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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. Yes. She's just barely turned 18 or will soon.  Nurie actually dresses better than the frumpers.  She's a pretty girl, but she just needs a little more meat on her bones. Sofia (aka "Baby in a Cage) looks horribly scrawny for a baby who's supposedly been breastfed. 

    Now there's even less food to go around now that Mama got herself knocked up again. I guess that's what happened when Chimpy saw her deepthroating that bottle of Plexus. 

    • Love 12
  2. 6 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

    Yep, he's a cutie and can even defy gravity! WTF is up with these wonky photos? It works for some shots, but not all of them.  Looks like he's  becoming a ginger.

    1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

    I don't they call their son Iz, it's just the posters here that do that. Cuter than Israel.

    Iz is much better since they can't pronounce Israel properly anyway.

    • Love 1
  3. 55 minutes ago, Lunera said:

    Definitely love that she's experimenting with clothes after wearing nothing but thrifted skirts, big t-shirts, and flip flops from the communal closet. No more blending in with the fundy girls. 

    OMG, Jana has discovered Birkenstocks. People can say what they like about those shoes, they hella comfortable and support your feet.

    • Love 16
  4. 3 minutes ago, dianagerace said:

    Normal, well adjusted people do not carry a clump of their mother's hair around in a crumpled paper towel.

    THIS! This just says it all.  

    Nor do normal, well adjusted people give their kid a clump of their hair in a crumpled paper towel to carry around. 

    I wonder if she's this weird, how many of her son's crimes and misdemeanors has she been complicit in covering up?

    • Love 14
  5. 1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

    She has definitely had too many cheap procedures. The goal of cosmetic surgery is to not look like you've had cosmetic surgery. She has failed.

    Exactly! It costs $$$$ usually to achieve plastic surgery/procedures well done enough for people not to notice you had anything done.  And an ethical plastic surgeon that tells you that you've already had enough Botox, etc. There are too many women walking around looking like marionettes, The Joker, or sporting trout pout for anyone to believe they are happy with those results.

    • Love 5
  6. 6 minutes ago, dianagerace said:

    I say this about a lot of the people I see on TLC, but this time I really think it's true: Paul has bodies buried in his yard, yes?

    This makes me worry for Karine. What if she spurns him? What if she comes to the US and she is abused by him or doesn't like the living arrangements of him living with his mom? There will be hell to pay if she refuses to act like his possession.

    • Love 3
  7. 13 hours ago, Hero said:

    I thought TLC was really strict about the cast posting? I'm also  a part of that group, and the cast loves attention. Especially Sean and Abby. The way he fetishizes her is so disgusting. His hashtags "swirl" is so stupid. 

    That's what makes him a creeper.  He and Abby decided they'd both be too jealous for polyamory, but he won't shut up about that or his other skeevy fetishes.  

    I get we all have fantasies, and that's healthy, but I'm sure that most of us don't go plastering it all over social media.  And there's plenty of fetishes that are relatively harmless as long as everyone involved are ok with it, but again most people keep that to themselves. Nothing wrong with preferring another race, but being obsessive about it like Sean in the skeevy way he posts about it smacks of disrespect for her.

    Abby is very beautiful, and deserves to be loved for who she is. There's plenty about her to like (beautiful, mature, intelligent), without some creeper fetishizing her.

    • Love 7
  8. 3 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    You're right, but she was born here thus a citizen, nothing to be done about that. As Joceleyn said above, we have plenty of our own idiots already in the US, why allow more to become citizens if they haven't earned it?

    Mo and other undesirables have a long way to go to,earn citizenship.  Now that he's divorced, he's got to wait 5 years until he can even apply. Then, he had to wait his turn. He also needs to get off his lazy, entitled ass and get a job where he pays taxes and actually  makes a difference, such as a job where he helps other people. Being a gigolo is not employment.

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Fuzzysox said:

    I think I read on her blog that they love Dollar Tree and make frequent stops there while on the road. The bigger DTs around have a large assortment of food. I know they even have fresh eggs in the fridge. I can see that she might feed them a lot of ramen noodles and eggs while on the road.

    Hence, the reason it's called a stink bus. All those eggy farts!

    • Love 3
  10. 3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

    I know, I would like to dig through the bags and see all the stuff that's in there.

    We already know Sean packed 190 pairs of panties, and Paul packed like one might pack for an expedition or a mission trip, and Darcy had to repack her ruined Loubs. 

    The emotional baggage will also no doubt be unpacked very soon.

    • Love 9
  11. @emma675, it really is sad to lose a pet. I had 8 cats when I met Mr Evenstar. 12 years later, we are down to 3, and it never got any easier. I totally empathize with your grief and that of anyone else here who has lost a beloved pet. You gave your baby a great life, and we know when it's time to let them go because it's not fair to them to let them suffer anymore.

    We lost our 18.5 year old girl on the 5th of thus month. She was "off her food" for a few days. After a few trips to the vet for fluids, it was evident that her kidney failure was permanent and terminal, and it was time to let her go. 

    She was the sweetest cat and I'd had her since she was 9 months old after a friend found her but couldn't keep her. Her favorite thing was to lay on my belly and purr. I knew she knew I'd been sick.  She stayed with me until my PET scan on. 8/2 (thank you Jesus!) showed even further improvement since the last one.  Animals just seem to have an understanding beyond our ability to comprehend. 

    • Love 16
  12. 7 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

    For an opposite view, I kind of feel that Danielle has an over-abundance of self-esteem, or rather narcissism and entitlement.  I get an NPD/HPD vibe from her.

    Maybe they have more in common than we realized. But, there's only room for ONE narcissistic personality in a relationship, because narcissism can't stand competition. Ideally, there should be none.

    • Love 3
  13. 6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    There's that saying that any publicity is good publicity, however I'm thinking it doesn't apply in Fundyland. Being that Cross Church appears more mainstream Fundy, having Jill & Derick as the faces of C3 seems a little dangerous. J & D are going to put the church on so many haters radar. Bad decision if you ask me.

    The 13 year old in me sees C3 as a male body part, minus the middle.

    Maybe Derick has gotten Jill more comfortable with the idea of going more mainstream.  This would be a good thing, because the church would give an isolated girl like Jill a sense of community and a chance to make some friends of her own. Anything that gets Jill out in the real world will help her get better socialized and might help with the PPD to some degree.

    • Love 18
  14. 7 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

    Oh they are going to be allllll over it, until they suddenly disappear from it (signaling Cross Church has found, ahem, a different task for them). I still predict a power struggle.

    I think a safer prediction than a power struggle would be that Dreck will do or say something to embarrass the church.  It's almost a given.

    • Love 16
  15. 2 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

    If you think about it, they grift for food off of churches they sing at. I believe it's the only meals these kids get. I can't see Jill buying groceries and cooking much of anything. They are always on the road. On her blog she bragged about how she got caught up with laundry at the Duggars. I don't doubt that they somehow grifted some food from the Duggars because they are so rich in comparison.

    What do they eat while they're on the road? Reheated leftovers from the last church supper? I imagine it's difficult to cook for so many in the RV. Turning on the stove with all those hairspray fumes is really not a good idea.

    • Love 9
  16. 1 hour ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    Now I feel bad I did not notice  she has not posted. Hopefully  she has recovered  and just lost track of time and kept forgetting   to check in with us.

    I hope she's all right, too.  Since I was dealing with my own stuff, hadn't realized she hadn't posted in a while. Add me to the list of people who feel bad about this.

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