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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 1 hour ago, ThinkerBell said:

    I am so ashamed to admit that I am watching a rerun of the most recent episode just so I can hear Anfisa say, "Bring me my RED BAG with MY MAKEUP!!!!". Please, please, someone put it on a loop. 

    Yes, that one and the one when she told him, "You're dumb".

    • Love 3
  2.  This couple is so boring. We never hear anything about their courtship or dates or anything. I get that they want to keep some things private. That wedding registry is absolutely ridiculous if that's the case. You're supposed to ask for things for your house.

    • Love 6
  3.  Add me to the growing list of people who are just disgusted with the way Paola treated Russ. I tell you what there's nothing I love more than the company of gay men, but Juan is really a little bitch. He's mean ,he spiteful, and he's catty.  Paola made no attempt to stop him with his bad behavior and his boyfriend just sat there and able to do anything because he really didn't know Russ or Paola all that well. 


     Pao really needs to wake up or she is going to lose Russ. You can't ask somebody who's got a chemical,  petroleum or mechanical engineering degree  and an established career to go slinging drinks at a bar. Even if he wanted to do it he would still have to be trained and have experience.

    It's Russ who has a career, Paola, not you. If you consider taking cheesecake photos for a modeling agency in a strip center a "career" when they're not calling you out for work,  then you're sadly delusional. Miami life is not really going to be like vacation in Miami life. You can't just act like you're on a permanent vacation 24 /7.  You're doing this on your husband's money and mistreating him in the process. Yes you're very pretty. Colombian women are known for their beauty. There are just too many girls in Miami who are younger who look just like you. But remember this: pretty is as pretty does. 

    There aren't too many places that Russ could go that would provide work for him as well as give Pso the sense of community she's looking for. Yeah we'd all like to be living the life in South Beach, but it does cost several thousand dollars a week for the experience.

    • Love 13
  4. 5 hours ago, emma675 said:

    Arwen, hang in there, you're doing awesome!! How far through treatments are you now?

     The treatment on July 18 will be the sixth of six for my first line of treatment. Then 7 to 10 days later they'll be a PET or CT scan to assess my progress. After three treatments the larger masses in my abdomen hadn't shrunk much so they don't expect them to shrink fully based on what they've seen thus far. But as long as they keep shrinking them that's a good thing. I get 6 to 8 weeks of a break and then they want to start me on an oral regimen of a new drug called a PARP inhibitor .  

    It's not chemotherapy but it's what they call target therapy where it attacks the DNA of cancer cells for specific types of cancer.  In March the FDA approved three different drugs of this class to target varying responses to ovarian cancer first-line and later line therapy. This is really exciting considering that not too much in the way of new drugs has come out for the treatment of ovarian cancer. 

    Thanks to all for all the love and encouragement and full frontal hug's.

    • Love 21
  5. Baby Sammy is a whopper and his head appears to be of normal size and circumference from what we can see.  The little guy may have a heart problem or other problem that any baby could have gotten, regardless of the quality of care the mother received during pregnancy. 

    We'll just have to wait and see, however, I'm very concerned for Jill's state of mind. We know she won't get the mental health care she needs. She'll at best be told to read more Bible verses and "work on her contentment".

    • Love 12
  6. Hi y'all.   Brief update.  Last first line treatment scheduled for July 18th. Been laid up and under house arrest due to low counts.  Took 4 treatments for me to present low counts, but now I'm relegated to being both s hermit and an invalid. Checking me again tomorrow to see if my blood booster drug kicked in enough to  have acceptable numbers.  Hoping to avoid the expense and all day aggro of another transfusion.  Started medication last week to help with neuropathy 

    ive added neuropathy to My List of Things I'd Never Wish on Anyone.  My heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with it on a permanent basis.  Mine is supposed to go away eventually once I stop these drugs.

    • Love 20
  7. 6 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

    I agree Missy Vixen. You would think Derick would be able to make logical decisions and according to their beliefs he should be the head of the household, but he is under the DumDug spell and he is absorbing their stupidity. I don't think Jill is really as passive as we see on television. I think she uses tears to manipulate. Derick went to college, but he isn't a smart guy. I think Derick genuinely believes Jilly is an expert in pregnancy and delivery because she printed off a certificate and is one of 19 kids. 

