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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 10 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

    Since the topic came up about Duggar "helpers" and male duggars, I have a thought.  Call me suspicious, but my Spidey sense is tingling like nobody's business.  

    First, Tabitha Payne served as the family "helper" and SOTDRT "teacher".  Tabitha's father is on the IBLP board.  Now Laura  DeMaisie (who is also affiliated with IBLP) has taken the reins at Duggar Central.  This doesn't seem like gracious people lending a helping hand.  To me, this appears to be ILBP sending handlers to keep a strong eye and arm on the Duggars.  If Michelle isn't mentally capable of handling and teaching her kids, which it appears she isn't, what better a way to manage/brainwash the younger Duglets and to do damage control than to have IBLP send a mole in there to monitor the situation, make sure they toe the Gothard line, and report back to HQ?

    I don't remember hearing about Tabitha Payne until after the Smuggar scandal broke.  I could be wrong...please correct me if I'm wrong.  Jessa monitored the kids' cyber school until she and Bin got hitched.  So maybe I have my timelines wrong.  But this just seems WAY too coincidental that the Duggar "helpers" are strongly connected to IBLP.  

    Lady E, you might be in to something.  Or IBLP sends those who don't behave to do penance with the Duggars.

    • Love 4
  2. 16 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    I'm not sure she did, but she shared a picture of an awful way of containing or punishing Izzy, wrapped tightly in a blanket or towel. Not the slap and train method of blanket training, but equally as bad.

    I christened that awful picture "The Screaming Grub"

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  3. 3 hours ago, lascuba said:

    That's because they grew up with pranks and visuals being funny, since their parents--especially JB--lack the tiny bit of wit necessary for a true sense of humor. Things that have qualified as hilarious jokes in the Duggar world:

    1)One of the boys wrapping a doll in a blanket to make it look like a baby, and then dropping it in front of the TLC crew.

    2)The Duggars--spearheaded by Jill--giving Erin a fire extinguisher as a wedding gift to mock her inability to cook.

    3)Jill taking a hospital room selfie with her swollen-faced, unconscious husband.

    4) Jill taking two pictures of a Israel crying his head off because she swaddled him. 

    I'm not even going to try to go into all the "funny" mean and/or inappropriate crap JB has said and done over the years.

    Jill's fine with her version of jokes, she just can't stand not understanding the jokes of others, and since she's the dimmest of dim bulbs but thinks she's smart, she couldn't take Derick joking all the time and not getting it. She probably felt like the butt of the jokes, when she prefers doing the "joking."

    It's been my experience that most Fundies don't have much of a sense of humor to begin with. The ones I knew weren't allowed to watch comedy on TV or participate much in mainstream culture.  Everything is about being pious.  Tell a Fundy a joke about anything worldly (even if you aren't being vulgar), chances are you'll get a look of stank or a preaching to.  In that environment, it's not surprising to find so many humorless killjoy types.

    • Love 9
  4. 33 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

    Yikes.  Jill Rodrigues just dropped off the two oldest girls to spend the summer with THE PEARLS.  

    Aren't they the sickos who think you should spank babies (and I use the term "spank" loosely) ?  SICKOS! 

    Is it actually possible that Jill and her simian husband are more demented than Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar?  Because I ma starting to think they may be.

    This means more food for Chimpy with two girls gone.

    • Love 5
  5. 5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

    I bet parts of their anniversary/#babycation were filmed. Gag. 

    And if Jill went into labor, I hope they hightailed it to the nearest HOSPITAL, although that would screw up her very likely dreams of a home VBAC. 

    I'm fine with her having a hospital VBAC.  As long as sh goes to the hospital to deliver.  Don't be a Silly Jilly.

    • Love 9
  6. 8 minutes ago, PinkyCupcake said:

    Ohh I see. Thanks! Thought it was on the show and I had missed it somehow. Hadn't checked this article. Anyway... Wow, that's really sad :|

    Was she just trying to be coy, or is she just that much of a lost cause that she can't answer for herself?

    • Love 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    I can as well. Sure it would be nice for Jill to invite Cathy, but we don't know how close they are or how comfortable Jill is with her mother-in-law looking at her exposed lady bits. And in defense of Michelle, pregnancy and birthing is that woman's bread and butter. I'd probably take her over anyone else. 

    Bbbbbbut...Miss Cathy has to babysit the GWB.

    • Love 5
  8. 53 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

    ginger90, every smashcake I've seen has been tiny and the birthday child is the only one who gets it. The other guests have a larger cake/dessert. Only these buffoons would serve the baby cake to guests.

    Bbbbbut, that's all you gonna git at a Duggar function. 

    • Love 3
  9.  Use the French press on days when you have time to make coffee at a more leisurely pace and the Keurig for the days that you just don't  want to bother messing about with the French press. Sometimes only one person wants coffee so why make a big batch when you can make a single cup with the machine ?

    • Love 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Three crockpots but place settings for only six people. Whaaaa?

    I checked the usual suspects for registries (Wally World, Tar-jay, and BBB) and came up empty. U guess more stuff will be purchased once the invitations go out in early July, if the wedding date is to be believed. 

    Maybe this event won't be such a gift grab. I don't see Joe or Kendra being OK with inviting 1000 of their closest friends.  Even if her parents invite their entire congregation, it's a small church.  Perhaps it will be smaller and modest like the SmugAnna nuptials.

    • Love 1
  11. What bothered me (as well as what everybody else posted about it) was that it was HER wedding day, and it should be the bride's prerogative as to how she wants to wear her hair. At that point, to me, she had handed over the very last bit of her agency. It really upset me. 

    • Love 4
  12. To be fair,  I don't have a problem with Kendra having a registry.  She hasn't been on TLC for years, and you know Joe is basically leaving the TTH with his vehicle and the clothes on his back.  The Caldwell family are of modest means.  Blenders like the VitaMix are well worth the money.  I've had mine for over 15 years and shows no signs of stopping any time soon. 

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