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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. I'm just overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and caring not just from those who know me personally, but from those who have never met me. My sister and former employer and family friends are part of prayer groups and you guys are keeping the love going as well.  I really feel loved and protected whenever I go for tests or treatments  because so many people ar standing with me.

    • Love 16
  2. Thanks all for your good wishes and frontal hugs with and without squishy boobies.

    I was tired after the treatment, but even beneficial treatments are tiring when they go on for 8 hours. I looked and felt better after the first unit.  They gave me 2.

    Had the wonderful luxury of getting an 8 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep.  Luxury!!!  Since the transfusion, my neuropathy also feels quite a bit better, now that my hands and feet don't feel like they are encased in blocks of ice.  Put some Tiger Balm on my feet and ankles and that seemed to help.

    I think they're going to give me a blood booster injection after my remaining treatments..  My treatments are every 3 weeks. I've had 4 so far out of 6.  Two more to go.  Last one will be July 18th.  

    They'll do another scan after that to see what they'll do next.  If I'm not ready for surgery, they'll look at giving me more chemo, but they'll give me a 6 to 8 week break.  Depending on my response, they may continue with the same drugs or may change them.  My cancer was determined to be a clear cell carcinoma .  Not impossible for God, but this type has been shown to be resistant to platinum based chemo.  The thing is, there's not enough known about clear cell for them to determine who is and isn't resistant, but I have shown a response thus far. 

    Your continued prayers and good wishes and thoughts have helped sustain me, my husband, family, and friends at this time. 

    • Love 23
  3. 14 hours ago, kalamac said:

    While the older kids were probably blanket trained, I don't think any of them from at least Jackson to Josie were. If they'd been beaten into submission they wouldn't be as feral as they are.

    Yeah, the first time I saw the Howlers riding bicycles and scooters in the house and running amuck across the countertops, I wondered if they had somehow lapsed in some areas of child rearing.  Well behaved children wouldn't behave like that.

    • Love 9
  4. Had 4th chemo treatment this past Tuesday. My oncologist recommended a blood transfusion due to my anemia. The earliest I could get it done is this coming Tuesday.  Can't come soon enough.  The bone crushing fatigue and my feet feeling like blocks of ice is really miserable.  Other than that, I'm doing pretty decent.  My doc reassures me that I will feel better very soon. Wish me luck.

    • Love 21
  5. On 5/19/2017 at 6:45 PM, shoshanabeth said:

    I rather think his face looks like a smooshed chipmunk and that greasy balding hair is a tri[

    That is totally the best description of Jeremiah, ever!  He's such a douche canoe.  I'm wondering what it is he's got that women just can't resist.  His first Mrs put up with all kinds of crap from him, Sabrina kept coming back for more, and Carmella can't seem to leave him either, no matter how violent or disrespectful he is.  Does he have mad bedroom skills? Is he hung like a horse?  Sorry for making you all reach for the brain bleach.


    Basically, Carmela told police that he dumped hot coffee on her and leaves bruises on her on an almost daily basis.  Jeremiah claims, he's got a story to tell too.  If these two are mutually beating the crap out of one another, that's a bad scene all around.  Her kids are being subjected to this sort of home life? Were regular beatings so much a part of life in the cult that she would consider this normal?  Obviously, both she and Jeremiah are seriously messed up. 

    • Love 1
  6. On 6/8/2017 at 11:44 AM, Evil Queen said:

    How long was Carmella in the cult? I know she joined as a teen but when did she leave? I think most of how she is is played up for the show though. I don't remember as well why she joined. Anyone remember? 

    I read somewhere that her dad bailed out on his family and went back to Mexico and left them to fend for themselves.  I guess they were vulnerable enough at this point to get sucked into a cult, particularly if it meant a roof over their heads and something to eat.

  7. 24 minutes ago, lianau said:

    Do you think both of them will go crazy if Nurie is still on sale next summer ?

    Looks like JRod is desperate to marry that poor girl off.  She seems like a sweet kid, particularly since any teen raised like she's been would be seething with resentment .   I'd hate being stuck on a stink bus with my 11 other siblings including the emaciated baby in a cage and Angry Olivia.  And having no clue that my hair and makeup is 25 years out of date....going to bed hungry every night....

    • Love 7
  8. 15 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

    I can't tell if that's dinner, or the bowel movement right after.

    I know, right? I had chemo on Tuesday, so I could have done without the sight of that gastronomic abomination.  How anyone can eat that slop is beyond me. 

    • Love 9
  9. I thought Mary got pregnant out of wedlock during Rumspringa and joined the church when she returned back home and then married Chester.  I remember her telling the story, but the details are lost to me.

    i think after she was banned from attending her father's funeral, that was the last straw for her.  We can't imagine treating anyone like that,but that seems to be part of shunning and other sanctions the Amish use to punish members who won't fall in line. Can't imagine how heartbreaking this was for her.

    Her behavior affected Chester to the point that he's now banished. I don't know if that means they are through now.  The Amish aren't letting Mary have it both ways, but I think she maintained the dress and things she liked about being Amish to please Chester more than anything else. Chester seemed content to stay Amish, but maybe  he's left the church or found a more tolerant sect.

    • Love 1
  10. On 6/6/2017 at 6:52 PM, Evil Queen said:

    She doesn't. There was an article on them being in CO recently and her driving when they were in a car accident. She is still with him and buying his bs. I think whoever is the admin of his page is who wrote his so called apology. He is far from sorry for anything he does. And she is stupid for staying with him and having her kids around that behavior. 