    I wonder if Ms Cathy ever tried to intervene or at least express some concern about receiving proper prenatal care,  not attempting to VBAC at home, not going to a Zika infested part of the world. Even though she's a Koolaid drinker, I still see her as possessing a modicum of good sense.  If Jilly Moonbeam continued to ignore accepted medical advice, and refused to listen to reason, she's ultimately the one responsible for the outcome. Not saying that to blame her, because we all prayed she and Sammy would emerge unscathed in spite of her foolhardiness-not because we believe she's Gods special snowflake, but because none of us is cruel enough to wish any harm to come to mother and child.

    • Love 7
  8. 8 minutes ago, satrunrose said:

    Have there been Zika babies born in the US yet? I know that there have been adult cases, but I'm not sure I've heard about babies. I would think that if Sammy was the first, it would be a big story independent of the Duggars and their life choices and something would have leaked by now. 

    In  Texas there have been a few.

  9. I'm very sad for Jilly and the baby because I'm wondering if something bad had happened and I'm finding the radio silence worrisome because it opens us to speculation as to what could have gone wrong.  Doodlebug mentioned baby Sammy might need a few days in NICU. Hopefully Jilly is recovering well and just tired.

    Most women would be ok (though a bit wistful)with being told to shut down the baby factory, but for Jilly, I could see this being very devastating to her. She's been taught that breeding is the be all end all of her existence and all that brainwashing won't go away overnight, and she's more of a Koolaid drinker than most. In Fundyland, this is the kiss of death, and she won't be allowed to properly deal with her grief. This event in her life is the last straw for her.

    She was "the good girl", dutifully following the plan and the rules, and either doesn't feel rewarded for it or wonders what sin she committed to deserve this. I guess she thought since Jessa had an easier birth this time, that she would, too.  Jessa is obviously made of whalebone, but Jilly isn't, and not all sisters are made the same. Jill's uterus may  be of a shape a.nd size that tends towards transverse positioning (ill let @doodlebug speak to this).  Some women's bodies just aren't cut out for childbirth, but even as a midwife, she can't and won't accept that truth for herself. 

    We all know how much she wanted a VBAC this time, so I really do hope she showed up to the hospital right after her water broke this time.  Even though her choices are ultimately her business, based on past behavior, we can't give her much credit in the good sense department.  Really do hope mother and child are fine.

    • Love 17
  10. 45 minutes ago, GoGamecox said:

    If we were to reverse the scenario and any of the men were trying to slap/punch their women, we would definitely NOT tolerate that. I mean, Jorge sucks for lying to her when she has been direct about her desire to be a gold digger, but no one should be getting physically assaulted by their spouse in a legal conference room. 

    Sorry I couldn't help it. Replace players with Jorge and Anfisa 

  11. 11 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Why didn't River ask Chantel to marry him if he was so into her? Conventions be damned! He is pissed that the love of his life is with another man. Im sure Mother Woody would have been thrilled.

    I know, right? His obsession with his sister is really creepy and squicky. Mother Woody-brilliant!

    • Love 3
  12. 24 minutes ago, twinkietwin94 said:

    Rofl bc I have been known to put on music in my classroom and get the kids dancing. It can be a great brain break, hmm guess I'm a heathen, wonder what my pastor would say, I have a feeling "for everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven" then again I'm not Fundy or even close to it

    The fundies I knew loved to remind others "for everything there is a season", but had selective amnesia regarding the part that reads "a time to dance". Never could figure that out.

    • Love 14
  13. 1 hour ago, greekmom said:

    But Jorge has stated that he doesn't want any American women because they are too feminist and he wants a traditional girl.

    I really don't care if she stays or if she goes. She was honest with her intentions.  Jorge is a putz. Or a malaka. I can't decide which.

     But Anfisa is anything but traditional.  She has said emphatically that she doesn't want to cook or clean or be a housewife in any capacity.

    I'm a card carrying feminist, but I actually like cooking and cleaning when the spirit moves me and I treat my husband with respect.  I also have no trouble getting him to help me around the house when I need it and he supports me in my career. 

    I don't think Jorge really knows what a feminist or feminism really is.  He's also realizing (maybe I'm being too generous with that assumption) that importing a foreign bride didn't get him a "traditional girl" either.  Anfisa can't be faulted because she's shown him unequivocally who she is from day one.

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