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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. On 6/17/2017 at 0:20 PM, Jynnan tonnix said:

    As I've said, your journey and reading about the chemo hearkens back to my cousin's treatment, which had, I think, a significantly gloomier prognosis than yours at the outset. He had two rounds of chemo, then surgery for a previously "inoperable" slew of tumors, and continues cancer-free and looking & feeling fantastic almost two years  (and counting!!) later. I continue to believe that you will have an outcome every bit as positive as his. Sorry to keep bringing him up, but he is one of my very favorite people on the face of the planet, an inspiration and benchmark for success through staying positive and refusing to give up!

    That's a great story, Jynnan! I hope your cousin gets to stay cancer free!  Love stories like this.

    • Love 4
  2. 4 hours ago, floridamom said:

    Yes, Kendra's face is sort of...square, round AND full. Her cheeks do look like she's hoarding acorns for the winter, poor little girl. I bet we do see the fundie 'pre wedding crash diet' with her too. Joe seems to se a sweet guy and genuinely nice and good. She looks to be all bubbly and 'in love with the Lord'...and Joe. You know those 8th grade love-you hormones. Hopefully they'll still be happy with each other in 10 years.

    Yes, exactly. She's got a weird shaped face that makes her look odd.  She's not an ugly girl, by any means, just not someone who would stand out in a crowd as being exceptionally pretty.  Her father is a very nice looking man.  It would have been kinder for me to say something more along those lines.

    Her features, particularly her jaw line, look a little bit masculine, so I'm hoping she doesn't have a hormone imbalance of any kind since she likely won't get proper treatment.  She looks like someone blew her up with a bicycle pump as though she's been on steroids or other medication that would cause someone to be so puffy.  For all we know, she may have a medical condition, and it's really none of our business.  For the record, I'm not trying to body shame her.  Got no room to talk mys elf, as I'm still "fluffy" despite losing 35 lbs.

    She does seem to be a very sweet, decent girl, though .  Wish someone would teach her how to walk in heels.  Poor thing walks like she's crapped in her drawers. My mom would never have let me wear a pair of heels out unless I learned to walk in them properly first. Feel bad for her being so young and already being encouraged to marry so young without the benefit of getting to go to college or learn a trade or be on her own for a while.

    2 hours ago, Jeeves said:

    Except that as we know, the girls aren't shy about wearing makeup, including Jinger's infamous raccoon eyeliner, and wearing makeup has to be about as vain as you can get. And their guru Bill Gothard demands that all eyes must be drawn to one's "countenance" - which IIRC should be pleasing. And surrounded by banana curled long hair.

    Yes, since they were all about "countenance", one would take that to mean a clean complexion  with well maintained skin. I just don't think there's enough bathrooms in the TTH to justify the frequent shampooing and daily personal hygiene required to keep one's countenance clean and free of excess oils and dirt.

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  3. 1 minute ago, sometimesy said:

    Dillards had the parents watching them skype, and possibly even reading text messages (not sure one that one). The other kids seemed to have phone calls and texting privacy. 

    The problem for me is the courtship. The pressure put on the kids to immediately have the intention to marry instead of naturally discovering their compatibility. The intrusive chaperones ick. For the Duggs the pressure is magnified because they would have to end the courtship publically. 

    And the pressure is also magnified because it's a high stakes game from the word go.  After all, the first one that shows an interest in you is "the one God has in mind for you".

    • Love 10
  4. Am I being a mean girl, or does Kendra remind any of you of a chipmunk?  She's just not that attractive, but then Joe is no oil painting either as he barely escaped the John David Greasy Melon Head fate.  

    I guess Joe won't be so spotty once he and Kendra get to experience "the mystery of life".

    • Love 7
  5. 7 minutes ago, ariel said:

    Does Walmart offer good insurance to their employees?  I have heard that it is a terrible company to work for.

    I think if you work at the corporate level, those are full time positions.  Those at the associate level who work in the stores, maybe not.  One of my friends worked in one of the stores, and she was prevented from working less than 30 hours a week, so she couldn't get benefits.  This was a common and deliberate practice.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

    She's brainwashed as all hell. The parents are to blame for that, not this poor starved manipulated young girl. I can't look at a Rodriguez kid without weeping and throwing heavy objects. Their parents have destroyed them, outside and in, and there's probably only a slim chance that any of them will ever be able to retrieve themselves. The fact that people keep saying they want this hellish situation put on tv for their entertainment stuns me. And, once again, I realize that empathy only extends to situations that we've experienced the like of ourselves. Seems to be little ability in anybody who hasn't lived something like this to realize how helpless Nurie's been in forming what she is now.  No wonder we're doomed as a damn species. 

