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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Now that their grifting days are over (extremely ostentatious spending while not being able to pay for it, plus granny's gambling troubles), they need to move on to a new city. Agree that it allows Savannah to continue on camera, but I saw several months ago on a gossip site that Todd recorded a country western song. They are all trying to make an entertainment living, and Nashville is not a bad idea.
  2. I do think production told the drunken charter guests to embarrass Bobby by egging on and praising Danny.
  3. I've been bored with this series lately, but this was a cracking good episode with a lot of action. If we have to watch Andre hang I'll take to my fainting couch. I adore the character and the actor; nobody wears those British threads and little ponytail better. Although in his disguise he did look like he stepped out of a toney garden catalogue. I liked the little moment where Arnold commented that Washington had powdered his wig. Gentlemen officers' fashion and protocol. The blade-feathering scene: fantastic. As I watched I thought that Arnold wanted death and Ben wanted to kill him, but both wondered if the gun had enough range. It was truly a cliffhanger. Did Ben purposely wing Arnold in the arm? I saw a bloody spot on his snowy white linen. Did we see Peggy and Arnold marry in a previous episode? Were a traitor to get caught today the air would be blue with profanity. I giggled a little at Arnold's frazzled-but-gentlemanly "Peggy we are undone!"
  4. Ben is a big baby, if there's such a thing as a passive aggressive baby. Tattle-telling on Hannah last week, and using Danny to annoy her. He's a crappy colleague and friend. Extra foul points for congratulating Danny for confronting Hannah after Hannah had left the bar. That's extremely low. I think Ben's charm and English accent, and how he uses them to get away with being a jerk, have an expiration date. Danny is definitely the designated Rocky for this season. The cheesy big blinding chompers, the manic prancing about, the complete lack of self-awareness...if I had to work with him in confined spaces I'd want to smack him like a pesky fly. Showing the other guests' photos around is a serious breach, even if it isn't illegal. And in some places, getting up close and personal with a club's dancer will get you manhandled by a bouncer.
  5. Kathryn looked like a 45-year-old wannabe Wonder Woman in that ball get-up. I'm sure a lot of her behavior is amped up for the cameras, but I'm also pretty sure she indulged in some pharmaceuticals while she was in the limo. And her talking head devolved into some crazy exorcist stuff too. You could just see the rest of the cast sitting bored around the low-rent tables, waiting for the scenes to commence. The most obvious pairing in this gang could be Patricia teaching Kathryn the finer points of snaring rich old men, but I guess we're never gonna see that. Shep's dropping hints about Landon's character. He said something about how Landon can be as difficult as Kathryn. Do you suppose Thomas is gonna go Bill Clinton on us about his history with Landon? "I did not have sex with that woman!" while smarmily hinting that they had oral sex. Craig's spinning out the attorney story while anxiously hoping that an entertainment career happens instead. JD, quit trying to make Gentry happen. I also noticed that he managed to insert a comment that Sermet's catered Thomas' dinner party. He's so far up Thomas' hind end that he hasn't seen the sun shine for days.
  6. Diane Mars, I think you're on to something with the escort history. The three have a shaky pact not to reveal too much about each other's past. Sounds like Tiffany did nude modeling or soft-core porn. Did Marie get bolt-on boobs right before the reunion? Don't recall her having much of a bosom during the season. We must be camera-ready while we desperately audition to be a Housewife. *Slow clap for Cary.* She gets the award for the Best Fake Performance of the evening. She's trying to re-write the nasty, arrogant impression she left throughout all the episodes. Didn't Michael Jackson refer to wine as Jesus Juice and allegedly give it to young visitors? Maybe Brandi should re-think her catch phrase. Not to mention how much of it she guzzles. You KNOW there was lots of gossip about her at that Christian school. Those poor little girls. Tiffany's face looks like she's having an anaphylactic reaction, only she did it on purpose. She tried to narrow her eyes a couple times - throwing queenly shade - but they were already slits. LeeAnne needs to evolve from using her victimhood to garner sympathy and attention and as an excuse to behave like an asshole. I could handle Stephanie if she would tone down that nervous, hyena laugh.
  7. Yeah, there's more to Percy's story, although I suppose it's possible that Ken meant that Percy needed treatment for codependency, not addiction. Still, I'm pretty sure Percy's initial interest in the relationship was free regular sex. Perhaps he did a cost/benefit analysis: pay $400 a pop, or contribute financially to the household but get lots of sex. Ginjer's biggest challenge will be that felony conviction. Hopefully the rehab center and her probation officer can help her find decent-paying work. Did Brayden's father and Ginjer's brother know she was using and turning tricks while she was babysitting? Holy cow.
