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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. So is it going to be Mark for sure tomorrow night? No chance it will be one of the other dwarfs? Bashful- the shy one Kevin? Doc- leader of the group, not too good at speaking Paul? Grumpy- always annoyed and irritated, doesn't like snow white Josh? Happy- fat, jolly, friendly, spreading joy to everyone Raven? Sneezy- likes to have fun, has never ending case of hay fever that makes him sneeze Josh? Sleepy- always tired, most observant Christmas? Dopey- annoying, silly, the comic relief Matt?
  2. Four women and seven men are either in jury or final two! Will this make a difference in their choice of the winner? Cody, Mark and maybe Matt could become the three that keep Paul from winning but will the weaker two do something like that to redeem their poor playing??
  3. Christmas may turn out to be Paul's new Nicole! I can hear it now with her "against all odds here I am" speech!
  4. Oh I agree and then we have Matt laughing like a hyena! On another note I keep thinking about last season when Paul lost to Nicole. I don't think he has gotten over that since it happened. So does he want to take another female to final two? Wouldn't he do better with a do nothing like Josh or Kevin? Last year the jury was longing for a female winner and Paul elevated Nicole to that place instead of choosing James who evidently Paul thought could beat him. I bet he dreams about that every night. What's he to do now? Don't make another mistake.
  5. Paul, James and Nicole and Paul chose Nicole. Do you think he could have won against the ever popular James with his little daughter? "There's one thing Paul wishes James would have said to him prior to the finale. While sitting next to James on the After Show couch, Paul turned to him and said he wished Captain Camo would've pulled him aside before the finale to say the majority of the jury was female and they were gunning for a girl to win. James added that he regrets not approaching Paul about that, too."
  6. I'm not going to look it up but didn't Paul mostly lose because he made a bad choice in taking Nicole to final two? I think it was some kind of pact or promise he made to her that...yep Paul was honoring. Hard to believe right!
  7. So I am thinking that we will get a feel of what production thinks of this season and the house guests when Zingbot enters the house this Wednesday. If he/she comes down hard and embarrassing we'll know somebody's not happy with the players. On the other hand if it's light and laughing type material we'll know production concocked this whole mess of Season 19. Uggg.
  8. Heck maybe he'll take do nothing Matt and dying Raven. I think he would win up against those two for sure.
  9. Well another man with no real job. What the heck is a gig to gig? Sounds like a bit is thrown to him ever so often because of his name. I still want to know what he's coming into this relationship with. His net worth. Funny when I googled his name and net worth nothing came up. Mighty unusual because anybody else in the industry surely has some kind of net worth. This guy..nada!
  10. So my two cents is that Paul does not want to take Alex or Christmas to final two. I think Alex could win against him and Christmas isn't playing too bad of a game either. Paul will want to take do nothing Kevin or big mouth Josh or ride em cowboy Jason with him. He can easily win against those three. Then we have Matt and Raven the biggest Paul Ass Kissers but actually thy haven't done a bad job staying in Paul's inner circle by always telling him what he wants to hear. The only time I hear Matt utter an opinion was when he volunteered to go on the block but emphasized "leave Raven alone". Are they a threat or are they disposable? I do think the only excitement for this season will be when these last nine eat each other alive!
  11. This is the first time in 19 seasons of watching that I don't want to watch anymore. When Paul goes into the diary room to talk I want to turn my TV off. What a disgusting bunch.
  12. Amber is all mouth and no show in the 'mom' role!
  13. Fingers crossed for Mark to pull one out of the hat!
  14. Just getting around to commenting but I think last nights show was the most boring and had I known what it was going to be I never would have watched it. I think CBS has been reading around the net and is finding everybody feels like we do. We hate this season. So they decided to show us 'how much fun it is in the BB house'. Ugg just Ugg. Their vain attempt to turn this season into something it isn't and never has been. Fun and interesting. A total fail!
  15. This should just be called the season of Paul! Another safe week. Players are just playing for chance to be second and a paycheck every week! Big bunch of losers.
  16. I wonder if 'new dude' has old family money? I know he has picked up jobs because of his father and grandfather. I wonder what he's worth? I think I'll look it up. Stay tuned.
  17. Never heard of that one but I'm ALL IN!!!!!
  18. We have no control over that but we do control Fan Favorite and voting for Cody and if he wins will surely piss off Paul. Sweet revenge..sort of!
  19. If that's him, to the left, in the pictures of the three guys he's a huge, hairy man that looks like he needs to shower and shave and maybe a hair cut too. Uggg. Yes that's my concern too. I hope Gary is on his toes on this new one. Strange how Gary turns out to be the good one of these two!!!
  20. So just for the record are we going to see two house guests walk out the door tonight??? 20 minutes til "Showtime"!
  21. Maybe I'm having a moment but isn't this the show where we see them arriving at the Jury house and they play a video of how they were evicted? They sure were together there.
  22. I think Jessica is simply drumming up some business for either she or Cody to get voted AFP in the finals. She knows the ship has sunk on the $500, but there is still hope for the $25, . I'm sure that was part of their plan when either of them left. They are clever. I notice they don't even follow her with the camera's anymore. Hint, hint. She's boring but it's been a pleasure not seeing her and her sideways glances to see the camera is ON HER! Tonights DE really depends on who gets HOH. If Paul, Alex or Jason win those three are safe. The others...I donno. Christmas has Kevin..sorta, Christmas also has Josh..sorta, Mark and Elena have each other and Matt and Raven the same. Then again will Christmas be able to even play? Seems like she might be the one to make something happen since she has three just like Paul has three. Interesting to think about. Do you think Kevin and Josh are more loyal to Christmas than to Paul? Would either of the couples support an Alpha Christmas against an Alpha Alex? I know Elena hates Alex. Mark would probably follow her lead over to Christmas. Lots of pieces to this puzzle.
  23. If anybody here was bullied in school or at work this season is just painful to watch. I'm kind of surprised CBS is encouraging it with showing all those scenes. There are so many campaigns and groups forming to stop bullying and now we have this. I'm truly disappointed that the bullies are winning. Sad too.
  24. I could never eat food in front of anybody without offering. If there was something special I really liked I might tuck it away for later when I was alone but eating in front of others without asking..no I could not do that even if it was HOH food. Thinking back I wonder if she was plowing through the other HOH goodies when other HG were HOH or did she sit back and wait to be invited??? I donno but watching Alex on the show last evening I really don't like her. She just came across as mean and a bully. Would love to know what her friends think of her back home. Well friends and enemies.
  25. Well he looks ridiculous laying there with a rose in his mouth. So much for thinking this one might be different!
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