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Everything posted by Court

  1. We haven't seen when Rebecca married Miguel or how he treated the kids. I'm guessing they got married quickly after Jack's death and Miguel went too much in the direction of being I'm replacement Dad! That would account for the animosity Miguel can have fun with Tess and Annie without trying to take over a tradition and whining. Go make your own tradition. Even if the adult kids loved Miguel, it would hurt seeing him wear the hat.That's my experience at least. .
  2. Or that's just what Kevin knows. Perhaps they were having an affair before. With all these twists, who knows.
  3. Miguel and Olivia can both leave. I don't think Randall is ok with Miguel. I think the holiday was making him be nicer. Miguel quit pouting like a baby. You don't deserve the hat. I wonder if Kate married him because she needed the financial support when Jack passed away.
  4. I cracked up when they announced the last safe winner, camera panned to Miley and she very clearly said "what the fuck?"
  5. I'm thrilled. Interesting that none of the spoiler/prediction sites predicted the bottom two correctly. At least, not the ones I read.
  6. I wanted to tell Aaron it isn't necessary to practically eat the microphone. I like Miley but I am so over the cameras panning to her during the peformances. We get it. She is so into every song that she is dancing and singing along. Keep the camera on the singer. Ali definitely forgot the lyrics. We didn't impress me again.
  7. Dating violence then but it absolutely was just that. Pretty much the same as domestic abuse. Just a different name. That's a lot of victim blaming there. This is why women don't report abuse or rape. They're questioned, harassed, blamed and ridiculed. They stay for a variety of reasons. Again, he was emotionally abusing her, gas lighting, manipulating and assaulting her. He also contacted her hundreds of times. This is in no way her fault. Parents or family usually have a blind spot when it comes to their own flesh and blood. Sophie didn't call out because she was scared and trying to protect her family. Lighting youself on fire and holding them with a knife is intent to kill. Plus, her brother and mom could have likely been killed as well.
  8. I think Sundance chose the Alicia song. Blake may have had input after Sundance chose it. I really enjoyed it. Billy is so boring.
  9. I pretty much agree. I felt like Darby just yelled at us the entire time.
  10. Also, screw that judge. Bullshit, he "only wanted to commit sucide." No,he wanted to do murder-suicide. That judge is an ass. "If he intended to kill her, he would have.' What the ever loving hell. He didn't succeed because he was stopped. That's not how it works.
  11. What is with these moms being so delusional? Again, I'm 15 minutes in and raging again. I know she got away but I understand why she told him. He manipulated her and was also emotionally abusing her. Everyone sucks!
  12. What is with these moms being so delusional? Again, I'm 15 minutes in and raging again. I know she got away but I understand why she told him. He manipulated her and was also emotionally abusing her. Everyone sucks!
  13. I agree. The sad thing is that this harassment exists in practically every workplace. It's accepted and almost expected in some places.
  14. Every weight loss journey is different. Her drastic eating changes all at once could cause her body to think she is starving herself. So, it shuts down and holds on to it. I've never lost a bunch at once. It's always a pound or two. For some, the food envy is torture. For me, it absolutely is. I've done it but it is incredibly difficult to watch everyone eat what you'd rather be eating.
  15. An 81 can be a C. In my kids elementary school, it's a B but barely A 90-100 B 80-89 C 73-79 D 70-72 F 0-69
  16. Hupp deserves to rot in jail. What a despicable person
  17. This. It takes a lot of coaxing and the bird running into walls multiple times. Even with a wide open garage door.
  18. I was committed to this show because of Atwell. But I'm out. Realistically, most cases they review would not be overturned. I read one unit reviewed 500 odd cases and only found something like 7 that they determined were wrong. It was also obvious she was going to be innocent from the beginning.
  19. I think he did it but I don't know if I could actually convict him.
  20. I'm also unclear on when she changed her name. Maybe the abusive husband helped her through medical school and then she left? Like she lived in her car before and after that? The Minnick actress is awful. I wonder what Alex told Bailey. Just that he was taking a plea deal? He did tell Mere Jo was married but he didn't expand on it. He said there's more to it but didn't explain in their final scene about the abuse.
  21. I wouldn't allow my kidd around Cate, birth mother or not.
  22. I'm also unclear on when she changed her name. Maybe the abusive husband helped her through medical school and then she left? Like she lived in her car before abd after that? The Minnick actress is awful.
  23. Look at the Rubix cube situation. Randall was the one completely in the wrong there. You simply can't place all the blame on Kevin. Kevin was trying to solve it, Randall snatched it from Kevin and showed him up by solving it quickly. Kate responds by praising Randall for how quickly he solved it. Let's not ignore the fact that he was sent to a different school because he is gifted. I'm not saying that was wrong but it can hae a negative impact on the siblings. Especially when the siblings struggle at school. We're very conscious of that in our household. My oldest has learning disabilities and school is easy for our middle daughter. It's not great for his confidence and it's a difficult thing to navigate as parents. That doesn't make everything Kevin does ok but both brothers have contributed to their relationship.
  24. If it wasn't changed legally, how is she getting paid? Employment? Wouldn't Richard know it wasn't her real name? Those things require your social security.
  25. I don't expect them to get the legal stuff correct. They didn't get the name change correct. What @Evie said sounds like it may be what happens.
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