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Everything posted by mamadrama

  1. Yeah, his stuff is pretty wild. I think it's a shtick, though. I believe MGG has created this online "character" and he's branded himself as this crazy, goofy guy. People seem to love it. Outside of that, however, he seems to be very professional and well liked. He's had success as a director on his show (11 episodes) and the show people respect him enough that they work with him on a schedule (he now takes a month off here and there to work on various projects and they allow this). Dude has to be a little smart because Taylor Swift was after him hard and heavy and he went running the other way. And, yeah, he's hot. :-) I can see NuMatt trying to do something similar-trying to create this kind of lovable, weird, goofball online. It's not working, though, at least not for me. Maybe if we saw a difference between his online persona and his offline but, but I think he comes across even weirder offline than he does online.
  2. NuMatt does appear to be emotionally stunted. I think there is some cunning there but, like you all have pointed out, I am sure that he's kind of feeling like he's on top of the world at the moment. He seems to have no real awareness of what's really going on around him, ie. him kind of chuckling when Amber was ranting and raving about gender, like he had no clue that Mt. Porkwood was about to erupt. I keep referring to him as a man-child. Dude can barely have an intelligent conversation with ANYONE. When Amber announced that she was pregnant to his family, he just sat in the corner and giggled. Can barely have a coherent conversation with the producer. This is not a mature man.
  3. I don't "get" his posts. I like quirky. I follow Matthew Gray Gubler (Criminal Minds) and he's one of the weirdest characters out there. His stuff can get really far out. But it still kind of makes sense, you know? This guy just seems off.
  4. In some cases nurses travel with patients to rehab. Not only do they allow them to have a "fix" before leaving, but they even administer things like klonopin and valium along the way. Sounds weird but that's actually something that I understand. Never been on anything illegal, never taken anything illegally, but I have been through withdrawal and it is a BITCH. If you're flying or traveling long hours by car, just traveling or being with someone going though withdrawal would not be pleasant. Some people are so addicted that stopping cold turkey could literally kill them. I've gone cold turkey twice. The third time I stopped, when I decided that oxycodone just wasn't worth the hassle, I wound up in the hospital. I think many addicts stay addicted due to the fear of withdrawal. I can vouch for it, it's quite horrible. I had no idea how truly addictive smoking was until my husband tried to quit. I had never touched a cigarette. For a year I was like, "You HAVE to quit, you've gotta quit, I'll do anything to help you quit!" I spouted off all the research about health benefits to quitting, etc. So he stopped. After days of pure hellish behavior and physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, no shit, I threatened to drive him to the tobacco store myself. I do hope MTV is paying for this. I hope Tyler isn't dishing it out himself. It can take several stints in rehab to actually quit and considering how long Butch has been at it...
  5. No, not until May 13th, supposedly. Some of us expect the baby to be "premature."
  6. He probably also thinks that "Romeo and Juliet" was a magnificent love story and that "I'll Be Watching You" is an appropriate wedding song. (Considering his history, he really may on the latter.)
  7. Ryan was such an ass to Maci that it was hard for me to overlook that. I thought he was physically attractive but that attitude...damn. And yeah, he was dumb.
  8. To be fair, considering our other options, Ryan was kind of the best looking of the lot. (They was slim pickin's at the time.) Of course now, with his land and chickens and nice farm house, not to mention his disposition, Gary is the hottest to me. Go figure.
  9. Oh, we totally buy each other boring things. This was my present last year-yellow roses and epsom salts.
  10. With their creepy house full of weird shit and Debra's antics, I've always pictured Farrah's homelife as something out of Whitefern Manor. (VC Andrews' reference.)
  11. So unless this scene was filmed 4 weeks later... (And it very well could have been). Yeah, I think she was further along. I don't believe she's lying because the baby belongs to anyone else-I full believe that the baby is NuMatt's but that she doesn't want to admit that she got pregnant within a week or two of really dating him.
  12. I think Amber is lying about the date of conception and due date. (I know, we've been over all of this.) But I think that's why they were casually talking about finding out the gender. Rather than being 13-14 weeks here, I think she was closer to 16-18. I fully expect the baby to be a few weeks "early."
  13. All I've got to say is fuck anyone or any situation that makes me feel bad for TYLER. Damn. Actually felt sorry for him after that episode. When I go from ridicule to sympathy, I have to take a break.
  14. Druzy shared the link above a few hours ago and it worked. Glad I got to watch!
  15. I thought she was going all Quasimodo at first but, the more I look at it, the more I think she's lying on her stomach. Still, it ain't looking good on her. Her posture is terrible, at any rate.
  16. Every year my friend Keith does a blog entry on the year's most inappropriate Valentines' Day gifts. (Penis slippers, anyone?) Here's this year's list. Happy Valentine's Day from me. http://www.astrongmanscupoftea.com/2018/02/2018-inappropriate-valentines-day-gifts.html #5. His & her tongue scrapers: Much like reminding your honey-badger that you poop, reminding them of your bad breath or poor dental health is another no-no. His and hers toothbrushes or water-piks should be off-limits for Valentine's Day gifts. More importantly, any product that promises to rid you of "tongue fur" is horrid. In fact, if your partner has tongue fur at all, you may need to reconsider the prospect of this being a long term relationship.
  17. If anyone can find a free way for me to watch this, please share. It's not up on Vudu where I usually buy the episode.
  18. I think he totally hooked up with her thinking that he could get something out of it, possibly equipment. I mean, he was there during boot camp so he had to have heard about all the money she spent on OldMatt. I believe he pursued her with a plan. I have Marfan's sister, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. My specialty clinic in Cincinnati is the EDS/Marfan Clinic.
  19. Dude is going to totally earn his new equipment.
  20. There are RULES for gravy, dammit! We don't go pouring it over everything, willy nilly. (Seriously, when I lived in Wales, every Sunday I would have to specify "no gravy" at the pub when I ordered a roast. Over everything-the parsnips, the meat, the potatoes, etc. My poor husband, however, was shocked when he moved to the US with me and discovered that sausage gravy is a whole other ballgame.)
  21. Gary and Jo just riding around, with Gary asking him a bunch of questions. I would totally watch it.
  22. Or saying that real women don't complain or talk about abuse! Oh, wait... Well, at least NuMatt's endgame is much clearer now. Shew! It was actually kind of stressing me out, trying to figure out what his dealio was. Good one, though. See, Matt just had her buy random junk for him. NuMatt came in with an actual gameplan that will benefit him professionally.
  23. I still laugh when I think about Gary on that "weekend at Corey's" special. How chatty he was. It was super cute.
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