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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I have a feeling that the F-U is going to be disappearing from this thread title, Kromm.... (though I like it!) I was just reading about this reboot fuckery and am like, WHY? Why why why. Fresh Prince was an awesome show. Great comedy, excellent writing, great family stories, fun characters, good actors. You cannot recreate that magic. There is a certain chemistry, right place right time sort of thing that occurs, and certain (read:many) shows hit it but it has to be the right place at the right time with the right people. We're getting a Xena reboot, Fresh Prince and more. X-Files coming back. We have a Girl Meets World, going off BMW. There are more "reboots" I just can't think of them right now. Can no one come up with an original idea??? Oh wait, that's right, they can't. Leave it alone, network execs. Leave. The. Shows. Alone. I don't want to have to bust out the shoulder pads if Dynasty comes back....*grin*
  2. Nooo....Fuck off...!! Hell yeah! Michael Teh I think is the one person from so many guest stars I personally would LOVE to see come back. If this is the case - hell ya!! Bring him back, bring him back, please bring him back.... (for the record, my excessive amount of swearing is always all in love....)
  3. Wait, what? I thought Reyes was not going to be in this. *sigh* I tell ya....this is Chris Carter's X-Files swan song. He's bringing in all of the players in the show to make an appearance, ala the standing ovations seen in at the end of theatre shows. Everyone - take your final bows.
  4. True. I hate - hate - with a passion that feeling when one eats way too much. Blah. Yeah but I also don't want a meal that in two hours, I feel hungry again and then get tempted to snack on crappy food. A small plate of salad and water won't do it. (neither will a small salad or coke). It needs to have some substance. That's the balance. Omg, Mybrainhurts, your post made me totally cry. My condolensces over the passing of your wife, firstly. *longpause* WHY is it that so many people just don't get it. Your loss of your beloved wife is devastating, therefore it affects you emotionally and physically. Why do people not get that?? I am truly amazed at humans inability to not understand basic emotion and basic human bonding.
  5. Clearly they didn't ever see reruns of V. Tsk tsk. Well, the aliens may have an urge to procreate, but maybe the human women did not/does not. Not every woman wants a kid (points at self). I would be PISSED if, say using two forms of BC (because want to be 100%) with the significant other, who really is an alien, and I still got "accidently" knocked up. Royally pissed. Not here for that. So it can be construed as a form of rape - the woman was not with her actual mate, and the woman may not have wanted to get knocked up, therefore against her will. Reminds me of the X-Files episode "Small Potatoes". Very similar, actually. Also, with Molly. The alien need to procreate is making her hook up with some people at a bar that otherwise she wouldn't give the time of day. That seems against her human will.
  6. Easily fake, is my speculation. It's all about the Benjamins, as Beden said. These guys are just pretending. Just read a list of a variety of "reality shows" and almost all (if not all) are scripted. In cases of something spontanous, there may be several takes to get the "right" slow. Either way, why not. Easy money.
  7. WOOHOO! Just coming to post this! Last Ship Renewed for Season 3. That was fast renewal! - and exciting. It's such a fun fluff show. Guess they are now going to drag some storylines out more, or introduce some more big bads, but still, very happy. Moar ship porn... And we get same amount of episodes! Season 1 has 10. Season 2 had 13, Season 3 is 13.
  8. Me too. I do the same thing. There is something nice about sippping on wine while doing prep or cooking away. However, I have a couple times had a big too much cause prep/cooking took too long. Ah well, life is too short. Another trop. A high level distinguished male in a position of power always has a beautiful crystal decanter set - complete with brandy or whiskey or bourbon - sitting open and available on a side table in his wood trimmed spacious office. And the decanter is always half-full, though every time high powered male has a "meeting", he is shown as indulging in said brandy/bourbon/whiskey/etc a la Mad Men. Basically holding that lovely and expensive crystal tumbler, with required booze inside is the only way he can make decisions, have an "important" conversation. Dude would be lighting up a cigarette if it wasn't so frowned upon. Not saying this doesn't happen in real life and not that I hate the trope completely (I want one of those crystal sets), but high powered woman never get to sip from the fancy crystal decanter on the job whilst looking serious and comtemplative while discussing an important situation. Also, you know, most minions can't drink on the job while contemplating some perplexing situation (though it would help). Just saw this exact same thing in Extant the last couple of weeks.
