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Everything posted by Albino

  1. Maybe she pulled a Kramer and bought a meat slicer? I can't even begin to imagine how that room must have reeked. But as she explained...it's all about taking care of herself. No one else (unless they had money). And certainly not a dog.
  2. But what if - God forbid - the washer and dryer are in the KITCHEN!?
  3. A repeat from April...couple wants a bigger home in Clemson SC. I'm not 100% sure, but I think she wanted an island with a breakfast bar. She said it about 9 times, so my takeaway was that having a breakfast bar was essential. Not having one would probably be a dealbreaker. Even though every kitchen they saw opened up to a dining room or an actual breakfast nook. With a table and chairs and stuff. She wanted a breakfast bar so their girls could eat their breakfast there. She could totally see herself making breakfast for the girls and then serving it to them right at the breakfast bar. Plot Twist: they ended up buying the one house that did not have a breakfast bar. Not sure where her little girls are going to eat breakfast now. :(
  4. As someone who commuted (by train and PATH) from NJ to NY every day for nearly 40 years, I'm mystified that people consider a 20 minute commute too long. Mine was at least 90 minutes each way, not counting walking to the office once I got there. I wouldn't want to drive for 90+ minutes for sure, but jeez...20 minutes whether driving, biking or taking a bus is no big deal.
  5. She seemed absolutely miserable about the whole adventure. (Well, at least until she got her own way.) Did no one explain to her that Denver and Dublin are two very different places? I was doing a massive eye roll as well, especially when they showed her doing her rudimentary scrapbooking at the end. He seemed totally disinterested. What the hell is she going to do all day? You can't scrapbook 8 hours a day. Or maybe she can.
  6. She's a hairdresser. He's a cop. Both are fine professions, but at their age and station in life they don't need a "grand" home. He was so level-headed and easy-to-please - I loved it when she'd complain about appliances or ceiling fans being out of date (and TBH, they were) and he would simply reply "But they work..". The voice of reason. She was so damn pushy about getting married...I was actually embarrassed for her. She must have brought it up 3 times before he finally caved and proposed. I just hope that ring was blingy enough for her highfalutin, big city aesthetic.
  7. Plus when you realize how useless they are, or when they go out of style, it's not like all you have to do is replace a door. You have to rejigger the whole entrance to accommodate a proper door, remove the fixture above the door and re-plaster over all the holes and gauges it leaves.
  8. If only there were some way to check spelling on computers! It's sad that no one has come up with that kind of technology, especially if you're writing important documents. Or if you're handwriting something there should be a way to check spelling. I know it sounds absurd, but what if there were a book that listed all the words listed alphabetically and how to spell them? It would be a very big book for sure, but it would be so helpful. It's really pithetick.
  9. I liked them too. And I love St Louis architecture...all the classic brick houses, wide streets and craftsman homes. Many are abandoned now, and in very bad neighborhoods which makes me sad. It does make more sense to just buy a shop and keep their house. Maybe they wanted a 30 second commute?
  10. I could have sworn that when he raised his right hand to take the oath he only had four fingers.
  11. I agree. Not sure I completely understand the concept.
  12. Along with stainless steel appliances, barn doors, farmhouse sinks and 'bling' chandeliers.
  13. I really liked the Tampa couple...they seemed to genuinely like each other and had a very easy rapport. The wife's 2 demands - a bathtub and being close to the airport - were not OTT and made sense. He was very laid back and funny. I really liked the red house just for its unabashed redness.
  14. Ana doesn't bother me - she's not going to win anyway - but Tregaye? Can she please just DIAF? So sick of the her sassy black stereotype, her stupid fluttery fingers, her posturing, her constant face-making, her manufactured fleekiness and her general belief that she is so much better than all the other cooks that they should just quit. Glad the judges hated her and Damiano's presentation. Because with Tregaye...it's not about the food...it's all about Tregaye. It's a shame her food is so good. Damiano is just a dick. His culinary aesthetic is so superior to everyone else's! The judges basically eye-rolled at all of his complaining. Wonder how he'd fare on Cutthroat Kitchen? And I can't even imagine what a diva he'd be behind the scenes at his own Food Network show. That is, if anyone could understand what he was saying. Did not enjoy seeing Erin's fluffy boobs, either. Tregaye has pretty much ruined the show for me. Once Jenard is eliminated I'll stop watching. This episode was another example of how low this show has sunk. Must be budget cuts, because the Tiki party should have been at the beach. And the NASCAR one should have been at a track. It's pathetic to see all these people crowded into a soundstage.
