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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 3 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

    Sometimes when someone is looking for someone "perfect" it is a barrier to finding anyone because no one is perfect after all.  I have personally known several men and women who rejected anyone appropriate as less than perfect, until time passed and they revised their standards (and probably matured in that way) and ended up finally in nice marriages.  Of course this isn't saying I know what is in Jana's head, or that it always works out like that, but, it can be a way to keep people at arms length.

    With the exception of Jeremy (until proven otherwise), it seems Jana is just plain wary. She's already seen Favorite Son Joshley, Derelict, and Bin become nonstarters. Jana also knows about the pasty, creepy, greasy looking piece of offal that sweet, lovely, virginal Tabitha was forced to settle for so she can sit at the "adult's table".

    I think she's wise enough not to jump from the frying pan and into the fire.

    • Love 12
  2. 19 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    At least the girls have seen a penis before - they've changed many a boy diaper. The boys from JD down though, who knows what they know about lady parts. Poor Joe, he might be in for a shock when he learns the details, much like a young boy is when they first find out.

    I watched a documentary on sexuality in the Victorian age.  One of the accounts I heard was a young married man was so repulsed by his wife's pubic hair that he refused to consummate the marriage for some time. He'd only seen nude statues and expected to find a smooth kitty.

    Today, that level of naïveté is almost unheard of in developed countries unless you've been hiding under a rock.

    • Love 10
  3. 5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    Still no public congratulations from the Duggar crew. Sad, to me.

    It's really sad, IMO.  I guess some babies are better than other babies, even if they are Duggars.

    Little Meri didn't ask to be born and neither did M5 boy. It saddens me that these poor littles will suffer greatly for the sins of their father.

    • Love 10
  4. 8 hours ago, MunichNark said:

    I took a far too childish delight and snicker at the place they went skiing to - Massenutten or something since the latter part, ..nutten.....actually means tarts in German....bahahahahaha. I need to grow up.

    My most favorite German word EVER, schadenfreude, is what I feel. Their continued full on display of how uneducated, sheltered, daft they are...yet how smug, prideful, and arrogant they all are...just astounds me on a daily basis how they ignore this elephant in the room.

    • Love 4
  5. 2 hours ago, MunichNark said:

    I'm starting to loathe and abhor the Dullards just as much and perhaps even more than Smuggar, and that is saying something.

    Lazy, clueless, selfish, uneducated, ignorant........feel free to ad to this.

    Get a fucking job and a grip!


    • Love 12
  6. 2 minutes ago, Nysha said:

    In Christian terms, it's an elevated form of visiting, where your conversation and behavior is loving and Godly, so when you part, everyone is refreshed and filled with a renewed spirit for Christ-like living.

    That's the premise behind it, but I can only imagine with Duggars that it's boring and soul sucking draining.

    • Love 9
  7. 1 hour ago, Lady Edith said:

    Wasn't there an audio tape component that supposedly Anna and Josh listened to in the car on the way to their honeymoon?  

    That was done to make Joshley look more innocent than he really was. I hope one of Anna's married sisters or her mom gave her some idea of what to expect on her wedding night. Of course, having to schlep the suitcases inside the "honeymoon suite" was not something she was expecting at all.

    • Love 1
  8. Pupusas is some of our favorite food? 

    SODRT grammar at work.  In English and Spanish, pupusa is singular. "Pupusas" is the plural.  For years I had NO idea what a pupusa was and thought the word was hilarious. I went on to make lots of Hispanic friends and later learned it was food.

    • Love 3
  9. 5 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

    One has to wonder if Anna's dad still thinks Joshley Madison is a great catch for his daughter.

    He's been silent on the matter, but given that he tried to discourage Anna from divorcing him....I think he's still  "all-in" to some extent, but I can't imagine he approves of the treatment of his daughter.


    3 hours ago, sATL said:

    Wonder what horny man will do the 4-6 weeks until medical clearance, ? Or do they do "other sexual activities".... Josh has learned many new freaky tricks now...

    Eeeeeeek! There isn't enough brain bleach! 

    You can rest assured that any freaky tricks he may have learned have little to do with Anna's pleasure.

    • Love 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    It really is stunning, isn't it? You'd think that the sheer hypocrisy of it would hit you -- Wait, I'm signing up to cheat on a hard-working mom who trusts me, and yet I'm self-righteously condemning homeless people? Huh? Maybe I'd better have kinder thoughts about other people with problems...............But apparently irony is lost on Duggars. 

    And empathy.

    It pissed me off when he didn't think homeless people deserved help nor kids who needed a school lunch. Get a job...coming from somebody who is unemployable and lives off the family teat?? Fucking hypocrite!

    • Love 21
  11. 23 hours ago, LilJen said:


    On 3/21/2017 at 4:46 AM, Mollie said:

    Every time Jinger says "Babe",  I can't help thinking of the movie.


    0 0 Babe.jpg

    Maybe "baaaaa ram ewe" is part of their secret love language. . .


    I think I'll just show myself to the prayer closet. I'm perpetually 12 years old...I'll ram you....oooooohhh

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