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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Oh, Indi, you fucking break my heart by saying this, but you are (partially) right. Crane will continue to flip flop through this fucking season, and he will (barely) be seen to consider her lies and I will have to endure this mess of bullshit...Goddamn..... Remember when Crane was adorable and intelligent and nuanced and interesting and....
  2. Oh Lord, did Mo seriously quote/GIF Sisko from Deep Space Nine?...Dear god, I don't know if I can handle that - see, Sisko = GOD....And now I know FOR SURE her taste is impeccable! ETA: Do you know how MAD I was that this useless witch could not stem the bleeding from Frank or do SOMETHING do delay the inevitable?? Seriously? God, I hate her right now....
  3. I love Orlando. Love his athleticism, love his enthusiasm, love his talent and love his utter awesomeness..... What. A. Waste.
  4. What a fucking waste. Seriously. If Orlando is going to go down, it damn well better be epic and amazing. Him doing the sword fighting was in a sense, but we saw no connection and impact to his family after his arrest. No emotional connection for Frank and Macey and Cynthia. It's like the showrunners just picked the least used character to sacrifice for Sweeps Week. Fuckers. Katrina....oh, you useless little witch whom Goffman adores..yet....seriously - your powers are weakening after the burning of the trees...WEAKENING. They are already bloody weak, you useless character. Dear god. Even Goffman writes about how her powers are useless. Are you seriously telling me that she couldn't have saved, or at least stabilized Frank. You bloody waste of space! I'm sorry, but she could have done something..... I cannot even articulate how useless and irritating this character is.....it's beyond words..... Consider this - Hawley's weapons and artifacts are more powerful than she is - yes, she boosted the power of some of them, but please, the spell could be boosted, but her own power is ineffectual against the demons. The weapons would have been slightly LESS effective than what that stupid redhead enhanced, but you know what, it would have been enough overall in volleys. You have NO idea how much this fucking angers me.... Ichabod...you motherfucker...you seriously chose your child, and were rewarded for choosing your evil useless child....yeah, I have a BIG issue with it. And yet I predicted it - knew the idiot would choose the wrong way. Thank you, show, for destroying my beloved Ichabod Crane. You put my Abbie and Jenny and yourself bound to trees, to almost be killed, just because you were too stupid to sacrifice your idiot son. Tom Mison must be livid. The only enjoyable part was Ichabod finally confronting the wife over her lies, but you know this won't last, because SHE is the one who said - let's not be married any more... I WAS surprised by Henry taking out Moloch. At least that was useful. Other than that, I had no use for another Henry long-winded speech when others are bound to trees, and I just don't care. I care about Abraham - I do. He should have a chance at redemption. The rest? Can go to hell.
  5. Okay, because I am Canadian, I've seen this show one day before you guys have, and as always, a good episode for me!! I really like this show, however goofy and in some cases unbelivable it is. Love Henry and Jo together - yes, I ship them dammit. I really do love Lucas - he seems like such a sweet yet ackward guy, and I love him for it - that is me. The case of the week was decent and nice twists, but not too complex. I love the flashbacks to Henry's former life too. This show needs to thrive and survive and of course because I love it....IT WON'T. But a good one!!
  6. A senseless waste. What a bloody waste. I would love to see the story bring him back, but I don't know...
  7. Logically I would say it's Irving, only because like with The Walking Dead, everyone pretty much knew who the sacrifice(s) were to be, and were spot on, so I expect the same for tonight...but it's fun to speculate - maybe it really will be a twist??
  8. Ah, but in a strange way he is - everyone loves seeing Headless himself do his stuff, axe and all, AND on top of that, every media event that the cast attends, always has some person or people dressed in Headless outfits, "terrorizing" the crowds. Just saying...*grin*
  9. Putting it in here for the record...The "beloved character" who dies - I'm calling Headless/Abraham, who will actually gets redemption. Hawley I'm calling for other reasons and duh, most likely. And possibly Frank, but if this is correct, Frank's soul will some how takes over the body of Headless, and he will eventually be saved/recovered.
