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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. The Tunisian gigolo! LOL...glad I finished my tea before I read that, otherwise, somebody would have owed me a new tablet! 

    Except im sure a gigolo would keep some sort of standard of personal hygiene and not have feet that smell like moldy cheese.

    • Love 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mimionthebeach said:

    THIS! I can't stand Jill either, but I thought she looked pretty good, genuinely more chill than I've seen. The only comment I'd make on her appearance is that she needs a good bra. I say this as a D/DD, those puppies are gonna kill her back and leave her with unfortunate stretch marks if she doesn't support them. But no snark on her post baby/c-section bode. 

    Yeah, I realize she's not got her figure back yet, but the way the dress hangs on her makes her look dumpy and frumpy.  A properly fitting bra would definitely go a long, long way.

    • Love 5
  3. Not all reggaeton music is sleazy.  That said, I've seen a good many music videos featuring scantily clad women grinding on men.  Some of it is highly sexualized, some of it is playful innuendo, and the degree of grinding varies.  There are a few classy, well done videos.

    Any model who claims to be so in charge of "my career" can refuse to do certain things or wear certain apparel or what sort of contact she will or won't permit. It's still possible to keep it classy, Pao.

    • Love 4
  4. 5 minutes ago, Aja said:



    Through others' numerous efforts of community development (interpretive dance), skills training (friendship bracelets), sports outreach (threw football at brown orphan once), and local church ministry (more interpretive dance), a strong foundation has been laid (SINNER!!!!) that I believe the Lord will continue to grow (more and more interpretive dances!) for many years seasons to come.      

    Bolding and strikethroughs mine.

    @Aja: Have I told you lately that I love you? Brilliant post. 

    Let's not forget finishing the piñata of the little girl who died and serving stingy portions of banana bread. And who can forget only allowing the orphans to have one crayon at a time?

    6 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

     The interpretive dance community is undoubtedly heartbroken.

    They are bereft.

    • Love 11
  5. 7 minutes ago, Absolom said:

    The Dillard Family Blog has up a new post that they will be remaining in NWA.

    A New Direction in Ministry: https://www.dillardfamily.com/dillard family blog?ID=699ba8f6-f66d-4650-aec9-5b53d85078e7

    So what happened?

    In so many words, realized they couldn't hack it. No shame in that, but I hope they took their DONATE button down. Missionary work is NOT for everyone.  Even the rigors of  missioncationing was too much for them.

    Odd photo with Izzy in a suit, Muffy is a frumpy, lumpy, dumpy mess (is she barefoot with shoes next to her). Scruffy is wearing sandals. Little Sammy looks cute. Izzy really looks nice and is for once, clean and happy looking. He's such a lovely little boy.

    For the sake of Jill's mental health, it's just as well she gets to stay here. They were pretty tight lipped about why they are staying put. I'm fine with that, since they have been under so much scrutiny. I believe everyone is entitled to at least one secret, and they may have finally seen the wisdom in retiring from public life.

    Now if Derick would just STFU with his tweets, that would be gravy.

    • Love 20
  6. I agree. Family Chantel would most certainly be trumpeting about how Pedro doesn't pay for anything if that's the case. They'd be shouting that from the rooftops.

    I think I have made arrangements for every trip me and Mr E have been on.  It makes sense since I have frequent flyer miles as well as my sweet man doesn't have a clue how to plan a trip (so he's perfectly happy if I do that). We would work out the money later. I think most hotel workers know that it's the wife/GF that usually plans the trip and uses her card to secure the reservation and its the couples business how they figure it out.

    • Love 3
  7. 50 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

    You're correct about nationality/culture "bias," but somehow those using the word "racism," get that point across...maybe better and quickly.  

    There a lot of nationalism in certain countries. Latin Americans seem to be pretty passionate about how great they think their particular country is and have been known to come  to blows over it. Seen that on our local news very often.  Once, I remember two guys from the same country arrested for brawling over whose town was better. They take this shit pretty seriously.  

    Nothing wrong with being proud of your country or heritage, but taking it to a level of crazy...

    • Love 3
  8. Mo is a lazy, entitled little snot.  He's also a professional victim, so he thinks he's too precious to work.

    Do I think he played Danielle? Oh hells yeah! 

    Do I think he deserves to stay here? Not really, but if I were the immigration judge, I'd have to let him stay here since he had to tap someone as icky as Danielle.

    • Love 8
  9. Racial prejudice of any kind is odious and hateful.

    Hatians cross illegally into the DR because their half of the island is deforested, so they have little in the way of an economy and live in cruel and abject poverty. Like many who immigrate illegally, they are looking for a better life.  If the government of the DR is doing little to stop unchecked border crossings, I can understand some of the outrage and frustration of some in the DR , as a similar situation exists in the US of A wrt illegal immigration, being played out in our own politics. I don't agree with xenophobia at all, as I find our own current immigration policies to be antiquated and  breaks up families.

    But, having contempt for people simply because of the color of their skin is morally reprehensible. 

    • Love 7
  10. 16 minutes ago, sweetpea said:

    I also have no problem if Pedro was sending money back home to provide hot water and a safe place to live as well as tuition money to send relatives to school. But, I do have a problem of supporting a lifestyle of two able bodied, demanding, ungrateful people.


    • Love 10
  11. 23 minutes ago, checker said:

    Malapropisms are delicious, no matter what languages.  Direct translations can be really hilarious.

    3 Stooges too

    I forgot to add this in m post, but I most certainly needed to point out how many times I've botched Spanish with hilarious results.

    • Love 3
  12. I thought it was cute he called them Family Chantel.  In Spanish it would have been "la Familia de Chantel". That's how possessive is done in Spanish.  People learning a new language tend to speak the new language in a direct translation from their first language.

    My Puerto Rican born husband regularly reminds me that direct translations from English to Spanish don't always work. He's very fluent in English and speaks it better than most native speakers, however now and again he comes out with some priceless malapropisms that give me belly laughs.  I don't do that in front of others and won't correct him in public.  I often say, "well, it's not technically a word, but it really should be".  I often have to question the logic of the English language.

    • Love 10
  13. 15 hours ago, ariel said:

      Grift, pass go, & go out to a "date" with gift cards your fans sent you.  You will post pictures &  call it the most romantic date ever.

    Gift cards or grift cards? There, fixed it for ya.

    And more pictures of them eating greasy take out in the car.

    • Love 3
  14. 8 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

    That's right.  Marry a local guy, I'm sure there are plentiful in Atlanta.  Then you don't have about his "culture", baby.  And maybe he won't call you baby. 

    And maybe his mom won't serve you chicken feet on a paper plate.

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