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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. I could not believe my eyes! No modesty at all on national tv. Surely she could have covered up a bit! Asuelo seems to wear his heart on his sleeve. His love for his mother his wife and baby shows his heart. I was surprised at his rage at the end. That seemed to come from nowhere from the gentle giant!
  2. I'm guessing he owns some kind of construction company. Just guessing.
  3. Sweating and bad breath and poor hygiene might knock a few of these nearly 40's out of the marry me game! Remember Jon of the sweaty arm pits! He's with Dr Jessica now. There was another but memory fails me right now!
  4. I'm curious about all of them and their work! Momma, poppa both sisters and brothers too!
  5. Scott looks just like Bucky beaver! With his ugly, long hair and bushy face hair it gave those toofers some relief! But with Lizzies do over I can't look at anything but those two big front teeth!
  6. They can have all the babies they want as long as they can support them! No job and living in dad's basement making babies just isn't right. Anybody happen to know what dad does for a living? He does seem to have some bucks! Actually what kind of work do they all do other than Asulo of course! He's just the dancing sperm donor! Lol
  7. Tyler babbles hoping to sound mature and all knowing! He comes off Dumb and Dumber! He seems bright enough to get himself some schooling. Btw did Tyler even get his high school diploma? I can't remember!
  8. Getting pregnant by a man that doesn't love you is never a good idea.
  9. I'm just speechless! I think I'm about done with this soft porn one!
  10. I think all of us would look camera ready with all the hair and make up people working on them constantly! Never saw so many false eyelashes in my life Clothes do make the woman so there's that too!
  11. Surely his month is over by now! How did that work out? Has Cate joined him in the round house?
  12. I recorded the first season episode where the winners are contacted! AJ was quite calm and very nice. Not at all like we saw him at the wedding! He was either drunk or was doing that nervous babbling! Time will tell.
  13. I shall always remember that blue dress with the boobies that caught everybody's attention! I don't even remember her face!!! I could not take my eyes off her breasts! I'm still feeling sad for those strippers. They seemed very low rent in a sad circumstance! Steph in finances and AJ a business owner probably seemed like a good enough match until he became a laughing hyena at his own wedding! Lots to talk about! Let the games begin!
  14. Devoin with a mike in times square??? Interesting choice for this shit show! Then he handed off the Mike to America's sweetheart Kail so we could get a glimpse of her communication skills! Trying to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear comes to mind! Nothing these teen moms have tried to market has worked!
  15. It's not a huge audience. My guess is that they are interns and teens belonging to network employees who know when to cheer and the questions to ask the pampered ones! No way are they a random off the street first come first serve audience!
  16. I'm thinking Derrick will get a lift into Washington just like Josh did! Some cushy job doing not much but requiring a law degree and a Dugger! Paid for by 'we the people'!
  17. Probably the same reason teachers chose their 13 year old students as sexual partners/victims. Something wrong with them!
  18. I really liked this show. Shows writing a good script is still alive in Hollywood! I wonder why one of the big stations haven't picked this series up instead of all the losers they chose to throw their money on!
  19. Honestly I think these women would be in the exact same spot with or without this show! Looking at all of them with dysfunctional families, no education and no role models I think the only thing that's different is they have money.
  20. Cindi surely hasn't lost it! Wow. I hated all that too loud music throughout the show! Little big town is my favorite but the loud music and songs selection was terrible!
  21. They did that with Carrie Underwood on the last awards show. Could not hear her for the loud music!
  22. Amy s only fame came from marrying Matt Roloff. He created Roloff Farms and he worked hard to get this show on the air with Amy bitching all the way! Her roads are paved with gold thanks to Matt!
  23. That surely does not look like any of the bell ringers in my city! Amy's full of it. A four piece band?? She doesn't have to advertise her SMALL donation!
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