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Everything posted by Moose135

  1. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    No. At its most "basic" level: WAR = (Batting Runs + Base Running Runs + Fielding Runs + Positional Adjustment + League Adjustment + Replacement Runs) / (Runs Per Win) If your head hasn't exploded lately, take a look here, and it will... Calculating Position Player WAR, A Complete Example | Sabermetrics Library (fangraphs.com) There is more here: What is WAR in Baseball? How To Calculate War In Baseball (scottfujita.com) The best part? Different places use different calculations, so there can be different results for the same player...
  2. We got a couple of sets of bamboo sheets - normal queen size - and they are terrific. Funny, when you take them out of the washing machine, they feel like canvas, but when they finish drying, they are amazing.
  3. We were watching the first episode, and GF said "Maybe we need to get Paramount+, I enjoy seeing Kyle Chandler on my screen." At the end, she said "Well, never mind..."
  4. Living in Charlotte, I've sort of adopted the Panthers as my "other" team, at least when they aren't playing the Giants. I'm glad to see Cam get another chance down here, and hope he has a good run with them.
  5. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    That's not how MLB looks at it. There have even been a handful of guys who have gotten ROTY votes in two seasons - they came up late in the season and really tore it up before coming up full time the following year.
  6. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    Per the MLB rules, Arozarena played 20ish games in each of 2019 and 2020, but only has a total of 84 at-bats (99 total plate appearances) over those two years.
  7. Yes, that was a terrible penalty call.
  8. There were a lot of questionable calls by the refs, almost all of them against the Bears.
  9. One of these things is not like the others... Jake is boarding with our trainer this week, and getting to hang with her three Goldens.
  10. I watched a good bit of the second half, and your feelings are justified.
  11. Maybe Joe Namath sold his soul so the Jets could get that SB win. What else explains their performance since, and those awful Medicare Advantage commercials he does?
  12. Important safety tip: Never say that to a girlfriend... 😉
  13. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    Plus Fuck Chase Utley. Personally, I'm still rooting for the giant chasm that opens and swallows up the teams.
  14. I still do. And you can have my Oxford comma when you pry it out of my cold, dead, and lifeless hands.
  15. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    Red Sox cheating revealed, tainting another World Series - Sports Illustrated
  16. When PTV worlds collide - from Monday's Jeopardy! in the category "Fictional Africa".
  17. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    Yes, there is only one true Mookie.
  18. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    Wow, that was a bad call. How do you end a playoff series on a missed call like that? I don't know that I'll watch the rest of the post-season. I'm indifferent to Boston, can't root for the cheating 'Stros, hate the Braves, and LA? Fuck Chase Utley...
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