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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    Is Russ a petroleum engineer, or did I just imagine that part? I'm surprised there aren't more jobs in Houston -- I thought things were going well! (Hi from north on 45.)

    Paola must subscribe to the Dolly Parton Philosophy of "it takes a lot of money to look this cheap."

    Things are better than they were at this time last year, bu hiring comes and goes in spurts depending on where the oil prices happen to be at the time hiring decisions are made.   There are people in Houston he's been out for nearly 3 years due to the oil prices. And regardless of what people may think it's hard for a highly compensated individuals to be able to find any old job. No matter how much they might want to work to get out of the house, fast food establishments are not going to be hiring professionals. We are still a long way away from the jobs actually coming back to where anyone who wants an oil and gas job can have one.

    • Love 4
  2. Bucaramanga has half the population of OKC. I get they are vastly different in where they set, etc, but OKC isn't exactly Podunk, USA, compared to rural Oklahoma.

     Wondering if this whole 'modeling career' isn't simply a fabricated TLC storyline.  OKC has a large enough Latino community to have 3 network TV affiliates and several Spanish radio stations, so I call bullshit that Pao can't find enough friends.  I really find it irritating how she keeps on calling it a career. Honey, it's not a career unless you're actually getting enough gigs to make money and making enough money on a consistent basis. It's OK for you to call it a dream or a trial but it's not a career. If she was trying out and getting the parts onTele novellas, I would say that maybe she would have an acting career, but she doesn't really have a modeling career,  as much as she wants to do delude herself to the contrary.

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  3. On 6/27/2017 at 10:16 AM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    That's a really good idea. Paola probably thinks she's too spicy and Latin for Houston, though, despite its demographics and it being one of the most diverse and vibrant cities in the US. She's kind of a blockhead. 

    As an oil and gas engineer in Houston, I can tell you that there's not much work to be had here, either.  That said, the prospects are better than Oklahoma.  I love Miami, so I get the vibe that attracts Paola. Russ likely has even fewer opportunities there he would have had in OK.

    Since Russ is an engineer, I'm assuming he's better at math than the average bear, and realizes that the math for what Pao wants to do isn't going to allow them to do this experiment for very long. $15 to $20 cocktails are the norm in Miami. I don't see her showing a lot of restraint with the money by going out nearly every night and you can get she spent a pretty penny on her clothes. 

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, rideashire said:

    That little smile from Jorge after Anfisa smacked the shit out of him is all the proof I need to know he likes that sort of thing. I'm convinced he gets off on it. Which might actually work out for them because she seems capable of dishing it out....but he's a lying liar that lies, so....

    Oh, he definitely wants to be her worm!

    • Love 2
  5. 14 minutes ago, SMama said:

    I was shopping yesterday and saw a woman with a T-shirt emblazoned with, Not Today Satan. It took every bit of self control to fight my dark, cold, heathen heart and approach the Godly woman. I REALLY wanted to say, why not I'm so prepared and despite your shirt you're easy picking. Then I realized I did not want to get arrested, because who would pick up my daughter from summer camp. It's a free country (it is still, right? Lie to me please.), but people like her and the Duggars annoy me with their silly shirts. Sorry but the Satan talk made my pudgy fingers want to share. Sierra is pregnant again????!!!! Is this #6? 

    Rupaul's Drag Race used that as a line.

    Are you sure she wasn't a RPDR fan or was she grim Fundy looking?

    Sierra is preggers again?  How can they be happy about it knowing this is another trophy for their headship and they're not getting any more help with the new one? What a depressing life.  Maybe she just got off social media

    • Love 12
  6. 19 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I think they both look great. Zach just has a short, stocky build, but he's trim. She looks very cute. I'd wear that. Well maybe not the shoes on those cobblestones, but I'm 15 years older than her probably. 

    Yeah, now that you all weighed in, I think it's the haircut that makes his face look like he might have gained. He's built stocky like an English bulldog.  I'm sure he's got to stay on top of things to stay healthy.  He and Whit make a cute couple and seem very happy. Their kids are adorbs.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

    She's going to attempt a home birth and I have a really bad feeling about this one. 

    As much as I dislike Jill and the harrbrained views she's parroted her entire life, I would be inconsolable if something bad happened to her and/or her baby.

    I, too, have a very bad feeling about this for the same reasons many of us on this forum do. 

