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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about Maci and Ryan. I like Maci and can't stand Ryan. I think Maci has a good heart and does all she can to protect Bentley. I also think the agreement was with Larry and Jen about visitation. They would be Bentleys caretakers on visitation days. He went to their home and Ryan visited him occasionally. Maybe they didn't need a court order to make that happen since all were in agreement. I think Maci is one of the best of the Teen Moms.
  2. What is that? All I get is a sign for a Poker tournament. I hope dumb Matt isn't thinking of entering. Those players are professional and would eat up that cash quick as a wink. There is a huge buy in to play tournament poker in Vegas! Oh I think it's exactly the same. Both are dealing with druggie other parents. Both have their hands full trying to keep their child safe during visitation. Both children love their 'other' parent but have no idea how much danger they are in. It's sad to watch. Gary and Maci seem to do everything for their children while Amber and Ryan just limp along!
  3. I bet I know what he's doing. Didn't Jessa and Jill go to look at a rehab home with a swimming pool in the center? I bet JimBob has found a home and Ben is on the crew to rehab it. That along with getting away from childcare and dirty diapers. How old is Ben? I think he's under 25?
  4. Aaaa is that a good idea Amber to have a known drug dealer in your house when you are 'on the wagon'. Imagine that. A live in supplier. I'm sure Wayne knows plenty of sources. Poor Gary. I bet he dies inside during these reunion shows when he can't tell what he knows and deals with trying to keep Leah safe. Amber is and always has been a POS. I truly feel sorry for Gary and Maci dealing with Amber and Ryan. I also feel sorry for Catelyn's adoptive parents of their first, Carly. I have to believe those adoptive parents know things now shown on the air and that's why they are trying to keep Carly safe from all the crazy.
  5. Where does Ben work? Seems he went to work AFTER Henry was born but was always there before. Seems his interest was in some kind of silly rap band but I have never heard of any real WORK. If anything I expect one of the guys to crack. These are young men. I wonder if they want to devote their life to having kids and more kids. Ben did mention he was overwhelmed with dirty diapers. Ugg. More to come Ben...more to come. I can't believe the Dillards are going back to SA. What's wrong with them or is that their story line 'we live on the edge'. lol I wonder too if they are still in the collecting for missionary work business. Would be interesting to see how much they are making to do the Lord's work. They won't be there long because they are coming home to do 'TLC's work' in just a few months! Derrick looks just awful. I looked at him when they first married and he has aged at least 10 years. I know he had mouth surgery but he looks really bad and sloppy and unclean. Jill on the other hand looks radiant.
  6. LOL that one tickled me! Thanks for the smile this morning.
  7. I think the solution will be fostering or adopting girls that can babysit, stir pasta, entertain the force. Jessa has always talked about doing that and they are looking for a larger home. Perfect idea for a season when they don't have weddings and babies arriving during shows.
  8. aaa geez. Wayne's fresh out of prison and came to work for Matt painting and carpenter work. Annette cleans for Amber. Honestly I feel sorry for them. They probably are doing it for some cash but what a position to be put in. Friends of Matt and Amber on reality tv. It surely doesn't get any better than that. Dreams do come true. lol I'm sorry yes they were neighbors in the old house. I didn't quote it or put a link because it was somebody familiar with all of them that posted the info and I'm sure I can't bring somebody's conversation over here. You can google their names and put Matt and Ambers friends.
  9. I don't know. When I watch the show they all seem happy but they are so young to be burdened with the responsibility of such young children so close together. They seem to be living life back in the 60's when that's all women did. Get married have a baby. Young women today are well educated and have good jobs before getting married and becoming parents. Raising children is a labor of love. 24/7. I don't know. Seems like I kind of want a bit more for these young ladies. I don't really see the Joy in Joy. Is she really into this marriage or is this just another season for the show. She is a very young 19 unlike the other girls who always seemed a bit older.
