time off, and being temporarily replaced. I'm guessing it's acne related, and with acne, comes discoloration. So when you have discoloration, you have to essentially try to subtly tint someone's skin to neutralize the color. If she's got a lot of purple going on, they're probably using yellow or green color correctors, then using concealer, then using foundation. And, I'm guessing, as a result it's really lightening her skin tone cause her skin is essentially so loaded down with product that no natural color can show through. The more we have to cover, the harder our job gets, cause it's just very hard to make it look natural when we're essentially trying to create skin on someone.
  23. Kirsten has said it got to the point where they couldn't hide it, so I don't know if the makeup people should be ashamed. As a former makeup artist, we can only do so much, and GH is shot in HD. And loading her face down with the amount of product it probably took to conceal what was going on, was probably only making her issues worse.
  24. What bugs me with Sam essentially having to be nice to Liz is that most times when they interact, Liz is being rude and condescending to her, like Sam was the one who knew Liz's husband was alive and kept it from her. Yeah, she was okay on this episode, but that has not been par for the course. It's one of the things that bugs me most about this show right now. The victims are essentially treated like crap, while the person who has done them wrong runs around tearing into them and not apologizing for crap. Remember the Valerie/Dante/Lulu crapfest? Lulu was the one who had to apologize to them, and they were the ones who cheated. Sam has to essentially sit there and let Liz throw her looks and manipulate situations and listen to Liz's snark. She's the one who has to listen to her once believed rapist call her a barn animal, tell her to say hello to her kid, and then some. God, it's just horrible. I don't want to watch shows where there's no payoff. People do horrible things and then go around acting like it's the victim's fault they did something bad. And no one calls them out on anything. Robin should've gotten at least one scene to lay into Liz. Patrick should've at least gotten one. One of them should've at least gotten something, cause she screwed with their lives too, but nope, they just smile at her and hug her, and let her watch their kid. Maxie should've been ripping into Valerie and cheering Lulu on in her revenge, but she was telling Lulu to get over it. Horrible writing!
  25. So I watched the last two episodes and here's what sticks out to me about the backpack thing. She says that Remi gets all the attention and is always being held. I'm guessing that before Remi came along, she got a lot of attention at Corey and Miranda's, but with Remi being there and being premature, I'm sure she's getting less attention from Miranda. It sucks, but it happens. Lots of order siblings go through a jealousy phase when a new little sibling comes along. I'm guessing she maybe wanted Miranda to carry her bag like she was carrying Remi, but Miranda just didn't have the ability. Yes, maybe Ali shouldn't be carrying her backpack, but her own parents don't even do for her what they're supposed to, and I highly doubt the backpack weighed more than a couple of pounds. For Leah to whine about hearing the pain in Ali's voice and not being able to save her kids or whatever was such a load of crap. There's a reason Corey and Miranda have the custody during the week, Leah.
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