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Everything posted by patty1h

  1. "Not Paying a Daughter Back": 23 year old Destiny Finn is suing her mother for the cost of cosmetic surgery - a Brazilian Butt Lift and lipo. 42YO mom Jeanette Finn had this procedure done and has not paid. We learn that Jeanette and her husband are estranged since 2015 - even live in different states, but he still has feelings for Jeanette and wanted her to have the procedure. Destiny says her dad makes six figures but is cheap, so instead of paying for the BBL himself, he convinced her to charge it so it will build her credit. Why does that sound fishy? We hear a lot of backstory: Destiny gets a BBL done on herself and needs her 15 YO sister Madison to help her heal afterward. Then when Mom got BBL, the family started a big fight about who is going to stay with Mom - Mom didn't want the 15YO traveling between states so young and is angry that Destiny has been letting Madison vape. JM asks why Destiny is not suing her father, since he is the one who asked her to pay for Mom's BBL. Destiny says because Mom got the benefit of having the surgery, so it makes her liable. This is a giant mess - Dad is living with Destiny and her husband, but is refusing to repay his daughter, Destiny is a stay-at-home mom, so it's really her husband who paid for the BBLs, Jeanette doesn't feel that she owes her daughter since she didn't ask for it, there were nasty texts where Destiny threatened to beat her mothers ass, Jeanette has a boyfriend now, Jeanette has not seen her 2YO grandchild due to this family blowup. All this over $2K remaining to be paid on this bill. JM awards Destiny $2351 for this case.
  2. What the hell... so my cable thingy was correct after all and this IS a new episode? I did not even consider they were on a different show and scamming for another payday. Thanks for clearing that up.
  3. My cable schedule lists todays episode as NEW and I immediately(!) recognized Mr. Freak Show Face and the Gen Z Schoolmarm. Gyp!
  4. I got a hinky feeling from both parties in the 30th BD Party case. The plaintiff had some valid complaints - she paid for things that she didn't get and that's unacceptable, but I think she was going overboard about the quality of the food and asking for an inflated refund. The caterer didn't seem to be an angel either and I wondered if maybe he did a bait & switch -- the food was great at the tasting in order to get the job, but he cut some corners to keep more money in his pocket and hope that the client would accept his excuses and let it go. This case obviously brought out the pessimist in me but I thought the refund was fair.
  5. My millionth Corriero eyeroll happened when he said that the plaintiff had received enough for the work he'd contracted for with the defendant. Dude! It's annoying already.
  6. I've had this show on my "one of these days" list for years, but I finally took the plunge after a rec in the NY TImes this week. So far I've watched "Soldier of Illusion" with Alexander Skarsgaard. I was very entertained and laughed a lot - a Werner Herzog-like film maker splitting his talent between a doc about isolated mountain people and a sitcom called "Bachelor Nanny". Ingeniously, they threw in hints to Fitzcarraldo and Grizzly Man, two works that Herzog is famous for.
  7. When she started crying, I felt a moment of *uh oh* that she found him looking at ch!ld p0rn, but then she said it was naked women. Sis, nothing is gonna stop people from looking at porn so get a thicker skin or work on your self-esteem.
  8. "A Family Fallout" - The case of two grown sisters tussling, a broken TV and a lawsuit. Per plaintiff Twa, her sisters have always fought and there was an incident where a sister refused to leave her house and a TV got destroyed. The sisters have a history of violence, but Twa had sister (first name?) Youngblood over anyway. They get squabbling and Twa tells Youngblood to leave. Instead of just leaving like a rational person, behemoth sister Youngblood says "you drive me home or else". This sister is one of those fools who make themselves so irritating that they can get their way because no one wants them around. Before you know it, Youngblood knocks the TV over, Twa's husband is trying to get Youngblood out and Twa has puIled a gun. Youngblood goes outside and tries to pull Twa's car door off! Police are called. If I were Twa I would have been tempted to pull a gun to get that monster out of my house, too. Grown people fighting and pulling guns and knocking TVs over and messing up video games. I'd like a seat on the next flight to Pluto cause this planet is full up with stupid. Ugh. Twa gets money for the TV but not the video game. The second case was a contest to see which sibling had less teeth. I think "David" won.
  9. I stopped watching a couple years ago... got bored with the show/ characters. It was around the time that some new group turned up, lead by the actress who plays Ashley in "The Boys". As soon as I saw her wearing that Australian(?) hat, I knew it was time for me to blow. I saw that that the new season started today and I was shocked to see that Madison was listed in the cast. Didn't she get killed in S5 or S6? How the hell is she back on the show - what wacky storyline was created to bring her back?
  10. Letting a Dad Down - I didn't get good vibes from the daughter. I think she had a right to feel abandoned by her father but that didn't stop her from seeking him out for money when she was down on her luck. She just seemed like another in the long line of borrowers who take the most minor excuse to say they no longer owe on their debt. To me, that was a big leap to blame the dad masquerading as his other daughters to badmouth the defendant, but I think the defendant was still having money issues and she found the perfect excuse to renege on the loan. Also, not having any proof to back up her claim of debt forgiveness just cemented that she was going to lose.