  10. You beat me too it! Daisy it is! But I think they will go all the way and call her Daisy Braids Roloff! Boy they tell everything don't they. http://www.tlc.com/tlcme/jeremy-and-audrey-on-tlcme-treehouse-adventure/
  11. aaa geez. Wayne's fresh out of prison and came to work for Matt painting and carpenter work. Annette cleans for Amber. Honestly I feel sorry for them. They probably are doing it for some cash but what a position to be put in. Friends of Matt and Amber on reality tv. It surely doesn't get any better than that. Dreams do come true. lol
  12. Now I don't know who they are. For some reason I thought they worked for Amber in some capacity?
  13. Ambers brother has appeared in a few episodes. Neither liked or disliked him. I'm always afraid to like somebody because next day we read horrible things about them. With that said the only other one that seems to come around once in a while is her cousin. Her mother is hardly ever seen. Re that new black couple. Who are they and where the heck did Amber come up with them? They always appear to be in shock any time they appear with Amber on the set. They seem nice enough but who are they?
  14. I too have watched BB since the beginning. Nineteen years ago. wow. I read your 'what season I hated' and right away I thought of Amanda and Macrae the Pizza Delivery guy from season 15. What an odd pairing. I think they laid in bed for three months. I'm not getting Raven at all. She is kind of silly and flighty. Hanging on Paul but coupled with Matt. She just might dance herself right out the door. Cody really shot himself in the foot. In past seasons big moves were never made until later in the game. Partnerships and confidences and trusting those in your circle seemed more the game plan. I would call this season the most indecisive season of Big Brother. I have a hard time trying to guess who's with who. It was interesting to watch Christmas and Mark hug it out on the bench in Monday nights BBAD while Elena was up Paul's butt. What's with that? Who's on first????
  15. I think Jen is Ryan's biggest enabler. Larry loves Jen and has always just gone along with whatever. When Ryan was a teenager Larry could use that as an excuse. But now Ryan is a man and his childish behavior embrasses Larry unlike Jen who sees nothing but the moon when she glances at Ryan. I'm not too sure about Mackensie just yet. Is she an enabler or did she want to be on teen mom with her own dressing room, hair and makeup and new cloths and a paycheck and plane trip. That's a lot for a girl that has nothing. To me Maci can't walk away because of Bentley. He's her little man. She knows he loves his dad and is disappointed when dopey Ryan doesn't show up for something or shows up late. But children are forgiveing and don't know or understand the facts. Ryan is a druggie and a loser. Bentley just thinks Ryan is his dad. Sigh. Then for Maci's other concern she has to be very worried that Jen will start the same thing with Bentley. The enabling. Jen did it once with Ryan and all she has is Bentley now so that could happen. She's a huge threat to him. But again Bentley loves his grandma and grandpa so Maci can't take him away from them. Maci seems to be damned if she do and damed if she don't!
  16. Amber is surely tiring. I notice all of a sudden she has this wonderful family she must include in her wedding. Brother maybe, mother not much, cousin shows up occasionally for a MTV paycheck. Who else is contained in her adoring family???
  17. Just a general question about teen mom. I don't know where else to ask it. They are bringing back one of the girls from Teen Mom 3 to the new season of Teen Mom OG. I wonder if they are planning on taking out some of these trouble making gals like Farrah and Amber. Wait a second...that's the drama of the whole thing. They are probably taking out the non producing ones. I must have been drinking the kool aid to think that they would remove an Amber or Farrah!
  18. I just watched the goodbye between Kenny and Rachael. It was one of the best scenes from this season. Both of them wanting something but just not finding it there. It was a sad goodbye handled with dignity. As Kenny left I had in the back of my head maybe things won't work out with whomever she chooses and she'll send Kenny a text. Wishful thinking.
  19. Did I hear or read somewhere that Matt is also a drug abuser? That would make a great pairing for Amber. If the house is leased in both their names then she needs to stop worrying about him moving out and move out herself. Find a place with her name on everything. Why sit around and BS about whose name is on what. She has money. She can afford to leave. I suspect there is a lot more to this story that none of them are telling. I will say she has stopped going crazy on Gary. Remember the days. Has Gary matured that much since his marriage to Kristina who seems pretty level headed. I keep waiting for the old Amber to really go at him but so far that hasn't happened.
