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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. Where do you see these exit interviews with Jeff? I've never seen one! I bet Alex just loves sharing her Cokes with Raven who will be knocking on Alex door til they are gone.
  2. I could not believe it when it was Dave and Brooke that tapped out. I love Dave. He saved his wife rather than hanging on for the money and risking her life. Looking back they knew about how many days they had to last to win based on previous shows. I think Brooke exerted way too much energy building the fireplace and carrying all those river rocks for the fireplace. Should have spent that time fishing or forging. Mistakes cost. Who was it last year that caught all those fish and had them dried and hung and ate quite well. I too was surprised none of them could catch fish or crabs. Sam, the son of the Sam and Pete, has a degree in fishery so it's strange with all that he could not catch anything. My memory tells me that Pete caught most of their fish. The brothers really toned it down last night. I wonder if they were told to knock it off on the argueing? I so wanted B & D to win. Now I guess I'm rooting for Sam and Pete.
  3. Made up and in sexy clothes??? Was that her last night at the eviction? She looked ridiculous. Like a clown. I was embarrassed for her. Kevin was right..she is a pretty girl and doesn't need all that makeup. He tried but she surely didn't listen. Sigh... I think Jessica is hoping for some reality show to pick up the lovers. Not going to happen Jessica. You is what you is!
  4. Thanks for the info. Most traders make pretty good money. And he owns a business? In that little apartment they must be 'living below their means' or business is way off for one or both of them.
  5. Sooo since it's slow. Who is Alex target and who is Pauls. I'm sure they will go with Paul's but I just wondered who they both wanted OUT. I'm thinking Alex might want Raven out and Paul definitely wants Cody out. Cody seems the bigger threat to all of them Kevin is riding the rail. Afraid to say anything to upset his position in the house but fuming and not really liking a few of them at all. I liked when he was telling Elena not to put any make up on that she was pretty without it. She slops so much on she looks like a clown. Those ugly red lips and those way too close black eyebrows followed up by all that rouge on her cheeks. Ok taking a breath here...then I'll describe Raven's beauty...NOT.
  6. Sorry I'm late to the discussion but I just have to comment on the three sitting there waiting for one to be evicted. Raven with her fake hair looked ridiculous and Elena with her huge protruding breasts and red lipstick looked worse than hookers. Julie better send in somebody for hair and makeup. They made the whole show look bad!
  7. So we are pretty much conceding the outcome of tonight's departing house guest...Jessica. Is there a snowballs chance in hell that Elena might go?
  8. Elena is probably telling Paul what Mark told her in confidence about Kevin. Shoot Elena. Josh was right she's clever and a rat and she plays her own game to win. I so wish Josh and Christmas would have held steady on getting Elena out. Gosh I don't know which one I dislike the most this season!
  9. I don't think most of the 'players' want to win HOH. Surely not Kevin or Jason. Winning and naming two to the bar would put them in jeopardy should the surviving player win next time. Nope they are all going to follow Paul's lead and jump off the wagon. I have been noticing during the comps they can't wait to fall off, be elminated or just give up. NOBODY want to be HOH except Mark and Elena. Speaking of which Mark, Elena, Cody and maybe Matt and DumbDumb might just rise up. If they can win HOH. I think that's why the sheep are all grazing in the meadow so they can perhaps continue being the chosen ones if there are eliminations and one has to jump ship. I think this is what keeps Paul up at night. Then the question arises. Can any of them other than Cody actually win challenges? I think this season has not been about winning. It's been about shepherding. Yes he does have a nose ring and it became infected either last year or this year. It was exciting to watch him handle that. NOT!
  10. I wish they could vote out two tonight. Big boob Elena and Big dying Raven. Be still my heart! I did notice during last nights showing that they really took the heat off of Josh with all his harassing and put it on Jessica with her not willing to listen to him. I don't think that was fair. She went through a lot with him but the show made her look like she deserves what she got. She has quite a mouth on her and can certainly hold her own but the editing made it seem like everything was on her. It didn't show any of the shit fights she had to go through. I am not OK with what's going to happen tonight. Sheep folks...sheep. BTW I'm disliking Alex and Jason quite a bit these days. Alex on Pauls coattails and Jason on hers. Uggg.
  11. I guess the last few posters have said what I too am thinking. I do like Rattled and enjoy this peek into other people's lives. The picture of Aly and Josh and their family of three daughters is lovely. Dreams do come true. I do have a few questions. Why isn't Mars and Doug using birth control? They have so many options now. With their disfunctional coupling I would surely suggest it for them especially if this is a false alarm. I wonder if she thinks more children will trap him. BTW where do those two work? He seems to have money for travel, clothes and Vegas but not money for much more. RE Brooke and Wes...are they play acting or is this really them? I notice he seems to have lost a lot of weight? Starting up a new business is exhausting so I do think his timing is way off but then again 'timing is everything' so maybe he felt he had to go for it. Quad family...sorry but you are lost and not going to get another shot at fame and fortune. Judging from the reaction of the posters here they just don't win friends like the show OutDaughtered does. Most folks are in love with that group and even though the Duggers put themselves in jeopardy with their son everybody loved their children...so it goes.
