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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I think we saw some tension in Emily, who is very stoic but clearly objected to being ordered on a farm call in unusually cold weather ("I was told to come here" in an annoyed voice). She complained that she could not feel her hand and arm after she finished the work. Maybe part of her reason for leaving the practice?
  2. I've speculated in the past that they've moved to this format to save money in production costs. The entire season is shot in one city.
  3. I think Nicole will get implants and dentures. I know someone, a heavy smoker, who couldn't save any of his teeth, and they were all pulled, followed by four implants and full dentures. The only pain medication was Tylenol with codeine, the latter of which is habit-forming. Her squirming and fidgeting may be neurological damage from long-term drug use, or perhaps ADHD. I question Amanda's boyfriend. For starters, why would the father of a young boy spend time with an addict? Maybe he's using her for sex. And now to be on TV. His sound bites seemed rehearsed. Her family stated that she is easily influenced. Janine looks dead in the eyes. I hope she is much better since this season was produced.
  4. Maybe there are a bunch of temporary/corporate apartments near training camp. Weekly or monthly leases. I read a Washington Post article that talked about how CMT is trying to modernize its image. There was a leadership shake-up at its parent company Viacom last fall, and the article stated that the new Viacom leadership wants MTT to do a better job of showing the candidates as more empowered (I'm paraphrasing). Supposedly we'll see evidence of this in the current season.
  5. Ben seems very stressed. He's missing his earlier wit and panache. That kitchen looks horrible - too small. He really needs Anastasia's help just to get the basics done and plates out the door. Travis seems like a walking definition of depression. I think he was leaning heavily on Jack to try to stay sane and moderately sober (while on board) until the season ended. I admired Sandy when she first appeared, but she's on a very unattractive ego trip, clumsily and visibly pandering to production. The less said about the trashy guests the better. Desperate housewives indeed. When they closed in on Jack and were pawing him, I was reminded of the Monty Python nunnery scene.
  6. So she can bring attention back to herself by referencing her own rape story? Karen uses tragedy for attention. It was fun to see all of the Bahama fashions, with a few missteps (Karen).
  7. I thought that the father allowing the stepmother to dictate a lie about parentage spoke volumes.
  8. I saw that too. I think they hate Kat's thirsty ways and are patiently waiting to take her down. Kelli and Judy hate a show-off. Kat is this season's sacrificial lamb, but that's OK because I think Kat is using the show to promote herself for something else. Anything. ETA: If the organization (e.g., Charlotte, Kitty) wants her, they'll keep her. Egregious product placement: CORE and Ancestry.com The sudden cuts are an effort to keep viewers tuning in. And shoving the rejections out the side door saves production time. Now poor Sheryl will be known as the Harbinger of Doom. All the guest choreography looks the same, but I do enjoy watching it and I think the candidates enjoy doing something different from the canned DCC stuff.
  9. I FFed through most of this season. Like a lot of initially brilliant shows, it seemed to wander and then run out of gas. No enough Sam. Marc Maron was born to play Sam. Wonder if his absence was due to production on his movie. The checklist nudity and sex seemed like a desperate ploy for viewers.
  10. I agree. I posted this during season one. And, she's a horrible actress, at least in this series.
  11. Interesting that production tried to bolster Reagan's story and profile at Jeff's expense. Massive fail. Hopefully Jeff will stop cooperating with being portrayed as a dimwitted alcoholic with a penchant for running off into the night like a lunatic. I wonder if he's getting paid for all of the coaching jobs the article cites.
  12. Searched several times for this forum and finally found it. Just want to say I love this show.
  13. For a while there I thought I was watching the western Seal Team. At least the scenery and photography remain beautiful. When they showed Costner in long shot, as he wept on the front porch, my snark wondered if he was unable to summon tears for a close-up. And Kelly Reilly was covered in real western clothes that did not detract from her fine acting. I know some native actors who joke about pandering to non-native production people (who make it so easy). When Mo Brings Plenty was explaining war-painting the horse, I wondered if it was gibberish or real. Mo is Oglala Lakota so perhaps it was real.
  14. I hooted at Shep when he misquoted Eleanor Roosevelt. Alice R. was infamous for her youthful shenanigans, and late in her life I believe she was photographed with a pillow that said "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me." I picture Ship feverishly researching bon mots to toss out at the reunion, and he screwed it up. Shep's not as clever as he thinks he is. His attempts to deflect the criticism were pathetic. "Palm Beach" Get him off my TV forever. I figured out his attraction to Austen. Underneath the aw shucks mumble mouth, Austen is as nasty as Shep. I've begun to notice his judgmental 'I didn't like when you..." and "I thought it was bad when you..." I picture the two of them hunched over beers, gossiping viciously like two old biddies. I hope they don't dump Chelsea for the lame reason that her boyfriend won't appear on camera (a housewives criticism). At this point, she, Whitney and the scenery are the only reason I watch. Cam's girl-next-door lecturing of the show's assholes has grown old. What happened to the witty conversation and good-natured joking of season one? (Yeah, I know, the show was hijacked by Thomas and Kathryn. Then it went brainless Vanderpump.) ETA: I'm with Chelsea on working. I adore my little business, what it puts out to the world, and what I get back from it. It's not solely about the money. LibertarianSlut: I kind of get your point about Shep and reality, but during the first two seasons we saw a completely different side of him. I often wonder whether the combination of celebrity and money makes it impossible for people to be humble and kind. Something happens when one has unchecked power.
