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Everything posted by Albino

  1. Ooooh interesting! I'll try to be less judgmental when I see the show tonight. Try. Not sure if I'll succeed. Because...buzzer pointing.
  2. I disagreed with both of her decisions today. The couple who were suing the 'wedding planner' deserved something. She left before the event was over..wtf? $1500 was ridiculous - the good old 'pain and suffering' - but maybe $100 seems fair. And JJ was acting like the couple were cheapskates, breaking down the planner's hourly rate. The planner set the rate, not the couple. I guess it's a fine legal line in the dog case. The guy hired the boy - granted, it was for popsicles and cookies and a dollar here and there - but obviously he must have trusted him to do the job. Her soccer-ball-through-the-window analogy cleared it up a bit for me, but I don't understand why it's wrong to sue the kid's father. The kid - who seemed like a fairly responsible 12 year old - doesn't have that kind of money. JJ was hinting through that tone in her voice that 12 is too young to walk a dog which is ridiculous. Neither plaintiff nor defendant ever explained exactly what happened. I don't think it mattered because her mind was already made up.
  3. This girl liked nothing. I really thought this episode would end with her deciding to keep looking. Carpeting was bad for her allergies, the pattern on the granite countertops was too busy, the backsplash was ugly, the house wasn't colonial enough, and on and on. And - OMG - the window in the shower! There are absolutely no solutions to that! Why would they even design a condo complex with a deck next to an adjoining apartment? Never seen anything like that.
  4. The two of them were just awful. Buy a comb, you kids! They played house for a few months and now they're back living with their mommies and daddies. Every time Miss Moonface opened her mouth she sounded like a cow in labor. The landlord was wrong, but I really wanted them to lose. At least they only got $300. And I could have done without dreadlocks boy mentioning they were "half naked" when the landlord walked in. Ewwwwww.
  5. Me too. There is something so unlikable about Hunter. Can't put my finger on it. He's not a show-off or a diva but...there's just a subtle air of superiority about him that rubs me the wrong way. And the buzzer pointing, of course.
  6. I was amazed at the startling changes a simple blow-dry can have on a person! Before she seemed fairly stupid, senile and helpless. Afterwards, her voice got stronger, she appeared to 'get it', and seemed like a normal senior citizen. Why...it's almost like she was acting before the blow-dry! But that could never happen because this is a reality show and acting isn't real. Did they show 1 renovated bedroom or 2? Because it looked like there were 3 beds in there. I liked the little store, and the menu written on butcher's paper. I assume they got rid of the 3 freezers, 2 fridges and whatever else was out in the alley. Wondering where they're going to store all their day-to-day stuff that needs refrigeration. And I hope they kept one microwave. Sometimes they come in handy.
  7. I worked on the first go-round storyboards of Chaotic and that was exactly the concept! This was maybe 5 or 6 years ago...that's how long it takes. Anyway, Chaotic is actually a good mascara and you don't have to mess them up if you don't want to. I tried it both ways...I looked slightly insane when I made lash chaos. I mean, it's a look I guess LOL.
  8. ITA. My main issue is that they will always complain about the size of the bedrooms. It's a beach house. These houses are usually older bungalows. The bedrooms are going to be small. I enjoyed many summers at the Jersey shore - my parents would rent a house for a week or two - and it was no big deal because we didn't spend time in the bedroom. We were out on the beach or on the boardwalk or annoying my mother in the kitchen. And sometimes we had to walk 3 blocks to the ocean on hot sand! It was monstrous. All the new homes down the shore are boring mini McMansions, but I may be just a little biased on that issue LOL.
  9. I really miss Bob and Susie at the judging. A few weeks ago I binge-watched season 7 (when Mauro won) and man...what a difference. The challenges were to test their skills, not just for entertainment value. A lot of them were on location - at cooking expos or barbecues, and the caliber of judges was just so much better, to say nothing about the production quality. And what's with Giada being too emotional to deliver the elimination?
  10. New episode tonight - couple who moved from Australia to Hoboken. Nice enough, not too whine-y or demanding. They ended up buying a condo in a converted church for $1 million. It was cool and interesting, but I would have snapped up the home in Jersey City. Hoboken is convenient to NYC, quaint and lovely and a great nightlife but what a mess. It floods constantly. One of my friends had to swim - swim - from her 2nd floor apt. to safety during Hurricane Sandy. It's flooded a few times since then. Zero parking, awful traffic. And sorry realtor, but a fire escape does not qualify as "outdoor" space.
  11. A bit rough around the edges? I wanted to punch her in the throat after 2 minutes. "Why is this post here? It's obstructing the whole view!". "I hate Lazy Susans". "So your guests can smell gas fumes?" "It's the midwest...what are you gonna do with a pool?" Plus her lack of vision was giving me - and her realtor - fits. Her husband was only slightly better...at least he didn't have that snotty, know-it-all edge in his voice. I find it odd to add Spanish touches to a MCM house, to say the least! The wallpaper was bad. It was too simple to make a real statement...and yet still managed to look fussy and busy. She should have gone with the designers original choices...except as we all know...no vision.