  8. The lynx was still alive. It was trapped but not dead. Andy commented that it had climbed up a tree. Who knows how long it was it in that condition.Very cruel. The editors are slowly adapting the viewers to the realities of hunting and trapping by not cutting away from scenes like this. I'm fascinated by the business and financial aspects of Sue's operation. I wondered about the cost of her new CAT, and I think she leased it, as she called a leasing company to report that the thing wasn't working as she expected and she needed a tow. That's one of the few times we've seen her defeated, as she sat there frustrated and disappointed in her scheme.
  9. I'd love to spend a couple hours with Jacob (red hair and eye glasses), listening to him opine about the world. The blonde fashion police sisters would give Joan Rivers a run for her money. "She looks like a flamingo!" Can anyone educate me as to what accent they have? I've always loved that particular English accent. The child with Down Syndrome melted my heart: "Brooke?....I love you." They were all so adorable that I watched twice, a real rarity for me. Would love to see more. Is the British version available online? ETA: is it Liverpool?
  10. I agree that Kathryn and Thomas are equally obnoxious in their drunken, volatile behavior and both deserve criticism. But Kathryn distinguishes herself further by going after a wealthy man in order to pump out two children solely as a vehicle for money (my opinion). And she apparently abused substances while pregnant. She wins first prize in the Horrible Human Being Contest.
  11. The "new" nanny is the night nanny. I thought I heard Whitney say that a family member has offered Thomas $100K if he will stay away from Kathryn. Not sure if Thomas needs $100K. I'm calling it now: Kathryn will essentially abandon her kids if the child support is quite limited and she can only see her kids during supervision at her parents' home. Based on what I've seen of Kathryn, I don't believe she is bonded to her children, nor that she cares more for their well being than for her own. Wonder how Bravo will handle the ethics of paying a known drug-using parent to be on TV.
  12. She thrives on the victimhood. She's always camera-perfect for each of her "scenes." Can't stand her and have always believed she and Mike crafted their relationship for television.
  13. Stephanie's comic delivery is weird: oddly-phrased bon mots, followed by big toothy grin, followed by manic high-pitched laughter. Rinse, repeat. I think she must rehearse before the cameras roll. Tiffany's found her new calling: Defend-Crazy-Friend-for-Reality-TV-Dollars.
  14. I guess Thomas is conveniently rewriting the definition of self-made man. Agree that the "roast" was taped over several hours, as he went from calm charming host to sweaty foul-mouthed mess. Also agree that his remarks were coordinated with production, and that the rest of the cast was blind-sided. I did kind of laugh when at one point they had herded themselves into another room, waiting to be released by production, and then sped away on that swerving golf cart. Very Keystone Kops. Kathryn looked and acted like cheap Christmas trash (as my mother used to say). And she's veering dangerously into Baby Jane territory. Kathryn, if you want to rumble with this crowd, you need to up your Insult Game. You seem to have two speeds: schoolyard bully (with the juvenile vocabulary) and demented fishwife. I loved Landon's dinner-party dress but hated the vintage mink cape. I love most of the fashion I see on this show. Regarding Kathryn's age as an excuse for her behavior, I know too many pleasant, productive young people -- teachers, soldiers, graduate students -- for that to fly. She's a waste of space. Cooper flapping around like a useless schoolmarm was annoying in the extreme.
  15. Why do producers have guests return for a second charter? Surely they can find other knuckleheads who want to be on a yacht in the Mediterranean? Especially if production bears the costs. I don't get it. Bryan's a creep. I'm so glad Tiffany got herself out of that nasty situation. I also don't like how he randomly "supervises" people while they are working. He's a character from Dilbert. Why is Jen in so few scenes? Perhaps she refused to give the editors enough drama to work with. I think Ben has a problem with strong women. He confronts them or passively-aggressively undermines them, then he turns on the charm and apologizes. I did have a laugh at his mad faces during the courses SNAFU. One could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. Hannah should have owned up to her confusion, which I think is what happened due to the constant change of plans and terminology misunderstanding.
  16. Regarding paternity, some of these old families (not just southern ones) are sticklers for bloodlines. I'd be surprised if Thomas and the family trusts would allow a usurper in to continue the family line. Even an innocent newborn. I'm sure Julien is Thomas' child and the nonsense about paternity is purely for drama.