  10. I was just coming in here to place this - yup, looks like Orlando is going to do a little of his special brand of media...good man! My previous post stands corrected! And your link works perfectly fine!
  11. *floats in....* ...chomps on ghostly popcorn, enjoying the festivities... ...thinks "Hmm...Hell ain't so bad after all..." I desire to go to Hell, not to Heaven. In Hell I shall enjoy the company of popes, kings and princes, but in Heaven are only beggars, monks, hermits and apostles. - - - - Niccolo Machiavelli *floats out...*
  12. You know the King of the Tweet and Prince of Sleepy Hollow Media - Orlando Jones of course - hasn't tweeted at all about tonight's mid-season finale, and hasn't tweeted about SH in about a week....you know what that means....*le sigh* Clip from The Akeda - Crane and Abbie on a bike. Wish we could see his hands/arms..*le sigh again* :')
  13. I think Beth stabbed Dawn in the shoulder, next to the strap for the Kevlar vest, so the scissors could easily go through. I don't think you can stab through Kevlar though - if bullets flying at top speed don't go, Beth's little stab won't either. I would guess. You may be the minority, but I'm with you. This guy knocked out Sasha but he easily could have killed her. Luckily he didn't. I get that they are maybe scared and want to escape, but as we've seen in the Walking Dead, the humans are worse than the zombies. Who is to say that CopBob wouldn't have tried to get the drop on Rick if he could. But then, If it were me, I wouldn't trust anyone. I loved Rick's face when the blonde cop was talking, and trying to save herself and he had this amazing smirk on his face, because he has been here before, heard these type of words before and knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are all lies. Love that.
  14. See....this is WHY Spoilers Tags are a good thing --> I did not know that! Now I don't care about spoilers from the Published Product That Must Not Be Named, but some people do!. Excellent kikismom!
  15. Honestly, I think she did something that was typical of half of the people in this show - a bad decision at a bad time. But yeah, I figured that she probably wanted to protect Noah, which was sweet, but maybe should have looked right in front of her, at th GUN pointed at her chest, but just saying. Yeah, it appeared that Dawn accidently fired the gun, based on her reaction, and Daryl retaliated (good for him). Still made me cry...probably the REACTIONS of Rick and the others... This is a good point. I mean, Beth goes back into her original clothes, but doesn't pack her scrubs with her. I would. It's CLOTHES. You can't go to Walmart to replenish things so easily. I never understood how the people on this show completely avoid picking up new clothes, shoes, etc. Makes no sense. I agree with the lice-infested. They haven't mentioned it ever, but you know that's the way it is...along with their bodies...Now I've disgusted myself...dammit...
  16. It's only Page 3 in this thread, people - don't be starting to attack other members over their opinions already, over Beth or whatever. Everyone will have a different opinions, which is WHY we encourage and promote respectful debate and accepting of others' opinion, however unique that may be. Don't be a Dawn.... And don't make me be a Rick....
  17. Costuming is another thing I love about this show. Abbie and Jenny wear appropriate clothings for what they do, especially Jenny. Abbie is stuck in the heels only cause she's so small/Mison's so tall. But love Jenny's practical and comfortable outfits and Abbie' jackets! The 18th century outfits are beautiful and so detailed and seem pretty realistic. Same with the military uniforms. But the costuming is amazing. I LOVE to death Crane's Military coat, boots and grey tie front shirt. Yeah, yeah, I know they are battered up now, but they are beautiful. I WANT that coat, I WANT that shirt and I WANT those boots! I miss that coat to death.
  18. Dawn had her gun in front of her drawn and pointing ahead. When Beth stabbed her, I think Dawn's hand reflexed in response and pulled the trigger. That's why she mouth's "I didn't mean it...." What, I can't believe that NO ONE had mentioned that when Father Stupid was exploring the school and specifically the BBQ pit area, that it was Bob's FOOT and LEG charred on the BBQ? Sasha's Bob...his leg.....on...the...barbeque....
