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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 10 hours ago, Obsidian said:

    Jill could use this picture to convert women. "Look what you could have if you join our cult!"

    It looks like a scene from a nightmare. The leering face looming ever closer, moving in for a kiss (or worse), and the staircase-ful of your children staring creepily at him. 

    Not to mention the cloud of halitosis!

    • Love 7
  2. On 4/11/2017 at 7:57 AM, Fuzzysox said:

    While in bed a theory about her love of makeup came to mind, I wonder if she grew up watching Jim and Tammy Faye thus her love of makeup and JESUS!?

    I bet she has an autographed picture of Tammy Faye on her wall in the grandma house. 

    Jan Crouch was far scarier than Tammy Faye. Tammy Faye also showed kindness to others and humility after her downfall.

    • Love 7
  3. 16 hours ago, Barb23 said:

    Boy those dark clouds of health problems seem to be drifting our way again.  I guess as the saying goes, When it rains, it pours.  Hopefully our positive thoughts & prayers will get rid of those clouds.  I'm so glad we are here for one another.

    On a different note - For all the Star Wars fans out there "May the 4th be with you!"

    My husband bought me a Rey Skywalker fuzzy blanket to take to chemo with me because he thought I needed a warrior woman and we are Star Wars fans! Loved the ninja graphic. That's what I call my new batch of chemo, my new army of ninja warriors.  

    In the aftermath of 2nd chemo, so far feeling pretty good.  Learned a lot from first go round and clinic has me on good pain management and dietary advice to help manage nausea and other GI issues.  Switched me to a transdermal nausea gel and it made all the difference. I also know what to expect and anticipate.

    @Love2dance, so sorry to hear about your hubs. Due to being backogged, I'm sure I missed many postings of other worries. The love in this community is outstanding and I send it back in thoughts and prayers and good vibes to all of you!

    • Love 14
  4. On 4/25/2017 at 5:02 PM, GeeGolly said:

    Anyone heard from @Arwen Evenstar?

    Hi you guys. Sorry so long, but I've been very sick and not able to be online. Long story short: was diagnosed with a late stage ovarian malignancy. 

    Medical team is hopeful I can beat it. God may have other plans (I never presume). Treatment involves 3 chemo. If scans show chemo is working, then I might have surgery (if gyn onc thinks he can remove it without making me worse) and then 3 more chemo.

    Will be lurking more than snarking as I need to be sure my affairs are in order in case I can't be helped.

    Thank you all for your continued prayers and thoughts.

    Mr E has been my angel.

    • Love 24
  5. 9 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

    JRod must be getting rather desperate, as she got engaged even before she graduated high school, and got married right away.  And here's her oldest daughter, without even a prospect to be seen.  As loathe as she must be to part from her daughterslave and built-in child minder, it's a smear on her record of raising the most Gothard-y of children whom anyone would welcome into their family.  You can't rise in the ranks if no one takes the bait, after all.

    Several months ago, I called it that JRod had a Duggar boy in mind for Nurie.

    • Love 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Aja said:

    "The punishment to be meted out to liars is of the severest kind. They are positively and absolutely excluded from heaven (Revelation 21:27; Revelation 22:15), and those who are guilty of this sin are cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). We are reminded of the awful fate meted out to Ananias and Sapphira when they lied to God and man (Acts 5:1-11). God will "destroy them that speak lies" (Psalm 5:6), and "he that uttereth lies shall not escape" (Proverbs 19:5), yea "a sword is upon the liars" (Jeremiah 50:36 the King James Version). The liar is thereby debarred from rendering any true and acceptable worship unto the Lord (Psalm 24:4)."

    They sorta forget about that bit,while they accuse others of "cherry picking".

    • Love 6
  7. 3 hours ago, Mollie said:

    Tabitha is 31 and Tim is 46.  The pickings are slim for fundy women past a certain age.  (Beware, Jana!)

    There's plenty of available single men over 30 outside Fundyland, but since Fundies represent a small percentage anyway...and the math would have to reject all divorced men from Fundy/Fundy lite groups. Certainly a widower would be acceptable, but not too many men are widowers at that age.

    • Love 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    Well if they could sing the Blues I might believe they were on a mission from God, but alas, Dilly can only play hymns.

    Derick's interpretive dance skills would get the same reception Jake and Elwood got before they played Rawhide.

    • Love 3
  9. Surely, Tim had to make a full confession before her father of what he'd done in his past and face a battery of questions to determine whether or not he was a worthy enough suitor to be permitted to court her.

    As repugnant as his behavior was and if he meets their criteria for being a changed man, they are the ones who have to accept him. or not. No doubt they will be making sure he's accountable at all times.

    It must be hard to have a label follow you around or be reminded or flamed on the internet for something you might be very ashamed of, that continues to haunt you, wherever you go. I'm not minimizing the shame that poor girl felt and the revictimization she felt when court papers flew around the web.

    Not so much that I feel compassion for him, but wondering how embarrassing it must be for anyone to have a shameful secret or anyone who has attempted to put a few moments of stupid behavior behind them be put up for public consumption.

    He's gross and skeevy on every level, and I just can't imagine any father being ok with letting his daughter marry someone so awful.

    • Love 3
  10. 6 hours ago, MunichNark said:

    Wonder how her first night went. I cannot believe she actually went through with it. Horrifying.

    I only hope went for the front door and not the back door.  Poor Tabby, the thought of this ugly, greasy, smug, and nasty man grunting and sweating on top of her makes me ill. 

    Though I personally believe redemption is an article of faith, I don't see the contrition there and I find the lack of empathy for his victim upsetting. Then, he gets to claim the lovely and pure Tabitha as some sort of prize and reward....

    • Love 18
  11. 5 hours ago, MunichNark said:

    Izzy is a dead ringer for Jill. But that picture makes me sad - they were still halfway normal then. Jana did have lots of spark up until her teenage years, when suddenly the lights went out for her.

    Izzy does look a lot like Jill did when she was a baby. Smuggs and JD already are showing their male pattern baldness. Smuggs looks smug indeed. Jana looks adorbs. I hate to say this but Boob actually looks rather handsome as a younger man. Then he evolved into the ultimate herp derp and Gothard bot.

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