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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. Alex has some kind of strange thing with food. I have a grandson like that. Never, never touch his food or ask for a slice of his Extra Large Pizza. He might say yes to the slice since you paid for it but glare at you the whole time you are eating it. I have noticed her up in the BB room drinking her beer and cokes and eating her nuts and cereal in front of all the others. She never asks if they would like something. Alex is selfish and has a real mean side to her when she has the groups backing. I can see her being a terrible bully in school with the other kids. She is damaged.
  2. This is getting ugly. I would think a bb house rule would be don't mess with the food!
  3. Yes I know but...sigh...wouldn't it be 'lovely'! I tried and could not even come up with how it could happen. They are all tied to Paul! Ok I'm curious. Do we usually hate all the house guests at this time in the show or is this season different? The reason I am wondering is could they pull something to get rid of Paul? Or does the game just play out weather we like it or not. I have watched 19 seasons but can't remember.
  4. Tysen is his own QVC party with his Minky blanket! https://www.facebook.com/gardnerquads/
  5. Has Tysen ever held a regular job? I wonder how much cash actually flows into their home each week? Do internet people really support them? Questions I ponder.
  6. I hope he likes to cook and clean and drive Amber to all her appointments. Take care of Leah on her occasional visits and clean up after four dogs. It's not a job most new guys can handle and Matt will be a tough act to follow in the ass kissing department. Stay tuned.
  7. So last evening was another wtf! The quad's at that selling fair. What a chance they took with those babies exposed to all those people and germs. I'm surprised they came home with four! Doug and Mars $$ issues. They live poorly. Their apartment seems to be rundown and in a very poor section of town. They want his ex to give up part of her child support so this man can maintain his new life where evidently birth control plays no role! I'm netting his ex pays lots of money just getting him to pay anything. What about those out of town getaway's when Doug gets upset! $$$ Re. Wes they have to be living on her money because she said she would be paying for the remodel. What a piss poor manager he is. Rundown, bad side of town. I hope he's not making all those expensive improvements to a rundown,bad side of town rental. Maybe Brooke needs to close down the money flow. Their not married so hers is not his!
  8. Every time Kevin things of jumping ship she tells one of Paul's minions. They run to Paul and Paul whips Kevin back in line. Why doesn't Kevin get together with Cody and come up with some plan to oust Paul. Geeeez. Can you believe we are going to have four glorious night of BB this week. Wed, Thur, Friday and Sunday!
  9. It's strange to think of these young lives with many men, baby daddies, children and cameras. Their lives have developed to the point they live and breath MTV paychecks and the Producers hound them for scenes to show on tv to make the show exciting. Say this, dress this way and let me capture the worst moments for tv. I'm pretty sure producers scroll websites like this one to see 'what the audience wants'. Marriages gone wrong, divorces, family strife, children hearing things they should never hear. If I was Kaiser I would scream too. Something is wrong with Janelle. Too many drugs early on..maybe. Where does David go each day if he is not working? Foolish me I thought he was hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go each day. Evidently not. Jace bothers me. He has a strange look in his eyes. Has he seen too much or is he a bit slow? His conversation with Barbara was alarming to me. Something is going on with Chelsea. I'm not sure what it is but it's something. She was happy to see Aubree leave and if I'm not mistaken she gave Cole a put down. So different from all that baby talk. Maybe her story line will be baby blues. Kail and her new lover boy. I'm sure that phone call was because of all the bad publicity she is getting being knocked up a third time with a third guy. Did she cut off his dreads???? She is sooo hateful it's painful to watch sometimes. She used to treat Jo like she treats Javi. I wonder why that stopped. I thought it child support he was not paying but I was corrected in that thinking that he does pay. Probably not much. I would love to scoop Kail by hearing what Jo's new wife has to say but she holds her tongue most times. I agree Maci is trying hard to make up for her previous years. But darn when she signed up for school didn't she know how far she would have to drive each day? That youngest daughter is a real handful. What an unruly child she is.
  10. From your lips to God's ears! One can only hope!
  11. If those two sit and stare at each other one more time I'm throwing my pop can through the tv. Gawd it's like they are possessed! This might have been already answered but I think Julie said no more Battle Back this year. Which kind of stinks because Paul did get four eviction free weeks. Sigh...
  12. Perhaps if we could whisper in Cody's ear... TELL THEM!! "Your not the only one! Paul has final two deals with all of you"! I donno. It would probably fall on deaf ears. Paul surely is a wizard!!!
  13. Somebody PLEASE make a move this week!!! When is Zingbot due for a wakeup call? I donno the more I think about it I think this ship has sunk!
  14. Ok I read the last couple of pages and here is what I'm thinking. If Elena and Mark would stop being so scared of Paul and form a strong three person alliance I think a couple of the floaters that know they are bottom of the barrel might join up. But being scared to talk to each other and ducking in and out of rooms for fear of being caught by Paul makes them look like a weak alliance. I kind of think Matt might just be talked into some kind of alliance with them. He has to know Alex and Jason are way up on the poll above him and he has to see Raven is probably going to go soon. She doesn't see that because she's a bubble head but that's another story. From the look on Kevins face when Paul and Christmas are talking he might be another one to jump ship. If they vote out Cody they have no mast head. Nobody willing to take on Paul. Actually if they vote out Cody I might just stop watching this dumb season too. So looking at the line up of Cody, Elena and Matt on the block I am thinking they need to take out Elena and form a Cody, Mark and Matt alliance. Woo Kevin and get Jason away from Alex's apron strings. The work like hell to win this next competition and up goes Paul and Christmas. Saving Alex as part of the deal to Jason for joining up with the group. I compare this season to the season we spent in bed with Pizza Delivery Guy McCrae and Amanda. Uggg. BTW I never eat an English Muffin that I don't think of Vanessa!!!
  15. That was huge. Four safe evictions. Just give the $$ to Paul and move along...nothing to see here!
  16. lol I looked them up on Google and the first thing that popped up was their August, 2017 trip to Disney. The Gardner’s Top 5 Tips For Disneyland August 5, 2017 http://gardnerquadsquad.com/
  17. Wow I did not know that. I wonder just how much they are raking in each month? Do they happen to have a GFM account set up? Surely they would think to ask over there. Amazing how folks don't mind asking....
  18. But didn't they both have a very important second in command? Paul has the whole house in his command. Alex is nothing like Dr. Will's Boogie and Dan's Memphis...Paul is riding the range all alone with all of them loyal to him. They each think they are his sidekick so to me that's special playing and worthy of note.
  19. Actually love him or hate him Paul is playing quite a game. He has everybody in line. Everybody thinks he/she is Paul's favorite. That's some managing. What he also has going is that each of them can hardly wait to hear something from another so they can run and tell Paul and hopefully advance themselves in Pauls' game. I'm not sure they even have a clue. I'm just checking in and haven't read but this one page. Anything earth shattering in the BB house? TIA
  20. Sorry I meant Alexs' HOH. Watch is a Navy term...Such as it happened on Dave's watch! ( his time to steer the boat) so to speak.
  21. Paul, Jason and Kevin are the have not's on Alex watch. Interesting. Did they volunteer or were they chosen? Sorry but we have seen Raven dance and Gaga is NOT calling!
  22. I'm still hoping somebody gets mad enough and Cody stays!
  23. I watched Jessica's exit interview with Julie again this evening and that girl is a great interview. I hope Julie picked up on that and will perhaps find something for her.
  24. Kevin tried to tell her but she would not listen. He said Elena your a pretty girl you don't need makeup but she just keeps piling it on and looks like a clown!
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