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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Kelly is so right about a dancer's feet. The feet have to reflect what the rest of the body is doing - they have to be positioned correctly at all times and have their own muscle memory. We see so many of these candidates seem like experienced dancers through their arm and torso movements, but the feet are sloppy. That's where years of technical training, such as ballet, come into play. Also, all of their try-out choreography looks the same. I'm sure it's because there is a limited range of what the DCC is looking for. But the really experienced candidates - Holly, Janelle, etc. - do stand out when they initially audtion. I feel bad for Paris. I don't think she has the skills and training to make the squad, and I think they agree on that privately but are using her to polish their PR. She's camera fodder. I hope they didn't encourage her - she might be naive enough to fall for it - and that the experience does not crush her. Too bad the organization still won't pay these hard-working young woman a decent salary and benefits., such as health care insurance.
  2. Great find dsteele. I used to watch the Sea Shepherds show but their legal troubles appeared to have scuttled it (no pun intended). It will be interesting to see Sandy in a different light, 'cause the Shepherds don't mess around when it comes to trying to stop whale killing.
  3. Yes, she lost control of the narrative and looked more stupid than usual. Her game was really off and she seemed embarrassed a couple of times.
  4. Regarding Hannah's house, I remember her saying earlier in the season something along the lines of "I move around a lot and don't stay in the same place too long." Anyone else remember that? At the time I wondered if she bunked with friends and traveled between yacht seasons. Besides thinking Hannah is lazy and entitled, Sandy resents any crew member that makes her look bad. She thinks a crew member's goofing off reflects poorly on her as the captain. Since her hands are tied by production's story lines, she's doubly frustrated. I think C.aptain Lee also has expressed frustration and anger at certain incompetent staff. He and Sandy are probably torn between following production's plan, and collecting the easy paycheck, and getting off of reality TV. Hannah throws herself at men and validates her sense of worth by being sexual and having men buy her things. She fancies herself as a femme fatale of the high seas.
  5. Does Brandon occupy the entire house? It seems as if everyone always heads upstairs. Thank you! It was driving me nuts trying to figure out if I'd seen Catherine's father before. I adore Chris Cooper!
  6. Since I regularly moan about the stupidity of realty TV stars, I need to give credit when it's due. I like Hagood (makes me think Hagar the Horrible, an old comic strip). She's living the true southern-charmed life, with her healthy good looks, beautiful property and family ties, seeming ambition to make something of herself, and calm manners. I love that she intends to help run the family's business. I don't know anything about sake, but it seems like a potentially smart tie-in with the rice business. I had the good fortune to work in rural coastal SC, and it's stunningly beautiful. Her mom however is quite the martinet and seemed very nervous about being on TV. Hagood does that respectful "yes ma'am" thing even as her mother drives her crazy. ("Hagood! I had to lift heavy boxes out of the car!!") Hagood reminds me a bit of Chelsea on original recipe Southern Charm. The others? Nincompoops. They act like children and I can't be bothered with their trifles. I think the aimless Catherine is headed for a blowsy drunken adulthood.
  7. I've said before that Jason flipped the typical paradigm. He strategically pursued a wealthy woman and pandered to her monstrous ego, with the goal of a child and lots of money. He played Bethenny; that's one reason why she hates him so much. That, and he limits her control over Brynn and anything related to Brynn.
  8. "I don't want to be on camera!"" Stomps out of camera range. Sidles back into camera range: "I don't want to be on camera!" Stays in camera range, loudly protesting the cameras.
  9. Regarding Adam's meals, is it possible he is simply following the guests' written food preferences? Being reality TV camera hogs, none of them strike me as adventurous eaters, nor caring about local cuisine. Also, I wonder if there is a strict food budget from the production company that forces these pedestrian menus.
  10. I'm pretty sure Ashley was supposed to be the key to Thomas' image-polishing. He thought she would provide the pretty, malleable partner and "good optics." It's interesting that, except for when he lost his cool on the boat, he managed to maintain a fairly smooth temperament on-camera, even telling Ashley to cool her jets and being congenial with Kathryn. Unfortunately (for them) Ashley derailed and Thomas' legal troubles deepened. Now Ashley remains in it for the paycheck, which I assume she's receiving from Bravo and Thomas. He's in a kind of semi-extortion relationship with her. I think the reason Cam and Patricia have their lips firmly planted to Kathryn's backside is to try to save the show for Whitney. ETA: Sad to say, but I hope a small army of loving caregivers, and perhaps Thomas' sisters, will be sure the children are taken care of.
