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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I had little/no problem with Miranda and definitely not with Samantha. It was Carrie and Charlotte that bothered me. They were all self-absorbed but the latter two were the worst. Carrie, freaking out like a twit over a squirrel, or spending $50,000 on shoes, then getting upset when she needed money to buy her flat and Charlotte refused to give her the money. Entitled much? Or Charlotte, with the constant baby whining and wanting the "perfect house and perfect boyfriend" and her giving up a good career as a art curator (or whatever it was) for what....literally nothing. Made my blood boil. Loved the show though, but the later seasons started to really showcase how entitled, self-absorbed and out of touch these people were.
  2. *Ahem* Apparently I forgot to put a link in this thread to this note... Now I shall. Please be so kind everyone and review it, SVP. Merci.
  3. Ha! So true. And besides running around calling each other wankers, the only other sentence they can speak is "SHUT IT!" Even The Youngs Ones were not as dysfunctional as these bickering dudes. I suspect the crap accent is to show how low class/thuggish/riffraff-ish the guys on the sub are. Rhona Mitra is English I think, but I guess she gets to keep the "posh" accent, since she is one of the people who is obviously intelligent and is trying to save the world.
  4. We've got one for ya! If you guys find that a certain member is annoying or irritating you with repetitive posts, please do not attack the member directly - instead, use our handy-dandy Ignore feature. How do I do that, you ask?? Well, the link to how is here, but I've pasted it in below: To add someone to your ignore list go to: Your account button (up top with your name) > My Settings > Ignore Preferences Then start typing a name and pick from the drop down that searches the members. Then check "posts" behind it Then submit. Thanks.
  5. Loved the kitchen fight seemed and to me, it seemed actually realistic.Grab whatever weapon you can and unleash on the enemy. Damn, Ravit going stabby with the forks and Chandler with the big kitchen knife going stab!stab! stab! Awesome scene, really well done. Tex trying to 'hide' from Neils was hilarious, and his conversation before with Danny about how Danny is white bread or something and Tex stands out was a nice touch. The British Sub of Dysfunction needs to stop with all of the fighting amongst the 'wankers' - it's getting tedious. With the kool-aid drinking POTUS, can an American enlighten me to this - at what point do you run out of people who can step into the role and instead hold an election to get a proper leader for what's left of America. I mean, could the 50th in line just step in? 12 seems too much down the chain of command to me. And I'm still slightly confused over why kill everyone except the immunes. Is this some weird attempt at an Immune Religion of something. Don't know what the end game truly is, but if one wants to restart society, I'm not sure I want to have only the Kool-aid drinking sheep to be the ones in it. (Oh, and loved Chandler making the kool-ad reference. The writers on this show I bet hate Scientology). Again, love this fun entertaining show. The hour flew by so fast.
  6. I loved this scene and didn't think it was long at all. In fact, I ended up rewinding and watching it like four or five times! What a great suspenseful scene. I mean, you have a seemingly drunken Ross pulling a 'Francis' and starting to lose his prized possessions. First his watch, then Demelza gives up that lovely necklace (she is wonderful, isn't she), then you're thinking 'come on man, quit! you know better.' Then Ross puts up Wheal Leisure and the arrogant Warleggans think they have him too. Then Ross exposes the elder fraud for what he was. To me, I saw this entire scene as Ross setting up Warleggan senior and exposing him for the cheating slime he - and his son - are in front of the 'gentlemen of society'. Just loved that to death. Was Ross really that drunk too? I hink he played it well (the frizzy curls helped) and waited for that particular moment to expose senior. I did laugh at Ross sauntering out of the card room mumbling "I expect my losses back.' Dammit, I would have demanded the losses right there and then immediately.
