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Arwen Evenstar

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Posts posted by Arwen Evenstar

  1. 19 minutes ago, Aja said:

    We should have a year-long competition to see who can have the Duggariest birthday, complete with meaningless word salad SM posts and free desserts. I hereby commit to next 04 May, my 43rd. I will be awaiting generic praise from all of my fellow posters (who actually probably all know me better than Boob and Mechelle know their kids, so be careful to avoid anything that would actually single me out as an individual.) 

    I wuv you!

    • Love 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

    Reasonably well, anyway. The tone is another matter. Kinda jarring to the ear. But I actually listened to the whole thing because I have a fondness for any sort of voices singing in harmony (Barber Shop quartets make me unreasonably happy). So even if it was not great, I didn't hate it nearly as much as their instrumentals - to say nothing of the Rodriguii, who are truly painful.

    Jynnan, thanks for taking two for the team.  I couldn't even watch it even though we were promised the spectacle of Josie picking her nose and Howler monkey behavior. 

    • Love 2
  3. 15 hours ago, Obsidian said:

    It's a cursive J, but the icing is too thick and there's too much squiggle on the top left, before the J part, so it looks more like a D. I see that her hands are being restrained, presumably so she doesn't grab a handful. Can't mess up that cake before the photo! 

    Surprised her little hands weren't walloped with a switch. Willful, manipulative,and naughty one year olds are an abomination unto the Lord, don'tcha know?

    You know her asshole parents were bathing in the Koolaid by then.

    • Love 3
  4. 14 minutes ago, Raja said:

    I think the theory is the family tried the USA and only choose Israel and the boys being drafted into the IDF when the US turned them down. So then the government's concerns would be the spousal visa was just to get around not getting a refuge visa

    During the 90s, the Soviet Jewish diaspora were permitted to leave if they so chose. A good many went to Israel because it was easier than going to Europe, Canada, and the US. Israel was also more welcoming since it is their homeland. I think to emigrate elsewhere, there were fewer refugee visas or existing family was required and had to meet unification of families criteria.

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  5. 3 hours ago, floridamom said:

    Jim Bob Duggar,, Jill's guardian of her 'crotch' didn't take the time to get to know Derick well enough to ask himself these questions, did he? He allowed Jill to rush in to a marriage with someone she didn't know....Derick married someone HE didn't know either.

    Jim Bob was desperate to marry off his daughters who had been "ruined" by Josh, so he didn't care about quality as long as he could marry them off. He saw them and maybe a good part of the Gothardites saw them or at least perceived them as "damaged goods".  Though nothing could be further from the truth, only the two girls who were named  at first were the ones already married off and forced to minimize what happened. 

    We figured out by process of elimination who the others were based on what data we had.  Notice that neither Jill nor Jessa were married off to Gothard guys. Gothard royalty could easily view the Duggars as "untouchables" for a good many reasons, even though their ranks are rife with their own skeletons in the closet.

    • Love 9
  6. 51 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

    That's two of us. Never heard the word before. So I guess I can claim my PTV addiction is educational.

    It's a Brit term and it's hilarious. Other favorite Brit words: grot, grotty, snog, slag, gobsmacked, cockwomble (that one is Scottish), tosser, rotter, and shambolic.

    • Love 9
  7. 46 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

    Those look like thrift store finds because they are DATED!!

    As for Jill's nails my daughter out of desperation got some fake nails at Walmart. They actually aren't bad and we have naturally long nails. I would never had thought they would look as good as they did.


    I think Erin Bates has the fake Walmart nails, a 30 pack for under $6 they are very affordable.

    Dollar Tree has them too.

    • Love 2
  8. Just now, Sew Sumi said:

    Oh, for shade by Bianca or Bob. Sasha's pretty sharp as well and would REALLY confuse JRod in a ladies' room. 

    Yes!!! Or Acid Betty! Or TexaRican Cynthia Lee Fontaine telling JRod all about her cucu.  Then, Latrice Royale could "take her to church". Now that's a Spectacle in Fuschia we could all enjoy.  @Celia Rubenstein could be resplendent in fuschia as she reads JRod for filth!

    • Love 3
  9. LOL, at first I thought the "terror in he toilet " had to do with falling shower racks, until I realized we were  talking about the other equally annoying Jill. 

    JRod makes herself up poorly enough to look like an amateur aging drag queen herself. Maybe the "man" in the ladies' loo thought she'd seen a fellow drag queen. I only wished some tea had been spilled and some shade thrown.

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