  9. In trying to understand the technobabble, I really though it was more like the virus behaves like tuberculosis does (except TB is a bacterium). Anyway, TB bacteria lodges deep within the lungs, then gets aspirated into the air as the person breaths, and others inhale it, and it settles deep in the lungs. So I kinda thought that's why the virus was doing, somehow attaching itself deep into the aveoli tissue of the lungs. But then, what does that have to do with DNA? They have the virus already and are experimenting with it, so this is where I'm lost. It's almost like they are implying that somehow the virus attaches to the lungs and somehow inflitrates the DNA or something and kills you immediately?? But it then goes into the bloodstream, so.... No clue. I love that we are trying to rationalize the science on a TV show were you know damn well, it's all nonscensical technobabble. Hee.
  10. Commenting on what I posted in Media: I know you guys won't like the above at all, but I would put money on this below scenario: From day one, many of us originally thought that Katrina was manipulating Crane and pushing him (unknown to him) to be a Witness for other reasons. This is what should have been focused on since day 1 on the show, and that is what the wife should have been exposed for doing. Instead, we got the damsel and uselessness and now she's dead. My prediction - they are going to put that exact same storyline on Betsy Ross. This season, I really think they are going to explain why both are Witnesses. This season, Corbin's files and the Mills sister relationship with Joe and August Corbin will be explored, and flashbacks to the past to determine how Crane is supposed to be a Witness. That's why we are going to see Joe Corbin, and also more of Jenny and Joe together. There will be flashbacks, and if not, just those two discussing the past. It will be a parallel theme running through the season. BR knew Crane before he met the wife. Instead of Katrina being the one to direct him, BR will be the one to tip George Washington off on Crane's ability to fight evil, and therefore decisions made to put him in that position, set him up for the ultimate sacrifice. Remember, Crane was a teacher/gentlemen and ended up fighting. Many men did, but that didn't mean he had to. The writers have learned from the Katrina debacle and will not show any romance, just that they interacted in the same social circles. That Crane is surprised at things he finds out is the key - flashbacks where he (and we) see these moments in his life, and we (and he) realize "holy shit, I was being setup/manipulated from the start!" Notice it nowhere says anything about romance. There will not be. BR will manipulate Crane, just as originally it was supposed to be Katrina manipulating Crane, but again, they dropped that storyline. And it's also why BR is in the Culper Ring. Spy information close to GW, hidden secrets (and capitalizing on TURN??). And before people get upset at the lack of mention over Abbie, first, the majority of that writeup was actually published a month ago. Only the last part has been added, probably because now that they announced NR, they had to throw her in there. Also, we know the show is supposed to be broken up into two big arcs. Like, an 9-episode storyline arc, then a break, then another 9-episodes arc. Again, my prediction is that the first arc will be with BR, and the whole "why are we witnesses running through it" and the second arc will be now that Crane and Abbie fully understand WHY they were chosen, they get to face the whole "Pandora's box" thing. Just my speculations.
  11. Returning Fall Shows: Where We Left Off - ​Sleepy Hollow (Fox) I know you guys won't like the above at all, but I would put money on this scenario, that I'm posting in appropriate thread.
  12. Double-posting to add this: BOOM! Studios: Sleepy Hollow writer previews new 'deeply weird' four-issue miniseries. jhlipton, you are required to report back here and report what's in the comics for this reason: Must....know.....what....is....in....comic......