  7. Really? To me, she looks almost identical to Stana Katic (from Castle). Can Reed act though, is the big question.
  8. Nah, they haven't lost me (yet). I wrote the post, posted it, then read the news and was like, dammit! Gotta edit the whole thing. I'm still here, still have hope. Still though, if I seriously lose interest in this show - and this is not to brag - but yeah, then they messed up big time. I have never ever cheerleaded for a show like this before. Never before and most likely never again. *sigh* Besides, I'm still here for this gorgeous man....http://www.aceshowbiz.com/images/wennpic/tom-mison-late-show-with-david-letterman-02.jpg (and I want his shirt..) Thank you for posting my three favourite people, jhlipton! I thought that too, but being cast as boss to me means they replaced Orlando with someone "sexier". Or Abbie starts banging her boss. Hey man, you never know with Hollywood. As for the sexualization, see above comment. Black man was replaced with a "sexier" version of himself as police Captain. Why him, why not stick with Orlando? We will see in the fall.
  9. Bloody hell....you guys are killing me. Blown away by the response. For Lance Gross (sorry, haven't seen him in anything), I'm just guessing that the casting announcement hasn't come out yet, but he's just tweeting pre-emptively. It should be released probably in a week or so. Well, apparently the show is aiming for a younger demographic and trying to sex stuff up. Sleepy Hollow casts Abbie's New Boss. Damn, I LOVED Orlando as the boss.....Blatant Hollywood character sexualization. At least this time it applied to the men (sorry, Orlando - and yes you are quite sexy). I think that the show decided there was no where else to go with Irvings family (which sucks). People have speculated that it was because of his shade/tweeting about the show. I disagree - if that was the case, they would have told him to STFU. Either this happened and he told them to fuck off, or the show decided that Irving wasn't needed anymore. However, I do have this speculation that Goffman still can pull strings with the higher-ups, and this was his retaliation for KW being killed off. /conspiracyme! Hollywood sexing shit up...see above. Notice that I had to literally ditch my ENTIRE post after reading that....I added that link after writing my comment - strike tags rule....
  10. Well, this should make you guys happy. Told ya *grin* Still lots of time before October. Go here first: https://twitter.com/LanceGross Now lookie what Cliff Campbell retweeted: Damn, that's a sexy man. Yum.
  11. But you just kinda proved my point about capitalism being all about profit. Technology made the mines workable, as you said, and that the mines would be impossible to operate without technology. If you can't operate the mine or make it workable, the mines would not yield any metal ores. Without extracting the desired metal ores from the ground, you cannot refine it and get said metal to sell off, effectively earning some money. Without at least a bit of profit, the business would not have any money to operate. Inventors wanted to find ways to do things faster, cheaper and easier (and reduce human involvement). In this case, technology was used to find ways to get more out of a mine, therefore making the mine profitable. Now it's true you can break even. For some companies, it may have been enough for the company to pay operating costs and salaries and nothing is left. But what happens when the cost of copper falls? (as we saw in this episode and last) Now the company is operating at a loss. It's taking in less money than it needs to run daily operations. Now if you need a loan, no investor is going to give you money, because they won't get anything back for it. This is why (to me) capitalism is all about companies focused almost solely on making profit, and the betterment of society is a byproduct of a companies' desire to make more money, but it's never their first goal. When you have car companies, for example, weighing the cost of a law suit versus recalling cars to fix a flaw, and decide its cheaper for them to let a few people die or get injured, that is very telling. Henry Ford didn't invent the assembly line to make it easier for workers. He invented it so that employee didn't need much training (costly) and could be easily replaced. Health and Safety initiatives have nothing to do with the wellbeing of employees. It has to do with companies not wanting to be sued and having to pay a lawsuit, or having to pay workers comp. Part times jobs are all the rage now, because employers can limit the number of hours worked, and therefore not pay benefits or pensions to these people, therefore saving money and boosting profit. This is nothing new though. Companies have been finding creative ways to boost profit for hundreds of years. Absolutely. Totally agree with this.