  17. Is this blind item about JD? Sounds as if it is: http://blindgossip.com/?p=78794#more-78794
  18. The editing on the threesome was a bit wanky. Danny was shown to be standing nearby when the three guests were standing around naked in the hot tub - shown from a faraway long shot - but not there when the three guests were in a clench (gagging). He either walked away before the action or was summoned away. Also, I don't like how ready Bobby was to fight with Danny. I wonder if production is encouraging Danny to challenge everyone. If not, he certainly has a king-sized sense of his own importance. Ben is passive-aggressive. He decided to try to take down Hannah a notch by challenging her authority in front of the junior deck hand. And on top of her putting in what appeared to be a very long day. If she was up at 10am to greet the charter at 11am, and she was still working at 4am, that's an 18 hour day.
  19. I just don't buy what some of these folks are selling. Katherine laid it on real thick as she prepared for the baby's birth. Acting all helpless and batting her eyes at Thomas. I was raised in the midst of plenty of extremely calculating southern belles, so I see you Katherine. It was nice to see Thomas sober and calm for a change. I'm pretty sure JD is a fraud. One giveaway is his ridiculous office decor, which appears to be taken from a lesson in "how to pretend you are a 1950s southern gentleman business owner." I suspect they are living beyond their means. The only question for me is whether Elizabeth is in on it. Shep was out of his element at the LA party. I wonder why Danni hangs with this crowd.
  20. I love how production used the other families' comments to introduce us to Charlie. He seems like such a grounded young man, and the visuals of him flying over those vast spaces were stunning. Hope to see more of him. Still miss Bob and Ruger. Heimo and Edna were like kids in a candy store with the fresh moose meat. I also loved the extended footage of the Seldens' dogs. Instead of the usual tropes that leave the impression that sled dogs just magically work the sleds from day one, the Seldens explained how they accustom a young dog to it and patiently train the dog. Tyler said something like "you have to help the dog like it." I loved seeing Gwensie allowed into the cabin.
  21. Why is she putting her brother's extremely upsetting, personal business on national television? Heidi looked like Marilyn Manson at the goth party.
  22. Yeah, despite his claims that he was only trying to make his guest happy, the guest-pleasing is really all about Danny determined to get his infantile needs met. I think it escalated from him wanting to get laid to acting out against his colleagues' efforts to rein him in. Maybe he doesn't get much attention from attractive young women in his real life, and so he became obsessed with these guests? What if the guests had rejected him? I don't think he would have handled it well. Since I think Bryan is a misogynist tool, I'm giving myself permission to criticize his appearance. I've been trying to figure out what's odd about it. He does indeed have a Muppet neck. Loved the captain's comment about being a Walmart greeter. I like his straightforward communications and calm demeanor when dealing with the crew.
  23. I think that the main cast is still trying to figure out how to out-maneuver Kathryn, control and limit her exposure in the show, and adapt their own TV personas in relation to her. They've all been upstaged and resent her because of it. It's them against the producers. Whitney, Patricia and Cameran are trying to cut her out, and Shep and Craig are trying to improve their camera personas by pretending to be on her side. While Thomas may have intended to go to LA in advance of Kathryn's due date, I'm not sure he would have wanted to go once her doctor decided to induce her earlier. With the unexpected inducement, I think the producers scrambled, manipulated the editing around and added some scripting to make it seem as if Kathryn was furious. (We didn't actually see it.) The nanny's telephone conversation with Thomas, informing him of Kathryn's "rage," sounded very scripted to me. Thomas is doing whatever he can do to protect his male heir, so he goes along with the production nonsense. Craig tried out his producer-driven storyline as the Whitney Provocateur and got the reaction the producers wanted. I think what enfuriated Whitney was that he didn't see it coming; he probably feels very betrayed by production at this point and was angry. Cameran and the others were surprised too. Does anyone believe Thomas would bother with assembling baby furniture? That's an excuse to put him and Kathryn together, since they aren't in a relationship. Kathryn tried to muster up some indignation while they talked, but even she seemed embarrassed by and tired of all the drama.
  24. I discovered this series thanks to another PTV poster, and I binge-watched both seasons over a week. Really like it. Rob is such a sweet, even-tempered guy, so when he goes off in frustrated anger and hurls vicious insults at Sharon, it's surprising and hilarious. It's like an anger dam bursting. I also enjoy Mark Bonnar as Chris. He's got the demeanor of a CIA operative and I've expected him to do something really terrible. Murder his wife, or something. Instead we have him confessing his innermost secrets to Rob. I'm distracted by Sharon's resemblance to Emma Thompson and Sarah Chalke. Her moody self-absorption is a bit annoying to watch, but the actress pulls it off. I'm a dog worshipper and cringed at the cavalier way they handled the dog's death and disposal, but it didn't put me off the show. I'm not sure why they thought it was funny though. In Something About Mary, the writers took the dog jokes so far that it was unreal and therefore OK to laugh at. But here it was just weird, like they couldn't decide if it should be black humor or just sad. Maybe some people thought it was hilarious.
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