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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 11 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

    No empathy for Mo. Just because he wanted a "better" life does not entitle him to US citizenship.

    I'm sure he was ok with the idea that he wasn't living at the Taj Mahal, but he was within his rights to expect electricity.

    Mo wouldn't get instant US citizenship, and he had to EARN it. He has to hold his green card for 5 years before he could even apply.  Then he has to wait his turn for an interview based on backlog and pass the citizenship test before he can be sworn in. Waiting his turn could take at least a couple of years based on backlog.  And, he has to stay out of trouble...he's at least 7years away from getting citizenship.

    • Love 5
  2. 16 minutes ago, LilJen said:

    You'd think, too, that any midwife worth a dime would have noticed how LARGE the baby was going to be and told them that they really SHOULD be at the hospital to ensure a safe delivery.

    Dreck had mentioned that Jill had checked out well with all of her appointments. Not really sure what that means but the doctor husband of the Toilet Doula should've known that something was wrong if she was indeed going to any doctor of any kind.  When Derek said that I had at least assumed that she was going to him for some sort of wellness check but the fact that they went for one of those vanity ultrasounds tells me otherwise.

    • Love 5
  3. 2 minutes ago, LilJen said:

    Josie's tiny waifness makes me think of the one tiny girl-twin in Flowers in the Attic. Who was tiny and underdeveloped because she was deprived of food and sunlight by her evil mother.

    Yeah she really does have a delicate fragile appearance  about herself. I read the flowers in the attic series,  so I can see the comparison quite well. 

    Being that she's The Pwecious Miwacle Snowflake,  it's really sad that she still looks like she's been deprived of food and sunlight by her evil mother. Makes you sad for the rest of the kids and I marvel that they all survived despite such shitty parenting.

    • Love 6
  4. I am just thankful that mother and baby are safe and sound despite how dimwitted the mother is. 

     Was it 40 hours since her water broke her 40 hours of hard labor? Anyway I guess it doesn't matter since she so midwifey and has medical things to tell us exactly what was going on. 

     I guess the sister moms are all ready to go since we know snowflake Jilly won't take care of her own kids if she can get someone else to do it. To be fair anyone who's had andominal surgery knows how much it hurts so I don't begrudge her some help but she just act so entitled and she doesn't really act like she's grateful for others that help her out.  Even though I know that my family will do anything for me I'm not so smug that I believe I am entitled to anything from them and if I didn't need something and they helped me I would just simply be grateful. You don't see this with the Duggar clan at all.

    • Love 9
  5. Heard she had four cats and a rabbit.  Rabbit cages get very smelly very quickly.  Then, there's MO's cheesy feet and a sweaty, incontinent, pre menopausal woman on top of that.  

    For all the whingeing Mohamed does about people not respecting him, does he not realize it's a two way street? He humiliated her on national tv regarding a very personal problem. That just went beyond the pale for me.

     He had something to say about Luisa having hygiene issues as well.  Maybe he just doesn't like lady bits, but as my gyno maintains: a vagina should smell like a vagina, natural and clean, not roses, so who knows what the hell he's expecting?  

    • Love 4
  6. 3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

    @Arwen Evenstar Yeah, I don't want to try to imagine it. We rented a house once where the previous tenants had cats. We later learned they never cleaned the boxes and that the cats simply went wherever. It was nice to finally understand why, whenever it rained, all you could smell was cat urine. We survived the year there and moved immediately after that.

    Trust me, you don't clean their box to their standards, they WILL go elsewhere.  Or when they're sick.  2 of our 4 cats have dementia and health issues, frequent UTIs being one of their problems.  You've got to be vigilant.  

    Its a safe bet that Danielle is not.  

    • Love 3
  7. 5 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

    Good thing that's not a useful skill for a missionary!

    Oh wait, is this like Michelle not having a heart for children but still having a passel anyway? He'll be missionary of the year one of these days! 

    His interpretive dance skills will take him over the top.

    • Love 13
  8. 21 minutes ago, TeapotWakeen said:

    I straight-up rewound, played, rewound, freeze-framed, re-played her hit him. She had the mildest of the mocking smiles, he smiled right afterward. They love their sick dance of shame-grovel-belittle-repeat. Ugh. Just..... ugh.

    I'm convinced this is their dynamic 

    • Love 2
  9. 50 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

    I honestly would question my friendship with Loren if I were her BFF. Her friend carried the blame for over a year and Loren doesn't seem the least bit apologetic about it. A true friend wouldn't behave the way Loren did. She waited an awful long time to come clean.

    Yeah, I don't know too many people who would still be my friend if I threw them under the bus like that.

  10. 47 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

    So Hannie, as predicted, is the new sister mom.

    Is that Michelle sitting on a bench next to the kangaroo??? As Joan Rivers once said, some women at a certain age can get a mammogram and a pedicure at the same time.

