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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. Strange how every time Paul is in the DR the minions come up with different plans. I wonder how long they are keeping him in there. I bet he dies a thousand deaths to be out of command for that little while. Who do you think Paul has the most loyalty to? Elena and her boobs, Josh and his pots and pans or Alex who he lassoed in the first day? Not Kevin or Christmas and of course not the three romances.
  2. I bet they put up Christmas if Mark comes down. She spoke way too soon! Ofgs grow a pair Matt!
  3. Well then all that head rubbing and crotch sitting along with going braless is working on Paul. A woman might just do him in yet!
  4. Why is being on the jury so important to all of them? Free Room and board?? If your on the jury for sure you aren't getting any moolah so why are they dying to vote for a winner?
  5. Alex and Jessica are bitter enemies. I think Jessica might have a very slight chance with Alex if she would give her some safety. I think Jessica will make some moves closer to eviction night. Everything keeps changing right now hour by hour! Wait til they all find out they ALL are Paul's favorite.
  6. Christmas is already on Paul's radar and she does not have anybody close to her. I know its crazy but I'd love to see Josh and Kevin save Jessica and form their own possee!
  7. What if josh finds out Alex is tighter with Paul than with him and jason?
  8. I think more game playing will take place once the inventory gets low enough. Right now everybody's just glad they aren't a target. We have seen this happen in previous seasons. Right now everybody's afraid to take a shot. It does bother me that their even afraid to win HOH and have to nominate anybody! Jess and Cody were discussing leadership roles if Cody, Jessica and Paul were not there. I surely don't see it in the men. Maybe Alex?
  9. Oh thank you. I guess maybe I was wrong. I remember she wanted something and I thought it was 'any' child support. What will they all do when this gig is over? I wonder how much the new gal Brianna is making compared to the salaries of the original four. For some reason I always think the girls think they are really something and their demands might make them lose the show if the new gals catch on.
  10. The dancing might have been acceptable for a family video if not for that screeching by Jillian. Good gravy who gave her a mic???
  11. Isaac has a very sensitive nature. Lincoln is only starting to realize what is going on. Jo says nothing because she is letting him off on the child support and he does not work. Kail is a super slut with a big mouth and some MTV money. Whatever did she see in Chris Lopez? He's one ugly dude. Javi is the one I feel sorry for. He always tried to tame the beast and he always treated Isaac as good as Lincoln. Came home from deployment and found a very different Kail with Lopez in HIS bed and no longer able to have a home. That's a lot for a guy. I'm kind of surprised he didn't go crazier.
  12. Evidently she and another bo broke up the previous year. They both had full beards and mustache. She must be a gal that likes facial hair...hello Paul!
  13. How come big, huge, strong Mark can't win anything? What a dumb bunny he is!
  14. That was the sweetest conversation between Mother and Daughter. Chelsea and Cole have given her lots of attention and you can tell Chelsea, of course, and Cole truly love her. Aubrey IS loved but right now little Watson is in the way because he is a tiny baby and needs more. I think as he grows Aubrey will get over this because he will steal her heart! She's just doing attention getting things that siblings do when a new sibling enters the picture.
  15. Surely Jessica will NOT believe Paul will honor any deal he makes with her if she allows him to evict Cody. He lied to her about evicting Josh and he will lie to her about keeping her safe for two weeks and putting Alex on the block. How he might get around the lie with Alex is if he says he will put her on the block and does but has his minions vote for the other one, probably Jessica. He's tricky. If he gets rid of Cody this week Jessica will be next week. For sure. If Jessica believes any word out of Paul's mouth she's a fool and deserves to go home.
  16. Oh heck what wouldn't the show let any of them get away with? Bullying, slamming pots and pans and marching through the house, vasaline on the door knobs and whatever being done with coffee. Food should definitely be OFF LIMITS! I think a little shoving almost got out of hand between Josh and Mark so let Jessica say anything. Paul surely has lied and lied during this game. He lied last week when he told Jessica they were taking out Josh. She believed him...shame on her. It's a game folks and people lie. She can say anything she wants to say. The game becomes if she can lie and they believe her??? I'm still in shock over that one. I wonder if Julie's audience is allowed to boo when a contestant goes home? They deserve it for those horrible actions. I am still reeling from that attack. Whew.
  17. I am sooo disappointed in this BB season. I have always liked it but darn I might just shut the whole thing off. Disgusting to see bullies like there are on this show. I bet a whole lot of people are reminded of bullies in their own life watching this show. Uggg.
  18. Some of us missed it. Anybody kind enough to explain what happened? Sounds like things are getting a bit out of control. TIA
  19. I wonder if Jessica was worried about her job when she was telling the tale of she and Cody in the same room with Raven and Matt last night?????
  20. I think they have all gone mad. Maybe they need to open the doors and let them all run out!
  21. If she trusts any of them and doesn't use the hex then she deserves to be sent home. I'm still getting over last week!
  22. Well now she'll have to use the hex. Darn I wanted Cody gone and Jessica safe for another week.
  23. I hope and pray Jessica doesn't believe anything Paul tells her. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"!
  24. Humm maybe I read it wrong. I thought Paul and Jess were discussing her not using the hex this week and she wanted him to insure her two weeks with no being put up on the block and also she wanted Alex on the block. He said yes to her but no to Alex? LOL Mark and Kevin were talking about if either of them would come back for another season. Kevin said 'hell no'. I think Kevin is about...done!
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