  12. Oh Lakey....the rompers. The rompers! Orange. Green. Yellow. How many rompers does anyone over the age of 6 really need? I did like her though...very pretty woman, great head of hair and very realistic about things (except maybe the aversion to black granite). Her friend, on the other hand, I could do without. That elusive wow factor: he wanted it! And I can't remember a single positive thing he said...maybe he sort of liked the view on one of them? I'm not a big Florida fan, so I didn't really care one way or another which house she picked but she looked happy at the end. Did I hear Lakey say that the beach was just 25 minutes away? Yikes.
  13. Ironic, because many of her wrong answers were because she didn't pay attention to the category.
  14. The other thing I didn't understand about this woman was her demand to have a big living room and kitchen to fit all their friends when they're "entertaining". How often does she think all their friends are going to make the 2-hour drive up to Greenwood Lake from Brooklyn? I'm sure she imagines herself making a grand statement in her grand, semi-lakeside home, passing around cocktails and mini-quiches, surrounded by admiring and envious friends who will then have to turn around and head back to Brooklyn by 11pm.
  15. Her voice reminded me a bit of the Fran Drescher character in Spinal Tap. He seemed to handle her very well, mostly by ignoring her renovation demands. Well, until the end anyway. Greenwood Lake is an okay place, but if I were going to buy a 'lake house' I'd be looking for something a bit more cottage-y and home-y. All the houses they looked at could have been in any non-lake suburb. Nice views, though.
  16. Unless I misunderstood, his story made no sense to me. They went to DC and then he "kidnapped" her and took her to the Philadelphia Zoo so he could propose with a hippo audience.. Ummm...pretty sure there are a number of hippos at the freakin' National Zoo right in DC.
  17. ITA. She's an idiot. I don't think the contractor was malicious or a rip-off guy, I think he was just dumb. And as usual Judge Judy would cut him off when he was trying to explain that he wanted to come back to fix it but the homeowner wouldn't let him.
  18. During the summer when I was a kid (keep in mind I'm pretty old now) we used to grab a glob of soft, melty tar off the road and chew it like gum. If I recall, my mother told us it would make our teeth strong and white. To stay on topic, that's why I like that Campbell's soup commercial where the parents are discussing the healthy, free range, locally harvested, grass fed whatever meal for their kid, who's happily eating his crayons or glue or something over at the table.
  19. I think there's more 'meat' in Jeopardy...people like to post what they got and what they missed. Not sure why LOL. And I think you get to "know" the contestants better on Jeopardy so there's much more opportunity for snark. I watch America's Game! mostly for Pat Sajak - he's like a palate-cleanser after the stiff, know-it-allness of Alex Trebek. Sajak is so effortlessly charming and self-deprecating. Comparing Trebek's contestant interviews with Sajak's is like night and day.
  20. So I'm looking at guest pics of this place on Trip Advisor (where it has a 4 star rating!) and some poor souls stayed in Gordon's room back in 2014 (I think.) Sarah's whimsical artwork is visible under the window, and yes...the armoire appears to be locked. Also a pic of Karan from the same general time frame and she looks almost normal. Her hair is brown and it's a frontal pic so her nose does not appear so monstrously witch-like to look quite as hooked.
  21. People please....in deference to Sarah, let's watch our language!
  22. I want to believe he didn't do it...but then who did? Who sneaks in a house (somehow?) and stabs a perfectly innocuous woman for some random reason and then leaves without making a sound? And why? Nothing was stolen. IIRC there was no other DNA or fibers or any other evidence left at the scene. On the other hand, the female prosecutor created a scenario without a single shred of evidence. Wife found out about husbands affair (no proof, never an affair) and husband freaked out and stabbed her. It makes no sense.
  23. At the risk of being chased off the board with pitchforks and torches, I have to say that I like Pioneer Woman. I've made her salisbury steak and baked ziti and both are fantastic. Of course, my mom was from Missouri and made very simple mid-western food so that's what I'm used to, and what I turn to over and over again. I will admit that Ree's desserts make me queasy. Let a brownie be a brownie...no need to dump gummi bears and whipped cream and crushed Oreos on them. The 6-ft long sundae she made for her son's "surprise" birthday party was just horrifying. Yeah she uses a lot of unhealthy, fattening ingredients and her recipes aren't original but honestly, the same can be said for Ina and Trisha and Giada and that shriek-y farmhouse lady. Am I broken?
  24. I worked at a place (open concept, but sadly no barn doors) with concrete floors and they are awful. It was an ad agency so naturally they embraced the whole 'industrial chic' crap. My feet were killing me. At least they were smart enough to put carpeting (industrial-style, of course) around the desk areas but every hallway, conference room (oops...I mean "huddle room"), bathroom and even the cafeteria was concrete. The youngun's were always wearing flip flops too...don't know how they lived through it.
  25. Not a problem! Sorry you had a rough day...tomorrow will be better. :)
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