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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 11 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

    He went to bed in the same clothes he wore on the plane and the two day boat trip.  Has he showered?  

    Considering what a germophobe he is, this is surprising. I'm nowhere near as squeamish as he is, and in my house, there's no being on the bed with shoes or street clothes.

    • Love 8
  2. 19 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

    No, no and no. The poor people in Texas are suffering enough. Please do not send any of the Duggars to "help out" 

    My home state is suffering from terrible drought and wildfires. The last thing I would want are any of the Duggars including Barney Fife Constable JD coming around offering a helping hand. They are more of a pain in the behind and a nuisance in the time of disaster. I can see them showing up with the camera crew and offering prayers instead of actually getting their hands dirty. In fact, I would love to see JB, JD, Josh, Derick, or Ben get their hands dirty by helping out the firefighters, farmers, ranchers, law enforcement officials, and people who have leave in a hurry because the fire is too close for comfort. None of them, in my opinion, have the compassion, skills, and people skills to help others out. The only ones they want to help are themselves.

    And the Duggettes would be there in long skirts and flip flops, which is dangerous and ill advised. And Jill would be pulling faces like she did in DA when having great difficulty showing empathy for a mistreated wife.

    This tragedy hasn't just impacted the less affluent neighborhoods ; some of the most affluent neighborhoods are also underwater. The difference is that those who already had so little probably didn't have renters or flood insurance to replace their belongings and have lost everything. The Duggars are not qualified to render any sort of aid with their "medical thingies" and are also incapable of the empathy required to comfort those who are suffering.

    • Love 16
  3. 15 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

    I love how people  are coming  out with their  personal  boats and helping  evacuate  people . You see both the bad side and good side of people  at a time like this. So far we seem to be seeing  the good  side.

    Yes, people are really stepping up to help and it's  heartwarming. Watching this unfold has been so heartbreaking.  It's so surreal to watch this.  You almost can't believe what you're seeing.  Houston schools were supposed to start tomorrow, but now won't until after Labor Day.  Hobby Airport is closed until Wednesday.  All public transportation has been suspended until further notice. 

    • Love 8
  4. 4 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:


    Arwen  how are you? Any high water?

    Thankfully, we are still dry and have power and consider ourselves thankful and blessed. It would have been catastrophic for 2.5 million in Houston ( 6 million in our metro area) to be stuck in a giant parking lot and our cars could gave been turned into coffins had the storm struck before we could all have gotten out.  

    The main lanes on most if not all of our freeways are under water.  Several hospitals including our trauma center have been evacuated.  You know you are in trouble when the US Coast Guard is on your roadways.  Pray for us as well as the other communities impacted.

    • Love 19
  5. 3 hours ago, Maharincess said:

    I don't watch these shows anymore and only keep up with them on a few threads here so I have a question. Why is it bad and why are they being criticized for taking in friends during a storm? I sincerely don't understand why this is a bad thing. I would take in friends and I wouldn't take in strangers in most cases, I wouldn't want people I don't know staying in my house, so I don't get why this is wrong. 

    Nothing wrong with helping those in need. I think the fact that they can't just do something nice or decent without bragging about it on social media.  I hope they didn't take in strangers, that could have been dangerous. Most people who needed to evacuate had to drive further than 2 and a ha.lf hours just to get away  from the storm to avoid going from ne disaster to another.

    Places people from Corpus would typically evacuate to are having it far worse with respect to catastrophic flooding right now.  Laredo this time was a good choice.

    • Love 5
  6. 2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:


    On the website for this training school, it it suggested that you find 10 sponsors to donate $100/mo. for the year to pay the $12000 tuition. But no, Derelict has to pander to the leghumpers rather than find "prayer partners" like he did when he went to Nepal. What a schmuck. 

    No wonder he doesn't have any friends. 

    I'm sure that suggestion is for people who can't afford the tuition, not an invitation to grift if you can.  

    • Love 3
  7. Derelict and Barnacle do my head in. I can't take any more of their slip shod half baked attempts at ministry. If the snark here weren't so delicious, I wouldn't even be bothering to hate watch or even comment on their snooze of a TV show.

    • Love 8
  8. @Marigold good for you for speaking your truth and telling these people off. Sorry you've got to go looking for another church home now, but hopefully you.l find one that better suits you and your family.  

    Sending you a hug. Sometimes we have to lose our shit to get our point across.

    • Love 6
  9. 1 hour ago, spankydoll said:

    I am looking forward to the makeover show. Danielle is a relatively young woman. Her skin looks good. I have the same type of thin kinda curly hair and it can look good with the proper cut and product. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw Mama June but she had pretty features. I can't gauge what Dani's face looks like as she either has on gigantic awful glasses or is crying and blowing her nose into a tissue. I cant think of a celebrity look to expect. 

    This would indeed be a challenge for her makeover team.  I just hope she gets some good counseling as well.

    • Love 2
  10. I have no words and the only ones I can even think of aren't nice.

    Grift for what we can afford to pay for and save the difference!

    The only way I could even excusevthis was an f KJB was getting all their money and not giving them a penny.  But still, you're grown ass adults! Jilly, if your loser of a husband actually got himself a job for pay, even temp or contact, that would be cool.  I guess no employers yet have Bring Your Barnacle to Work Day.

    • Love 10
  11. Wouldn't be surprised if Izzy was blanket trained. Muffy is and always has been about following the rules as per her dear leader, Kim Jong Boob.  Jessa has said on the record that she would "raise her children very differently". She obviously is since little Spurgeon is so bubbly and happy, compared to Izzy.

    • Love 17
  12. Of course it's a moot point that Danielle's addicted to the attention.  As much as Mahammit has been stalked by her, you would think he'd want to disappear. The previews for the tell all show him walking off stage and driving away saying he was going to hide.  Please, go hide in your Tunisian Rat hole!

    one question:?who is Big Red? Beth?

    • Love 6
  13. Haven't had much rain yet in my neck of the woods in HTown, but that looks like it is going to get worse later.  We've had a nice little lull for at least the past couple of hours.  

    Its weakened to a tropical storm and is currently not expected to go back into the gulf. but it's still expected to stick around for 4 to 5 days.

    Please pray for the Texans impacted.by the storm, particularly  for the city of Rockport.  These folks took a direct hit at category 4.  Many neighboring towns have also suffered heavy property losses and loss of services that may not be restored for weeks.  This event is far from over.

    • Love 6
  14. 2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

    Arwen and anyone else in Harvey's path, my thoughts are with you. I hope you're stocked up on milk, bread, TP, and wine. :D (sorry, couldn't resist that old saw) 

    Got plenty of food, kitty litter, and bum fodder for da bum! Yes, even wine, even though I have to abstain from it as it doesn't really mix with my pain management.

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