  11. Yes, Phil tracked down the guy in the picture used to con the victim. His name is James and he did a short taped clip to say that he is not Ricardo and has never talked to (name?). He also said that his pic has been used for the last 10 years by scammers. One other thing on this episode was they got their hands on the Nigerian scammers playbook - it's called "How to Make a White Woman Fall in Love with You". It's a 40 page manual with tips, tricks, techniques used by these guys to find, connect and get money out of women. These guys put a lot of thought and energy into this - keeping notes on each victim, like their kids names, pets names, hobbies, etc. so they can use this info to sink their claws in deeper.
  12. The catfishee was like all the others... hard up for love and willing to pay for it. This woman would not accept it when her sister told her Ricardo was fake but she would only accept this fact if Dr. Phil got the "proof". That just makes these fools sound more pathetic - your family wants what's best for you but you won't listen until a TV host to steps in? No empathy. As this turned out to be a rather routine episode, I was getting bored... until that real estate agent came onscreen. I swear that Phil was going to reveal the woman was an A.I. Her face was soooo filtered it looked unreal.
  13. "Not On My Wristwatch": This case was about a loan for a watch that was not repaid. This one was a puzzler because the plaintiff Sukonik (ex ballet dancer) was very giving towards defendant Senekerenian (concert level pianist), who he called an acquaintance and a Facebook friend. We are told that Sukonik cosigned for a car, videotaped Senek's concerts for free, lent money, bought the watch for his "friend" then got stiffed on the watch loan. When no repayment is forthcoming and Sukonik sees Senek buying high dollar items, the lawsuit is filed. Blah blah more case details. Sukonik also reveals that Senek has a gambling problem. Okay. Senek is obviously a user - when Sukonik sent the frustrated message "I don't want anything to do with you anymore", Senek skewed that into a pass to not have to pay his friend back. The part where Sukonik strikes a last resort deal really blew my mind: he says he will buy Senek a $7K piano if he will return the $3K watch. WTF? The judges asked several times what the plaintiff was getting out of this lopsided relationship - he kept giving and the defendant kept taking. He never gave a good answer. I don't think it was romantic, but who knows. The defendant says it was that plaintiff was lonely and wanted a friend. Hope Sukonik gets better taste in his friends. He gets his $ back.
  14. I have watched several of Ramit's Youtube episodes, the newer ones with couples, not the older ones he's done solo. I like his mix of financial advice and therapy, plus I find him easy on the eyes. There's another Youtuber doing these types of videos, advising people on their spending and debt. Caleb Hammer has a series called Financial Audit, where he has the person send him all of their paperwork: credit card/bank statements, etc. Then he sits with them and he examines what they're doing with their money and then gives (unofficial) advice on how to turn things around. It is eye opening to see how many young Americans have no concept on how to budget, save, how much they freely spend on Starbucks, McDonalds, fast food when they have thousands in credit card debt, have no emergency fund, that have staggering debt with no concept on how to stop the cycle. Caleb is like your dad - his voice gets high and he rolls his eyes when he sees blatant waste spending and people making poor choices. But he's a loving dad... he only wants the best for the brave people who come to him and bare their wallets for the world. Here is a recent interview that got hundreds of thousands of views:
  15. This is all in my head, so pay no mind but I could see Angelica Rolph using that pink outfit as her gimmick at the club. Some girls want to look like Kim K. or Megan Thee Stallion or Nicki Minaj. She dresses like faux Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde, a 22 year old movie.
  16. New catfish episode coming on Wednesday. I had gotten numb to the last few because the guests are so DENSE that I shut my mind off to them. I will DVR this next one to see if they push the envelope since it's May sweeps.
  17. "Breast Side Story" - What a ridiculous waste of the courts time, but a perfect case for May TV sweeps. Plaintiff Angelica Rolph comes in dressed up like she's cosplaying from the movie "Legally Blond" in a hot pink dress and beret. She is suing because one of her implants get damaged after her son got burned in an incident involving a McDonald's hot apple pie. She explains that defendant Allison Gagliano was babysitting and let Angelica's 11 month old son get too close to this devil pie. They started to argue, which turned to grappling and the boob got damaged - it now has rippling on one side. Angelica is a model/dancer and says she has to look "perfect" or it costs her money. Messed up boobs won't pay her bills. Sheesh. Angelica shows her medical records of the follow-up visit of the augmentation - the judges point out that the examining doctor didn't denote seeing any rippling. Plaintiff says the rippling was not that noticeable then because of swelling and showed up after this doctor visit. The judges say they can't take her word for linking the rippling with the fight. JSuarez says it could be that a bad surgeon did the job, or having too low body weight is a known side effect for rippling. The judges decide that Angelica has not proven that the defendant caused the rippling and dismiss her case.
