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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Houston can't catch a break. Stay safely inside, Arwen. It sounds like this could shut down the city for a few days.

    It floods practically every time it rains here it seems.  This is unprecedented flooding for 300 miles east to west and southwest to northeast. An estimated 8 million folks in Texas alone are being impacted by this storm. Could you imagine the crazy ? f everyone tried to evacuate? Only coastal residents have been encouraged/tod to evacuate.

    Thoughts and prayers that things won't be as bad as expected.

    • Love 9
  2. 2 hours ago, Gigglepuff said:

    What possible support could she find in Kentucky if she ever needed it? I'm not sure, but I'm guessing there's not a whole lot of Portuguese speaking people there in case she ever needed to talk to someone in case of an emergency. 

    That's my biggest concern for her as well. She also won't be able to drive or work until she gets her green card. Poor lass will be under house arrest without a penny in her purse and stuck with his creepy mother as her jailer, sending clumps of her hair balled up in a Kleenex back home to Brazil.

    • Love 8
  3. 1 hour ago, Swim mom said:

    @Arwen Evenstar stay safe and keep your head down.

    Thanks for the good wishes.  Hoping that if we're going to get as much rain as they think we are that we all get it in slow steady doses so our drainage systems can keep up. It will largely be a rain event for us.  Never seen such widespread flooding forecast for Texas in memory for the 50 years I've lived in the state.

    • Love 3
  4. Houston is bracing for the storm. They are expecting us to get over 30" over the course of the storm.  Our unwelcome guest will be sticking around until Wednesday.  Hopefully, we get the rain in slow steady doses so our drainage system isn't overburdened. 

    With Allison in 2001, we got that much rain, but in 24 to 36?hours and most of that was localized. In this case, I've never seen such widespread flooding forecast.  From Laie Charles to San Antonio down I10 and from Lufkin to Corpus Christi down the 59 corridor. I've lived in Houston area 30 years and never seen the likes of this.

    • Love 5
  5. 1 minute ago, Love2dance said:

    Are you a hobbit?

    Sorry, off to the prayer closet.

    I guess I'll have to follow you there. You beat me to the punch. Those definitely look like hobbit feetses. Yes, Precious. 

    I think it's genetic as well as many of the Duggars have a disdain for wearing shoes. Just hope little Josie gets properly fitting shoes. Wider feet are harder to find shoes for.  Thrift shop finds are not suitable for her.

    • Love 2
  6. It's just so cringeworthy to watch Old Liver Lips pawing all over that poor girl. His creepy fetishes make it all the more disturbing.. Had he found a 30 or 35 year old Haitian woman, that would be ok.  Even though Abby is above the age of consent, she's basically still a child, and IIRC, younger than his youngest daughter. 

    As one of my best friends age 55 put it. "A lot of guys I know who are my age see nothing wrong with dating a girl in her 20s. My daughter is 26, and personally with a woman that young, I just can't 'go there' . I just can't".

    • Love 7
  7. 1 hour ago, Gigglepuff said:


    I think it's a good thing to take a test for STI, but the way Paul mentioned it, he came across as being judgmental, as if he's pure and she's not. I don't like him at all. I think the proper way to introduce such a topic should be in private after a relationship has been established and with a conversation and not a demand. How about, "Hey, honey, before we take this to the next level, let's both get tested so that we're both protected." 



    Yes, thank you! I'm glad to know it wasn't just me who was bothered by the way he brought it up, how judgmental he sounded, and by way of demand rather than broaching the topic in a caring, sensitive way.

    Maybe he's the virgin. Any guy whose mother gave him a clump of her hair balled up in a Kleenex on national television is just not going to be getting laid anytime soon.

    • Love 10
  8. 1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

    If Joe's wedding is this weekend, they can open the season with it. They had about as much lead time to get Joy's on air. 

    Why are they showing the wedding first and then all the shopping and other stuff before it,  it was annoying enough to see it once with Jinger and then repeating with a Joy and the Joe...new Duggar template? I'd happily settle for a VSE like they did with SmugAnna.

    • Love 2
  9. 37 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

    he money she spent buying a husband was her choice and her doing. The K1 process is not and should never be a setup for indentured servitude. Mo should not have to pay her back. She should have never spent money that she should have been using to pay utilities.