  20. Did you know that the courts don't look unfavorably on men or women that use marijuana? If your husband or wife is smoking pot in front of your teenagers the divorce judge is not going to come down too hard on them. The reason; Marijuana has been given the green light in so many states and expected to be ok'd in several more very soon. Medicinal...yep but who's policing the whose who smoking it? So my point in that little story is that I don't think Maci has too much power in all of this. She has a court ordered visitation that she must abide by. Every time she has to go back to court the lawyer wins again. $$ With his parents stepping in and saying they will be the caretakers of Bentley during visitation Maci's hands are once again tied. Grandparents are given some rights too. A judge sees that as good for the child. And I agree. What the heck were they talking about saying MTV wasn't in the car so they didn't know. Yep pass the buck. Whose fault was that...I bet Maci. I had to look two or three times at that clip of him driving higher than a kite. Surely my eyes deceived me and he was really sitting behind a fake wheel in the back seat...right??? I'm not a Maci fan but I am a fan of children and I do have some experience with enabling. BTW years ago I talked my friend into seeing a therapist to get some help in dealing with her son's addiction. First appointment the counselor said enabler and she got up, walked out the door and told me to never mention that again. That was my first experience with the word enabler. Since then I have surely seen what it means. Sad to lose a child.
  21. Cate and Tyler so need to so something meaningful in their lives. I thought Tyler wanted to go to college a couple seasons ago. What happened to that dream? They are both likeable and seems to love their disfunctional family but darn...do something. Accomplish something. Move forward.
  22. Humm I thought Amber was renting. Weren't they going to be evicted a while back because of so much damage to the house? Maybe they bought it then rather than move? So you think Amber was high during the reunion last night? To me she looked alright but I know nothing about drugs. Ryan...a blind man could see he's on something. Amber will take Matt back. He's her house boy. He runs and fetches and cleans up after the dogs and entertains Leah on days Amber has her visitation. The problem is Matt wants to seal the deal with a marriage and so far Amber is holding him off. That causes the blowups. I thought it interesting that Matt told us all about his $27,000 paycheck from MTV. I wonder how many episodes that covered for him. Don't the girls make about $150,000 per season?
  23. Ryan is not Maci's problem Larry and Jen are the worst kind of enablers. They won't accept the fact that Ryan is an adult and a drug user. They blame everybody in the world except themselves. We all know Ryan is a drug user. MTV has been kind enough to show us week after week Ryan in a near coma. They along with Larry and Jen should hold some responsibility in not insisting he get help. I'm sure Maci would love to shut the door on Ryan but she's in a ackward position sharing a child with him. Enablers are really interesting to watch and study. They deflect blame. They take no responsibility. They continue on blaming other people and the system. I have two enablers in my life. One a life long friend who enables her alcoholic son to the point he is in an almost vegitative state after years of enabling. The other a daughter enabling a grandson and is headed down the same road as my friends son. Talking does not help. They do not want to hear it. The lash out and attack you when you suggest help or anything to make the enabled better. Having lived this life with my enabler friend and daughter my heart goes out to Maci. She is powerless in this whole situation. I'm pretty sure MacKenzie is another Ryan Enabler. Sad very sad.
  24. I'm sorry but three week safety at any stage of the game is just wrong. Then to have a returning player who came in second get three weeks of being safe. I call foul on that one! I thought Christmas was liking on everybody. What happened to her that Cody decided...on her? Also what is this BB curse Kevin has acquired? Things sure move fast for those of you with live feed. I'm trying to keep up with BBAD but can't understand half of what they are saying most of the time.
  25. Kevin's bio. He's a stay at home dad but does not say anything about a wife. Fun facts about yourself: - I was Mr. Massachusetts in 1986 - I have a birthmark in my eye - I was on The Geraldo Rivera Show and won a hunk contest - I was the dunk champion for the city of Boston in 1981 - I come from a family of seven children and I have seven children
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