  15. Don't forget...one of them demanded the home had to have 'a story'. *rolls eyes*
  16. DIY shows the same 10 episodes over and over and over. I wonder if he's still doing the show? He's on Home Free now, with Tim Tebow. I like Mike Holmes but he always ends up basically tearing apart the entire home to fix a leaky faucet. The worst was a couple who needed a new deck/walkway to their pool, and regrading the earth around it. The final result looked ridiculous. There were black wrought iron fences everywhere...it looked like a maze. But I agree...I'd rather have him do my repairs than anyone else. As long as I could stop him at some point LOL.
  17. I think a fence is required. IIRC, even if a neighborhood kid sneaks into your pool and drowns you're liable. My suggestion is to bring in Mike Holmes, who would end up re-glazing the entire pool, regrading the surrounding area, installing a safety fence with another fence around that fence, re-caulking all the windows on the house because he noticed moisture build-up, redoing the entire HVAC system because one room was chilly, putting on a new roof and possibly re-drywalling the entire house because there was a patch of mold in the basement. It would only take 6 months.
  18. So much wrong in one house. Bathrooms in a home should somehow relate. Not exactly the same - sisters, not twins - but these baths looked like they belonged in two different homes. Who wants to clean Tarek's seizure-inducing tile all the way up to the ceiling? I feel that way about those floor to ceiling shower enclosures too. They do look nice when they're new, but once they start to get blurry and smeary it must look awful. And God forbid you have hard water.
  19. How much time do these people spend in the bathroom FFS? I go in. I pee. I wash my hands. Total time: 45 seconds. Same with showering. In and out. I don't need or want a spa atmosphere. I have TV to watch, for God's sake! And the size of these bathrooms is ridiculous. Cut it in half and give me a bigger bedroom.
  20. The opening was so awkward when Alex basically apologized to the world for Christie's measly $14K winnings from the previous day. Something about how the writers were creating some confusing categories. Yeah, of course. Definitely the writers, not the players.
  21. The Very Tall Husband seemed like such a nice, normal guy, too. Not sure how he can stand that baby whiny voice 24/7. It made all her complaints - and there were many - seem 100 times more annoying. "This is not how it is in the States." "I'm used to something bigger". "I really wanted 3 bedrooms". And her 'helpless little me' act about the oven/microwave was infuriating. Living abroad was her "dream"...but only if the space was exactly like the big American home they left. I did appreciate the snarky realtor. Loved when she finally just told Helpless Baby Voice "You'll get used to it." Cute baby though.
  22. Yesterday I posted that I thought Christie was smart. Today...not so much. Forget about all the wrong answers...what the hell was that wager at FJ? What was her thinking? It only works if Shyamlee is wrong. If Christie had made a bigger bet she would have won because Shyamlee's wager was also a WTF for me. I enjoyed Shyamlee's story about her Jeopardy pre-interview!
  23. Just checked out her pic on the Jeopardy website and you're right! Never thought of that...which is weird since my own hair is just now growing back from chemo. Even so...it was just so Lee Meriwether in Barnaby Jones, but different strokes I guess. Overall I like her...she's smart!
  24. Dear Christie, In the immortal words of Elaine Benes, as said to her physical therapist Wendy: "You might wanna do something about that hair."
  25. Not to mention that she demanded 4 bedrooms/4 baths because all their kids and all their friends would be constantly visiting. Despite having jobs and school and lives of their own and airfare and stuff. Her husband hit the nail on the head when he muttered that 99% of the time it would be just the two of them. There was something creepy about the end when it showed her fussing over and fluffing up all the (empty and unused) beds in the house. I have to admit that they did a nice job decorating the home. Which makes me wonder why he was so put out by the fact that the home was $200 over budget. Obviously they have the money to buy their own new outdoor furniture, living room sofas, tables, toss pillows and what looks to be about $4000 in sheets and comforters for all those (empty and unused) beds.
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