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Everything posted by Court

  1. Patrick is delusional and a sociopath. He claims not to remember choking and almost killing the first person he actually confessed to? Claiming he's behind bars because he's a Christian? No, you're there because you're a murderer.
  2. BPD said there were no footprints. However, based on photos, there was no snow where an intruder would have been.
  3. I agree. I find her really irritating. Here's an idea, move within driving distance when you get a divorce.
  4. I have heard of Kik in passing but didn't understand what it was besides an app. It's scary. An 18 year old should not be dating a 35 year old. Disgusting.
  5. I expected to hate this and watched because I adore Keesha Sharp. I actually really enjoyed it.
  6. I got the same feeling with the abuse. It's clear she's emotionally abused them and manipulates both since they were kids.
  7. This is what I was going to say. Perhaps Burke was responsible for it all? Or Patsy snapped.
  8. I blocked out Gizzie until y'all posted.
  9. Oh gosh, I like to pretend Ghost Denny never happened.
  10. To be fair, Jo's pants were unbuttoned and pushed down because she was undressing herself. Deluca wanted her to keep her clothes on. I believe Alex really thought Jo was in danger. That doesn't excuse it but I get why he would have viewed it the way he did. Different people would perceive it differently depending on who walked in.
  11. Adoptive kids can love their adoptive parents and life they had and still have negative/conflicting feelings about being given up or in this case abandoned.
  12. When did Jo tell Weber? I know she told Steph but she told Weber she was drunk and didn't remember anything.
  13. That's an excellent question. Alex brought Deluca in. Jo called Mere when? After they were gone? Why at no point did she speak up? I thought it was crappy of both of them to go to Deluca and be all don't tell on me!
  14. My fault. It's my memory that is foggy!
  15. Weber tried very hard to be there for Jo. She kept running away from him. I think she did try to make out with Deluca and he refused. I'm not placing blame on her at all but that's what I remember.
  16. I think who is in the room all depends on your personality. I didn't care who was in there. It was a party, lol.
  17. Shut up, Maggie! I officially hate her. She's been Mere's sister for what 2 years? Their relationship is so forced. If they are as close as Maggie thinks, she'd understand why Mere didn't tell her. It wasn't about you. I completely understand why Mere didn't turn in Alex right away. I feel bad for Deluca and Alex. Obviously, Alex needs anger management but I can understand why he did it. It doesn't excuse it but I get it. You can hate what he did and still be there for him during the trial. (Ugh, I do not want to watch a trial.) Loved the April Catherine scene and how April didn't back down. I also loved the scene with Mere and Alex at the jail. Huge yes to what Deanie said. Other people have done just as bad things and they moved heaven and earth to be on their side. @chick binewski I'll join you in your corner starting tonight.
  18. But that's not true. The grand jury did choose to indict. Hunter chose not to do anything with it.
  19. Not to mention that it came from a contanimated crime scene. I think part of the issue is the sample is likely very decayed now and unusable. It was decayed when Lacey had it tested and why they could only use 4 instead of the standard 13. Then there's the whole issue of the botched crime scene and contamination.
  20. Parents are often in denial about their child. They likely blamed themselves for what happened if Burke did it.
  21. I'm pretty sure they were born in 79.
  22. Cutoff dates weren't as strict back then. Also, if they were in PA back then the cutoff would have been 12/1. There are still places that the cutoff is 12/1 and 1/1. In some places in the 80's the cutoff was 4 by x date, not 5. I was born in 83 and several of us started early. It was pretty easy then to get around the cutoff date
  23. I honestly thought Kate Hudson was in that one. Shows what I know.
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