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Everything posted by mamadrama

  1. Okay, I'll give what might be an unpopular opinion: I kinda like Babs. I know there are a lot of problems there. I know that she is totally inappropriate in some of her remarks and, in real life, I probably wouldn't be able to be friends with her because I would feel like some of our thoughts and feelings about things just don't mesh. However, I enjoy watching her on TV. Granted, sometimes I sit there shaking my head thinking, "OMG, did she REALLY just say that?" I give her a slight pass for a lot of her crap due to her age and geography. My mom is approximately the same age and also grew up during a time period and in an area that was racist, homophobic, and misogynistic. The differences between her generation and mine are staggering. Mom though, unlike her 13 siblings, has really tried to get with the times. She doesn't understand a lot of what things mean, but she REALLY tries. The stuff that comes out of my mom's mouth sometimes is cringe-worthy and I am constantly having to tell her, "Dude, you really can't say that out loud" (much to her confusion) but inside she's about as nonjudgmental and caring as a person can get. She tries, when there are certainly enough people around here who don't. That's not to say that I don't think that Babs isn't responsible for some of the ways that Whit turned out and that Babs doesn't have issues of her own, but there's still something about her that's a little endearing to me. I would much rather spend the day with her than her daughter.
  2. When I was a kid we HOPED that would happen!
  3. Some thoughts... First of all, the social worker shrugging off Jenelle's positive marijuana test? I don't buy it. When I was a social worker, anyone who tested positive for an illegal substance automatically had a case opened on them. Their kids didn't get removed, but they were generally given an on-going case worker who would have them tested over the course of the next few months, just to make sure they weren't still doing it. We didn't differentiate between marijuana and heroin in terms of "worse". If it was illegal, it raised a flag. (Note: this is NOT my view on MJ. Hell, we're considering moving to a state where it's legal so that I can take it if they ban kratom. Just telling you what the state did.) Secondly...Fuck David. Seriously, fuck him. Any time someone makes statements like that against gays/bis/trans/etc. not only does it make me angry, but it makes me embarrassed. I am embarrassed that people in that community have to be exposed to such things. I wish they didn't. It's awful. DAVID is the "abomination." I hope holy hell is raised to get them off the show. The fact that Farrah got fired over, what, exactly? Porn? But they let Jenelle and David's shenanigans continue? That is BULLSHIT. Who's Jenelle blowing? Ugh. This has really upset me and I don't have a dog in this fight. People like this should not be on television. I believe in freedom of speech but I also believe in suffering the consequences of said speech when necessary. This is necessary. You are technically free to say whatever asinine thing you want-but MTV shouldn't let people like this represent them. Considering what MTV used to stand for? Poor Pedro, may he RIP.
  4. Oh man, if masturbation makes us whores then I'm in trouble...
  5. I just watched that scene where she went off on Kirsten (Kristen?) and I couldn't help but snicker. On the one hand, that's a really shitty way to talk to people and you really shouldn't speak to people you work with that way. If I were K, I probably would've burst into tears. On the other hand...man, I wish I had Farrah's balls. I would NEVER say things like that to someone. I would think them, but I'd never say them. I kinda wish I could.
  6. The whole ceremony was weird. There was Jen walking down the aisle with a smirk, Ryan drunk with a sweaty ass and chomping like a cow, Mac with her Pinterest-friendly vows, pews not even half full, and a sanctuary that was barely decorated.
  7. Girl, you know the rules! You find a good deal for good vag maintenance, you share it with your buddies on here. (OT, but I fell down a rabbit hole-no pun intended-the other day after seeing a Reddit question asking what's the biggest snake oil of the 21st century. LOTS of things on Gwenyth's GOOP site. Jade eggs for your vagina, anyone?) And now, back to our regularly scheduled program... Amber was a total weenie for trying to upstage Leah's birthday with her nobody-cares-announcement. And yeah, if she was 17 weeks in November then, uh, that baby was conceived on something like the first date.
  8. I don't know about that. I've never done porn, but I've had a LOT of sex in my time. Stuff happens and there are muscles down there just like there are everywhere else. If girlfriend wants to get things tightened, more power to her. Farrah fucks ON camera, the others let themselves get fucked on camera...it all kind of evens out.
