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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. My dream is that Cody goes on the block and Jessica does NOT use the hex but saves it for herself another week. The more I watch Cody play the game the more I think he and Jessica are both going down thanks to his input. She needs to start working on her own and the only way to do that is if Cody is gone. Gosh I hope she keeps the hex for herself and he leaves and she plays the game like she is soooo capable of playing it. Like no other in the house. She is a little firecracker of a girl and now that she has Kevin filling her in on the details..what next? I can't believe all the ass kissing going on with Paul HOH. Don't they know America is W A T C H I N G !!!!! Disagree. Cody and Jessica are the only ones coming after him and he's no fool! He won't make a wrong move like Jessica did on Wed!
  2. Sorry but I don't think Kevin is taking orders from Paul. He'll nod and say ok but watch and see him fall, stumble second or third. What a bunch of idiots.
  3. Yes I'm all mixed up. Tonight it the POV. The long goodbye ends...maybe...tomorrow night. Thanks. You know I never thought of that strategy. Jess is a much better player and that would keep her in the game longer and I think she was gaining some momentum while Cody was gone. Good thinking!
  4. Just reading on FB that Bob has died. Sorry to bring that heartbreaking news. "We have some sad news to report as Bob Harte, beloved stars of The Last Alaskans on Discovery, has died."
  5. So what's going to happen when Jessica's trust in Paul all blows up tonight when her pal Ramses goes home and Josh is sitting there looking her in the face for another week? If it's a double eviction she and Cody will only be safe for one of them unless they win HOH. Oh what tangled webs we weave!
  6. Why don't they just give the $500,000 to Paul right now and end this madness. :)
  7. Did anybody happen to see Cody do a hand stand then walk around the back yard for 12 seconds? Amazing. Raven was showing him by staying up for 2 seconds. Cody is pretty good with everything. He's quite the pool player. I listened to him and Jessica talking and I think he's having doubts about who should go down and who should go up. For the life of me I don't understand leaving Ramses and Josh up. If they want Josh out for sure put up a big player. A Paul, Alex, Christmas or Jason. You might not get one of them but you would surely be assured Josh was going home. Jess is drinking the koolaid. She thinks they like her. Big mistake! Maybe they just can't stand it anymore. Listening to her in the pool and everybody leaving showed everybody's tired of listening to her. This will probably elevate Kevin if he can get her to 'shut up'!
  8. Matt is a strange one. With him not saying much it's hard to get an idea of what he's thinking or doing most of the time.
  9. I often wonder what this season would be like had Paul not made a come back. I think Alex and Christmas make a really good girls team...couple. Didn't I hear Jessica say Alex was a bigger threat than Josh and one she more wanted to get rid of? What made her...back off? Is Matt still hanging onto her or has that fizzled out?
  10. I almost fell off the chair. She looks exactly like Nicole...the winner of Season 18 that beat Paul. That had to give him something to think about. Ok maybe I'm a bit behind but have they had the POV meeting and are Ramses and Josh still on the block with NO replacements? I just can't believe that dumb of a move by Jessica. I watched BBAD and Raven cleared out a whole pool full of guests with her woe is me airport story. Really Raven!!! And the strange thing is that Kevin survived week one. When I saw him enter the house I thought to myself 'first one out'. He is surely Mr. Personality.
  11. I will never believe they didn't know about all of this. Loren was an executives assistant so I'm sure she knows what Google means. Any of us with a pimple are googling it so surely over the years Loren and her family know all about Tourettes Syndrome. I feel so bad for Alexis and his parents who seem like really nice people that care very much for the lying Loren. I didn't see that but as soon as I read about it here that was my first thought. She's his DR honey! I thought it strange he showered his mother and fake sister with all that wealth but brought nothing to his grandmother that raised him. Now we know why!
  12. Wouldn't it be fun if in the end Kevin wins BB over Paul and wins the $500,000 because of his great social game. I could see all of them voting for Kevin rather than Paul. I'm still in shock that Jessica didn't take out Ramses and insert Paul. Ramses is Pauls target...not Jessica's. She's doing Paul's dirty work. Right now she thinks Josh is going home. Announcement: He's probably staying to mess with her and drive Cody nuts another week! These gals remind me of The Stepford Wives. They don't think for themselves.
