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Everything posted by patty1h

  1. I noticed that the last 2-3 cases but I thought it was that JM was taking a little longer to settle into her chair - maybe it's the mic/equipment, or her robe or just age has slowed down her and Douglas was waiting until she was nice and comfy before giving her his speech.
  2. "Tantrum Over Tires" This case is goofy. Shakeema Settles is suing because her belligerent ex Dion Dawson wouldn't accept that she broke up with him and he slashed her tires 5 times. Settles was dating this guy, but suspected that he wasn't broken up with the woman he was living with - he says they were just friends, so she broke up. Settles said he was jealous that she may be seeing other men and showed up at her door after they broke up. When she refused to let him in, he threw garbage at it, then texted her that she will be "a target". Plaintiff got a protection order. Shortly after she is finding her tires slashed. Dawson is at least 45 years old but is dressed in a football jersey like he just finished a quick game with the kids in the park. He has a nasty attitude and when JM asks him for his side of the case, all he can say is that the plaintiff is "goofy" and "she knows what she did that got him to the point". This guy is a loose cannon and is too stupid to find the words to explain why they broke up, other than goofy. We learn that he paid her $500, which he says was for the tires. Settles says that was to repay an earlier loan. Dawson gets agitated when JM demands more info about the relationship, then he has a bleeped outburst and JM throws him out of court. Plaintiff has video from her apartment security system of a figure slashing her times and JM rules in her favor.
  3. "Making Mom Mad" (4/06/23) - Plaintiff is suing her daughter for a cellphone she bought her; things got rocky after a mother/daughter tiff and hurt feelings lead to a lawsuit. Seemed this relationship was strained forever, then one day daughter called Mom and demanded that mom come get her grandson who was out of control. Mom refused and got to feeling disrespected by daughter who didn't like the response. After this, the daughter bad-mouthed Mom on FB saying that her mom told her that she should "try harder next time she attempts suicide". Things got chippy because then daughter stopped paying on time, and Mom called phone provider to cancel the service. At first, I was side-eyeing the daughter because she turned on the dramatics early in the case, pouring out a whole bucket of family dirt to smear her mother with: teenage pregnancy, parental refusal when asked for an abortion, "forced" into young motherhood, put into psychiatric facility as a teen, had CPS called about her son being abused, suicide attempts, sibling favoritism, mother alienated her from her father, PTSD. Whew! All that family drama she revealed when it was all about her being a deadbeat and not paying her bills did not endear her to me at all. She seemed disingenuous and histrionic and had her male bestie in the court to rub her back as she tried to squeeze out tears, which made her seem over the top. This case boiled down to two people with long-time frustrations who let it all go to hell for a fairly simple reason.
  4. I laughed at that... JT did a great job putting on her best homegirl voice and she did those texts justice. Sounded like an average day in the hair salons I used to go to here in Brooklyn.
  5. Half of TPC was pre-empted yesterday AND the whole show today because of Trump being here in NY. I'd much rather see some trash cases instead of his dumb face, so I appreciate the recaps very much.
  6. Per an article in the NY Post, "Wendy Williams is spring cleaning and selling off everything in her penthouse"... even the purple chair! There is a paragraph that says this cleanout is because Wendy has been telling pals of an upcoming move to Los Angeles, but it also cites a source who says that "she won't go through with it - she seems unwell". Read for yourself and try to figure out what's happening in Wendyville. https://pagesix.com/2023/03/31/wendy-williams-selling-all-her-belongings-in-nyc-penthouse-report/
  7. What happened to the running thread for discussing new Dateline episodes? We're using this one titled "The Window" now? Confused. Anyway, the show is again recycling episodes that they've done already. Tonight it's called "Secrets of the Snake Farm", but back in early 2022, the episode was called "Venom".
  8. Somehow I missed the news posted here about the show ending - I saw it on another site today. I used to be a regular viewer, but in the last 2 years I started only really watching the catfish episodes and those are going away. I wanted to give other catfish/ romance scam fans another way to get their fix once the show is gone. Youtube has a channel called Catfished which is run by a group who help folks who think they're being scammed - the team will investigate and give the party the good/bad news. Most of these people aren't as dense or damaged as Phil's guests, but are just as gullible, so it's lots of older, busted men and women being hit up by hot, young people ready to marry them! This team does not offer psychological help, just give the facts about how the scammers do their thing, like making fake passports and bogus bank statements, etc. to fool their victims. Very enlightening. Here's a good one
  9. I could see this being attempted. Some producer watches a bunch of those Housewife shows, follows their template and let the shenanigans begin. I don't even watch those shows but I know how they operate: Set Wendy up with a bunch of colorful "friends" that hang around and drink and go to clubs and shop. Some time is spent with Wendy but also you can follow all the other folks and spin off from there - delve into their lives and issues. Make sure to have at least two people who are "frenemies" so that there's a constant source of drama. Let the friends do the heavy lifting but cycle back to Wendy just to remind everyone it's her show.
