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Everything posted by red12

  1. Lack of proper context and foundation for storylines is my main complaint about this show. It is glaringly obvious they are giving you 20% of the story with no background information and it causes the storylines to fall flat. All they would need to do is voiceover a few lines about the relationship with Christy's mom to give context for the current situation. Ron's storyline with his sister and her family along with Wayne's conflict with his brother and mother are two other examples. Why is it that Ron's niece and her kids were struggling so hard when Ron seemingly could have intervened BEFORE cameras were involved? What was the family dynamic that produced the tension between Wayne and his brother because it seemed that it went deeper than just the one incident presented on screen? It appears they are all trying to cover their true histories in order to present the most sympathetic aspects to the viewer. But, what it really does is make them seem shady and like they have something to hide. If you want privacy, that's fine. Just don't do a reality tv show and pretend to use your real life for storylines.
  2. 'zesty' friends...HA! I also noticed that they trotted out a "tan" guy at last week's dinner to ask the particularly inappropriate question about whether Amy is worried about the wedding night. I would like more information about Amy's background because there has to be something seriously missing for her to drop her life and move to a different continent for Danny. Unlike some of the other participants, I don't see evidence that she has any other motivation to come to the US besides her desire to be with him. At first, I thought it might be lust mistaken for love, but they have no chemistry and do not really communicate well. Their marriage will be rough because Danny doesn't appear to see Amy as a high priority and seems to lack empathy for her POV. Add to this the fact that Amy also doesn't seem very comfortable communicating what her needs are either. This is a bad combination in pretty much all aspects of marriage.
  3. BradandJanet, I was referring specifically to Daya and her cz detective mission. I have no opinion on what anyone chooses to wear as a wedding ring in the general world. What I was saying is that if Daya thinks she's so smart about jewelry or even human nature she would realize that a guy trying to trick her would probably go for trying to impress her with something closer to perfect looking not something cloudy or dusty. So what she probably has is a diamond she finds inferior (in her opinion) not a fake. That is all.
  4. The "he can't get out and kill me" lady was hilarious and tragic at the same time. Here's hoping he doesn't actually know where she lives and she can divorce him quickly. I know she probably won't, but here's hoping. Judging from the peek I got into Jhemini's personality, I'm not confused about why she has few friends. She probably thinks women are just jealous though. LaQuisha yelling at her daughter about homework while trying to talk to her "husband" made me want to smack her. Idiot, you were in the house while your daughter was watching tv. You didn't even ask if she had homework? Based on these pictures and various A&E tv shows, I think the prison provides those backdrops for weddings or they all use the same photography contractor. Koral is in Bellevue and I am surprised they let this show film there. They must need money.
  5. So, while watching this craziness last night and thanking the remote control gods for being too tired to pick the intended channel in the first place and too mesmerized by the crazy to turn away, I was thinking about what a woman would get out of being in these relationships. The conclusion I came to is that they get a fantasy relationship with a "sensitive" thug type without the danger of physical violence and/or other abuse that they have probably experienced in the past. So, this "hard" guy writes you love letters, tells you he loves you and puts it on you once/month and you get to go on about your business most of the time and still feel like you've got a man. He can't cheat on you, hit you (until he comes home), steal from you, or lie about where he is. You are in control. Even if you let him tell you what to do, YOU decide. Now, the girl whose husband murdered someone at 15 and is probably getting out will be regretting her marriage choice. But, I am willing to bet if any of these women met a 1/2 way decent man IRL who was willing to be with them, they would divorce these killers (or failed killers).
  6. This is almost exactly what I said to my husband when we saw that scene. A diamond that looks perfect and is too large/ostentatious for the person's income is what telegraphs a fake; not dust, cloudiness or flaws. Daya is a jerk, but I think Brett will be miserable with her for life rather than be single, get therapy to figure out why he is so insecure and build a relationship with a suitable partner.