  12. Yeah, but the bullets are better too. It's like with today's military tech. Someone creates a very effective bullet proof vest, and a few months later, someone else makes a bullet that can pierce that new vest, and so on and so on. Love Lucy in this. Great character and interesting too. Love her influencing Ethan and getting him to think outside the robot box. With Molly, I wonder if somehow some of the alien DNA someone got into her system, affecting her. In season 1, we saw that the alien whatever can onto the space station and impregnated the two female astronauts. Like the alien has some desperate need to propagate. And now Molly, that same instinct is taking over. Somehow those spores are making her behave sexually aggressive and causing her nails to grow fast (and hair too maybe?). Shallow comment of the episode: Goddamn it, JD is a hottie. I don't know why, but Jeffery Dean Morgan is really smoking on this show (sorry, I like his rugged unshaved dimpled look). Also, Charlie without the glasses was looking good also. This show is entertaining me much more than last season. It's going to be interesting to see how JD and Molly work together in this situation. Also, Lucy and Ethan - she is going to be wavering on her sides and I think ultimately will choose Charlie. For some reason, I think she bonded with him somehow, and when that military /govert org tells her to do something that could ultimately hurt him, she will decide not too. Same with Ethan.
  13. Shot of our season 3 lovelies courtesy of M. Raven Metzner. Ha! I knew it with Crane's hair. When you saw Mison at the recent Comic Cons a couple months ago, he was obviously growing his hair out. I speculated (elsewhere) that he wanted to ditch the wigs and get extensions. I was partially right....
  14. Absolutely. TV always portrays things with a "romantic" spin. But none of it is any good. But there were/are a few good people out there, as we see in Ross.
  15. All economic theories are all sound, it when they are put into practice that is the problem. Leave it to people to run, and their own selfishness and greed and power hungry natures destroy it. Socialism or pure communism is a sound idea also - but the moment you allow a human to intrepret it, the theory gets incorrectly implemented (see religion, political party ideologies, etc) There are a lot of checks and balances in today's version, but we still get abuses that hurt the masses as we always have. As Milz mentioned, Ross as a landowner implements the serfdom method of the time. The only difference is that he is portrayed as not taking advantage of the workers but most landowners would. If your crops sucked that year, too bad. You still have to pay X-amount to your landowner, and so what if you starved. Sucks to be you, serf. The Black Death is where the peasants got some power. With so many deaths, very few were around to work the fields or do the labour. Now without crops coming in, the landowners were losing money, and the serfs had some leeway and power to negotiate and change their status and plight. I would say before that, most landowners couldn't care less about the serfs. Human nature. Slavery in the US too - as long as the US was making money off cotton, who cared about the plight or freedom of millions of people. Same with the industrial revolution - none of those factories had any qualms about chaining kids to machinery and having them work 12-14 hours days, or unsafe conditions for all the worker. One dies, you just get another one, which is why we now have unions. And none of the companies today care about employees. All they understand is outsourcing and layoffs, as long as that company can boost shareholder value. None of this benefits the middle and lower classes (here). Just the rich, back then and now. "Well-regulated" capitalism sounds like an oxymoron to me. Does that even happen? Because the powerful companies have too much lobbying power and money to dare let any government (or otherwise) "regulations" interferetoo much with their money-making ventures. Just enough for public face. Assuming that's what you meant by well-regulated!! That's my bitter cynical view, mind you, but history does back up some of my cynical opinion *grin*. The only thing I could say about Ross is that he is written as a bit too goody-two shows, in his attempts to try to help everyone on his land. Maybe not so realistic, especially as he is a person who has little money either. His face, when riding his horse he gives money to the peasants (miners) looked so dejected after, because he was heading to town to ask for more investor money because his mine needed more cash. Anyway - episode. I actually really liked the interaction with the Captain. It was obvious that he loves Verity but family circumstance, he had no choice but to stop pursuing her. When Demelza first talks to him, he responded in such a way to pretend that he didn't care anymore (to hide his true feelings). That's how I felt about it. Same with Verity when they saw each other again - denial because of circumstances. Made me so sad.
  16. I'm wondering if we should change this thread to focus on the other unrealistic portrayal of characters. Russian Captain Ruskov, anyone? And isn't Patient Zero (totally forget his name) supposed to be Russian. His accent is weird. That, and the fact that either the characters on the show are a) on a powertrip, looking to become leader and take over via violence and force or b) act like sheep who are easily swept into a cult-like community. Otherwise, the only good selfless people being portrayed are those on the Nathan James.