  10. From what I remember, Wendy was paying Kevin something after the divorce - first guess would be alimony, could be a payoff, could be money from their dissolved corporations/businesses/stocks, etc. The talk a few months ago when Wells Fargo was cracking down on Wendy's accounts was that Kevin was going to court to try to get money he seemed to think he was entitled to, which could be a number of sources.
  11. I was recced the channel of gossiper Kempire on Youtube and this is his latest "scoop": He thinks Wendy has not gone live with her proposed podcast because if she's working she could be liable to pay the ex-husband again. A very valid hypothesis. He also said that instead of the podcast, there's rumors that Wendy could be trying for a reality show... this after she was seen in a NY restaurant with a camera crew. Kempire went on a slight conspiracy tangent to say that part of him thinks Wendy is only playing crazy for the last couple months so she can keep her funds tied up and away from the hands of you-know-who. Hmmmm The third unfounded rumor, which I only saw on Youtube posted by people who have no journalistic credentials, are saying that Sharina has left Kevin!?! This story has the craziest tangents: Sharina left Kevin because the loss of support from Wendy; Sharina has moved on and has a new man; Sharina has been badmouthing Wendy to anyone who listens, etc. This mess never ends.
  12. So it wasn't just me! I felt bad for thinking this woman is a loving this! as I was watching because she had gone through some shit so I should be more empathetic, but at the same time, she was very dramatic. In the first episode, she repeated twice "Jared told me that I was so beautiful..." gave me the first feeling that she was going to milk her part for every second of attention. Then she turned herself into a martyr, describing how she was up at all hours driving those tapes to FBI. I would have told them to come pick them up from my house! During part 3, they talked about Jared being at a ritzy NYC hotel and ordering underaged prostitutes and I wondered whether a Subway rep traveled with him during all of these promotional trips. It's highly suspect that no one in the company noticed anything or just keep their mouths shut so as not to lose their jobs. So sad and despicable.
  13. I had read articles about this creature so I knew what I was getting myself into, but actually HEARING this monsters voice on audio describing his desires, his crimes, his despicable thoughts, was a very hard slog. It's just sad to know that the reporter Rochelle had evidence on him for years, but because most of his acts took place overseas, the FBI had to wait until they could get to him on US soil and he racked up numerous victims. I give that woman respect for dealing with this pedo for so long.
  14. Just finished the first episode and all I could do is roll my eyes listening to Santos apologizing for damaging imaginary items and offering to pay for them. There is the "they were brainwashed" explanation... holy crap, can people be so desperate? No sympathy - I view these people on the same level I see the fools on Dr Phil who give their life savings to Nigerians.
  15. Every season I ask myself why I'm watching this show again - it's the same old routine. At this point I just pay attention when they do the challenges. All the babbling gets tuned out. The thing that always annoys me is that the contestants always use the flimsiest excuses to target someone for elimination... the go-to is the tired "I can't trust them!". They get outraged to find out that someone is seeking the hidden Immunity Idol early in the show - happens every season in the first episode, someone gets the side-eye if they wander off and someone else starts the badmouthing that that one is probably out looking for an idol. How dare they! Of course you have to look for it ASAP, before someone else finds it. Like tonight, everyone hopped on Brandon because he found that birdcage in the forest. The players have so little ammunition to use on a virtual stranger, that trust becomes "something" as a motivation - it's better than nothing. It irks me every time.
  16. Two episodes ago, Jazz talked to the parents about leaving school and starting a career of advocating for trans rights, etc. After seeing the sad rally she organized in the season finale, Jazz needs to think about spending some time in an established foundation that advocates for the underserved. Go volunteer at an LGBTQ or disabled veterans or birth defects non-profit, etc., a place that has a reputation and is known for their work with the public. Instead, we see Jazz sitting in a dorm room with 2-3 of your besties where this thinktank came up with the equivalent of the old "let's put on a show!" trope in old Hollywood movies. I presume the producers are going to squeeze another season out of this wreck and already set up the teaser for it: Will Jazz end up with a male or female? Sigh.