  7. I agree with so much of what previous posters have already said. I also think the producers, "experts" and even the host had an agenda going into this and as my husband expressed while watching "Vaughn and Monet were set up." The experts intended to scapegoat Monet. They didn't appreciate her honesty and directness and I am sure they didn't appreciate all of us who pointed out the insufficient size of their pool of applicants. They rolled their eyes and looked appalled every time she spoke. Unfortunately, the viewers who don't want to date Vaughn are a little too savvy to interpret that as Monet being all of the problem (or at least 60% as Vaughn characterized her). The host clearly has issues as well and was projecting onto Monet. Why ask her about being a gold digger because she wants a man with a goal and a plan, but not Jamie out outright said in the second episode that she was worried Doug was a schmuck with no ambition because he wasn't career focused and lived with his parents? There was a clear difference into he way he and the "experts" handled Doug and Jamie's interviews vs. Vaughn and Monet. He also failed to ask Vaughn any substantive follow-up questions, but was constantly challenging Monet. For example, why not ask Vaughn if he is a traditional man while wanting a traditional relationship? In my experience, men under the age of 35 who demand tradition in their relationships are normally not referring to the husband's traditional role as breadwinner. Yes, my grandmother cooked the meals, cleaned the house, handled the bills and was primarily responsible for the daily care and maintenance of my dad and his siblings, BUT, my grandfather brought.home.the.bacon. He did not expect her to work just as hard outside the home as he and still do EVERYTHING at home. Vaughn appears to want someone who is a combination mommy and prostitute who is there to supply his every need and never challenge anything he says or does. If there is anything marriage does, it's challenge you and your perceptions of who you are. Vaughn is not ready. Neither was Monet for that matter at the beginning of this, but I think she has learned what she actually wants vs. what she is supposed to want and is closer to her goal. I respect that about her even though it was difficult sometimes to watch her get there. Lastly Dr. Cilona said everything I needed to know about how arrogant and dumb he is when he made the statement about never questioning his instruments. If you set out to reach the Caribbean and end up in Canada, it's either your instruments or you just can't read. These "experts" and producers need to do better if they expect viewers to believe that this is a show meant to do more than exploit the cast.
  8. I also find it strange that in my experience families that pride themselves on being religious have the biggest problem letting go of the children when they marry. Even though every marriage sermon, class and book stresses the "leave and cleave" message of Genesis 2:24, this is one area where parents really struggle. It's sad to see the level of manipulation some parents and families exercise. At the same time, the adult children feel almost powerless to do what they want because they have been raised to obey mom and dad or God isn't pleased with them.
  9. I honestly think the main reasons Vaughan and Monet were put together was that the "experts" had a very small pool of candidates (I heard 50 somewhere) and an even smaller number those candidates were black. If I had to guess, i would go with 5 at most. So, they are victims of a phenomenon that every type of minority has experienced where friends try to hook you up with the only other black, Latino, Asian, gay person they know and are confounded by how it is that you have nothing in common since you are both members of whatever group.
  10. Reading this, a question just occurred to me that I'm sure will never be answered. Did Pastor Noel know about the pre-wedding wedding and the pregnancy? I don't think he did because if Dietrick had been honest with him, but in fact just skipped it with Joel because it was a last minute situation, I think he would have said that. But, Dietrick went straight to his regular response of out-yelling the other person to shut them down, accusing them of being judgmental and storming out instead. For that matter, I also wonder what the officiant of the backyard ceremony even knew. Because if I'm being accused of being a liar about something and it's really just an oversight due to timing, the easiest thing to do is own my part in the misrepresentation, explain about it being last minute and refer to the instances where I did share the truth about the situation.
  11. Oh, I totally agree about Pastor Ron being a busybody. I also think he is in his feelings about the "outreach" project because he is insecure and has to be the leader in order to validate his position in his own mind. I think Ron also perceives B. Noel to be more successful than he so, steering the conversation to gang intervention is his way of establishing himself as the subject matter expert. This was the one part of the show where I did not want to throw my shoe and Detrick. His comment about "We will fool around and get shot." was funny. AND Pastor Ron is really a sexist (like 99.9% of pastors I have ever met). He is hiding behind non existent scriptures and church dogma to legitimize his belief that a single woman (no matter how skilled) is of little to no standing if she cannot validate her existence with marriage. I have been in churches where gifted single women were left to wither on the vine because women could only function in leadership if they were connected to a man. Meanwhile, couples and wives with little to no ministry gifts at all were promoted and placed in leadership based on their married status and ability to kiss up to the pastor. I would also think that Pastor Ron would be a little more restrained with his "that's why this man will never marry you!" type of comments since he and his wife have been unable to produce children. It wasn't too long ago, that would be seen as a personal failure as well and people would lob that at you when you pissed them off. Now even though Loretta's points may have been correct, she was ALL the way wrong for taking it to Lovette at the sip 'n see like that. She came in itching for a fight and made herself look like a bitter Betty even though the substance of some of her points was correct.
