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Everything posted by red12

  1. That would be interesting and fine with me. I think I saw him in the trailer for the finale though but could have been some kind of flashback or distraction.
  2. Not to mention, Logan 2.0 (Ken) would have completely ignored those kids while snatching the opportunity to peacock and establish his 2.0-ness. It would have been yet another opportunity to be a complete and utter disappointment.
  3. There was no fault assigned. I also have no idea about anyone on the show's earnings. Regarding Chelsea's interest in Kwame, I'm not exactly sure either. She seems to be set on a certain fantasy more than the specific person who will be the other player so, that could be part of why she is full of platitudes about their love and relationship. Regarding Kwame, I don't think he actually loves or accepts himself and needs outward validation to prove he measures up. This is why he is obsessed with winning the affection of a certain type of woman. He thinks it will prove he's good enough. That whole prom story and how it still obviously affects him gives light to that.
  4. I see Kwame's move a little differently than most of the commenters. 1) I don't think he is head over heels for Chelsea so, the move is more stressful than if he was moving for his fantasy version of who he thinks Micah is, for example. 2) Based on the limited footage, it doesn't seem that Chelsea has much empathy for the impact of picking up one's life and moving it completely for another person to a place you had no previous desire to live for someone you have known for 2/3 weeks is big. It's hard to move someplace where you have no emotional or social support in general but I can understand why this was fine as a possibility before, but now that it's real life, it's scary. Seattle is also very expensive. Portland isn't cheap either, but there is still sticker shock if you have not planned for the financial hit. Chelsea is maybe giving up some pink appliances while adding to her support system and getting a dog sitter, dinner maker, etc... He is giving up privacy, time flexibility and regularly seeing his friends/soccer. I work from home too and she comes off as someone who sees that as being at home all day vs working while in one's home. If that's correct, that will be a problem later. My hubs and I couldn't understand why stepmom and stepkids were really there other than to add to the frost in the room. I don't even know if they are actually that into Bliss.
  5. You sound exactly like my husband about Shaq's fashion-forward suiting. He was so distracted by it too. It reminded me of early 90's R&B so, I kept hearing songs from the NE Heartbreak album and imagining choreo while looking at him. Arsenio would have probably thought dude was sharp back in the day.
  6. I am over Dom. Judgemental with seemingly very little life experience away from family or anywhere except Nashville, behaves as if she is there to improve the other person without any awareness of the traits in herself that can come off as faults, and she has an unfounded certainty of her own POV and expertise based on no visible evidence. Basically she is why I generally don't enjoy watching anyone under 30 on relationship shows.
  7. All of these people (as presented) range from mildly poor to terrible communicators. They can't even express themselves between the couples let alone as a group. The women felt much more comfortable getting together "for girl talk" and putting a battery in Gina's back to confront Clint about their own feelings about what he said instead of voicing their thoughts themselves. I also agree with you about the "real, natural" bodies comments. I believe, like most comments that really pierce us, Clint's statements about what is normally his physical type were taken personally because they hit on an area of insecurity the women already held about themselves in some form. If he said, "most of my ex's were brunettes, with small breasts and bobs" we would not have heard loops and loops of conversations about insulting women who are bottle blonds with augmentations, extensions or natural, curvy chests. Yeah, that comment from Mac will come back to smack him in the face too. It definitely was random and felt like a set up for a later event. And like Shaquille, I still want an answer from Kirsten about what she does like about him.
  8. I vaguely recalled "ginger" being derogatory as a kid and pale, freckled, redheads not being the peak of attractiveness. To check, I did what marginalized groups are instructing majority groups to do all the time as part of doing the work and Googled. Ginger's origins in reference to a person's appearance were derogatory and in fact, it was once something that only those who fit the category could use among each other or call themselves and not be seen as a put down. Makes sense because the term "red headed stepchild" has to come from somewhere. Over time and with the popularity of people like Prince Harry, it's probably lost its sting for many but I can understand someone who fits the category not feeling that way. Lastly, it doesn't matter. If someone tells me that referring to them by a certain term is not acceptable to them, then I stop without qualification. Explaining how they shouldn't feel upset is not an acceptable option. Empress1, this is not to say you meant that. I just his quote and now I realize it might seem I specifically mean I personally believe you said something wrong.
  9. See this is what I thought too and came here to make sure I wasn't nuts. I hope there is a chance for the appropriate party to have figurative egg on their face because if Victoria really took that weak ass tea back to Margaux and made it seem as if they were betrayed, that was terrible.
  10. Mitch needs no assistance in looking bad. He is self-righteous and cannot read a room to save his life. I also think he senses that he is not liked by most which stokes his self-righteousness. Its the similar to women who are disliked because they are mean and don't bond well with other woman who use the excuse "I'm just real. These women just can't handle the truth." Mitch hides behind being the supreme of earth savior to cover his lack of social skills, anxiety about his lack of financial success (which no one even judges or cares about) and other insecurities.
  11. I haven't watched this show in ages because the storylines were getting pretty tired and the cast pretty old to have no purpose in life. But, I got a little interested because of the Summer House cross over and decided to pick it up again since real life has been so depressing and kind of stressful. I am out of the loop. I see a lot of comments about Venita being thirsty and trying too hard. I don't have a lot of background so, can someone give a short reasoning as to why that's the sentiment? Also, who is the other Black woman the camera cuts to when Venita is making Kathryn uncomfortable bringing up her past racism? Kathryn's visual slide has been shocking to walk in on. It's sort of like seeing the former prom queen show up at the 10 year reunion looking like a character from a Tennessee Williams play. Shep also looks like a drunk has been but I don't know that is a surprise. Austen is still a mouth breathing dolt so, I guess somethings never change. The more things change, the more they overall stay the same I guess.
