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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. Damn, as another poster mentioned, it really looks like Izzy is picking his nose. He's such an afterthought that they can't even be bothered to wait to get a pic of him with his fingers out of his nose.

    #nasty #picker #justgetitoverwithalready. #needtogrift

    • Love 5
  2. Carmella is a very pretty girl.  I don't know how she suffers Jeremiah or believes she can't do any better than him. 

    Carmella has a lot of issues based on being stuck in a cult, and Jeremiah has mommy issues and anger management issues.  They are both damaged people, but it's very clear that Carmella is the more mature of the two of them.

    • Love 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I think she looks like she has osteoparosis with a bit of a stoop and lordosis/swayback, waddles like she has hip joint issues, has no shape left from the neck to the knee, and yeah, her abdomen has to be a mess. Then we have The Possum on her head that looks like it's about to keel over. She does seem to be one of those women who somehow manages to not have a double chin or very many wrinkles.

    What makes you think she is fairly athletic? Seriously asking, not arguing. She looks to me like the kind who flounced more than any sort of stunting or tumbling in the 80s when she was a cheerleader. I could be wrong. None of them seem to have an ounce of interest in physical activity, except Jessa as an extension of Bin, and she seems to have dropped all that now.

    Bbbbut..you forgot to mention that missing back muscle....

    • Love 6
  4. 2 minutes ago, saylubee said:

    I'm in Texas, but it's a pretty popular practice to let someone else run cows through your field to claim the AG exemption.  Some people also will plant corn/wheat/whatever on a few acres of a larger property and do absolutely nothing to care or harvest it.  The bar is very, very low on what needs to happen to keep the AG exemption.  I can't imagine Arkansas is that much different.

    Exactly...just put a couple of goats or cows on your land to eat the vegetation and you, too, can claim an ag exemption.

    • Love 1
  5. 42 minutes ago, awaken said:

    It must be so strange for them to suddenly be out in the world all alone as adults, without chaperones. 

    I wonder how long it takes them to realize they can do what they want to now. After years of never being allowed to be alone, I'd imagine this isn't instantaneous.

    • Love 11
  6. Late to the party...still catching up.

    I always felt bad for the 4 sisters and the other young ladies about having something so awful and traumatic laid bare for public consumption. Incest/molestation is a dirty shameful secret that takes years (if ever) for the victims to find healing.  We know these girls received no real/meaningful counseling and were forced to forgive their brother.  Then two of them were coached to minimize on national television what happened to them. Jill was in shreds.  I'd personally be humiliated to have a secret I wanted to keep laid bare on national TV.

    The backlash these girls got for being forced to do KJBs bidding seemed really unfair to me. Jessa knew what side her bread was buttered on so she minimized it as "over the clothes.., while we were asleep"...had KJB written all over it. What sort of punishment were they threatened with for not following "the script"?

    • Love 7
  7. Had my follow up PET scan this past Friday. Should get results some time this week.  So nervous.  Hoping after everything I've been through that these treatments have done some good.  Have been knocked down with a sinus infection that made me feel so wretched that i felt worse than if I'd had another chemo.  Almost done with the antibiotics...horrible horse pills.

    • Love 19
  8. On 5/23/2017 at 6:32 PM, jjane said:

    Hi Guys: to all you lovely people who have sent love, hugs, prayers and good wishes, I have good  news. My doctor called and said everything they took out in the biopsy was benign. I'll see him on the first to talk about follow-up, but for now I can breathe again. I was trying to downplay it for Hubby because he has gone through cancer and was an absolute trooper so I didn't want to be a ninny. This is really the only place I mentioned it because I don't like having the attention on me and it was easier to keep it to the two of us. So, full frontal hugs around and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support.

    And @Arwen Evenstar, a big one for you and a fervent wish and prayer that everything turns out for the best where you are concerned. I always look forward to your updates and wish you love, light and peace.

    @jjane, I am rejoicing in your good news!  So happy for you!

    • Love 2
  9. On 3/23/2017 at 3:53 PM, Missy Vixen said:

    It's the only way they can maintain control over their congregations. As we've seen demonstrated many, many times now, the pastors and other leadership in fundie churches can't even control themselves. Shame and embarrassment are a powerful motivator. Those who've spent any time at all in the fundie world have watched church members single out a "sinner" (real or not) and the ensuing carnage would do a National Geographic special proud. (These "sinners" are not typically the pastor's best friend, board member, or big donor to the building fund, BTW. It's interesting how that never happens.) There's a reason the oft-used cliche "Only Christians kill their wounded" is still employed.

    When those in the church figure out it's a scam, they don't have to answer to anyone else for their decisions, and they can run their own lives, they leave.


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  10. Been out for awhile.  Hope all my peeps are ok.

    Had 3rd treatment the 16.  Was supposed to be the 25th, but since insurance approved the Avastin, I had it early.  Recovering from this bout. Nosebleeds have been an issue.  Going to follow up with doc office today to see if I'm doing enough or if I need to come in.  Better safe than sorry.

    Weather has been very bad here today. Flooding, tornadoes....more outlying counties from Houston.

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