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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Apparently both. I took much preferred Original Recipe Vivian, but other members of the cast did hint as problems with Huber. I guess she got a bit of an ego, but I am sure Will Smith is 50% to blame too - because it's well know that he got an ego also and started pushing his weight around. But apparently he mellowed later on (but still when he was young) but then became the Will Smith we are used to with the movie career, etc. I think both were at fault/clashed. I cannot believe that NO ONE had mentioned the crazy Charlie Sheen vs. Chuck Lorre mess that happened two or three + years ago? I mean, half of it unfolded in public anyway, but I'd love to know what kicked started it all. Did Lorre finally grow tired of Sheen's antics and substance abuse and give him an ultimatum? Or was Lorre an ass anyway and Sheen got sick or it? Or was it just a clash of massive ego with giant size porportions? And for more Lorre - Rosanne Barr and Chuck Lorre clashing season 1 of Roseanne. Since Chuck Lorre's fingers are in every sitcom it seems, but he was a somewhat newbie sort of and they have a massive falling out season 1 (and part season 2 I believe). He quit (fired? I think he quit), and Roseanne took over the show and finally got the control she wanted. In this case though, IMO, I think it was a good move. The first few seasons of Roseanne were awesome and she really brought something wonderful to the show, I think. It wasn't until the lottery stuff that the show lost it's way. Chuck Lorre has influenced so many long running successful comedies, but in this case, I think it was a good think to have the fallout. The product improved.
  2. As you wish! For now, mention of book stuff is now spoiler-tagged in this thread. You are correct. My bad, ganesh. The thing is that we don't get nowhere near the volume of posts that Outlander and GoT's does, and I'm not sure many have read the book, so not sure we would get many posts in any thread. We just do not have the volume to require an individual thread with book talk and without book talk for each episode that airs. Too much clutter. So for now - in the episode threads - we'll spoiler tag book talk! If traffic picks up, and there is a season three, then I'll reconsider. As mentioned, there are only three episodes left. I've had this dream many times too, and apparently according to those dream analysis people, it apparently is supposed to indicate the person is experiencing a high level of anxiety. Like, something is weighing heavily on their mind and causing them stress (aka anxiety). So it's appropriate to Washington, with the added bonus of mirroring the fact that his teeth really were in bad shape - fell out. I don't think there will be a third season neither. The move to Monday's actually hurt the show in ratings, even though this season is much better. They did it bcause of Mad Men, but still. It was getting over a 1 million viewers (a 0.8 - 1.0 demo range) last season. This episode got 0.76 million viewers and a 0.2 demo. Yikes. Which is really unfortunately because so many of the actors I love, and it is a good show. But when AMC's The Walking Dead is pulling 12-14 million and demo's in the 3 or 4 range, and Mad Men is pulling a 1.1 and 3.4 million, well, you know what will be cut. The Mad Men numbers are not that good, but they did hurt the show by the long LONG gap between seasons, I think.
  3. A couple from some of my favourite early season episodes. Sarcastic, innuendo Mulder and snarky Scully are the best! From Ice: Mulder: [taking his shirt off for a physical exam] Before anyone passes judgment, may I remind you - we are in the Arctic. From Darkness Falls: Mulder: 30 loggers working a clear-cutting contract in Washington state. Rugged, manly men in the full bloom of their manhood. Scully: Right, but what am I looking for? Mulder: Anything strange, unexplainable, unlikely ... boyfriend? The Erlenmeyer Flask: Scully: Who is this "Deep Throat" character? I mean, we don't know anything about him. What his name is, what he does... Mulder: He's in a delicate position. He has access to information and indiscretion could expose him. Scully: You don't know that this isn't just a game with him. He's toying with you. Rationing out the facts. Mulder: You think he does it because he gets off on it? Scully: No. I think he does it because you do.
  4. With this show though, the so-called "villians" are not too bad. I assume we are supposed to be rooting for Abe, GW, Ben, Caleb and company. I root for Caleb and Ben, but I'm also partial and rooting for Andre, Hewlett and Simcoe, who are "supposed" to be the baddies, so to speak. Go figure. And Pa Woodhull is an ass.
  5. With Growing Pains, yeah poor Tracey Gold struggled with an eating disorder, because both Kirk Cameron AND I think Alan Thicke would tease her. With Cameron, he also ended up becoming really religious, and coupled with his growing ego, forced a lot of storylines or removed storylines on the show. Cameron was the "stah", and he had the clout at the time to force changes. So he got one of the guest actresses fired for appearing in Playboy (I think this mag), because it didn't fit with his morals, yadda yadda. His eventual reallife wife was brought in also to reinforce his christian image. Thicke was a womanizing dick, but I think Cameron was worse, from the rumours I've heard. We've talked about this a lot in the SH thread, but yeah - there was so much dysfunction going on with the show in season 2 and actually started in season 1. We had the writers attacking the viewers, Goffman only ever mentioning his muse in interviews, Orlando Jones throwing shade left right and centre (and quitting the show), and the actors (even John Noble) basically saying they were unhappy and bored - damn. Then to have the network itself come in and demand changes to correct the mess. I so want a tell-all book. Maybe someone can track down O. Jones, get him drunk and get him to tell his secrets!!
