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Everything posted by lottiedottie

  1. You would think that these young women would have developed their own tastes in style and preferences in colors by this point in their lives. It seems like Jill would have a set of clothes that she primarily wore because they were of colors that she liked in particular. So why not just take those with her when she moves? But then you want to remind Jessa that her family has plenty of money, so just go to GoodWill and buy yourself some stuff to replace what Jill takes.
  2. I have a shred of hope that she may mature...Anna manages to evolve and sound like a grown up. Even intelligent at times and she's married to Boob, Jr! Jill is young, whether she is fundie or not--she happens to be more immature than other women her age because of her upbringing but she may come around. Caring for your siblings while being under the thumb of your parents is different than living in your own home, with your own rules and your own children.
  3. And then Boob's comment about "Well, what if your emergency fund was depleted?" As if he was really throwing Derickdillard a curve ball. You know Derickdillard really wanted to say "well, I am so careful with my money, I would always have something in my emergency fund, Boob."
  4. I adore Josh's kids. They are just so cute. They seem pretty normal, too. I love Kynzie's explanation of she's going to 'know and know and know a guy and then marry him' speech. Like, right on, girl! You get to know a boy before you marry him unlike everyone else in your family!
  5. Amy's birthday episode is on, and I can't believe these assholes would pull the clowns on her. That's not funny or cute. If I was here, I would have been pissed.
  6. It was probably all a fake setup just so they have a story line. I secretly hope that Derick's parents don't want to be on camera in situations like that.
  7. Jesus Christ. *eyeroll* Isn't everything already all about Jill? This is the most dragged out bit of nonsense I have ever seen.
  8. Who is Jill marrying? I feel like they might have mentioned it...
  9. re: Michelle and her defrauding knees at the lake. SHE is the one who brought attention to her (gasp!) bare knees. If she hadn't made TLC cover them up with a black bar, no one would have a) given a fuck b) noticed. But that giant black bar across her KNEES might have well been a flashing sign that said "LOOK AT ME!" I had never seen that episode before it aired the other day, so when that black bar was put up, I thought "OMG, Michelle's good china was showing! How embarrassing!" And then when they revealed they were covering up her bare knees, I nearly threw something at the television. She was wearing a fucking dress with leggings underneath for pete's sake...and she's worried about her pasty white knees showing and making her immodest? Bitch, please. The other thing that annoyed me about that lake day was that the pop up said it took Michelle 7 attempts to get on her feet on the wake board (or whatever it was called). How freaking boring for everyone else watching. I bet none of the kids got a try because their whole day was taken up with Look At Me Michelle.
  10. Did you guys notice they were building those ramps in the garage...just below Ben's swanky bachelor pad?
  11. I'm sure it's been mentioned already, but with the older episodes with Miracle Josie airing, the thing that is getting on my nerves is that motherfucking headband with the pig tails on it. Your child was a preemie, has to have adhesive on her face for the cannula and you have to put that on her head? I hate it when any parents put headbands on babies (we get it, it's a girl and you don't want anyone to think your snowflake is a boy, god forbid!) but it is especially annoying on Josie.
  12. I would guess they have had genetic testing done? One of the teachers at my son's school is pregnant, and when I saw her in early September, she already knew she was having a girl, due to some sort of testing they do now (she was about 16-20 weeks at that point) It wasn't an ultrasound, it was some genetic thing.
  13. I am with Jessa on the hand washing. There's no reason to not explain to a kid why you'd wash your hands after eating a greasy pizza. I never made up bullshit excuses to my kids--they have to learn.
  14. I just looked up my pregnancy pictures when I was pregnant with my first. I had a picture of myself at 16 weeks and I look totally normal, you can't even tell I'm pregnant. It's not until my 21 weeks picture that I am in maternity wear, and even then, if I just had a baggy sweater on you'd still have to look twice to notice any baby bump. One can just hope that Jill feels as ridiculous as she looks showing off her bump at this stage. Milk it, girl!
  15. It looks like too much separation to be a skirt. Wishful thinking, but it sure looks like pants to me.
  16. Admittedly, I am a picky eater, so most people probably wouldn't be bothered by the meat/fruit kebabs. re: Pizza--pineapple on a pizza is an abomination, and anyone who disagrees is WRONG (she says, jokingly)!
  17. I'd like to cosign, underline and highlight your post. I feel like you've nailed the essence of the dynamics between Jill and her sisters at this point in time. On one hand, I want to give her a pass because they are allowed so few opportunities to be special (as in, the center of attention, or receive recognition for something, some special thing about each individual). They have always been one of the herd of 19 kids. So I understand Jill relishing in being the first Duggar girl to get married and the attention that goes with (and now, the first Duggar daughter to get pregnant). It must be really nice for her to be a standout among the J'kids. BUT. She's fucking annoying and her behavior and attitude must be wearing mighty thin on the other J'sisters. Jill sure seems like an attention hogger like her mother. Maybe Jessa doesn't give a shit about the attention that Jill keeps stealing from her...some people don't really care about that stuff. But Jill comes off like such an Eager Beaver that I can see where one of the J'sisters probably wants to secretly punch her in the throat about it all.
  18. I was kind of grossed out at the idea of a meat and fruit kebab. Veggies and meat--totally fine. Heck, you could even throw some pineapple on there. But cantaloupe or anything like that with a meat ball? Blech.
  19. I think so. In Akron, Ohio, there's a big soapbox derby race every year. I think there are plenty of people who are into it.
  20. Today there was an older episode on, one where one of the boys (I think it was either Jed or Joseph) tried to play a prank on one of the TLC crew. He was holding a doll wrapped in a baby blanket and pretended to drop it (oh, how hilarious. *eyeroll*) but the TLC person was an Asian guy--is he the crew guy people were shipping Jana with? I thought in a previous conversation, someone mentioned Frank (I think that was his name) was Asian?
  21. I think Joy and Jana were kidding about covering the feet, because those girls are always in flip flops or barefoot (especially in the house). It's so funny that they kind of roll their eyes at the idea of feet being indecent, given the preponderance of foot fetishists in the world!
  22. Derick doesn't seem to be the manual labor type, so hopefully he will stick to his day job. The more Jill talks, the more I don't like her.
  23. Jim Boob is so enamored with having a large clan that he just can't fathom that an outsider may not find it as amusing (the carpet installer). I imagine this job, that took several times longer to compete than normally would, was probably made longer by filming, not just the gaggle of kids "helping". Jim Bob is a dick for not respecting this guy's time. The guy probably showed up to do what he thought was a normal install job, and was persuaded by producers to let them film it and not given the full details of how long it would take and what is involved and all of a sudden, he's three hours into an hour and a half job. I hope he didn't have other paying customers expecting him that day. Watching that whole scene unfold really pissed me off. You know that Boob is a pain in the ass haggler/"bargain hunter" *eyeroll* I bet JB's goal in life is to have his kids collectively (except the girls! They can only make babies/men happy) be able to do things so that he never has to actually pay a professional to do work for him again.
  24. I bet Jessa's wedding will barely get a passing mention. She's old news. She's not the first Duggar girl to get married and by the time her wedding rolls around everyone is going to be totally over Duggar wedding planning (because they are dragging Jill's wedding out like crazy) so no one is going to give a shit about Jessa. There's nothing interesting about her wedding with Bin.
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