    • Love 24
  8. 52 minutes ago, louannems said:

    After reading through the link, I found this letter of a mom to her (dead) daughter.  She deeply regretted following all the endless rules and regulations of Gothard.


    Excellent, thanks for sharing.  For those of us who struggled with or suffered under legalism, and realizing you could still be a good Christian without all of that. It really struck a cord.  Went to a non d Christian school for a few years, which my parents and I later learned was leaning further and farther IFB when the new pastor came to town.  Once they saw it was messing with my head, they realized they needed to pull me and my siblings out and put us in public school.  Being the eldest, I understood more of what was going on. My  parents were Church of England/Episcopalian who had limited choices for private schools where we lived and they thought we'd do better at private school.  They didn't agree with the Fundy bullshit, which caus ed us not to really fit in, but since we were good students, we got away with not being punished since they knew our parents' feelings on certain matters.  Dress and hair codes were enforced still. 

    • Love 9
  9. Totally agree that if one moves to another country they should learn the language.  It's easier to start when you're a kid , rather than 30 when you have to work 3 jobs  with no days off and spend hours on a bus just to make ends meet . There's ESL classes in Houston where I live, some for pay and some offered free at apartment complexes, community centers and churches.  The only way to move up and get a better paying job is to learn the language of where you live.

    Mr E is a native Spanish speaker and after 12 years together, I still haven't picked up enough but could get by if I have to.  Trying to learn another language does give one empathy for how hard it is.  Mr E is from PR, where they were taught English in school as compulsory for being a territory, but everyone speaks Spanish at home, watches Spanish TV channels, and reads Spanish newspapers and magazines.  

    I know fluent ESL soeakers who insist on English most of the time, unless its legal, financial, or medical, so I don't  have a problem with those exceptions. Our local chapter of the United Way accommodates over 150 languages, it's also very isolating to not know a language, a good enough incentive to push me to learn.

    Back on topic, if Jeremy wants to reach more people and build his little flock, he's not going to get very far if he doesn't learn Spanish  or hires or finds a volunteer  translator to subtitle and stay afterward to answer questions.  Locking yourself in your apartment in lieu of being available at your church office a few hours a week is not really being a pastor, unless he has the phone forwarded to answer calls to provide some sort of  pastoral care.   In a mostly Hispanic and Catholic town/neighborhood, if you want to get people in the door, particularly those looking for an alternative to Catholicism, you've got to have the language and enough of a presence to minister to their needs. Otherwise, they will go elsewhere.

    • Love 7
  10. 13 hours ago, zoomama said:

    so, i went on a road trip to deliver grandson #1 to my son in texas for the summer. we made a two day trip to arkansas but alas, it was was the south-west corner of the state so no duggar sighting. it was gorgeous country, tho. you can believe that if we'd gone further north, i would have been your eyes and ears for you! 

    My sis , her hubs, and their 2 kids were in Branson last weekend No sightings of Jerick on their babymoon.

    • Love 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Genevrier said:

    I think it is Chu-chu or Chu-chi. Maybe.

    Jill really likes to show off her extensive vocabulary of Spanish, doesn't she? She has at least three words. ?

    I though it was Choo Choo because at one time Izzy loved trains.  I've slept since then, so I could be mistaken.

    • Love 6
  12. 11 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    We have landed in religion discussion land instead of discussing the lonely J's. Please circle back to talking about the older unmarried Duggar offspring. Thank you.

    Sorry, half the time I've been posting to the wrong threads lately. Happens less when tablet is on the horizontal since the title shows up in that orientation. 

  13. 6 hours ago, Temperance said:

    I think it was the Vicar of Dibley who had a mug that said "Lead me not into temptation I can find it for myself."

    LOL.  I love her!

    She and Jennifer Saunders ripped the legalism of evangelical Christianity  (particularly televangelists) when they  created the obnoxious character, Bo Turtle, on AbFab.

    i think the reason for the line in  The Lords Prayer is that it's very easy to go down the wrong road, often unwittingly, so being aware and seeking guidance.  Never was sure why some evangelical sects don't  recite The Lords Prayer, since it was one that He taught us?  Some don't do communion, which He asked His followers to do in remembrance of Him.  I never understood why, other than the distaste for rituals and it involved wine, but some churches use grape juice. 

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