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Everything posted by Caseysgirl

  1. This show has done Jay no favors. Besides looking decidedly more unattractive than he did on Survivor ( how does THAT happen?), he’s been humiliated over and over by Morgan and now he looks like a raving mad man because she had her picture taken with someone. Ain’t love grand?
  2. Ava seemed like a caricature of a certain type of girl ( I guess a Kardashian) without the actual money to back it up. She doesn’t seem like she’d be fun to be friends with or definitely not romantic material. Too stupid and self absorbed. Very sad but I guess she’s pleased enough with herself.
  3. Wow - did Brent read a manual on how to remain relevant as a reality star? We’ve seen him pull out every trope of the genre - trying to be the best, calling the girls ugly, falling in love with a castmate,breaking up and becoming violent, trying to romance a client, claiming to have been fat and bullied as a child and now a dead Grandma. We get it, Brent- you don’t want to be one and done. You aren’t generically handsome enough for the Bachelor or rich enough for Bravo so I guess we’ll see you on the Challenge.
  4. What is this? I thought Andy was going to take at least a month off to be with his baby.Two weeks and he’s back.
  5. Chris Christie always surprises me with his charm and easy manner on these talk shows. I know I’m not supposed to like him but I can’t help myself.
  6. Are there really people in the world as love starved as these? Scott has gotten nothing from Lizzie and yet he’s sold everything and maxed out six credit cards for her? And who is giving him the credit to buy a car for her? Sarah, why oh why, did you get pregnant again? Even if he was faithful to you, on what planet can you two afford two children? I don’t understand what looks or charm he brings. My dream that Megan will turn out to be the ball buster I think she’ll be and he’s worse of with her. We all now know why Brittney was incarcerated - she’s quite the grifter. Amanda is the only person with self esteem in this whole show. Clint is beyond hopeless - what will it take for him to realize that he’s been taken to the cleaners. Amazing......
  7. The best part of the show was Brent who seems so sweet and I loved the fact that he was so uncomfortable being in front of the camera that his face was flushed. He seems to know a lot about the workings of a yacht which was to their advantage. Another subject, Tyler came off like a total douche.
  8. So Mike wasn’t getting enough attention being bisexual and wanting to screw both a man who vowed to be faithful to his partner and a woman, now he starts screaming at someone because the dishes weren’t done? It looked like NO ONE was doing the dishes. Don’t worry, Mike, Brent has already won douchiest bro in the house & Lindsey doesn’t want anyone taking her shine.
  9. Did they purposely hire every Ambassador with a sad story of being poor or ill or bullied or from another country, because every time these entitled kids tell their story, that’s what we hear. Meanwhile, if I had enough money to go to one of these places, I do not want a cabana full of young people hanging all over me. Brent is a mental case. One minute he’s falling all over Sara planning their future together; the next minute he’s gaga over a model and the next minute he’s like, we’re through. ADD much? How is Pano’s able to get any work done when all he does as spy on his employees - yikes! And what EXACTLY are they all learning from Lindsay with this wonderful opportunity.
  10. i almost feel sorry for Farrah because she is such a caricature of a human being. Does she have any friends in the real world ? She’s so difficult to even listen to because she won’t let anyone say anything and she speaks in such word salad that she makes no sense. I believe her entitled attitude and bad temper may somedY land her into real trouble- I’m talking about prison or someone who really knows how hurt her taking her on.
  11. As much as I think Jeff has a lot of issues and would be hell to live with, I think Gage seems quite difficult as well. It’s obvious that adding a child to this volatile mix was not a good idea but if you have enough money, you can buy yourself whatever you want and unfortunately, in this case, I think the child may suffer. Poor Monroe, at the whims of two a Daddies who will spoil her and use her to get back at each other.
  12. Well, I guess the rest of the world doesn’t feel the way PTV people about Andy and the “second coming”. This is going to be painful to watch because IMHO, with Andy’s short attention span and FOMO, this latest accessory may soon lose his interest and then what?