  12. I believe Jay is mad because effectively he was lied to. D&D are both manipulative and not even that great at it. If you ask a minister to marry you on tv knowing 1) you are already married (although I'm not sure that ceremony was legal and not just for show to fudge the pregnancy timeline), 2) the bride is already pregnant again and 3) you were lying about being celibate during your engagement, you are in the wrong.I understand why Jay would feel the need to make it clear to his congregation, ministry associates and the viewing public that he was not part of the conspiracy. He would have married them if the truth was presented, but it wasn't and pointing out the lie isn't the same as being judgmental. Dietrich also needs to be put in his place because for someone who says he has nothing to hide, he sure is sketchy about people knowing details and facts of events.
  13. Is there something about the music industry that attracts dysfunctional, immature people who lack the ability to function within the confines if reality? Between the Braxtons, SWV and Mary, Mary, I don't know who's craziest. But they are all failing at life. Also, I do believe Tamar's version of events. I think her sisters are aware and concerned that they are looking like bigger morons every week so, they are stonewalling her and pushing the idea that she is the problem. Of course Tamar's reversion to the tantrum throwing baby sister role isn't helping things, but I do think she is being gaslighted. The jealousy that Tamar is winning in terms of career accomplishments and material gain while building part of her brand on pointing out and commenting on her sisters' flaws is going unspoken as well because none of these people will cop to there negative emotions ever.
  14. So, I have issues with Mike. I am trying to separate my personal experience with procedures he had from what he presented on screen. But coming here, I see that others find him to be a superficial jerk too so, it's not just a reaction based on the fact that I had 2 tissue expanders in the front of my head for 3 months so, his personality and comments about boob head make me want to punch him in the face. I'm with everyone who said he should wear a different haircut or grow it longer. Was the object to make a thinner, shorter scar because I can't imagine the doctors told him there would be no scar?
  15. I really think it's a combination of clichéd writing and second-rate casting choices that makes this show mediocre. As Brooklynista already pointed out, the chemistry in the relationships is not working. I have seen Omari in other things and he is a passable actor. But, similar to Halle Berry, I think he is the level of actor who needs great material, great directing and great supporting cast in order to rise above being a good looking actor with passable skills. Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni are examples of actors who rise above the material on a tv show. Also, Debbi Morgan needs to begin acting workshops with these people everyday because an actress of her talents is totally wasted just playing Tasha's mom/nanny.
  16. Overall, I am disappointed in the writers of this show. I don't know if they dislike the actress or the character of Penny, but they have almost gone out of their way to make her a throw away character. I think if you are just using what has been presented, Leonard was a fall back choice of not having anything else to do. Fine if she realizes that being an actress is not going to work, but she needs to find something to actually do with life other than get married. It's just a cop out. Off the top of my head here are some things the writers could have done to make Penny even marginally interesting. 1. She actually completes something (remember college) and has a job no one really understands (see Chandler on Friends) that is the subject of jokes from the other characters and minor storylines. 2. Let her actually become a working actress. She doesn't become famous, but she could do commercials, walk-on parts and even soaps (see 90's show Cybil for how this could work). Those fleeting jobs provide flexibility and lean times that are not part of the work at Cheesecake Factory and freeload dinner from your neighbors paradigm they have now. 3. She is unsuccessful at acting, but tries to find what she can be successful at and has various odd jobs like personal assistant, dog walker, etc... to make ends meet. This could also coincide with Sheldon trying to decide what to do next and the chemistry those two characters have when thrown together. 4. Go meta and let her be successful on a sitcom or soap and have Leonard have to deal with not being the most successful in the relationship similar to the way Howard has to deal with Bernadette being the breadwinner sometimes. This also provides areas for jokes from Sheldon about their relationship.
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