    I just have to keep asking myself how bad Carmella's life was that she thinks being married to Jeremiah is a step up in the world and she's still with him, despite his dreadful behavior toward her.  As stunted as she is, it speaks volumes to me that she behaves more like the adult in the relationship than Jeremiah ever could dream of doing.  It's not saying much, I know.  As one poster pointed out, she sought him out on FB or other page. His arrest record and marital history are well documented enough both on tv and court records for most women to run like hell the other way. She's definitely a glutton for punishment, but after years in that cult, I think she really believes on some level that she deserves this kind of treatment because that was part of the mind control and conditioning and reinforcement she received in the cult.  She clearly is stuck there and hasn't moved much past it since.

    • Love 1
  11. Mary was always one of the more enjoyable characters for me, but she's taken things so far now that it's caused too many consequences for Chester, who likes being Amish. I enjoyed her openness to new experiences as long as they didn't hurt her family.

    Chester seems like a devoted husband in all respects.  He apparently adopted Mary's out of wedlock child and there was a clip of him rubbing her feet.  A good husband doesn't grow on trees.  Mary's behavior finally resulted in Chester being banished.  From what I understand, the church can't shun Katie Ann or Esther or Andrew if they never joined the church,  but Abe did and so did Rebecca. 

    Wonder what's going to happen to their marriage now that Chester has been banished.  All their kids are either ex or never joined the church and Mary's had one foot out the door and the other on a banana peel for years now.  I think she still dresses Amish more to please Chester, but if he decided to leave the church, or find a more tolerant group, would she totally go English?  I was very sad to hear Chester had been banished because being Amish seems to mean a lot to him. 

    Will we find out next season? But like many of the posters have pointed out: Sabrina is a hot mess and being on this show while she'so fragile isn't fair. Jeremiah's  behavior should keep him off TV, Andrew and Chapel in and out of jail, and Abe and Rebecca are clearly "over it". 

  12. 1 minute ago, CalicoKitty said:

    Two years ago, after my cat had a stroke, I adopted a year-old cat from Animal Control (and I never want to go there again!  Too sad...)  Lilly had had a rough first year of life, and she had developed gingivitis.  At her yearly exam last week, the vet recommended a tooth cleaning.  I picked her up Monday afternoon, and found out that they had had to pull 9 teeth.  And still, the first thing she wanted to eat was crunchy cat treats.  Since the "chewing" teeth are now missing, I think she swallows most of them, but she keeps trying to chew them.  She seems so happy now, so I'm thinking her mouth must have really been giving her constant pain.  Unfortunately, her buddy cat knows her from a distance, but not by smell.  No more trench breath!

    I have a kitty who only has 2 teeth due to having most of her teeth out due to stomatitis and neck lesions in her mouth.  She eats kibble just fine and is a chow hound.  

  13. What I'm now wondering, and I apologize for being late to the party catching up, is to what extent Jill and Jessa were messed about by Josh.  Was it just mild touching over the clothes while we were asleep and mom told us what had happened to us because we didn't know it had happened.  Or was it more? Though it sounds like he escalated with Jinger and Joy, who were younger and smaller and likely wouldn't fight back or were easily bribed into silence.  

    I always am of the belief that the victim of such behavior should have their account believed.  From the emotional state of Jill, I can't help but believe they sanitized what happened to them under duress from KJB.  

    • Love 15
  14. 13 hours ago, Evil Queen said:


    I have always wondered why Abe hasn't hit Jeremiah. I take the only reason is because Abe knows it would be wrong and doesn't want to land in jail. We all know Jeremiah would be making sure Abe's ass was there if that happened. I think Abe knows if Jeremiah well enough to now that no matter how it comes off he has to take it otherwise it results in, first going off script and second risking Jeremiah going off physically at him or someone else. I get disgusted with that talk though and how he does says it to Carmela and she is like I see it too or I see that now. I do wish we could have seen Abe give it to him just once...even if it was telling him off verbally. 

    Possibly because Abe is a class act, and beating the crap out of Jeremiah (though he has proven time and again that he richly deserves it) would put him on the same level with Jeremiah.  Abe has also seen plenty of people, including his own family members thrown in jail for far less.

    i also think Rebecca and the kids keep him grounded.  He clearly loves being a husband and father and seems to really "get" the easily misunderstood Rebecca  more than anyone else in the group.  She does not suffer fools gladly and she wants to better herself, neither of which I could never fault anyone for.  She's seen what drugs have done to her friends and family and clearly wants no part of being hurt again by one more death or addiction. 

    • Love 4
  15. Looks like Smuggley Do Right has really made sure he's put the last nail in the coffin of his ever finding any redemption in the public eye by adding himself to this lawsuit. I get that his sister diddling and cheating went nation wide, so there's a much bigger humiliation factor there than being on a local or state offender registry.  I get that he feels he's already paid the price and knows he's a pariah not only in his own circles, but everywhere he goes..  The tabloids and talk boards have kept these scandals alive, far beyond the shelf life of most scandals.

    He doesn't really have too many skills or much in the way of wherewithal to support a wife and 5 kids away from the Duggar teat.  He already was a smug, entitled lazy fuckwit before the scandal broke, and no doubt depression, eating his feelings, and the sense of hopelessness that he's not going to be able to escape his reality anytime soon. He's a grown ass man, but you can bet KJB is controlling every penny of what is rightfully Josh's money, his cell phone, etc, lest Josh have any thought of mutiny or writing a tell all. 

    Any other kid in Arkansas his age would have been sent to juvenile court or tried as an adult. He only got away with it because his odious father in collusion with his mullet headed bride found a way to cover it up past the statute of limitations and/or pay off/pul some strings with local law enforcement to make it go away. 

    How Oprah's show got hold of supposedly sealed records...we only seem to know the Duggars were investigated prior to being aired and were then dropped.  

    It was his sisters that deserve to file a suit, not him.  It will only make him look worse in public that he's got no remorse for what he did to them and any of his other victims.  But then, the name Smuggar seems so well deserved.

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