  12. I think they probably would like to find a physical match but many times it's not available. I am willing to bet the guy Alyssa thinks is her match physically is not the type of man willing to answer hundreds of questions, go through multiple rounds of interviews and marry a stranger on tv. Then you add the geographical limitation and it's a very tall order. In addition I don't know that guy makes good tv watching for us either.
  13. At this point, I am also pissed at people acting as if or actually not watching enough of the show seasons to know that the assignments are not a physical match many times and not going on the show because of it. In addition, the high horses of people disappointed by their matches and unwilling to acknowledge that if they were actually as stellar at presentation of themselves and attracting their chosen demographic, they wouldn't need to go through this process and beg for a match.
  14. Based on what? The show has been pretty obtuse about everyone's career roles except Steve(?) and Noi.
  15. I get it. But he's also very attached to making her prove she can be molded into what he wants and seemingly not as vested in what he provides. In a previous ep Pastor Cal also mentioned how Olajawuan did not mention his cooking and cleaning requirements in his questionaires.
  16. Olajuwan is striking me as the type of guy who lists all these jobs as what he wants in a wife. But he doesn't pick a woman who actually enjoys doing those things and enthusiastically states she wants to do them for him for free. Then even though housekeeping, cooking and sex work are all professions that exist where the customer and their cash are king, men like him refuse to make use of those services. At this point, the conclusion I'm left with is that having the criteria met by a fully informed and willing partner isn't completely the goal. There is something about the element of cohersion that these men are interested in and that's where the real feelings of self worth and achievement are for them. If Katina gives in and lets O mold her he will be telling the story of her successful Pigmalion-like transformation of her to anybody willing to listen. She will be worse off for it.
  17. Your question makes me wonder have they ever cast an objectively overweight (if we can agree on what that even is) woman on this show? I truly cannot recall a woman who visually registered to my brain as over a size 12 US being cast in this show regardless of her height. I'll really stretch to 14 US for height reasons but that's generous because I don't think they have gone that far into the double digits. Mind you, I do not even believe those clothing sizes are large in this or the previous century. I'm just using them as a designation for television purposes. I think they actually cast in the real life 2-10 range because on television a real life 4 who is 5'4" can appear to be a tv 8. It's very difficult to look like a size 4 on tv and be a size 4 in real life unless you are tall.
  18. As I told my husband, Mark's sentiments weren't necessarily bad but his timing and delivery were sh_t. Basically, he had been thinking about slowing things down all along but now that they had sex multiple times, the blood was flowing uninterrupted to his brain and his true thoughts were traveling from his brain to his mouth without his libido to stop them. The curse of bad timing and being outmatching in gall by his wife meant that he was entertainingly torn a new one on tv. Lindsay is a lot of things but at a loss for words isn't one of them. Katina was right in her assessment of Lindsay but again, it was the wrong time. This was one interaction where listening to Alyssa might have been helpful. Jasmina and Chris would do well to stop all the navel gazing and just stick with surface date conversations. Make some memories before you start trying to do the deep analysis of each other.
  19. My husband didn't believe me and made me rewind when I called this out!! I regretted not betting him. 🤣
  20. Has no one heard of the basketball player Hakeem Olajuwon? He's about the same generation as Katina's mom and I thought of him immediately when I heard Olajuwon's name. AND the way Katina's mom went on and on about people accidently calling her daughter "Katrina", you would think she would show more sensitivity.
  21. Why would the man you described be on this show in the 14th season knowing what these "experts" and producers are capable of? What woman in her right mind would expect that person to be on this show when he has never been in a previous cast unless there was some sort of cash infusion or change in network/production company? Alyssa is no Elizabeth 'the Magic 8 bride' Taylor. Ok, maybe during Ms. Taylor's slump in the late 1970's but that's about it. Chris' friends were drunk and probably a little jealous when they talked to Alyssa. Really their character in that unfiltered moment did seem to be better matches for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she did end up with one of them. Maybe she'll snag the tall ginger. Her worst offense for me was being a coward. If you don't like the man, say that. You are an adult. If you truly are so much more superior to this "jerk" act like it and just say you are not a match. Don't scapegoat his friends, take swipes at his profession and beat around the bush about what the problem is to his face when asked.
  22. Until that couple of seconds she thought he might be able to buy her a horse.
  23. Another layer just hit me. Dorit's entire decision to project "passive provocative" statements and grasps for relevance onto Garcelle was proof positive beyond any reasonable doubt that Dorit has no close association with any Black woman who gives even a smidgeon of a damn about her at all. If her mother's BBF ever existed, she would have been pressed into service to help give Dorit some kind of reasonable recovery from the initial "all my servants are POC" conversation. There is no way I would let a White woman I give a salt granule of a damn about play herself like this without any sort of private intervention. Dorit is truly one of the dumbest HW's I can recall on this franchise. She has no idea of the current year and climate we are living in at all.
  24. Every reunion makes me wonder, "Does anyone take pics or video of themselves in the dresses while SITTING on a couch or in a chair?" Their stylists or whoever helps them really need to take candids of them sitting because that's where so many of the looks fall apart. It's natural to slouch or relax after sitting or having a conversation where the main thing on your mind isn't dress placement and boob display. Maybe it's because I have a short torso and generally think about what happens to my body in an outfit when I'm sitting. But, so many reunion look problems could be solved by sitting as part of the selection process.
  25. Yep. That Sid Vicious couple's Halloween costume from 2015 is making the rounds again too because of her questionable statements last night. I'm sure 2015 will become 1815 in the "That was soooo long ago." defenses on that one. Glad they are already done filming so, it doesn't get time during the reunion.
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