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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Well, RHoA lost me due to Extreme Fakeness and an overload of plastic surgery, so I've circled back to RHoBH, at least until other shows start up after the holiday TV doldrums. You know how chimpanzees shriek and flail their arms around when they spot each other in the jungle? That's how these women sound when they greet each other. Every.Single.Time. Dorit is the Head Shrieker with Lisa R. giving her a run for her money. Also, some of them try to impart that scratchy-voice thing to be cute. Cut it out. I assume Kyle had a face lift. Someone help her with her wardrobe. Erika is kind of a blonde zaftig Chuckie. Despite the glam squad, hubby's money and efforts to be slyly entertaining, she's nothing more than a fame whore who dumped her little child and traveled 2000 miles to seek money and fame. Wonder if she sent money home for her child in those years. If ever there was a loaded question, it was when her "biographer" asked her if her father's disappearance "informed" her own parenting choices. They both put a smooth spin on that one while I hooted at the TV in disbelief. Are Lisa R. and HH hard up for money? Thus far, Teddi is a palate cleanser, a much-needed dose of sanity and normal decibels.
  2. Believe me, I'm aware of the smoking, with a father who smoked two packs a day during this time period. I just hate it as a production device.
  3. Horrible episode. Obnoxious fabrications that ruined the integrity of the series. I'm not a Jackie fan but this portrayal and that of Jack were way off. Glad we've had Corgi sightings.
  4. I'm glad we got an in-depth look at David and the Nazis. As a reminder of that loathsome part of his life. And a chance to see Alex Jennings again. Given how many rich stories there are, I'm disappointed they spent so much time on Billy Graham. I've been wondering where all the ladies-in-waiting are, especially during outings. And with the exception of the episode about Charles' schooling, he and Anne have been almost invisible in this series.
  5. Having worked my way through season 2, and loving the production values, I'm popping in here to say that the Tony/Margaret episodes seem like they are from another show. I see two skilled actors chewing the scenery and desperate efforts to sex up the show. Puts me in mind of a second-rate series on a middling network that sinks from sight after one season. Just all wrong. Margaret never had the effortless sexy chic that has been shown here. She and her sister were/are short and curvy and often appeared dumpy and matronly in their expensive clothing. I have always thought Margaret's wedding ensemble was stunning. I also liked Princess Anne's: Princess Anne's wedding dress Speaking of Anne, I think this was the episode that shows Charles and Anne getting dressed up. Did we see a small flash of Anne's infamous crabby mood? I thought there was a moment when she slapped at the hands of the person dressing her in her finery. I absolutely loathe all the cigarette smoking. I think it is a cheap effort to lend atmosphere and depth to a scene. The same way actors are always strolling over to a bar and mixing drinks.
  6. I enjoyed the season, getting out of LA and to Israel. A lot of the script writing was excellent. However Judith Light ruins every scene she's in with her over-the-top hammy acting. And I didn't need to be hit over the head repeatedly about the occupation issue. The weird tenant was too much also.
  7. It comes from leading a privileged, entitled existence that is followed by aging, loss of youth, beauty, status and income, and being publicly humiliated in an ill-advised disastrous marriage. None of these women has much depth to face the challenge of getting older.
  8. Although I enjoyed the actors' performances, and the locations and house porn, this season was a disappointment. I guess it would be hard to realistically sustain Lettie as the grifter, doing the same thing over and over, but Lettie the Soccer Mom bored me. The season seemed really disjointed, lurching from scenario to scenario. I'm happy to suspend disbelief a bit, but this season required too much. And I hate that they are now in LA, home of so many TV shows.
  9. Sheree and the Felon: a match made in heaven. They are a perfect match. I wonder if Sheree's mother is giving Sheree money. Isn't the "chateau" in Sheree's mother's name? I strongly feel that Sheree's finances are extremely suspicious. Whoever speculated about her laundering money for the felon is probably close to the truth. I'm so very disappointed in this show these days. It's all smoke and mirrors with zero substance.
