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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 27 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

    I agree. They all sell their vagina/love for money.  I respect Anfisa because she's honest about. There is no way Alla would have moved across the world with her kid if it wasn't for a wealthy life. 

    With all the current unrest in Ukraine, she also probably wanted to get out for the sake of her son.  She's pragmatic, but at least Alla treats Matt with respect.  

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  2. 11 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

    Althought that's probably true, if the marriage continues, Pedro will be living in Atlanta, Georgia, and probably needs to learn as much as he can about "the American mentality."

    Agreed. But right now,  neither is willing to see things from the others point of view. For the marriage to continue it will take both parties willing to respect and understand the cultural norms that each one of them came from.  Americans do tend to have this hubris that their way is the only way of doing things and the only right way. 

    • Love 4
  3. Family Pedro and Family Chantel just showed their awfulness, and according  to the previews things look like they're going to get much worse next week. Yeah Pedro goes on and on about respect much in the way that Mohamed  does, but respect has to be earned and it's a two-way street. I think what Pedro is showing is the machismo that is part of his culture as well. The father is either deceased or absent and if he's the only son of course he feels like he needs to look out for his family.

    Things in the Dominican republic are obviously very expensive because most everything probably has to be brought in from somewhere  else. That can't be cheap. I don't think any of us would begrudge his family a few luxury items now and again. I did find the way they behaved at the airport demanding to know where the TV was  pretty rude. That wouldn't be the first thing anyone in my family would've ever said to me had I not seen them for a year or vice versa.

    I think the problem that Chantel has is that her parents have always been way too involved in her life and in her face  and up her ass. I think she tends to hide things from them because they seem to be manipulative and controlling. It just saying that mother Chantel was all too quick to put that seed of doubt in her mind with regards to Pedro's true intentions. She is used to being  manipulated so of course she's going to believe what mama Chantel says,  or at least wonder if she may be right.

    I think the biggest issue they had and several posters have mentioned it is that Pedro has never been clear about how much money he intends to send to the Dominican Republic  every month.  The amount should be mutually agreed upon however if he does have some extra discretionary income, I don't see it as a big deal that he sounds a little more. As he said money goes a lot further there than it does here.  Renting a respectable apartment in a respectable neighborhood in Atlanta or any other large city in the US is going to be much more expensive.  

    Chantel needs to pull her head out of her ass and realize that people from different countries do things differently and many do not understand the American mentality. Even though Pedro should do what he can for his family. Whatever he does should not be at the expense of their own comfort or needs. He also needs to do right by Chantel as well.  She wanted an exotic boy toy for herself so she's got to except that he may not have been at the same level socioeconomically that her family is. She knew this when she married him so she should not look down on him for it

    there, I have just about said the same thing that everybody else has said. I wonder how much the fur is going to fly next week and I also wonder how much of it is scripted.

    • Love 6
  4. 4 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

    The whole photo shoot made me feel icky and unhygienic. Pao is such a skank to me now, and I felt that way before the photo shoot.

    Mike Ohrangutang is a legit very in demand photographer. That said, his work isn't going to be for everyone, but some of it is very well done. TLC must have paid him a pretty penny for his time

     His wife is always there for the shoots by the look of things, so that seems to take some of the sleaze factor out of it. If I were a model, I'd feel more comfortable if the photogs wife or GF was around. Not all of his work is booty shots and partial nudity.

     A beach in Brazil would show more than what Pao did, but that said, I don't see my husband being any more comfortable with it than Russ was.  My hubs is Latino, so he's not repressed like white bread Russ.  I just hope the models get to keep the unmentionables after they use them.  So icky if not.  And , a skank is a skank. No classing that up.

  5. For the posters who want to take a shot when someone says something, can we add taking a shot every time Paola says "my career" to the list.

    Was anyone else grossed out by Paola wearing thong swimsuits and lingerie that had likely been worn by others? Even if they had been washed, it just seemed icky and unhygienic.  

    Ithink Russ is worried that the salary he was offered won't allow them to live comfortably in Miami and maintain the Oklahoma house. I get that he tags along because he wants to make sure Paola doesn't get tangled up with a pornographer.  She's so desperate to be a model and is completely full of herself . 

    • Love 15
  6. How many pages of this forum have been used to snark on pizza? Lawdy have mercy!

    Typical tacky Dillard posting, par for the course.  What stuck in my craw was we almost end up assuming they grifted the gift card.  They have a history of doing things like this.

    • Love 4
  7. On 7/23/2017 at 9:28 PM, Bubbacat said:

    But . . . but . . . but . . . she was cooking in a cauldron!! AKA a big soup pot.

    It's called a fogata, very common in rural areas of PR and the DR.  Wood burning outdoor cooking pot.  My husband saw them growing up in PR, and nobody in his family has one nor tried to feed me chicken feet.  I'm not sure where Mother Chantel got her ideas about voodoo and chicken feet.