  6. Totally agree. They are portraying those who were slaves in such a way to make it seem like it wasn't that bad. I think historically John Andre DID not mistreat his servants and the British were pretty much anti-slavery for the most part at that point. But they are "white washing" it, and also "US-washing" it, by this I mean how - as John S said - that Washington is being portrayed as a god or can do no wrong. They are showing him losing his teeth, but are they going to show the audience where his dentures came from??? I bet not. For those who don't know (I know most of you do though), Washington's fake choppers were metal, springloaded and the individual teeth themselves?? Pulled/taken from slaves. Doubt they will show that. Interesting that they swapped the airing order. I assumed that most of these episodes were filmed earlier so swapped the air order seems weird, as both episodes should have been on deck. Missed Ben and Caleb. LOL. Hell yeah. Don't mess with Simcoe!! I just don't know where they are going to take this, because at some point, Hewlett has got to come after Simcoe to retaliate, but in real life, So in the show, they can't really punish Simcoe or throw him in jail or anything I would think. *shrug*
  7. But that's the thing - you are assuming that there was an equal decision made by both parties in terms of who was the "leader" of the family. There is not, I suspect. There is a distinct lack of respect and consideration for the woman in these relationships. For example, I can decide to make a nice dinner for the hubby one night because I choose to - its something *I* want to do because I feel like it. However, the next day I can feel tired and not in the mood to care, and therefore think "screw it, I don't feel like making dinner, he can forage for something." There will never be repercussions. I have that choice. I have that power to make my decisions and perform certain actions as I see fit. Do you think these women have the choice? I bet you they do not. That's why this is appealing for the men - they have the control, they have the power to do whatever they want, whilst having a slave to take care of them, and also ensure their sexual needs are fulfilled. That's the way I see it. If I am judging and condenming them - so be it. But I would rather do that and bring to light to the fact that this is yet another scenario or life situation that demeans and degrades women.
  8. There is no bloody way that a man can survive for over 2 weeks in the middle of winter with only a blanket to keep you "warm." Just no bloody way. I felt so bad for Hewlett - he did not deserve that treatment but he should not have survived that either. And cutting off of the toes, then running out of the camp into the woods? Dude, most of your toes are gone - you shouldn't be able to walk/hobble as well as you were. Terrible, terrible treatment of people. Same with Abe. I wished he would have punched out his father. Love the actor, hate the character. Love Simcoe though. They can't kill him on the show and he will not die, that I know. Still, love him and his evil ways. Felt so bad for Billy Lee - he's doing his duty, etc, but he showed so well how he was holding back because he knew that no matter Washington saying "no quarter", etc, that he still had to watch his tongue and behaviour, as we saw later when G.W. tried to strangle him. Crazy. Slow episode and Ben and John Andre were sorely missed. And again - poor Hewlett.
  9. Seriously!! Which one??? You cannot post this without including details. DETAILS!
  10. LOL. That's exactly what I was thinking too!!! (but again, never watched, but I KNOW that's exactly the way it is). I have a dog - a German Shepherd - and she's pretty stubborn and "opinioned" in her own way. She could teach these women something, I tell you. What kills me, is of course these men want a "submissive wife" Who wouldn't. I would LOVE to have someone wait on me hand and foot. Duh. But at the same time, respect. Respect for people is key. There is no respect here. Just servitude. But that they are "promoting" this on a TV show, and trying to (I assume) sell it as what woman should do. Fuck you, show. Fuck. You. (apologies for language).
  11. Brian Blessed? I like. Could be good. What about Hugh Laurie? Speaks with his natural voice (i.e. English accent to us), is tall thin and grumpy like Sherlock can be at times, but also the obvious brilliance. I do think they will cast someone who looks naturally posh - i.e. since Sherlock comes from money, they will get someone who looks like a corporate businessman with a "stiff upper lip" and all of that. Just my thoughts.
  12. Oh, okay. The post made it seem like it was actually determined to be JG as Sherlock's father. No worries. For some reason though, Ian McKellen rings in my head as the perfect father for him, though there is a big age gap. I totally agree, unfortunately (for JN). First, no I don't think they will bring him back to SH (thank god), but at the same time, he's a brilliant actor and was tainted with the stench of Mark Goffman/Katrina/CFD on SH. I do think he would be excellent cast as the dad, EXCEPT for what you said. Because JN looks exactly the same, I would have a hard time thinking him as a different character. He had a guest role on a show called Forever and was basically the same. I had the thought for another person, but interestingly enough, they are younger than JLM, but the persona and demeanour of this actor matches how JLM is at times. If anyone watches/watched the show Turn or Forever, I'm thinking Burn Gorman. Except he's only 40 years old, and JLM is 42. Still... But as another choice - Ian McKellen- He would be awesome.