  18. If she thinks that being all wide eyed makes her look believable and trustworthy, she is wrong. Another case of not being sure who was lying - they both seemed suss. Count me in as one who was waiting for JM to ask about the TP issue. I've heard of these "family rags" - maybe this was discussed but the producers decided to spare the audience from the gross details of this practice and cut out the conversation {shrug}.
  19. The case "Clipper Slipper" involved an aggressive haircut where the plaintiff was suing for $5000 for pain/injuries. The case was that the plaintiff took her disabled sister for a cut and the stylist got chippy after some criticism, then she started jabbing and pressing too hard with an electric clipper. (All of these women are in their mid-late 50's). Plaintiff stopped the haircut midway after seeing her sister was cringing in pain (sister seemed slightly cognitively impaired, so that may be why she didn't stop the abuse). The plaintiff had photos - sister had some large red marks and bruising on her neck. The stylist spoke - says at first that she didn't use a clipper, only scissors, but later says used a "trimmer" for the nape area but was not rough or being malicious and she finished the cut w/o any issues. The salon manager was there and spoke but said she doesn't believe her employee hurt the client - she probably just has sensitive skin. The plaintiff ended up taking sister to see a doctor, who kept her for observation because sisters blood pressure had shot up to dangerous levels because of the pain. She was also prescribed antibiotics. They incurred no out of pocket expenses - Medicaid covered it. This was a head scratcher... who was lying? IMO those marks on the neck seemed too severe to have been made by a hair clipper, but who knows. The judges gave the plaintiff $1K. EDIT: Seems like me and @CrazyInAlabama watched this together and were typing together, but her recaps leave mine in the dust. 😊
  20. Regarding the episode "Dead Man Talking" -- I know the stories about women in abusive relationships, that it's hard to leave but damn. His second wife found out he was a RSO, he beat her, he stole her money, a cop warned her to get away, she bailed him out, he made her a prisoner and SA'd her but she stayed for quite a while. She seemed relatively smart and capable, so I could only wonder why - seems like it was the religion thing. No man is worth it, sis. This story was crazy - I almost hurt myself watching Nicholas pretend to be a UK citizen and twitch out his wheelchair during that interview with Andrea Canning... it was hilarious and disturbing at the same time. He seriously told a judge that someone had come in and put tattoos on his arm while he was hospitalized! It showed how sick and manipulative this guy could be.
  21. I noticed that the last 2-3 cases but I thought it was that JM was taking a little longer to settle into her chair - maybe it's the mic/equipment, or her robe or just age has slowed down her and Douglas was waiting until she was nice and comfy before giving her his speech.
  22. "Tantrum Over Tires" This case is goofy. Shakeema Settles is suing because her belligerent ex Dion Dawson wouldn't accept that she broke up with him and he slashed her tires 5 times. Settles was dating this guy, but suspected that he wasn't broken up with the woman he was living with - he says they were just friends, so she broke up. Settles said he was jealous that she may be seeing other men and showed up at her door after they broke up. When she refused to let him in, he threw garbage at it, then texted her that she will be "a target". Plaintiff got a protection order. Shortly after she is finding her tires slashed. Dawson is at least 45 years old but is dressed in a football jersey like he just finished a quick game with the kids in the park. He has a nasty attitude and when JM asks him for his side of the case, all he can say is that the plaintiff is "goofy" and "she knows what she did that got him to the point". This guy is a loose cannon and is too stupid to find the words to explain why they broke up, other than goofy. We learn that he paid her $500, which he says was for the tires. Settles says that was to repay an earlier loan. Dawson gets agitated when JM demands more info about the relationship, then he has a bleeped outburst and JM throws him out of court. Plaintiff has video from her apartment security system of a figure slashing her times and JM rules in her favor.
  23. "Making Mom Mad" (4/06/23) - Plaintiff is suing her daughter for a cellphone she bought her; things got rocky after a mother/daughter tiff and hurt feelings lead to a lawsuit. Seemed this relationship was strained forever, then one day daughter called Mom and demanded that mom come get her grandson who was out of control. Mom refused and got to feeling disrespected by daughter who didn't like the response. After this, the daughter bad-mouthed Mom on FB saying that her mom told her that she should "try harder next time she attempts suicide". Things got chippy because then daughter stopped paying on time, and Mom called phone provider to cancel the service. At first, I was side-eyeing the daughter because she turned on the dramatics early in the case, pouring out a whole bucket of family dirt to smear her mother with: teenage pregnancy, parental refusal when asked for an abortion, "forced" into young motherhood, put into psychiatric facility as a teen, had CPS called about her son being abused, suicide attempts, sibling favoritism, mother alienated her from her father, PTSD. Whew! All that family drama she revealed when it was all about her being a deadbeat and not paying her bills did not endear her to me at all. She seemed disingenuous and histrionic and had her male bestie in the court to rub her back as she tried to squeeze out tears, which made her seem over the top. This case boiled down to two people with long-time frustrations who let it all go to hell for a fairly simple reason.
  24. I laughed at that... JT did a great job putting on her best homegirl voice and she did those texts justice. Sounded like an average day in the hair salons I used to go to here in Brooklyn.
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