  13. Partly true, but also, totally different TV viewing options now. To use X-Files as a comparison, in 2001, the X-Files last season averaged around 10 million viewers (and that was the lousy barely any Mulder season) and ranked #63 in the Neilson ratings. Firefox had about 4.7 million viewers and ranked #98. In TXF heyday, it got over 19 million viewers but was only #11 in the Neilson ratings. What does that tell you? I can't find the demo breakdown, but am pretty sure both shows snagged a big portion of the coveted 18-49 that everyone things is actually important. Today, a show is considered a hit if it gets 4.7 million viewers. 10 million?? Amazing. That's why everyone is lauding Empire, because it's hitting high numbers that few shows can ever reach anymore. That's what's interesting. Now we have different viewing options. There were no PVR's back then. Yeah, we had VCR's back then but could only tape a show as it was actually airing, therefore that's your Neilson rating tick. There were no PVR's or Netflix or any type of delayed viewing, which cut the numbers of shows today. And to compare and lament a cancelled show called Forever, until the final two episodes, the show averaged around 4.5 million viewers, similar to Firefly. The viewship numbers were decent for today's standards, but I think the demo too low, and was maybe expensive to shoot, hence despite the positive reviews was cancelled anyway. *sigh*
  14. Whoa, Dr. Scott. Didn't know you had it in you? Honestly was no expecting that at the end. When Scott was talking, my mind was going from aspirating deep from the lung, to then thinking, no, she has to cut him open to access the lungs, then the blood and I was like, keanu!whoa...holy crap! Yeah, she wanted to cut him open - once he was a corpse. So next episode, I expect Neils opened up on an autopsy table. Okay, the more advanced scientific minds can answer this because all of the talking, I'm semi-lost. Dr. Scott basically removed the portion of Neils DNA from the virus, therefore Neils now can be affected by it?? But there are certain diseases out there that human's share a large percentage of DNA with, and they still make us sick. So she retools the virus, removes Neils DNA and now it's lethal to him. Then she is somehow going to pull "DNA" from his lungs, determine how it can reside in the lungs, and then "infect" humans, so they can spread the "cure" via aerosolization. Shit, they should just mutate the cold virus with this thing, and we can have some sneezing coughing humans run around and spread the cure quicker. I feel I am missing something (and have been from day one) with how the virus works, and with this cure formula, etc.
  15. No worries raven - thank you (and all) for being careful! Some people are so allergic to spoilers that they won't even watch previews, so this thread is perfect to discuss the preview you saw! Sounds awesome!
  16. Your nutritionist sounds good. Mr. HD went to see one, because he was just diagnosed with the usual HBP, cholesteral, etc from poor eating. And yes, we eat like crap at times (okay, a lot). His is the sweet tooth (yuk, too much sugar), mine is salt and salt and salt - but only when I am PMSing - then the craving for potato chips is insane. Otherwise, not too bad. ANYWAY, so he goes to a nutritionist and some of the stuff he told her - yeah, no. She had somewhat of an idea in some cases (harped on diet coke) but clueless in other things she said. Because now he has actually - shockingly enough - making an effort to cut back on certain things, I'm following suit just because why not, so maybe I'll see some results in a few months. Also, when I cook something, I get to do the healthier stuff. Before if I tried this, he'd be like "meh, not interested". Now that he actually feel sick, he's suddenly more agreeable. Funny how that works. But eating a variety of foods in moderation is I think the key. Isn't that the truth. So much "research" is motivated by money. The Egg farmers want you to believe that eggs are good, the veggie farmers want you to eat more veggies. Coke says that the fake sweetener is proven safe (by their own funded research) and that HBP pill is perfectly fine and will help you with your diet and longevity, says Big Pharma (just ignore the page-long side effects) ethalfrida, I just looked at the package again and I was wrong. Saturated fats yes, but zero trans fats for both. I thought it was all trans fats. But still. A calorie may not be a calorie, but don't saturated fats (not trans) get stored as fat also for later energy utilization. So either way, I don't win. Still amazed at the amount of calories. But I am not giving up my hummus, dammit! That's why I love that MaryHedwig created this thread - allows us to share our stories and experiences and learn from them.
  17. *LOL* This comment is awesome! Nicely done. Well, if TURN:Washington's Spies is even somewhat accurate in costuming, then her neckine is actually somewhat reserved and "covered up". But then, the exposed ones were characters that were very wealthy. For comparision, here is a shot of Onira Tares from season 1. Neckline (and coverage) very similar and feather is in her hair too. So they are not dressing her with the heaving bosoms that look painful (anyone see Claire's wedding dress in Outlander??) Yeah it does, particularily the ruffles. They look uneven. Ironically, considering BR was a seamstress so you'd think - if she made the dress - that it would be better sewn. Oh and NR looks incredibly uncomfortable in that full shot, like the corset is made of metal and pulled way too tight. So the flag she sews is "supernatural". Okay. Is it "THE Flag", the one in the Smithsonian. Because that one is huge and kinda hard to lug around. I've been to the Betsy Ross house in Philly as I am sure some of you guys have been to. Very cool house - small but cozy. I'll be interested to see if they show her house on the show, what it will look like.