  15. I just read an article that debunks most of those personality tests as not being based on science and data, and how they are misused in the workplace. Victoria has pulled herself together. The long legs, big blonde hair and toothy smile will have presence on the field. That's what Kelli and Charlotte and the Cowboys organization want. The tricky choreography is kind of a TV gimmick, because the DCC choreography is simpler and of a certain type for the field. It's pretty limited, which makes sense. Lots of this this show is stupid filler, when there's so much more they could be showing us about training camp. I don't miss nasty Kitty. She's another one who really knows what the organization wants, and her opinion matters to them, but she's just mean.
  16. One of my family's favorite episodes is when Aunt Bee takes a trip, the fellas mess up the house, and then clean it up before she comes home. Upon her return she sees the spotless house and thinks they don't need her anymore. They realize their mistake and race around tearing up the house again, and all's right with the world, Aunt Bee bustling about to set the house right.
  17. The family of women whom Michael is trying to help and who fight with each other - I swear I saw one of them nodding out in the most recent episode. The oldest woman has the blonde bob/pageboy - the nodder is her daughter, I think. What's that about?
  18. I could swear that when we first saw Robyn's reno project in a previous season, it was a different house. I keep remembering a one-story ranch. Did they pull a fast one and switch houses?
  19. Yeah, production threw poor overlooked Colin a bone and gave him a screen moment.
  20. Monique is never good enough for Chris. He undermines her constantly.
  21. Agreed. I've hated this about Beth's character since the first episode. I can't figure out if the actor is making these choices, or the director. Or Costner. It's egregious. Beth could easily fit in on a Housewives reunion couch with that cleavage. When Monica wandered into the store I thought "Oh brother, not a Pretty Woman reference." Then they had to take the degradation further by forcing the saleswoman into her skivvies. C'mon, surely the supposedly brilliant Beth could have come up with a better way to torment the saleswoman than resorting to high school body-shaming. I laugh at viewers thinking the store's wares are ugly (not snark). In the 80s there was a famous cartoon poster called Santa Fe Style. It showed a blonde woman decked out in every possible western fashion cliche. She was prostrate on the floor because the weight of too much Indian jewelry knocked her over. Monica's character drives me nuts. I work with a lot of Indian women, including in MT, WY, CO and NM, and they are nothing like Monica. Question for the riders: does that slide move damage the horses' joints, muscles, tendons over time? Also, they are heavily promoting the new cowboy show. Are some of those people appearing in some of the Yellowstone scenes? Regarding fake Indian jewelry: that kind of thing is more heavily regulated now and one cannot claim something is native-made unless it really is. I don't see the junk any longer in upscale stores. The cheap tourist shops sell imitations but are careful not to promote it as authentic native jewelry. Even QVC has gotten careful about its claims for native jewelry.
  22. We talk endlessly about southern culture, which in modern times is still racist, misogynist, elitist and violent, and whose male members (and churches) still repress women, These characteristics are still deeply ingrained in some of my southern cousins. So I don't think it's a bad thing to reference someone else's repressive culture; there's lots of it to go around and it's a reality. However, despite his behavior, we don't know whether Metul was raised in accordance with certain aspects of his culture. So we have at least one addict (Craig) and one probable alcoholic (Shep) who join Katherine on the couch. Doesn't excuse her behavior, especially given her children, but let's out the hypocrites. As always, Andy panders to the viewers about the obvious, and this time it was to go after Shep's obnoxious ways. Good to see Shep on the hot seat, but his excuses and defensiveness are the very definition of arrogance. Chelsea, fire your stylist. I usually adore your fashion, along with Naomie, but the reunion was a notable miss.
  23. Cory's nickname is Tooey. Karen and Mina's dad, the ortho surgeon, had three kids (all girls, right?). Then Mina's dad had Tad with another woman, who died, and Karen has 'adopted" Tad. He said that she took him in after his mother died when he was young. Beyond the above I am hopelessly lost. I think someone said Mina's dad has been married four or five times? I may have misunderstood that. What I want to know is who is Karen's sweetheart? I think she wears a wedding ring, and she also has a ring tattoo on her wedding finger. I wonder where the original contractor manager went. Lenny? He somehow was family also, something about being married at one point to one of Mina's dad's ex-wives. They appear to have a new general contractor. I wonder if any of these folks other than Mina and Karen are getting money from the production company. Can cause hard feelings if not.
  24. The children are precious. Those chubby cheeks! Jack gazing at his cousin - babies love their older siblings and cousins. Mina sure got a workout, toting those heavy babies around. There is a eight month old in my family, and I'd forgotten how heavy they can be. Have to nap after I baby-sit. I hope Karen is OK. I think we've seen a couple of her mobility injuries over the seasons. At 60, she surely is beginning to notice her physical limits, despite how fit she is. I was down on the floor recently, replacing cabinet hardware, and longed for a crane to hoist me up when I was done. I love that old brick apartment building (now condos). Tad gets on my nerves the way he can't follow demo instructions. He ruined the chance to keep those doors and beautiful old hardware.. Wasn't the first time. Guess the sister will move into larger space as her girls grow. I kept thinking three people in that small space, yikes. And little ones around those steep stairs. And no outdoor play space. But she's very lucky to have it. Sometimes I fantasize about a place like that, given all the work my old house and yard need.
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