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Everything posted by deemac

  1. Good grief. When is Mayim getting off my screen and Ken Jennings showing up? I've been watching Wheel of Fortune instead and feeling like a genius! Which I know I'm not. Last week I decided to see what channels ran her brain commercials. Multiple times on CNN and at least once, probably appropriately, on the Science Fiction channel. Curious if it has been on during Jeopardy. Since I refuse to watch her. And hey Mayim, I've got a degree in Applied Science. Actually I didn't know that till I had to have my diploma for a job. I thought it was a degree in Nursing but it said Applied Science focus on nursing. Never would of thought it, I wanna do a commercial on the science of the benefits of pets since I apparently have the degree and a houseful of 4 legged kids.
  2. To me Mayim becoming Jeopardy host lends credibility to her hawking of her brain pills. I'll never watch her and I bet a lot of people who DON'T watch Jeopardy will assume, because they think it's an intellectual game, that there's validity to her commercials. Being host of Jeopardy tends to reinforce that belief.
  3. Every time I think about watching Jeopardy again it seems one of her commercials comes on. Nope.
  4. Bialik or Burton are enough for me to quit watching. This whole debacle has soured me on what used to be one of my favorite shows. There are just too many subjects I know almost nothing about anymore anyway.
  5. Oh no. I don't have kids so I know nothing about Reading Rainbow, heck when I was a kid only rich people got to go to kindergarten. But in my limited experience Burton used 'reading to toddler' voice and facial expressions to make everything an exclamatory sentence. Both he and Oz would make me give up Jeopardy. Mayim hosting will make those shows an 'if I have nothing else to do' situation. d
  6. I wasn't big on either of them but Mayim's commercials are increasing and making me dislike her. I know the product is just taking advantage but I've actually started switching channels till I think they're off.
  7. That really threw me. Last spring I was having terrible foot pain, went to the foot doc and he said I had a fractured sesamoid bone in one of my big toe joints (just arthritis and sesamoiditis in the other foot). I'd never heard of sesamoid before that.
  8. I catch up with Jeopardy on DVR when I have half an hour free. My first look at David Faber, shame on me, was that he.....especially his hair....looks like a generic Ken doll I had as a kid. As long as they don't show him or I don't look up at the TV he's great. I feel terrible and weird but I can't get that image out of my head.
  9. Guess I still won't watch. Their mistake, I found I didn't miss it, though I'd tune in (but not so compulsively) without Tyra.
  10. My pit mixes chase butterflies, they snuggle with the cats and have always had super muscles just from play wrestling
  11. I don't watch Jeopardy in real time. Too many distractions (dogs barking, cats stepping on the remote etc) and I haven't finished with Alex's shows but I will NOT watch Dr Oz. Since I'm behind I don't come here often but will start if someone lets me know when he's hosting so I can take it off my dvr temporarily. Best way I know to express my displeasure just in case they keep track of who's dvring it.
  12. I was amazed in the little bit last week that Rebel didn't know. I was totally blown away this week. I mean not knowing Saturn has rings? And then saying Mars is hot? No if any thing it's cold but that may be the SF fan in me. But when she said she'd make up the $93,000 if she missed a question? That was pure arrogance and ended my DVR watching
  13. I basically quit watching with the Jack story but I have the episodes on DVR and will eventually/occasionally watch. I did watch this though. My take aways? First was absolute horror at Dean washing dishes and not rinsing the suds off before putting them in the drying rack. Do people actually do that? Other than that......Dean's single man tear when he died, Sam's single man tear the same and assuming it was Dean's lighter Sam used to light the pyre and then he just threw it in with Dean's body. I've felt Dean was the heart and soul of the show and the last episodes I watched felt like Jared was phoning in his performance but he nailed this one. Maybe if I ever watch my unwatched episodes I'll feel different but just wish Dean/Jenson had got more credit like so many others here.
  14. I haven't even finished watching the DVR of this and I'm already ready to give up on it. Huck and her bobble head and constant working of her mouth even beyond that voice! And then only Elton could fix the belt with skinny Hope and Huck with a longer reach available? That plus never killing the empties that maybe they escape from but leave to possibly attack anyone else still around. Iris and her impossibly neat hair. Hope and her meticulously groomed eyebrows. Obviously this show bugs me more than it's worth.
  15. I gave in to curiosity and gave the second show a try. Never ever again. Besides my dislike of Tyra whoever came up with her dialog needs to go. I hated it when the judges went on and on but these shortened feedbacks give the contests no real feedback. Despite all that the worst was that I was BORED!
  16. I thought about watching just out of curiosity but then just couldn't stomach the thought of Tyra. What I WOULD watch though is if they reran some of the earlier seasons. I don't care if I already know who wins.
  17. Tyra could be green and I still wouldn't be able to stand her. I'm not necessarily boycotting the show but I'm just not interested in watching. I'm too old to know any of the contestants and I've disliked the music selection for the past couple of seasons (remember, I'm old). I'm not even sure why I still watched.....except last season for James and Kate, that left a really bad taste in my mouth. Not to mention Spicer. Even if Tom had stayed I would of just been a haphazard viewer this year.
  18. I was going nuts with the forum shut down.....now a fond farewell. Both I and my eyes are too old for this format.
  19. I haven't been here much since the format change but had extra time to mosey through it tonight. I have 3 dogs, 2 never need their nails clipped, the other every daggoned month. And of course he's the one that I can't do myself. Pet Smart groomers with nail grinders has had the best luck with him.....he likes the open area rather than the small room of the vets office.
  20. I like long hair on men but I really itched to take some shampoo to his head, I felt the same for Jackie but to a much lesser degree.
  21. I think a lot of people will be like me. They'll watch whenever the next season is BUT it won't take much for me to turn the tv off and just walk away for good. They really need to be on their toes next season for me to even come close to the anticipation I used to feel each new season and sadly I doubt they can do it.
  22. Yes, Many shelters encourage people to socialize with animals there, it can help a great deal with adoptions for some of the animals.
  23. I'm obviously in the minority here. I didn't particularly like Adrianna but when she mentioned going to the dog park to chase after other people dogs (her terms) for some love I was ready for anyone else to win. Maybe because I have a house full of rescue critters, maybe because I've volunteered in rescue ((hence the house full) but for crying out loud go rescue one.
  24. I'm retired now but at one time I had to get up at 4am for work. My voting then, when possible, was after the show when I'd viewed the dvr. And actually since they took away facebook voting (which was easy for me) I haven't voted.
  25. I finally watched GMA. Val and Jenna were all over it and GLEB! Promoting the tour and cutting into everything else. DWTS is just sinking lower and lower as far as I'm concerned, I did however love a bit with Garth Brooks where he sang bits from his old songs I love, not too much so his newer ones. d
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