  10. Why was the drunken, sobbing woman forced to walk through the snow in her socks with no shoes? The officer who was dealing with her is kind of an ass. He comes on hard from the get-go and is snotty. I thought Danny Brown handled the parking lot lecturer well enough. It must be tempting to tell some of these loud repetitive pedants to shut up, and Brown kept his cool. I immediately wondered if the guy was sleeping in his car because he could not afford a hotel while he visited his daughters, so I'm glad the other officer intervened. Dear pot smokers: please understand that even if many people don't think pot is bad, and if it's legal in your state, other jurisdictions are dead set against it. Arguing serves no purpose (except for TV). Have enjoyed Loeb in the studio. Wonder if her law degree will help her climb the ranks. Regarding the "live" show, I wonder if they run a delay, such as the seven-second rule, which news studios used to do in case anything awful occurred. It gave the engineers time to prevent the awful from making it out onto the air. I've noticed they are routinely silencing private info, such as last names, date of birth, social security numbers, etc. during the "live" action. That's the speedy-fingered engineers. When the show starts up each week they pan out from Dan to show the studio and there's always a smiling African American woman in the foreground. I like seeing her, because it's still very tough to break into those white-male-dominated environments.
  11. We know the brother/sister duo and the sister's bio father are related because they all have the attention-seeking gene. My God, the histrionics. I thought Lisa was struggling to keep a straight face during the kitchen-table scene. I know two women who were "unwed mothers." One of them found her daughter (pre-DNA days, and when the birth/adoption records were sealed) by paying a PI, who in turn paid people who had access to the birth and adoption records. The bio daughter was unstable, kind of angrily stalked her bio mother, and the relationship ended. The other woman was sent to a Salvation Army "home" where she was treated roughly and essentially like a commodity, being condemned the entire time by the religious SA staff. She said she channeled her pain and became a open-the-records activist. Pre-DNA and Ancestry tests she was part of a group that lobbied states to unseal the records. She also did volunteer research in her state, driving to various courthouses, to uncover information that could be used to piece together histories. The reunions definitely don't all go well, over time, and many of the elderly bio-parents are still so ashamed they don't want to be found.
  12. I'm surprised at the El Paso cop's constant use of profanity when speaking to the public. It's often in the first sentence out of his mouth when he stops someone.
  13. Understood Mindthinkr. I thought about the real estate stuff too, which is why I limited my speculation to how she'd perform in a real-world yachting position. She'd have to perform or be bounced out of there.
  14. I guess Jen's repeated performance lapses - being late for her shifts because she was sleeping in or curling her hair - underscore the fact that this is more of a TV show than a real yachting experience. I don't think she would pull that nonsense over and over in a real-word yachting experience, or a real-world captain would fire her. Jen and the bedraggled and exhausted Kate knew that Jen would not be fired. Kate was reduced to throwing up her hands, or the occasional snark. Jen basically did what she wanted. Hopefully no one, neither production nor the captain, will want her back and we'll be free of her.
  15. I thought Nico and his girlfriend had broken up before the yacht season? Otherwise, why did he keep saying he needed to win her back? Bri has no blame in any shenanigans. "I have a chiseled jaw, broad shoulders..." is the new catchphrase with the fellas in my home. The fact that Nico bragged about himself thus - on national TV - affirms everything I already thought about him: spoiled, immature, arrogant and delusional. So, do all yachts allow their decks to be trashed? Or just the ones that are used as shooting locations? Is the Valor going into dry dock for a refurbishment, or going to be the subject of a discount sale? (If it still exists after the hurricanes). Interesting that we saw Kate apparently working a lot, when in the previous season she was shown standing around, playing with her phone, or sleeping. Calculated? Matt thinks he has a career in yachting, and Captain Lee says he doesn't. Perhaps he'll be back. If I had the wherewithal to take one of these trips, the last thing I'd want to do is theme parties. Too much work. And stoopid.