    Those were really crappy out of focus photographs. Do the Duggars  even care what they post anymore?

    • Love 3
  11. 1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

    I stopped listening to her and believing anything she said after the first follow-up show they were on, where suddenly she owned some shoe company with her brother, and needed to spend 6 months of the year back home so they could keep it going.  Ever hear anything about that ever again?

    Going back to Colombia for that long might have been a problem for a provisional green card. She has mentioned wanting to visit her family in Colombia.  Would have been better for Russ to have agreed to her visiting there than letting her indulge her delusional fantasy of a modeling "career". 

    • Love 3
  12. 1 minute ago, flyingdi said:

    I personally think the reason Derick always seems so eager to return to Central America is because he is simply overwhelmed by the sheer number of Duggars.  More so than Jeremy or Ben, Derick is just not a people person in my opinion.

    I tend to agree.  He seemed perfectly happy on his own in Nepal.  Anyone who is introverted or content to be a lone wolf, would find a gaggle of Duggars a bit much to deal with.

    • Love 18
  13. On 7/3/2017 at 0:10 PM, booboopbedoo said:


    Anfisa's face is melting and she needs to go back to Russia. He has no money and never did. She was up front from the start and he lied to her from the start. He got into debt trying to impress her.

    I'm surprised given Jorge's questionable business ventures that he could even apply for a visa or green card for Anfisa. His enterprise is still illegal under federal law. Anyone involved in drugs wouldn't be allowed to get a green card or naturalize.  As a spouse she'd be guilty by association, even though she clearly isn't interested in working in any capacity.  I wonder if this has been discussed on this thread before. Someone who's an immigration attorney, perhaps? He was granted a K1 for her and they're working toward her green card.  But, he's gone on TV telling us all what he does, so he'd never get away with lying to immigration.

    • Love 1
  14. 2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

    She doesn't have a penny in her purse? How was she able to go shopping with her "friend" an episode back? Jorge wasn't there with his credit card. Serious question, not being snarky. I believe she has access to some money. I don't feel sad for Anfisa at all - domestic violence took away any possible empathy I could have had for her.

    Maybe he doles out prepaid cards for her to use?  His line of work makes it difficult for him to do what we take for granted.  He may have pulled her cards...for all we know.  I agree with everything else you posted.

    • Love 1
  15. On 6/28/2017 at 0:51 PM, realitymaven said:

    We must give Mo his due! For a high school dropout, he's an exceptionally talented con artist. Remember, he not only conned Danielle, he also conned a number of other people including a lot of women as well as Mr. and Mrs. Walmart Tom (who described him as "our adopted son"). Before he went into hiding from his various Instagram, FB and other sites he had a legion of women worshipping at his smelly feet. 

    I can imagine that between litter boxes, her smelly crotch, and his cheesy feet, their house smelled like a biohazard.

    • Love 5
  16. 15 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

    Jorge and Anfisa had been so amusing to me up until this episode.   The physical, verbal abusive nature of their relationship got a little too uncomfortable.  That said, you make your own fun:  My husband and I do a FABULOUS impression of the two (with me playing Jorge with a dopey voice and he gracing the role of Anfisa with an amazing screeching voice). 

    LOL, every time Mr E can't figure out what we are going to eat, I tell him..."you don't feed me, you don't take care of me....I don't like...I go back to Russia"... we get a good laugh at the gold digging dominatrix and her worm.

    That said, I can't stomach her hitting him.  Even, though I find him tiresome and represents everything women find flawed about men, hitting is right out.  If he hit her, we'd be calling for his castration.  He gets on her nerves, so you think she'd he happy whenever he was gone, but she goes shrieking like a banshee crying for him to come back.  There's some vERY deep pathology in that relationship as well as within Anfisa. 

    She's basically trapped.  He leaves her alone for hours, with no food and not a penny in her purse, so she can't even order a pizza or takeaway.  Tell me that's not deliberate, when she was crying that she was hungry. And the fact that he lied to her about damn near everything. How could she even trust him to do what's best for her when he does that type of behavior consistently?  He clearly does this for spite.

    • Love 11
  17. 22 hours ago, BitterApple said:

    I agree. To me, Kendra looks like a 12 year-old who's hanging on to her baby fat. I don't think she's ugly by any means, but more that she's still growing into her features. Unfortunately for her, the Duggar boys' looks crash into a brick wall at 80 mph once they hit puberty, so Joe is on a permanent downhill slide.

     I thought some of her look could be attributable to "baby fat" that she hasn't grown out of yet.  It doesn't help that she's petite in stature and squatty in build, but she can't help it if she's naturally pear or apple shaped. Genetics dictates that.  

    That said, I don't think the cut of clothing she wears is very flattering to her, but I've got to remember, she's so limited in what she's allowed to wear or maybe can afford.  Even if that wasn't the case, it still takes time for one to cultivate personal style that suits them best.

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