    Agree with your post. I did not mean to imply  K1 should be about indentured servitude, or that Mo was supposed to pay her back. Given his end game that he had no intention of staying with Danielle, it would have been nice if he'd offered or had at least contributed some of his earnings to the household to help her catch up. 

    • Love 3
  10. 33 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    So low for him to pick an easy mark with several minor children in the home.

    That's what upset me the most.  He took bread out of those kids' mouths, and they had to suffer no hot water, no electricity, no heating or cooling while they were trying to go to school or work. 

    Yes, she stupidly chose to bring him here, and she got into the debt to pay all the legal fees and other money it cost to bring him here, and  that led to her being short of money and getting utilities cut off. She maintains he hurt her kids, and that was one way he did. I'd be pissed if I was one of those girls, having my period, and my only choice was to take a cold shower in the winter. Plus, they had to do without things they needed. Debt is shameful in many cultures, but Mo should have realized his coming here wasn't cheap and caused her hardship.

    Had he had a shred of decency, he would have volunteered to pay her back, particularly considering his end game.  I think she would have been a lot less angry with him had he shown some decency and gratitude rather than being so entitled. She's no prize and he's no peach either.

    It cost her a lot to bring this pox known as Mo to our shores. Mo will get "his" one day--karma is a bitch.

    • Love 8
  11. 16 hours ago, Landlord said:

    Now I'm getting a complex, because I'm getting excited about dip (or equivalents of) on a regular basis. I thought I was just very easy to please... I guess I have a problem. (BTW Tatziki FTW!)

    Tzatziki! Now you're talking! Hummus and spinach/artichoke are also tasty.  They were to the point of dip obsession that you'd think that's all was being served at whatever party or family gathering they were reminiscing about. Just thinking about that slob on the couch shoveling dip in his face and licking his fingers made me queasy.

    • Love 1
  12. Katy ISD in Katy, Texas spent $70 MM on ONE high school,stadium.  There are schools in nearby Houston that are using 50 year old textbooks and don't have working toilets.  Most affluent parts of Houston have had brand new / upgraded  school buildings. I don't have any kids, and it upsets me no end to see so many kids shortchanged of an education that might help them find their way out of poverty--because they have to attend substandard schools and get a substandard education.

    • Love 6
  13. 5 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

    Everyone should discuss STI testing before becoming intimate. I don't think anyone is dumb or rude for bringing that up. And yes, I guess pregnancy, but yeah, that is being a bit presumptuous for him to believe sex will happen imminently.

    Absolutely they should, and unfortunately not enough people do.  I didn't have an issue with him saying that, other than the WAY he said it, almost angrily. Now that made me mad. The pregnancy test thing reeked of paranoia.

    • Love 5
  14. 4 hours ago, happy hobo said:

    Both Danielle and Mo-Ho........are horrible, horrible people.

    True 'justice' would not be either a divorce OR an annulment.  Neither would benefit either party nor the 'best interests of the state (in this case Federal Immigration Law)

    "Justice" (and fairness) would best be served by DEMANDING they stay and RESIDE together for 5 , 6 or 10 years.  In that case, I think Mo-Ho might just find some sort of way

    to 'self-deport' and Dani might actually find she has to accede to someone else's needs as opposed to just her WANTS.

    This divorce just highlights the sham marriage/the weakness of the K-1/the limits of Immigration Officials........

    Justice would definitely be served!

    • Love 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Matias130 said:

    This may be a stupid question but is the reason why foreigners need to take so many precautions about unsanitary water, and not the natives, is because the foreigners are not used to it ? 

    Our water has been sanitized to the point that we could very easily get sick.  There are protozoans as well as parasites and their eggs that are foreign to us and difficult to get rid of once we become infected with them.

    1 hour ago, Matias130 said:

    Ehhh... from the way she was dancing in her underwear while Skyping him and her long talons, plus she is already 21, I'd guess no. I also think that South Americans are more liberal with sexual expression (looking at you, Pao, for tellung us that 1,265,9000 times). I do think that she seems very sweet but I don't think that Paul will be the last American she will date. 

    People in Brazil as well as the rest of most of Latin America were dancing almost before they could walk. Even very young girls are wearing revealing outfits, particularly for Carnival. It's part of their culture and no big deal. No means no, period.

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