  17. I had to look this up, but if I read it correctly, Wheal indicates a mine, so I wonder if the mine was so named, because (originally) is was so rich in copper, it was consiiderably easy to mine it. Just speculation. But yeah, that name throws me off also. Maybe small businesses and those whose sole goal is profit. The problem (one of many) with capitalism is that it chooses profit over all else, whether is be workers, or the betterment of the product or R&D or something that helps the community. Greed and short-sightedness is the problem and has been for decades. The Warleggans are just doing what everyone today does and has always done - make selfish decisions to increase their profit at the expense of everyone else. The problem to me is how it impacts the community and the masses in general, but with capitalism, the majority don't matter. This episode did seem a bit disjointed and I thought too that Demelza being excited about that party was strange. She is almost always seen as being very hesitant, so this really stood out. I just want to slap Francis for his snotty comments and his behaviour towards Verity, Elizabeth and the others. Feminist rant, but this is WHY you don't allow only men to have sole control the all of the finances. You have to have joint control, in case one spouse screws up like this (this applies both ways, btw). Because of his selfishness and pride, he just screwed up the lives of Verity, Elizabeth and his own kid while they had no choice but to sit back powerless. Makes me angry. I know the same somewhat applies to Ross and Demelza, but you see Ross confiding in her and getting her advice and opinion, and including her in decisons and also telling her about the operation of the mine. That's a good thing.
  18. Welcome to the new world of social media, Chris Carter. Sucks, doesn't it. He probably though his old methods worked so well before, why change.
  19. It's a simple formula if most other things are normal. Burn more calories than you consume (until you want to maintain weight). I think the problem with these people is that some of them are at a point that their bodies don't respond to that formula. I remember reading that for serious obese like this, their body metabolism changes so that even if they were to consume only say 500 calories in a day, most of that gets converted into the white fat (not brown fat, that is good for the body) and the body doesn't utilize those energy stores properly, so the regular rules don't apply. Their metabolism is completely shot. They have to somehow lose enough weight and kickstart the metabolism to burn the right fat, but at that weight, it takes a long time to kick that system into motion. That's why it's so hard for them. Not everyone, just some. For others, doing the bypass means they essentially go on a starvation diet, and eventually their body responds. However, I wonder if like anorexics, it means their body thinks it has to save every calorie (because it thinks it's starving), and therefore anything eaten gets converted to fat (energy). The experts here can correct me, by all means! Otherwise, if one's body is working normally, then yes, diet and exercise will work. But for diet, eliminating fat completely is wrong. Eating bacon is fine, it's just in moderation. Same with eggs or steak. The body needs a little bit of fat to be healthy, but portion size and like I said, burn more calories than consuming is the way to go. Lke I said, that's just how I understand it.
  20. Laughing at Darin Morgin in that Animal Control officer jacket! Remember the last time we saw that - Tooms on one of the episodes. Casting news: Robbie Amell and Lauren Ambrose join the cast. Hidebehind got there first!
  21. Anytime. For the record, I'm the moderator for this site, so if you have any issues you need to report, by all means, PM me or you can hit that "Report this Post" button to get my attention. Snark all you want about this show - not a problem. That's part of the fun. Just keep it respectful to each other and please don't post disturbing material like that. Cause that's just all icky and wrong.... Happy snarking/discussing!
  22. Don't forget the second part of that trope. The this City Woman only really wants to marry the perfect man, have tons of babies and move to surburbia to be a hausfrau. That her career isn't rewarding enough, having lots of friends isn't enough and being financially stable isn't enough. Even though she dates lots of men, it's only because she's looking for the perfect man. In her heart, she really wants to give it all up to be with her "perfect" husband and babies in the life she "really wanted." Not saying some people don't want this, but when was the last time you saw a man give up his big-city career to marry a woman in the city, and he gets to be the stay-at-home dad doting on the kiddies, whereas high-powered wife does her thing. I think I've seen it maybe once on TV (and I forget the show). Cities aren't souless? The one I live it feels like it *grin*
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