  13. God forbid a married couple actually makes decisions together, or her opinion is valued and respected, or they both solve family problems together as a unit, a team, two people who discuss and are respected equally. I've never seen the show - will refuse to watch the show - and my blood is boiling just from the title alone and now your post. I love this to death. Just brilliant. *grin*
  14. Dear god, this sounds horrible. Is this a Duggar spinoff or something? A Republican-sponsered infomercial? Did we somehow go back in time a few decades and not know it? There had better be a sequel to this:The Submissive Husband's Guide to Marriage.
  15. Aw man - what an asshole. If this was all so he could get some extra cash in his pocket?? That really pisses me off because he's been stringing along the fans who were hoping for the show to be renewed. Sad. And even sadder because the show will really NOT be renewed. *grumble*
  16. Wait, what? They cast John Goodman as Sherlock's father??? That's seems weird. I love JG to death, think he is a fabulous actor, but I really thought it would be a British actor cast. Still - he'll do a fabulous job!
  17. Good episode. I too want to kick Oscar in the head a few times. I would not be surprised is Oscar is in a coma or dead, because those heel shots Sherlock was making should almost bash in his skull. But honestly, Oscar is a total asshole to do that to Sherlock and Alfredo - he deserves the beatdown. Sherlock was definitely using. The very end scene when they showed him, his eyes were glassy, skin was pale, dark shadows under his eyes and his hair was messy - just like the way Oscar appeared. 100% sure of it. Of course the twist could be that Sherlock is being charged with murder. Papa Holmes - that should be interesting too. And on a lighter but not really light note, having recently watched the movie and listened to the full soundtrack, when Oscar and Sherlock were in the shooting gallery, I kept thinking of young blond JLM - he played Sick Boy in Trainspotting which is about *drumroll* heroin addicts - while Underworld's Born Slippy was playing in my head. ETA: Apparently one of the Elementary EP's confirmed that yeah - Sherlock relapsed. Sad.
  18. I would love to know why? I would speculate that with all women, the repetitive child-bearing did a number on them. For those more lower-class, the daily labour and toil simply to survive would do it. And with higher class woman, the toxic makeups and beauty treatments did their own damage to woman? Is that why? ETA: See - the men hung out drinking and smoking all of the time, and yet they were just as attractive. Wine, Beer, Spirits and a smoke really are good for you! I knew it *grin*
  19. So happy. I love her character on the show - and MB does quirky cute well. Plus, her and Ben McKenzie have great chemistry. I expect then in season 2 a atory arc for her which will be awesome (as long as it's not a damsel in distress thing though). I wonder if they are going to phase out Barbara or is she going to go "evil" and be a more prominent threat to Jim and Leigh. Hmm.... Either way, awesome. Great news!
  20. In Alexander Rose's book, he includes several excerpts from letters that Tallmadge and Culper wrote. One that Culper (Abe Woodhull) wrote says this: "I intend to visit 727 before long and think by the assistance of a 355 of my acquaintance, shall be able to outwit them." 727 = New York 355 = Lady (as VMepicgrl said), and A. Rose says there was only one reference to 355 in all of the letters found, and it is supposed to be Anna Strong herself.
  21. Title's been modified because a) all caps suck b) to fit with the rest of the season discussion formats. Discuss away!
  22. And that's what so strange about the decisions networks makes. Obviously things like salaries, special effects, does the network own the show, day of airing, is the show cheap to produce, and so many other things factor in. Just take two of ABCs shows. Galavant and Forever. Almost similar demos and viewership numbers, but one gets renewed and one cancelled. Similar with Last Man Standing, also an ABC show and renewed. More viewers for LMS, but the demo is close to each other - i.e. LMS is inching near the 1.1 demo now, yet LMS is renewed. There are some great comparison charts you can generate on SpoilerTV. Fact is, because I really like the show, so I wish they would have moved it to a different day and tried it out for another 13 episode run. C'est la vie.
  23. Awesome and I hope so. You know what's weird - Monday seemed to me recently to be the big TV day - only because Football and so many of the shows I watched all were shoved onto Monday's viewing schedule. For the last two years, Sunday and Monday were my TV days - the rest of the week was nothing worthwhile to live watch. But if Thursday is supposed to be the big TV day, then that bodes well for SH. I hope FOX makes some attempt to promote. Getting these guys on talk shows would help. Mison was on Letterman a few months ago, but both of them need to go on Fallon, Kimmel, Corden and Meyers. And I would kill to see Mison on Jon Stewart, only because both are intelligent political people and they can talk UK politics. But I know he's not high profile enough. Too bad.
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