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One Imaginary Girl

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  1. Do you think the show will ever phase out that "I'm gonna come" intro? It's getting tired, to say the least, and I don't like hearing that voice more than I have to.
  2. The 1958 car sketch is not the first time I've seen this weird phenomenon on SNL where they suddenly make a sketch that wasn't a commercial into a commercial. I guess it's part of their perennial problem of being unable to figure out good endings.
  3. I couldn't stop laughing at the Doors-esque version of the theme music.
  4. Pretty good that they had a bit during WU about unexpected couples, introduced by Colin, but no winking about him and his wife.
  5. As someone who lives a couple of blocks away from Pat's and Geno's, I almost cried at how the episode made our city look beautiful and interesting. I never even knew the race was here. Who knew that a secret like that could be kept for a couple of years? It did seem strange that nothing happened at that location, though. At first I assumed they were going to have to assemble a cheesesteak or eat an ungodly number of them, but then it did turn out to be an eventful part of the race in a weird way. PS Yes, if you ask the locals, those are touristy places to get a cheesesteak. If you're visiting, I recommend John's Roast Pork.
  6. So far, I think the only character I like is Becca's daughter Lauren. The cab driver is OK, too, but I agree with this description of how conveniently nice he is.
  7. As a fan of efficiency, I haven't been enjoying the longer shows, so I hope they go back to 60-minute episodes with the next season.
  8. OK, this is probably mean of me, but I chuckled that Danny went to the trouble of pronouncing Spanish with the accent but kept calling one of the Botero sculptures "Mujer con Esposa" (Woman with WIfe) instead of "Mujer con Espejo" (Woman with Mirror).
  9. I think Carly Simon, via her grandmother, was descended from Cuban slaves.
  10. OMG. I was thinking about stopping my Daily Show habit (which goes back to the Craig Kilborn days) if there wasn't going to be a host, but maybe I can put that off for a while.
  11. They wouldn't show up as DNA matches, but when Valerie Bertinelli was on Who Do You Think You Are?, they traced her line to an English king way back (Edward something) who also was a remote ancestor of Cindy Crawford. Maybe England could have had Queen Valerie succeeded by King Wolfgang Van Halen. (I kid.) Since her grandfather kept his son's letters, I wonder if he ever wrote back. Such a sad story for the abandoned wife and son.
  12. Oh no. You know what that would mean: S27's Justin and his arrogance and that hat.
  13. David Muir gave the name of a woman whom Tina was known to hang out with in the cult. I think they said that she's dead now, but the investigators are hoping to get more information about her. I listened to the What about Holly? podcast, and I don't think she was mentioned, so this must be something new.
  14. I never noticed it before, at least not as much as on Sunday's show, but there was too much shoehorning of current slang for my liking. I had to look up "snatched" and "zaddy," and "No notes" is a meaningless Twitter cliche. It was all so try-hard.
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