  9. Eh, it probably was. I just prefer to think the worst of some of these folks. It's just more fun.
  10. Shit, he gives us REAL hillbillies a bad name. We ALWAYS spit out our chew before we eat cake.
  11. Wouldn't this be something if,in reality, they all hang out and are friends and EVERYTHING (except for the addiction) is made up for TV?
  12. I'd be all over that shit. I'm nosy as hell. I'd say about 1/4 of my online time is spent looking up people I hated in high school. I know, I have problems.
  13. My kratom peeps...A local news channel is coming to my house tomorrow and doing a story on me and kratom. Since the FDA declared it an opioid last week, there's been a lot of attention given to our little plant. The news channel wants to do a story on my condition and how kratom has enabled me to write my books and have my quality of life back.
  14. I don't see evidence of this as an "incentive". I see it as her father basically bribing her to do these things for a trip to Hawaii. I have little hope that she will continue to do them after the run in Hawaii. I think the only reason she's doing them on the show is a) for the show and b) because Glen is making her (by bribing her). Some of the show stuff might be staged in regards to food but if she's actually chewing and swallowing then it's not fake. Her lack of weight loss, indeed her weight GAIN, shows that her poor eating and health habits aren't limited to her filming time.
  15. Weird, isn't it? And yet Heather gets fired for her stuff with Farrah.
  16. Not sure that I buy this or not. On the one hand, I could see OldMatt getting nervous that his gravy train was ending and "forget" to wear a condom or whatever in an attempt to keep his wagon hitched to hers. On the other hand, I also totally buy that Amber slept with NuMatt soon after they started dating and got pregnant right away. I think we may not know for sure until the baby is born-have to see whether he's "early" or not. Iknow the theory is that she and NuMatt broke up for a period of time and it was during that period that she supposedly got pregnant but, who knows. It HAS been strange, though, that OldMatt's been so quiet. Maybe he's just been biding his time, waiting for the right moment to pounce and claim what's his (money, of course).
  17. Good luck with yours, too! It's a pain in the ass to have something happen to your teeth. Ugh. And yeah, your dental health affects your whole body. I have a thoracic aneurysm so we try to keep infections and stuff at bay. I don't have any abscesses, yet, but I am worried about them.
  18. My son stays with his grandma one night a week. He would probably stay longer but I miss him too much and won't let him. My daughter doesn't want to go at all. She's a homebody.
  19. "Sweet"? "Amazing"? I'm sorry but, for me anyway, it's a given that my husband will stand beside me in my time of need-just as I will stand by him. I hate this putting Tyler on a pedestal for something that he should be doing anyway.
  20. Did WE add the "Malibu" part to his name or, dear God, is that real? Because I could totally buy that Amber came up with that. And today, boys and girls, the word of the day is "fuck" and all its variations. Now, how many times can we use it in a 22-second narrative? And.....GO!
  21. It annoys me as well. Farrah isn't doing anything illegal. Like it or not, it's not a crime. And you can't tell me that Farrah's attitude and "demands" are worse than David actually threatening the crew.
  22. So Randalicious has a Facebook group in which he talks about dentistry. I sent him a message with a You Tube video I made of my teeth. I've been having problems for years but, in my rural area, can't find a dentist or oral surgeon to work with me. my connective tissue disorder is causing my gums to disintegrate and my teeth to literally fall out. The teeth themselves are just crumbling, too. I've lost 6 in the past year and have 4 more that need to come out. My entire mouth is incredibly painful. I can't have implants because my bones and gums won't hold them in. I need to get them all extracted and get dentures. The problem is that my connective tissue disorder has also caused my lower jaw to shift to the left and my upper jaw to shift to the right. My lower jaw has also gone back a little, giving me an overbite. They say that I can't get dentures until the overbite is fixed. So, basically, what I need is to have both jaws broken and all my teeth pulled. Nobody around here wants to do that. They're afraid of the disorder. (There are some big complications that can happen with surgery for me.) I have to do something, though. I now have two teeth that have literally broken off at the gum. The only thing left are the roots. I made a You Tube video showing people what was happening to my mouth and I sent Randy the link. You never know...he may want some attention. He handles dental advice anyway and if he's up for a challenge...
  23. I know! I can't believe I called it wrong!
  24. I know, right? I can't believe how often I find myself standing up for Farrah-and I really don't even like her that much. (Though she is probably the only one I'd spend the day with because at least girlfriend would be entertaining.) You's my homies. I <3 you guys.
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