    I wanted them aired NOT for my amusement, but so child welfare groups would take one look at those sickly kids and intervene.

    • Love 11
  7. I can't get over how homely poor JD is.  He seems like a good, solid guy who'd make some Fundy gal a decent husband.  How about an episode where  JD gets a style makeover for his pie faced complexion, greasy melon head, and awful haircut.? Get him a decent haircut and a skin and scalp care regimen, and that would go a long way.  I think he could be quite passable. 

    The stress of being sexually repressed, a poor diet, being JBs slave, and constant sleep deprivation of piloting everyone around aren't helping his looks either.  He's a dead ringer for his grandpa Ruark, who was a nice looking man.  His grandpa had the same receding hairline, but the cut gave him a different look entire.

    • Love 9
  8. 45 minutes ago, Porkchop said:

    Arwen: My friend Diane got her three-years-free-of-cancer report today, and my daughter's friend's daughter got her one-year-free report yesterday. So, see, great results are happening for lots of people, and it can happen for you. Arwen's Army is battling for you.

    Wonderful news for your friend and daughter's friend's daughter! That's just so awesome!!!

    • Love 3
  9. 7 hours ago, Petrichor said:

    My headship is a lady who doesn't watch the show, but who let me queue up the wedding episode last night. 

    When Jim Boob turned to Joy and said, "This is the most exciting moment of your life," my headship looked horrified and asked, "Wait...does he mean the most exciting moment SO FAR, or...like, ever?"

    Yeah, that scene was singularly the most depressing !  I think we know it's "like ever" rather than "so far".

    • Love 7
  10. Found it amusing that Jessa walked down the aisle with the groomsman and Dustbin didn't push him out of the way this time.  Muffy walked down the aisle by herself.  I guess they learned after much backlash on SM that such behavior is boorish and socially embarrassing.  Best of all, no public makeout from all the marrieds!

    i also thought it was funny watching the hopelessly uncoordinated Derick flailing around like Olive Oyl!

    • Love 5
  11. Finally, my headship went out long enough for me to finish watching the wedding episode .  Derick flailing around like Olive Oyl on the trampoline was most amusing. Could have done without Joy's grubby bare feet.

    Thought it was rather odd of Derick to comment on Austin's work ethic, being that Derick is a lazy slacker who doesn't work and grifts for donations while he pretends to be a missionary.

    • Love 14
  12. Still not finished watching the Joy wedding episode.  Have to send my headship out on an errand or something to get the last half hour of it.

    But I have to say how struck I was by how Jill just left Izzy by the clothes rack like he was  an article of clothing that had fallen down off one of the hangers.  Could have been editing making it look bad, but we are talking about Michelle 2.0 here.  Izzy is a Giant White Baby and might have been too heavy to lift, but she could have at least told him it was time to go.  I guess she figured that Driftwood, Mima, or one of The Lost Girls would watch over him/was already in the room with him?  You don't  just go shopping and leave your baby on the floor like that!

    Got so tired of hearing Moaning Muffy just droning on with that dead eyed wooden stare and nothing interesting to say.  She's hard to watch.  The fact that she's boring, preachy, sanctimonious, and all around tiresome doesn't keep me from noticing that there's something very off kilter about her.

    I sincerely hope and pray she goes to the hospital to attempt a VBAC and not at home.  She claims the doc that attended her c-section saw to it that she'd be able to have a VBAC next time.  But Muffy, there's no guarantee; something could still go wrong.  At least if you're already at the hospital, you know you're safer there than at home.

    • Love 15
  13. 1 hour ago, yogi2014L said:

    I know Jeremy is balls deep in this crazy theology, but if there is a couple that I think who will become less crazy over the years, it is this one.  I can see them becoming your normal conservative Christian. Jeremy's exposure to the real world will help. I think eventually ( maybe in 5 years) he will realize that life kind of sucks being so rigid and will desire to enjoy his life again. I'm not saying he will be out partying but I think he will desire normal-ness. 

    I also think Jessa and Bin will slowly step away but it will be harder for them as they have had way less exposure to the real world. 

     I think you're right.  Jeremy can only walk around with starch in his underwear for so long before he realizes it's a lot of work to be uptight about about damn near everything all the damn time.

    • Love 4
  14. 18 hours ago, ariel said:

    I would pay to see Dawn French's Rev. Geraldine from the "Vicar of Dibley" stop by the Duggar Compound & have a little chat with them about Christianity ( especially Boob & the son in laws) .  That would be must see TV.

    Especially if she mixed it up with Daleks and Cadbury bars hidden in bibles.

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