  18. Thanks for the clarification, Indi! Much appreciated. And you are absolutely right. On the above snippet - I think that is a typical trope that ALL/MOST females who play cops or agents or someone in a high position of power get written as on TV and movies. They always are so serious and come off cold or unapproachable or even "bitchy", while the man gets to be laid back, mellow dude. I've seen that trope countless times, and SH employs it too.
  19. This is honestly fascinating to me!! This: If what I ate had more unhealthy saturated fatsl, but less carbs bur neutral salt... So what? The fascinating thing I find about "proper" food consumption is the particular focuses. One study claims saturated fats are bad. Another post says sodium and carbs. Another will claim that only organic works. So what is right? Fact is, it's all a marketing term and utterly meaningless. I want to eat meat with no preservates, but know dead-on that companies make this claim and then reject it.
  20. Wait, what?? Okay, you need to explain this shit? Abbie not Scully? I've viewed her as exactly that. Of course she is - she has to be. First, with her responsibilties as Lieutenant in SH's local police force, and more significantly, in the FBI. There is no "laid-back" Scully. She was always skeptical and side-eyeing Mulder's mission's, but went along with it for reasons (trust, semi-belief, etc). Now, if Crane has these "selfish missions", as Mulder frequently did, is that okay? Let's remember that Mills initially believed the "insanity" coming from Crane's head. Hate Crane as you must, but he is the character that spurred Abbie to find her mission, her ultimate purpose in life.
  21. I had to work late today (last minute) and in turn, didn't have any lunch with me. Because little time, I bought roasted red pepper hummus (with a handful of crackers) and nut and dried fruit little 50g pack. Hummus/crackers. 470 calories and 33% saturated fats. Nuts and fruit - 340 calories with 19% saturated fats. I bought that thinking I would be "healthy" and noted the calorie content when eating it because of this thread, BTW. Still ate it because I was hungry but was annoyed at those numbers. I would have been better off with a McD's hamburger (240 calories 8 grams of fat) and small fries (240 calories 11 grams of fat) and a coffee. I was honestly trying to choose healthy and it backfired bigtime. Sigh. A small salad and small drink is not filling though, and you are comparing it to a massive meal that is way to big for me (and Flurry's are good but too sweet). One other problem with eating "like a bird" is that one feels hungry soon after, therefore snacks on junk food or quick food (see above). I guess I was just trying to say that what some people consider "healthy food" may not be so healthy after all, and conversely, sometimes that "bad" food (like the whole no eggs! yolks bad! from a few years ago) and better for you than we think,
  22. I have no clue. Never mind - from here: I had a hard time with anything that had him with, or him mentioning She Who Must Not Be Named. Every Single Scene (except the two he got pissed with her). I am more interested in background of his life in the 18th century (pre-SWMNBN), his relationship and falling out with family, how he is really dealing with the insanity of zooming 200+ years into the future and the culture shock, and the fact that he lost his self-sufficience. That is what interests me. None of that was addressed two, and similarily addressed with Abbie. This exactly. Two of my favourites were side-lined last season and one was character assassinated. I love Crane, but I had a really hard time watching the episodes last season as I mentioned above. Only the few scenes with him and Abbie were interesting to me. Absolutely. So have any of you thought of how to do this? I have (because these potential stories interests me). First, Abbie's an FBI agent now. So how is she going to deal with Jenny (and Joe) running around doing some illegal breakins and acquistion of artifacts. Remember first season, the mention of Abbie's jurisdiction (when they went to see the Sin Eater). As Agent Mills, her jurisdiction is everywhere and she is more accountable. That is going to be interesting how she deals with that and how it changes the way she thinks/approaches her job and witness duties. Second - we know Joe Corbin's coming back. Joe Corbin leads to August Corbin which leads to his files and research and WHY Abbie and Jenny are the witnesses. This is the season they can cover that (over a few episodes even) which is also very interesting to me. Yeah, there is nothing really in there of substance. Well, if anything, the writers/showrunners are good at keeping secrets. This point (and your whole post) Abbie is the audience. We see the SH world through her eyes and her reactions. She anchor's the audience and sets the tone and pace. We need to see her work, her world around her, and how she deals with things. That's why I mentioned above that potential Abbie storylines that could have run as a theme throughout the season.
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