  17. I hate how many low energy rallies Jazz organizes - there are several every season and the one in the last episode was pitiful, and shows how much clout and enthusiasm Jazz brings to her "advocating". I muted the whole date with the woman because I can't take Jazz's insipid conversation with anyone she tries to create a relationship with. So we bid goodbye to another season of this family babbling and being neurotic.
  18. I kinda think the catfishee Rachel was there for the free trip. I think the idea was dreamed up by the friend Simone, and she got someone who could play along. I got exasperated when Phil asked Rachel very direct questions about why Omarion didn't send her the engagement ring and why he didn't visit her when he was in NY and she would just babble "that's why I'm here, to get the truth". That answer was very non-committal and allowed her to steer away from deeper examination of how this "relationship" got to the point it had. Both of these women got me aggravated and I muted it midway through their interview. I did look up and see Omarion giving some taped statement but didn't care enough to unmute. I confess - I agree that Omarion is a hottie. I was numb by the second guest came out to talk about her mother who gave over $200K to scammers. Whatever, lady.
  19. Last nights episode was called The Brighton Ax Murder, and followed a 1982 case involving a woman murdered in her bed with an axe to the head. The other detail is that her young child was in the home the whole day with her mothers body. I didn't recognize the name Jim Krausneck but as soon as they said that the husband lied about his education at Kodak and that the daughter was left at home all day with her mothers dead body, it hit me... been there, done that. Dateline just did this same case less than a month ago and both shows advertised these as NEW. All I have to say is that these true crime shows have gotten very lazy with recycling the same stuff over and over and need to consult other shows to not overlap cases. I didn't stick around to see how 48 Hours handled the situation, so if new details were given, it's my loss.
  20. I hated the entitled plaintiff, Richard Helou, in the crypto machine case. People use that janky looking thing to make money? Whatever. He was so arrogant to think he can run some fugazy machine in his place, knowing that it's a big energy drain, and protest when the landlord gets upset. Even if the lease had a clause that the utilities would be approx. $85 a month, old Richie wants to thumb his nose and go nananananana at the owner instead of paying for the added cost. That's what creeps and lowlifes do.
  21. I read this on another site -- it was said that Jaclyn has an Only Fans page where she performs solo "acts", catering to the audience that appreciates transgender folks. Maybe this is old news, but I knew nothing about it until today, but I figured I'd put it out there. I guess those new boobs are getting paid for.
  22. Whenever I see Wendy has pulled out the Daisy Duke shorts, I hate that her mother told her that her legs are her best feature back in the day. Knowing that her mother ragged her about her weight as a child, this compliment made a deep impact on Wendy. Even in her mid 50's she needs to show the world those legs that Mommy said looked good and we all have to see those sticks. Whatever.
  23. If the money really gets tight, maybe Sharina can go back to the profession she had before the marriage -- message therapist. At best, she can open her own business, or work in an established spa or salon. Kevin can sell all of that tacky designer clothing and gaudy jewelry he was sporting back in the Wendy era. Or see if the car wash is hiring. Good honest work.
  24. If only they'd gotten rid of the unnecessary and boring "Question to the Judges" segment, that would have been a serious cost cutting move to ditch the husband. No clue what he's being paid, but it would surely have eased the budget. If only... If TPC gets picked up by another company, my fingers will be crossed that it is a one judge show and Mr. JM stays home.
  25. I had very little empathy for the woman suing the funeral home for accidentally burning the clothing her father had on during cremation. Cynic that I am, I felt that she decided "ca-ching" when this happened, making this error into a big payday. She determined that a shirt, jeans and underwear was worth $10K as punishment to the defendant. Funny how this amount is about the same balance of their funeral bill, unless I heard wrong. She says she has nothing to remember her dad by... I think she has a lifetime of memories, pictures, etc. to have in her heart. I rolled my eyes at her grief voice, even as she told the judge "it's not about the money". Dang, that sounds harsh but I didn't sense sincerity from her. When JM asked can't the kids share the mans remaining clothing amongst themselves, but of course, the plaintiff said that is not feasible. I think that the funeral home could give something back to the loved one to maintain goodwill, but plaintiff tried for a jackpot. I guess she's lucky to be living in CA where they allow compassion compensation or whatever they called it, so JM gave her $1K.
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