  12. Please give me hope that Jessica stays and either Raven or Elena go tonight. It's a dream I have been having that the Paul slaves 'RISE UP'. I'm sure if I blink Raven and her nutsy and Elena and her boobs will still be there. Too bad Jessica gave up her game for Cody. She could have been quite a playa! Gosh they all have to be soooo sick of that place. Cleaning toes, clipping toenails, nose picking and eating pizza in the place they sleep. Uggg. Speaking of which I have not heard of ants and bugs this season. Have they developed a new spray?
  13. Yep to all of that and Jessica being in a high end business where people are watching her every move...per Jessica early on talking about her image... is not going to settle for that no matter how cute Cody thinks he is. She won't even remember his name.
  14. Ok finally I found a group that watches HH. I've watched it for years but this last week or two I have kind of come to the conclusion that these couples are really actors??? I mean it's the same old plot over and over again. He wants, she wants. Different of course. Eliminate one and come to a conclusion on the last two and they are devinely happy...forever. C'mon. This can't be real. It has to be actors and pretend. Don't you think?
  15. Janelle and Barbara are two peas in a pod. As Janelle ages we will see Barb incarnated. When Janelle does not get her way she immediately turns on the water works...typical Barbara. The screaming and shouting. The only thing Janelle has going for her is she is pretty and still able to attract men. Not the cream of the crop but men. BTW does David work or is he another one on the MTV payroll! Uggg.
  16. Cody is not going to walk. Jessica wants him in the game and she wants him to put a ring on it if he can win the $500,000. If he stays and loses Jessica and the money he almost won will be gone. Cody lives on Tobacco row with an old car and dumpy truck. That's not Jessica but she is betting on him to somehow win the game. We'll see. I haven't had a chance to catch up and read all the comments but I'm guessing Jessica is everybody's ... well Paul's...choice to go home tomorrow night. I wonder if she'll have second thoughts about her game play when she watched it all play back. Almost Elena...almost Raven...but the Jessica shot herself in the foot and off she goes. I watched BBAD from last night and they all seem bored to tears. I was wondering how they liked having no cell phones attached to their ears day and night. No tv and nothing much to do but follow Paul around. Gosh he's a sneaky devil. He's like a big RAT keeping watch over all of them and scurrying around. Uggg.
  17. I guess I;m just so used to the other 16 and Pregnant guys I can't believe there's a good one in the bunch. Time will tell but Chelsea sure hung onto Adam way above and beyond. A bad boy!
  18. Is there a link to watching the feeds or is that pay as you go? TIA I watched BBAD from last night and not much game talk at all. I suspect the fix is in. Many wonder why Jessica is even with Cody. If he wins and puts a ring on it she controls the $$. If he loses she is gone. Did Jessica burn her bridge by arguing with Josh? When he said you'll be sorry when you watch this I'm sure it's because he was going after Elena and not Jessica. Christmas took a couple pills and the beat goes on!
  19. Why is it I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop with these girls. Yes Cole is a prince compared to the other guys on the show but for some reason I think he bores Chelsea. She has always liked the drama of Adam from the time she was 16 and pregnant. I hope Cole stays because Aubree really needs him and it's giving Randy a break. I never thought I could not like anybody as much as I unlike Janelle but Kail is a real piece of work. Imagine her in charge of YOUR son. That's how Javi has to feel. She's a tramp raising his and Jo's son. That has to make anybody crazy. Now she is trying to take his livlihood away from him. No wonder nobody in her family speaks to her. Poor little Jace just never had a chance. He's now acting out the life he has been living. I remember him sitting in the corner listening. Now his anger comes out. Brianna just seems to be a terrible man magnet. The children suffer. BTW has she decided to keep this new baby? No mention last night.
  20. I don't know about that. Remember how Kevin took Jessica, not Cody, into the bathroom to tell her Josh was not going home and that they were fooling her saying he was. I think if he was buddies with Cody he would have told him. Kevin and flip flop Christmas could be a good pair except for her. Never know where she stands and maybe that's her game. Kevin has something up his sleeve but he knows one slip up and Paul would make sure he was gone. Kevin has an interesting game going. I don't like Jason. He has nothing going but riding on Alex coattails.
  21. The Coup d'Etat (pronounced koo-day-tah) is a special power given to a houseguest. It allows the holder to remove two nominees from the Nomination Block and replace them with two other houseguests (except for the Head of Household and the Veto holder). It is similar to the Diamond Power of Veto, except the holder can remove both nominees from the Block, as opposed to just one. The Coup d'Etat first appeared as a prize in Big Brother: All-Stars, but it was not used. The power appeared once again in Big Brother 11, and the holder was chosen by America.The Coup d'Etat has also appeared in Big Brother Canada 3, but its name was not referenced.
  22. Isn't it interesting that one of the three 'couples' will be going home and NOT on jury! Money, exposure and romance all going to be gone with this next vote!
  23. When will Josh figure out that Alex is in Pauls back pocket? Josh seems to be playing a pretty good HOH game. I wonder if it will bite him in the butt. I'm also impressed with the laid back, non combative game Cody and Jessica are playing while the rest of the house is hanging it's self. Interesting watching the puzzle pieces.
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