  16. Remember how they used to sashay in and out of local stores and restaurants? I wonder if there has been pushback - the merchants don't want to be associated with trashy behavior.
  17. I worried that Marlo would lose her hand, given Nene's insane rage.
  18. Kroy desperately wants a TV gig; I think it's the basis of his attraction to Kim. There were episodes on Tardy when he was coaching one of the boys for an entertainment gig, and it was clear Kroy was auditioning himself as well. I'm fascinated by Sheree's lumpy, descending behind. And her decision to wear sweats and a parka to dinner. Maybe she could not afford a fancy new outfit? Nene and Gregg were going through the storyline motions: "What medications are you taking?" Nene loses her damn mind when she goes into a blind rage. It's like a switch gets flipped. Kandi, stop humble-bragging about how successful/busy you are to stay home with your kid. Either slow down or shut up. Some of the wigs seen on this show are atrocious.
  19. I agree. And under her self-deprecating and funny asides throughout the season, I think I saw some victimology and entitlement. Also, every time I saw the scarf, I remembered my penniless young adulthood where I wore a favorite blazer over and over. I don't think there was anything sentimental about the scarf. They tried to spin it that way but I didn't buy it. When I see (and hear) the twins my mind goes to folie a deux. I wonder about Tim's endless on-camera sentimentality. One of his memoirs had some scathing gossip and shade that really surprised me compared to his PR persona. I still love him. Lots of Swatch - yes! "Baked potato." I agree with Kentaro's win, but I think of all the cast Ayana will have the most steady career
  20. I don't mind the "smell of marijuana coming from your car" as a plausible reason for a search. I don't want those drivers behind the wheels of cars - chances are they are impaired.
  21. I'm with you. Several of the "new" cops are indulging in lengthy, manipulative arguments with people who are upset or confused. The cops ask endless rhetorical questions that lead the conversation in useless circles and prolong the camera time; they hinder instead of help. For example, the woman who wanted help with an ex-husband in another state was clearly ill-informed about the process, but the cop was a smart aleck. He could have ended it with a couple of brief, straightforward statements. "I'm sorry that you are upset, but since your ex-husband lives in another state and is not threatening you tonight, I can't help you. Please talk to a counselor or attorney. Have a good night." Also, I question the legality of the camera's presence on private property. Many of these subjects demand that the cameras go away and get ignored. Case in point: the angry woman whose husband was still inside their home. News cameras can operate on public property and don't need release statements. We would do it or edit out faces as a courtesy when someone made a fuss. Notice that the edited segments from earlier footage are often pixelated to hide faces. I don't like that the cops say "it's a documentary, ignore it." It's not a documentary - it's a for-profit TV show. ETA: the child with the seizures was an odd situation. How did she get away from her parents and make it over to that deserted lot late at night? I think she crossed a big road. Why was she holding a flute? I wondered if she'd gotten hold of some alcohol or drugs.
  22. Well, maybe Bri used Kyle. Kind of a temporary mutual admiration society. They both knew the deal.
  23. At one time there was a discussion on whether production provided the tips. Did anyone find the truth on that?
  24. Had to laugh when Kate snitted that Jen hadn't changed her hairstyle in years. With her own overly bleached and frequently disheveled hair, Kate needs to take a seat. With her lazy work ethic and nonstop drama, I wonder if Jen has ruined her chances for returning to a Realtor career. Nico, pushing out pleasant sound bites doesn't detract from your incessant bratty behavior. And clearly he is already planning to seek a new nursemaid/sex toy. The hungover primary seemed slightly embarrassed at her drunken obnoxious behavior, sitting stiffly and alone on her bed in her cabin. I'm sure she was hoping her friends would come looking for her. Let's assume they didn't. I wonder how many times Kyle will be in jail in his lifetime. I mean, he is already a convicted thief. Maybe his weird food issues stem from hoosegow antics. Can we just stop with the "this is supposed to be a 5 star experience?" That ship sailed long ago - about four seasons ago.
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