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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. Well I was thinking. Christmas has been a gathering. She kind of has Kevin and Josh. Mark and Cody. That's five. Maybe Jason has had enough after Alex tripped him and called him Whistle Ass??? They could do it but oh what a risk it would be because for sure next week the leader would be on the block and gone unless one of the five won HOH.
  2. Who thinks that .... maybe Cody....can assemble enough misfits that have just about had it with Paul and arrange a take over?
  3. Yes there is. They can get a couple more and vote out Matt and take over the house!
  4. If the sheep are smart they will not baa baa anything in anybody's ear. It all goes back to Paul. They can't get to him fast enough with tidbits that might elevate them in his eyes. Wow.
  5. Just watched BB 18 over on youtube. Brought back lots of memories.
  6. And being tied to Kail for the next 18 years. Ugggg.
  7. Poor Leah. I hope she isn't getting over nights with all these creepy men coming and going. Gary seems to be on top of things. Hopefully it will be another run to the courthouse with the juggling boobs video! Uggg...just Uggg.
  8. Your right. I forgot how he got there. Wasn't he supposed to throw the competition? Still a dumb cluck.
  9. Wait a second. Matt is the nominee and he's going to take out Jason. What a fool. Take yourself out dummy. With this house anything is possible. What a dumb cluck.
  10. I don't know why they even invited all these foolish non players. This should have been the Paul show. Put him in the house and just let him win all alone. These house guests want nothing more than a bit of information so they can run and tell Paul. Paul is clever when he lets them know the stradagy for the next eviction then how dumb they are if they don't go with it. It's the Paul show. Plain and simple.
  11. Zingbot usually has something to say. Maybe a wake up call!
  12. One of them would be very wise to save Cody. He's the only one that will go after Paul.
  13. Sorry but...who is Alex ex boyfriend and who is he on tour with? From Alex ex letter to her; "By the way I’ll look completely different when you see me next. On to the second half of the tour now."
  14. What money? I must have missed that one. I will say if anybody has a chance to take money go for it. Everyone but Paul, Alex and one more is going to get nada.
  15. I looked and your right. It was not on the exit video. Thank goodness. I thought I was going cra cra!
  16. I'm looking for somebody to save Cody this week and maybe pull a little sneeker on Paul. Maybe Kevin or Christmas or maybe both. Elena might think of it. It's way too soon to make any move with the numbers still in Paul's favor but if any one of them have any forsight they have to see when Cody and the couples are gone they will be picked off one by one. But of course they will have to win challenges and Christmas and her bum foot and Kevin would be a NO. Elena...has she won anything? Boy this is really a piss poor group.
  17. I'm pages behind but didn't Jessica on her way out and in her interview with Julie say she was taking Cody and Paisley to Disney World for some fun when he gets out?
  18. I pretty much would agree with you but professionals making six figure incomes...not so much.
  19. I think I'd feel a whole lot better if when they spray for ants they could spray Paul's ugly, hairy beard. Who knows what dwelleth in there! Just ugggg.
  20. Ok you all have convinced me it's real people and not actors but...$500...no way. It has to be way more. These are doctors and attorneys. Most of them have really good jobs and businesses. It has to be something more to lure then into this HH
  21. Happiness to Kailyn...another son with no wedding ring..baby daddy makes it to the hospital. A photographer to capture the 'happy' departure and a police man to keep the peace between new mom and nurse. Sigh...
  22. Good gravy. It just never gets any better does it. That video just about did me in with the boobs juggling. Who in the heck does she think she is? She's a MTV reality pregnant teen grown up into a lazy, bad mother who continues making terrible choices in the men she chooses to bring into her and Leah's life. Shame on her. Leah seems very lucky to have somebody like Kristina in her life. She seems stable...fingers crossed on that one because I've been fooled before.
  23. Speaking of Brooke how come there is no family support for her. Didn't I hear her saying she was doing this all alone? I remember when Mars left Doug last season she went to her mothers home. She came from very humble beginnings and I'm really surprised she is not on birth control. She has to be smart to hold a job like trading. I don't see any family in the quads life either. Ally and Josh are surrounded. It sounds like there's some money there. Anybody know about them or the family or is the TLC/Bravo..whatever picking up the bills? It's expensive to stop working and relocate to another city, rent a house and wait for a baby that might or might not become theirs. Kind of strange all around.
  24. This Christmas and Kevin thing has me baffled. I thought he was being a father figure to her. She came into the game broken hearted and I thought he was a shoulder to lean on having all those children and a wife at home. Do you really think it's much more?
  25. It will be interesting to see how Paul handles this part of the game. Can he continue to rally the troops or will the stronger ones branch off and form their own alliances. Clearly Kevin has been DONE for a while and I think Christmas sees the light. However neither are leadership people. Cody could be but we have seen his aggressive behavior and antisocial actions too often. Alex seems to hold too much of a grudge to lead so backup to Paul is her best position. Neither couple have shown much and Whistle and Josh..no way. Maybe just one by one they will vanish with Paul calling all the shots. I am really disappointed in these players throwing competitions. That's how a lot of the great players and winners won in previous seasons. I wonder if Derrick and Jeff and Rachael are as disappointed as we are.
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