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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. Lizzies won best travel inn for 2018!
  2. If you have a link I'd like to look! I'm wondering if Meri is on kodys rotation any more?
  3. Stephanie can't do better. That's why she's on the show! Kate is an actress playing a MAFS role! Game on! They will be this year's sleeper couple! Wait for it!
  4. Dina is trying to present herself as a playa! She looks dumb and those white go go boots really took me back a few decades! What's with the sparkles on her eyes? She looks like a cupcake!
  5. Julie Chen Moonbeem looked lavish in her Wal-Mart hi end apparel! Somebody in wardrobe is having fun and I bet Moonbeem's contract missed that one!
  6. Meri and her lies have run the last four seasons! She's their wicked star. She's the cash cow for this franchise! Yep the villain moneymaker! And wants something is what she is! She loves being the only one supporting dad Kody! Sometimes we get hung up on the kids and moms and forget they have a dad they seem to respect and love! Mariah is going to the mat for kody. She knows her mother sooo well!
  7. Jasmine and Will! Honestly I think Will is in shock. Instead upon meeting Jasmine goes right to HER wants and needs. I'm Jasmine and I want you to pay all the bills and I'm going to birth three children! Will was still in the Hello my name's Will! Jasmine started offense and Wills been playing defense ever since!I Does he like her? I don't think so. Will be like her? Maybe if she backs off a bit and shows a softer side!
  8. Is that Clint? Doesn't look like him. He's always greasy
  9. Me: Well I really messed that one up! Sorry.
  10. Well for myself I have to wonder how a former prison inmate can afford such a lavish spread? As for finances nothing but air is free so other than the generosity of family and friends how do they make it?
  11. I think what was missing in Matt's life was and is a little tough love. He's not the cute football player anymore and moms surprised how he turned out! Did he have a paper route? Did he shovel snow and cut lawns? Did he ever learn the gift of helping others? My guess is no! He was a charmer and here we are! Yes but remember mom created this monster and still offers him three hots and a cot while he goes out, gets drunk, makes a mess and lays in bed with his FIANCE! Samo, samo! Nothing has changed.
  12. Always an excuse! The very thing that got them here. Telling children yes is easy. Telling them no is hard but builds character! Mom's choice they will live with forever. You reap what you sow!
  13. So I'm thinking wardrobes was at it again last night with Moonbeems outfit. Cheap and ill fitting. I kept looking at her underarms exposed when she raised her arm. The dress looked cheap And the fabric itchy. And those shoes! Made her legs look short and stout! Her saving grace was the expensive jewelry. Probably her own! It sure is different when your sexually diviat husband is calling the budget and you can dress like a millionaire! I used to love her beautiful clothes. Kind of like when Cher had her fabulous show clothes! Now I wait to see how badly they will dress her!
  14. Oh thanks. I was really disappointed thinking Tanda a voted Kandi out!
  15. Andrew reminds me of somebody coddled by wealthy parents! I do notice he and Amber are a perfect match. Both laying and sitting excessively! So there's that!
  16. Tamar was the only one voting Kandi off. Didn't they agree to protect each other differences aside? Wtg Tamar very healing! I like Keto and Tom. Interesting combo.
  17. Yes I just looked at it today and thought it was the man posting! It's all really confusing! I was looking at the pictures she posted of Meri. Photo shopped! Her skin is very tough like shoe leather but in the blog pictures she looked better.
  18. Thank you. It's strange portraying him/ her divorced father of two. I just started reading so it will take a while to get the hang of it all!
  19. I think it's the I'm a little virgin then putting on the robe with her boobs falling out and talking into the mirror about getting dick! If she's a virgin I'm snow white! I'm pretty sure she's just a player in this production but she has nasty writers for her part! Mr. Prisoner showing up with a big bouquet and the desk man excited like Michael is a rock star greeting him with we've been expecting you! Megan wearing a fresh from a department store sexy, boobs showing robe and the two idiots wanting to make us think this is the deflowering of Megan! I was looking for tags on that boobs showing robe and thinking what the hell might have happened in the last room I stayed in. Uggg just uggg!
  20. And that is why they are all still single!! The fun part about this show is being able to pick out their personality defects and determine why they never married! Putting two of these off beats together makes for a kinky little show!
  21. I'm still looking for Jo's blog. Any help much appreciated!
  22. Mariah will not go to the mat with Meri! She loves the money, dinners, drinks and checks too much to go against the role she has been given and is playing!
  23. On where do I begin! Caitlin looks worse each episode. What's happening to her. She was kind of cute when she picked him up but is really going down hill! Boy his mother can't wait for them to leave. I think she's disappointed he hasn't fell of the wagon! Clint should be locked up. He's a danger to himself! Megan and Michael looked ridiculous! Uggg. Sarah is another dumb bunny. Was that her grandparents house? Does she get government money with no job, a baby and her husband in prison? Bugs bunny proposed! What's up folks??? Lol
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