  19. LOVED the biblical Jesus quote over the arch in the church..... "Whoever eats of my flesh and drinks of my blood shall have eternal life..." Brilliant!
  20. Well, then I must be a sap, because I cried like a baby at the end. I really did. It was so sad. But at least Carol was perfectly fine and I am happy that Orlando/Noah is going on with them. Really like him. Wish the Reverend would've have stuck back at the hospital - he would do better there. Don't know why he didn't. Rick taking CopBob out in the beginning - god Rick, I love you to death. Also, I think the two cops killed - one by the zombie and the one pushed down the shaft were the rapey cops. I get the impression that things should be much better now in the hospital. Dawn really made her own destiny. She could have left well alone and let Noah leave, but no - she had to push it one too far. Glad she's dead, sad to see Beth go. Otherwise it was good, a bit shocking and like I said, sad, cause I cried. I have a feeling I might be the only one.
  21. Then I really will throw my - non-wall mounted - TV out the window. And reign hellish hail and brimstone on Goffman and the rest of those writers. The worst is that Winter is retweeted all of the supporting tweets she gets about her "wonderful" character. *grumble* DeLurker - this made me LAUGH! Oh my gawd!! Hilarious. I need this now...truly!
  22. Don't even speculate on that - if I have to live through a "vow renewal", I'll throw my TV out the window!! *grin*
  23. As much as I would like to take credit for the thread idea - that belongs to stacey. I'm the negative nelly in this forum!! *grin*, as you guys should know. She's the voice of positivity and reason here! BUT...there is a lot positive to be had in this show, which is probably why a lot of us are being negative right now, because it truly is a unique and amazing show. Why? First, of course the characters of Abbie and Ichabod. Just amazing characters, portrayed but such incredibly talented, versatile and nuanced actors. Seriously, Nicole Beharie is incredible as Abbie. She can say so much with her eyes, expressions, and you totally feel her situation. Same with Tom Mison - brilliant actor, so nuanced and honestly, the only one who could have brought this role to life. He made it his own, but what an amazing character as a result. It has in such a short time become iconic. And because I am shallow as all heck, think he is absolutely gorgeous also...Seriously, I love this man... Second, the "lightening in a bottle" chemistry. It is truly a rare thing these days to have an on-screen pair (platonic or otherwise) that bounces off each other so perfectly. As mentioned ad nauseum, Mulder and Scully are my comparison, only because I was a big X-Phile way back when. Third, I love the secondary characters of Jenny and Frank. Especially Jenny. I love both of their witty quips, intelligence and bad assness, but it's real and never over the top. Both Orlando Jones and Lyndie Greenwood do a wonderful job respectively. As RiddleyWalker stated, the Indiana Jones, National Treasure, historical aspect of the show also intrigues me. I like the little twists and turns, but I love the 18th century flashbacks, the artifact hunting, etc. I started watching a show called TURN, and have a new found interest in the Revolutionary War history, thanks to SH. Finally, the character of Ichabod Crane. The idea that this 18th century nobleman wakes up 200+ years in the future and has to learn many things from scratch is fascinating to me. The language is different, the devices, the people, the behaviors, etc. I don't know, I just find is fascinating thinking about how a person would deal with such a unique and challenging situation. The things that we take for granted, like clean water, showers, refrigeration, modern medicine, grocery stores, cars, etc...are all things that someone like Crane has to learn and adapt to. I really love that twist to the character. I could watch a show of Ichabod and Abbie - A Day in the Life.
  24. It's a ring with a Mason symbol (compass and square) on it. Crane took it from one of the Mason's who were slaughtered by Headless, last season in The Midnight Ride episode. Crane himself is a Mason. The Mason's in the show wear this ring.
  25. Isn't the curse of the Walking Dead that once a character has their backstory focused on for an episode, they are dunzo? So I guess Beth (which is fine), Reverend ScaredyPants (good) and....Carol? No!! Possibly Sasha...
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