  13. Well last night was interesting. What did the parents expect in the DR? Surely they had some clue about where they were heading all dressed up. I'm also curious. Where is all this money coming from to afford $3500 rings, six months rent for mom and sis in DR and all those lavish gifts...tv, laptop. Is this all TLC money? I think once Mohammed tells the judge he had sex one time with Danielle he'll win just because. LOL Pao is over the hill. She needs to find a new career. That young model and her husband is just that..a young model. Pao is thick and is gaining weight. Russ is right but who listens to him. She's been in Miami two months and no work. Why are they staying with this one. Empty promises when the rent needs to be paid. TLC again. Jorge is a cry baby to his sisters and they enable him to the max. They need to tell him 'grow up' I thought he was making it big with the pot business. Alexi and Loren. I can't look at her without thinking she lied about her condition and that troubles me because Alexi and his family seem pretty decent.
  14. I think Cody and Jessica think...that since they didn't target anybody special they will do their bidding on Ramses and Josh. I think it showed Cody came back to the house weak. Jessica thinks she is playing a great social game since last week. In reality she is all of their #2 target. Nothing has changed. Jessica would have gone home last week except for Dominique. Paul decided Dominique was the bigger threat. I think that was Paul's mistake. Not taking out Jessica and now here we are. Maybe we should all chip in for one of those banners...Get Paul, Get Paul, Get Paul!!!
  15. I think by saving the houses' beloved Paul they think the sheep will do their bidding and evict Josh. Dumb. Put somebody big up against Josh and let the chips fall and at least they get rid of another BIG enemy.
  16. Putting Paul up is firing a shot. Nobody in the house is in their corner right now. They are the biggest targets so things can't get any worse for them putting Paul up. And the worst that can happen is Josh goes for sure..a win either way. Then they have two weeks to try and win again. If Cody doesn't win HOH next week then they use the hex. Then they both try for the following week. Paul has to go. Darn they all have to see that.
  17. I wish Jessica would put up Paul. Heck just keep taking shots at him because for sure he and all his minions will be coming after Jessica and Cody every week they can. Never back off from a bully. Maybe they would not get enough votes to get rid of him but they would get Josh out and also it would make the others think...hum maybe Paul should go. I think they are missing a huge opportunity not putting Paul on the block every chance they get.
  18. It would keep either her or Cody from being evicted therefore giving the two of them a couple more shots to get Paul out with HOH and POV and also time to convince the house he has to go. It's certainly a sticky wicket.
  19. So if they do take one of the nominees off the block who's betting Jessica will put Paul up? Would you go for that? Paul is certainly running the house. Trying to guess how many would vote to evict Paul if he was to go on the block? Kevin..maybe, Ramses yes, Cody for sure and that's about it...oh yes I think Jason would vote him out if not for Alex. What about Matt? He's playing a listening game but does not seem to be in Pauls pocket like the others. I really suspected when Cody returned that Matt and Mark would want to once again form a group with him. Cody and Jessica have two shots at Paul. This week and the week Jessica stops the eviction with her power play. Maybe another week if Cody or Jessica can win HOH again. Will they go for Paul? Should they go for Paul.
  20. I think all of those competing were given a chance to play both games. No way did any of them step right up and be able to handle those pullys or launch those balls. Just the same thing on the other tasks and always on Survivor. They don't walk in blind with no rehearsal. That would be a disaster on any show. I'm looking for Cody to line up again with Matt and Mark who I think are not real happy with Paul. Mark sees Elana fawning all over him and Paul got rid of Dominique. Mark voted her out and feels great remorse. Matt has never been a big Paul fan. He has no voice in the Paul Show. Elana and Christmas Joy, who names a kid that, need to go. Alex and Jason are contenders because they can win competitions. I like Jessica. I see her being one of the 'in' girls in any social setting. She got her game messed up due to Cody's actions but she scooted right back in after he was gone. He's back so here we go again.
  21. I think both men controlled themselves due to their contracts. They almost crossed the line but held back due to the promise of $500,000. They are not allowed to touch one another in anger. No way. They would be immediately escorted off the set. They can argue and scream and throw mustard and hot sauce but no touching, slapping, hitting. The might even jeopardize past earnings from the show along with future.
  22. I agree and then too there is the anticipation of Cody returning and seeing what the two of them can achieve now that his eyes have been opened and she's playing a more social game. Jillian and Cameron would be no fun at all. Dom could be interesting but I don't think her social game matches Jessica's. Everybody can say what they want but Jessica is playing Big Brother.
  23. Please somebody release Cody and Danielle from this torture. I can hardly wait for those two to say adios to each other. Is she for real? I mean they don't even hug and a hand touch seems like torture to her and let him even mention sex and she freezes up. What's wrong with her? What's wrong with him? To me it's like a bad blind date and all you want to do is go home. Sigh...eight weeks...sigh.
  24. Disagree. In taking the Pendant of Protection, Paul is guaranteed to make it to Week 4 and therefore has a great chance of sticking around beyond that week after being given the chance to form connections with his fellow Houseguests without fear of being sent home. So was the competition fixed?
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