  13. Joey has decided he does need an alliance and he said, “WHOAH” thus violating two of this first week pronouncements.
  14. I wasn’t a big fan of Gabi before, but she didn’t really do anything to Jonitta and then no one in the house took her side when she was assaulted, I felt bad for her. I’m old and never had experiences with physical fights between girls so until I started watching reality shows, I wasn’t aware how prevalent it was. My DVR cut out before the end so what happened?
  15. I don’t know why, because I historically have not liked Chris Christie, but when I see him on talk shows, I always find him reasonable and well spoken.
  16. It’s clear to me, there is absolutely no love coming to Kody from any of his wives. He really seems so incompetent and yet egotistical. I guess the only thing he’s been successful at is getting this franchise. And all these women are such hypocrites pretending that any of them care about each other. Basically, this show proves that polygamy is not a healthy option, whether it’s lawful or not.
  17. Why would any one ( meaning Mariah) want to talkwith her mother or her mother’s friend about how she found someone that she hoped to cheat on her Father with? What’s her reaction SUPPOSE to be other than embarrassment, shame and anger. The fact that she’s doing this in front of a television audience makes it infinitely worse.
  18. I think the Mooch had planned that trip to Davos ahead of time, but when CBB approached him ( was Sean Spicer ever an option?) he figured he could get some easy money and continue his name recognition by going on. Whether production was aware of it ahead of time and prepared this “ mole” story or if they just scrambled at the last minute i don’t know. I never believed for a minute he was going to stay for the duration of the show.
  19. Brittany’s son is adorable but I’m amazed that after not seeing her in person for such a long time, that he was not at all shy or hesitant with her. Glad her ex and his lady seem good with her back in his life. There are no words for the cluelessness of Scott. That was the least excited response to a wedding proposal I have seen.
  20. Farrah must have been told by production that she needed to get out of bed and give them what they’re paying for. Does she care a whit about Maya or Janelle? No,but she sees them as mean girls just like herself so she’s aligning wi( them. I guessshe thinks because she’s the only female that a lot of people know on this show that she is somehow the VIP. I would love to see these tough girls go Fter Farrah from Nebraska and show her she’s not tough at all!
  21. I agree that they have not done a lot of positive things with Alex’s character. We all know that under those big glasses and unflattering clothes,there is a beautiful girl,so why not encourage young women who have a brain to be proud of their accomplishments by having a role model who is not unlikeable and a total loser in everything except school work. Wh not a makeover and a boyfriend worthy of her. She can still be as sarcastic and brilliant as ever.
  22. Agree with GracieK- this show and club is dumb! First of all, who in their right mind could take the over the top Brent seriously? I don’t get what his special skills are that makes him such an asset to the “Club”? This place isn’t as classy as my local Day’s Inn and all I see is a bunch of young people hanging around in their bathing suits doing nothing. How is this “ the hardest I’ve ever had to work?”. Plus, a woman like Natasha who is beautiful and has money is not going to want the ‘ help’ pawing her and it’s insulting that that little twerp thinks HE can reject her. Sara seems like a dummy - a guy calls you “ a 2” and says your like the gum on his shoe and you’re giving him another chance? Also, if I’m spending all that money for a cabana, I don’t want a bunch of young kids t4ying to “ up sell” me and be so blatant about it. Ugh, But it’s a great hate watch.
  23. I noticed, too, how Andy just became like a pubescent boy when John Mayer came onstage, it was a little embarrassing.He couldn’t even wait until the break to make sure they’d have a dinner date and dropped Kimmel like an old shoe. Very rude.
  24. Loved seeing Javi and his girlfriend teaching the boys to ride their bikes. Love to see the interaction between the boys and Javi. Agree that whatever Kailyn did to her butt was way too much. I’m just not getting this look -I don’t find it attractive at all.
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