  11. The reunion was insipid because the old formula is gone. The only thing that held my attention was that adorable dog.
  12. It's clear everyone is trying to save the show with the Ashley/Kathryn script and Kathryn's redemption arc. With Thomas probably gone, and presumably Ashley, where will the drama come from? That's what pulls in viewers.
  13. When a movie wins an Oscar, the entire production crew doesn't claim the Oscar. The Oscar goes to the producer(s) if it's Best Picture. Crews can say "I was assistant XYZ on an Oscar-winning movie."
  14. Thank you for this reminder of Tins' unholy past. I thought I remembered it but could not be sure. Combined with her more recent Palm Beach shenanigans, she's not the magnolia she makes out to be. I think this show is meant to clean up her image and advertise her desire for a wealthy husband. I do like how she has been kind of a palate cleanser, remembering her manners and just flouncing around looking pretty. But the Scott relationship seems very off to me.
  15. This show fascinates me because I think we are seeing these society women beginning the long slow slide down. Luann developed her elegant facade after years of being on Italian TV, modeling and moving in minor aristocratic circles as the countess. But under that facade is an entitled shark who, facing a possibly penniless future, makes a determined beeline for the supposedly wealthy Tom, and when that fails, steals from her children. She's run back to rehab to try to escape the repercussions. (Who's paying for rehab?) Tinsley is desperate for Scott's money and he has latched on to her for publicity for his business. I think Tinsley and her mother are desperately chasing faded debutante dreams. Not a good look. Dorinda has become the mean blowsy drunk who is unraveling before our eyes. Carole is the still-insecure teenage girl who was not classically pretty growing up and is making other women pay for it. She's a power-fucker and uses people to feed her sense of entitlement and competition with other women. The tacky Instrgram commercials tell the real story - scrambling for money, no career any longer, trying to stay relevant. She misjudged her behaviors, can't stand the blowback, and is getting off of TV. Unless Sonja finds a man to support her, her future is not bright. Bethenny is a miserable mess and I pity her child. Her money allows her to escape the consequences of a lot of her actions. The survivor? Ramona, the canny narcissist/sociopath who will somehow survive, probably because of a divorce settlement that her financial team is carefully managing. She'll survive because she doesn't give a rat's ass about other people. Her risk is a clever, seductive Lothario appealing to her vanity and convincing her to give him her money.
  16. Cheering Jango with the small log in his mouth: "Prance softly and carry a very big stick."
  17. I want Blanca's chartreuse dress. I did worry that she was going to get very ill, with all the anvils dropping. This show would have been lost without Billy Porter. I wonder if some of his patter during the walks is spontaneous. I hope everybody gets a big fat raise for season 2, even the horrible actors. Agree that the big acting names were to secure the show. They are the least compelling of the cast in their roles.
  18. This was substantiated in sworn testimony. Unforgivable, and I'm not buyin' the redemption arc.
  19. The real Craig will appear if the money dries up. Will he knuckle down and earn a living the old-fashioned way, or will he hitch his wagon to questionable pursuits, or find a sugar mama (or daddy)? If Kathryn loses her Southern Charm gig, she can audition for Real Housewives of Atlanta. Every single one has had large breast implants, and every single one of them displays the implants at every opportunity, ad nauseum.
  20. It's interesting to watch the entire cast jump on the Kathryn Redemption Tour bandwagon.
  21. I don't think Carole was ever attached to Bethenny. I think she was aligned with her and used her for show purposes. Carole's a coward.
  22. Did I hear Carole say she once wore the dress WITHOUT the bustier? She just can't leave ugly enough alone.
  23. I think Hannah's symptoms were fake. A carefully crafted move to 1) get out of work 2) manipulate Conrad and 3) garner sympathy from everyone. I think Sandy has her number. I hope Brooke's desperation is for the cameras. Otherwise she's coming off as desperate + slightly demented.
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