    Her parents behavior was appalling to say the least.  I wouldn't want to eat chicken necks or feet, but I would have definitely stayed around for rice, beans, and plantains.

    • Love 8
  8. 11 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    His birthday is today, their anniversary is the 21st, from what I found. 

    Hate it that my birthday is also their wedding anniversary.  Well since  18th was his birthday, where's his drippy sundae? Or did he get some extra hey, hey, hey and suffocate Michelle in a cloud of Aqua Net and halitosis?

    • Love 6
  9. 4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    I think she knew more about Jorge's situation than she's letting on, came over anyway & married him because of the lure of being on TV.  She's now stuck in a (sort of) Dani/Mo type situation, where if she leaves she loses the 90 Day 'fame', & she definitely wants fame as she's stated that already.

    The only reason she'd stick around a zhlub like Jorge would be to secure some sort of fame. She's not 20. No way a 20 year old could be that cagey or streetwise or had that many plastic surgeries.

    • Love 5
  10. I'm sure Sammy had a rough entrance into his world and that is what required a stay in the NICU.  Zika is so sneaky that most people who get it only have very mild symptoms.  Good thing Jill didn't repeat her performance with Izzy this time. If this is the result of 40 hours of labor, I'm thankful she didn't wait it out any longer. We have no way to know yet if she showed up at the hospital right after her water broke.

    Just hope they are thankful for the children they've got and they cherish them. If Jill's been told to shut down the baby factory, I hope she realizes that it's the way she's made that won't allow her the dream birth she wanted and NOT because she committed some sin to deserve this. 

    • Love 8
  11. 15 minutes ago, jjane said:

    Arwen, , so sorry to hear about your results. I hope you can go forward on the 18th. Also, neuropathy sucks, but I hope it is a short term thing for you. I know the pace of new treatments for cancer is slow but maybe this new stuff will be what you need. You're a fighter, even when you don't think so. Sending full frontal hugs, prayers, good wishes, and admiration for your attitude and strength in the face of this. We all believe in you. Much Love.

    Much love to you, too.  You got me misty eyed. If Mr E wasn't still asleep, I'd probably start bawling.

    • Love 1
  12. 9 hours ago, wheresmypizza said:

    Jorge. When choosing flowers for your beloved, choose wisely. Roses are going to hurt when she beats you with them. 

    Oh? I see you chose the $165 arrangement of lilies and such. 

    And she slept with you!!!

    Teachable moment, for sure. 

    The footage from the next morning is gonna be awesome!!!

    Do we REALLY want to know?

    I think they should just convert one of their closets to a sex dungeon. Anfisa with black boots and a whip and Jorge whimpering, "Yes, Mistress".

    • Love 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, chickenella said:

    Russ seems like a likeable, good head on his shoulders guy, I hope he wises up to her. I think she's full of shit.

     He's  like any red blooded male, entangled in a web of being blinded by T and A. There will come a day when he gets tired of her shit, and there will be a reckoning.  We are watching reenactments that are months old.  How much is fact and how much is fiction, we'll never really know. 

    • Love 3
  14. 6 minutes ago, chickenella said:

    Don't feel bad, I watched it again tonight, too! My husband looked at me like I had 2 heads when I said it right before she said it, lol! I'm so glad he got to see it, now he knows why I've been sort of saying it all week. The other day we were in the car, my purse was hidden in the back seat, I had to say "Get my bag" and I almost screeched it like Anfisa, next time I will.

    I always tell Mr Evenstar "I go back to Russia" whenever he does something not to my liking. It makes for a good laugh. He's seen her in action, so he gets it.

    • Love 8
  15. Pedro seems really sweet. And, he's working two jobs, so he is earnest about being a good husband and providing as best he can. More than can be said for Mohamed and other spouses who refuse to work.

    i just hate it how he's so mistreated by Family Chantel and how Chantel doesn't defend him.  I can't blame Pedro for wanting little to nothing to do with them.

    it is customary for Caribbean born immigrants and Puerto Ricans to help out back home. I make a good living when I'm working, so I never begrudged my husband helping out my sister in law. Other family members chip in as well. She's underemployed and not in great health. She's grateful and thankful and never asks for anything or acts entitled. She took care of her aging parents until they passed on. It was a great comfort to the family to know they were well cared for. We owe her a debt of gratitude, so if we can help her, we do. 

    People in the DR are mostly poor. Even if you are a lawyer, you're probably not making the kind of money there that a lawyer does here, so that's probably why Pedro has to send money home. She may not be able to work due to her own health or caring for an elderly or sick parent. We don't know their back story.  

    Chantel is a spoiled,immature, coddled brat. She's likely not learned much to yet have empathy for those less fortunate than herself. 

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